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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Hello,<br>
Le 22/08/2017 à 12:50, Clément David a écrit :<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:1503399013.2344.10.camel@esi-group.com"
<pre wrap="">Hi,
You could still use `atomsInstall foo.zip` to install a binary module. To download it, use the link
within the atoms.scilab.org website.</pre>
It is impossible now for almost 2 full months to update existing
ATOMS modules<br>
-- noticeably for Scilab 6 -- or to create and upload new ones.<br>
The red warning message telling something like "<i>Dear
visitors/customers, due to the migration, the service is
suspended; it is no longer possible to login</i>" was removed this
week. But it is still impossible to login.<br>
This message was quite clear about the fact that ATOMS does not
really address users that are neither just tourists visitors nor
customers aka creditworthy users.<br>
It is quite easy to understand that maintaining a system that
distributes some freely available resources is not a priority for
ESI and its business model.<br>
This is why, IMO, the Scilab community should seriously consider
relieving ESI from this pain<br>
and set an external public server managed out of it. In the way,
improvements about such an ATOMS<br>
and FileExchange clone could be done in an open way.<br>
Best regards<br>
Samuel <br>