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<font face="Courier New, Courier, monospace">Stephane,<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:916859f7-6573-cf33-a2ee-452c30f08120@utc.fr"
<blockquote type="cite"
cite="mid:5C50AE20.1000004@fceia.unr.edu.ar">However, I must say
that acos(1-%eps) gives on my Scilab 6.0.1 (Windows 7, i7
processor) a result of <br>
Federico, you have to try 1+%eps or -1-%eps !<br>
acos(x) with x > 1 is indeed imaginary, so there is no unexpected
However, I see now that it hadn't been said that in-domain arguments
yielded complex results but -1 - %eps was the culprit.<br>
But, for instance, <br>
min([-1-%eps, -1-%eps*2/3, -1, -1+ %eps, -0.9]) >= -1 <br>
is false (on my system), so the test performed by Paul Carrico would
not succeed if there were a -1-%eps among the values of the vector.<br>
Only when alpha*%eps with alpha < 0.5 is the minimum the test is
successful, but in such case acos() yields a value close to %pi, not
a complex value<br>
--> acos(-1 - 0.499*%eps)<br>
ans =<br>
When alpha > 0.5 the test is not successful nor is the acos()
--> acos(-1 - 0.50000001*%eps)<br>
ans =<br>
3.141592653589793100000 - 0.000000021073424255447i<br>
(this is a binary rounding situation since %eps is 2^-52)<br>
I think the original question is not completely solved. Why a number
that is not smaller to -1 (asuming the min test is successful)
yields a complex acos?<br>
An why it does in some systems and not in others? (Assuming Paul's
report is accurate) <br>
There is another situation where this happens, when an fft is
performed on a real signal, then filtered in the frequency domain
and then the ifft is applied. The result should be real, but
sometimes there are small imaginary parts. <br>
In this case there is a reason, complex exponentials are used in the
algorithm so arithmetioc errors may not completely cancel out
because of arithmetic and precision issues.<br>
Federico Miyara<br>
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