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<p>In my Ubuntu 17.04 machine and Scilab 6, plot is working as expected.<br>
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<div id="x_divRplyFwdMsg" dir="ltr"><font style="font-size:11pt" color="#000000" face="Calibri, sans-serif"><b>De:</b> users <users-bounces@lists.scilab.org> en nombre de CRETE Denis <denis.crete@thalesgroup.com><br>
<b>Enviado:</b> jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017 11:54 a.m.<br>
<b>Para:</b> Users mailing list for Scilab<br>
<b>Asunto:</b> Re: [Scilab-users] ?= ?==?utf-8?q? Bug?: plot with nan values (Linux Ubuntu 17.04</font>
<div> </div>
<font size="2"><span style="font-size:10pt;">
<div class="PlainText">Hello,<br>
Today, I checked again with the Lenovo T420 + Ubuntu 16.04 + SciLab 6 ... and I could NOT reproduce the bug (that I did observe with the same equipment and same code 5 months ago). Most probably, an (automatic) update of Ubuntu may have fixed the problem. But
I don't know the name of the file tracking the changes in the update... If anyone knows, and can give me instructions, I would be happy to do it if it helps.<br>
-----Message d'origine-----<br>
De : users [<a href="mailto:users-bounces@lists.scilab.org">mailto:users-bounces@lists.scilab.org</a>] De la part de Antoine Monmayrant<br>
Envoyé : jeudi 19 octobre 2017 10:30<br>
À : Users mailing list for Scilab<br>
Objet : Re: [Scilab-users] ?==?utf-8?q? ?==?utf-8?q? ?= Bug?: plot with nan values (Linux Ubuntu 17.04<br>
It seems the bug report was 4 years ago: <a href="https://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13060">
I added my test script and plots.<br>
Le Jeudi, Octobre 19, 2017 10:21 CEST, "Antoine Monmayrant" <amonmayr@laas.fr> a écrit:
> Thank you all for your answers.<br>
> It does look like a graphic bug that is only affecting some Linux machines.<br>
> I refined my test script to compare the obtained plots when plotting on the screen and directly in a file ('driver').<br>
> It seems graphic direver related to me.<br>
> I'll fill a bug report.<br>
> <br>
> Cheers,<br>
> <br>
> Antoine<br>
> <br>
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>
> x=1:100;<br>
> y=rand(x);<br>
> th=0.1;<br>
> rg=find(y<th);<br>
> ynan=y;<br>
> ynan(rg)=%nan;<br>
> <br>
> h=scf();<br>
> plot(x,y,'k.-');<br>
> plot(x,ynan,'r.-');<br>
> xtitle('BUG');<br>
> <br>
> fpath=TMPDIR+'/nobug_plot_nan.png';<br>
> previous_driver = driver('PNG');<br>
> xinit(fpath);<br>
> <br>
> scf();<br>
> plot(x,y,'k.-');<br>
> plot(x,ynan,'r.-');<br>
> xtitle('NO BUG');<br>
> <br>
> xend();<br>
> driver(previous_driver);<br>
> stat=unix("xdg-open "+fpath);<br>
> xs2png(h,TMPDIR+'/bug_plot_nan.png');<br>
> /////////////////////////////////////////////////<br>
> <br>
> <br>
> Le Mercredi, Octobre 18, 2017 13:22 CEST, "Antoine Monmayrant" <antoine.monmayrant@laas.fr> a écrit:
> <br>
> > Hi everyone,<br>
> > <br>
> > I think I stumble upon a weird bug when plotting data with nan values: instead of a gap in the plot line, I have segments that go go towards the center of my plots.<br>
> > This bug is present on Ubuntu 17.04, but not on Ubuntu 16.04 and it affects both scilab 5.5.2 and 6.0.<br>
> > I attached the expected plot ('no_bug.png', what I get with 16.04), the bugged one ('bug.png') and the minimum working example ('bug_plot_nan.sce') with the original dataset with nans ('dat_with_nans.txt').<br>
> > Are you also affected by this bug? Which platform (OS) are you working on?<br>
> > <br>
> > Cheers,<br>
> > <br>
> > Antoine<br>
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users mailing list<br>
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