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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Le 10/10/2018 à 09:21, <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:amonmayr@laas.fr">amonmayr@laas.fr</a>
a écrit :<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:dd1dbc55-dd6c-8eed-7981-2720e751cded@laas.fr"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Le 10/10/2018 à 08:47, Samuel Gougeon
a écrit :<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
09/10/2018 à 21:52, antoine monmayrant a écrit : <br>
<blockquote type="cite">Hello Samuel, <br>
Sorry I might not have made myself clear: fft and fftshift
provide the ability to perform transform along only one of the
dimensions of a multidimensional array. <br>
Something like S(x,y,z) --[FFT along 3rd dim]-->
ffthift(ffft(S(x,y,z), -1,3),3)=Ŝ(x,y,kz). <br>
In that case, you need to perform fft and eventually fftshift
along only the dimension of the transform. <br>
ifftshift should also provide the same possibility to perform
the inverse transform: Ŝ(x,y,kz) --[IFFT along 3rd dim]-->
iffthift(ffft(Ŝ(x,y,kz), +1,3),3)=S(x,y,z). <br>
This is a basic signal processing requirement in my field. <br>
Hello Antoine, <br>
Yes, you are right: in case of directional FFT and odd number of
elements along the chosen direction, ifftshift can't presently
be used. <br>
Could you please post the same remark on bugzilla? This bug/wish
is not yet reported. <br>
OK, I'll put it in my TODO-list.<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
cite="mid:4f167b65-4986-7bd5-ccc7-68a4e99eed5b@free.fr"> <br>
IMO we may propose and include it in Scilab as soon as for
Scilab 6.0.2. <br>
BTW, still IMO, fftshift and ifftshift should rather be merged
in a single function. <br>
It's the same code, except a floor<=>ceil. This should
deserve just an option, not a separate dedicated function. <br>
I guess that this separation likely comes from a kind of abusive
Matlab-like mimicry. <br>
Yes, I agree.<br>
But I don't see how we can merge the two without increasing the
huge halo of confusion that blurs the help pages and use of
fft-related functions¹ ².<br>
You know, the most numerous pages we have about basically the same
feature, the more inconsistencies between them we can get.<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:dd1dbc55-dd6c-8eed-7981-2720e751cded@laas.fr"
type="cite"> The first idea that came to my mind was to make one
single fftshift function where:<br>
- if dim>0, you do direct shift (ie for a direct Fourier
transform) along dimension dim;<br>
- if dim<0, you do inverse shift (ie for an inverse Fourier
transform) along dimension |dim|.<br>
I am not too convinced using the sign of dim to set the direction of
the shift,<br>
because the dim sign could be used to something else more useful
(and general)<br>
when dealing with an hypermatrix (to be discussed elsewhere).<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:dd1dbc55-dd6c-8eed-7981-2720e751cded@laas.fr"
type="cite"> But as "-1" means direct fft and "+1" inverse fft,
mixing fft and fftshift would be a real mess.<br>
Yes, having chosen the sign of the exponent as a flag to set the
direction is not very handy/clear.<br>
But we must do with it now...<br>
Basically, flipdim() could do the same, by implementing new
"fft"|"ifft" values for its blockSize option.<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:dd1dbc55-dd6c-8eed-7981-2720e751cded@laas.fr"
type="cite"> <br>
¹ One I just discovered yesterday: the help page for fft is not
listed in "Scilab Help >> Signal Processing > Transforms
" ! Only ifft is listed, cool, he? Of course, ifft points to
"Scilab Help >> Signal Processing > Transforms > fft".
Idem for dst, ...<br>
It is listed, but it depends on the way you get the list:<br>
<li>Go to the Scilab help browser, and watch the list in the left
margin : fft is listed, but not ifft</li>
<li>Now, click on the fft help directory, still on the leftside
list : in the page pannel, you get the list of contents of the
help directory: here, ifft is listed, but not fft</li>
<p>This is due to the <a
11633</a>. It occurs when a page has multiple <refname>
<p>About ifft() and fft2(): to me, these both functions are
completely useless. They do nothing more than what fft() can do.<br>
I presume they have been introduced again to mimic Matlab. What
brings confusion.<br>
Formerly, there was also a mfft() in Scilab. We have removed it,
since fft() does its job whatever is the number of dimensions of
the input!<br>
To me, we must go on and remove fft2() and ifft(), or at least
undocument them.<br>
This does not prevent to keep "fft2" and "ifft" tags in the fft()
page, in order to get the fft() page when we type "help ifft" ; <br>
or even to keep also their code (but maintaining the
Matlab-to-Scilab converter should be a priority instead!).<br>
But not to keep their pages. Or otherwise, to move them in the
"Compatibility functions" module.<br>
To me, it's their only relevant place.<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:dd1dbc55-dd6c-8eed-7981-2720e751cded@laas.fr"
type="cite"> ² Oh, and this one cool too: in the fft help page: <br>
a vector of positive numbers with integer values, or a vector of
positive integers. <b>See the Description part for details.</b>"<br>
but the Description never says what the heck "incr" is, does and
means.... Arghhh. It only appears once in an example of a
"previous syntax".<br>
It is written:<br>
<div class="refsection">
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<p class="para"> <i><code class="literal">X=fft(A,sign,dims,incr
[,option])</code></i><i> is a previous syntax that
also allows to perform all direct or inverse fft of
the slices of </i><i><code class="literal">A</code></i><i>
along selected dimensions. </i></p>
<i> </i>
<p class="para"><i> For example, if </i><i><code
class="literal">A</code></i><i> is an array with </i><i><code
class="literal">n1*n2*n3</code></i><i> elements </i><i><code
class="literal">X=fft(A,-1,n1,1)</code></i><i> is
equivalent to </i><i><code class="literal">X=fft(matrix(A,[n1,n2,n3]),-1,1)</code></i><i>.<br>
and </i><i><code class="literal">X=fft(A,-1,[n1
n3],[1 n1*n2])</code></i><i> is equivalent to </i><i><code
<i> </i></li>
<i> </i></dd>
<i> </i></div>
<i> </i>So, it is described ;) But it is rather unclear, indeed.
You are welcome to reformulate it :)<br>
When 3 pages have to be written and maintained (in ideally 5
different languages en fr ja pt ru) instead of one, then the time
and care than can be invested to write excellent pages is expectedly
3 times shorter for each one of them... <br>