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<p class="refpurpose"> Hallo Scilab experts,<br>
I am looking for a command to</p>
<p class="refpurpose"><b>return the match (or position) of a
character string (=needle) in a </b><b>vector</b><b> of
strings (=haystack), where needle may be a regular expression</b><br>
<p class="refpurpose">Needle occurs only once in any line of
haystack. That may ease the problem.<br>
<p class="refpurpose"> </p>
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<div class="synopsis">
<pre><span class="default">[start, final, match] = </span><span class="functionid">regexp</span><span class="default">(input, pattern, 'r') is very close to it but does not accept a vector of strings as a haystack.
I hope to have overlooked something in my search. Is there such a command?
Vectorisation is essential here because otherwise the search is too slow for many lines (<10^6).
Kind regards