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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Izabela,<br>
I have not clearly understood why you are speaking about "nested
functions" in your example.<br>
A nested function is a function that is <i>defined</i> in
another one.<br>
About the example in the function help page:<br>
It is right, but with Scilab 6, it looks a bit outdated to me.<br>
Indeed, let's consider the following example:<br>
<font size="-1"><tt>// Content of the File myTest.sci</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>function myTest()</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> disp("myTest() is running")</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> myNextFun()</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>function myNextFun()</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> disp("myNextFun() is running")</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>// End of myTest.sci file</tt><tt><br>
When building a library (say "myLib"), this file is compiled, and<br>
<li>With Scilab 5 : both functions myTest() and myNextFun() are
registered in the library, and so <b>are public</b>: Both can
be called from anywhere, noticeably from the top-level, the
The only way to make <font size="-1"><tt>myNextFun()</tt></font>
a private function known only by myTest() is to define it IN
myTest(), as a nested function.<font size="-1"><tt><br>
<li>With Scilab 6: only myTest() is registered in myLib library,
so is public, and can be called from anywhere. In the
opposite, <font size="-1"><tt>myNextFun()</tt></font></li>
<li>is NOT registered in the library</li>
<li>so, is unknown from the console,</li>
<li>is shared and can be called only by other functions
defined in the same file.<br>
This is a more powerful implementation for the functions
privacy, because then <br>
<li>a private function (say myNextFun()) does no longer need
to be recompiled each time that myTest() is called.</li>
<li>IMO, this makes the code clearer<br>
This change in Scilab 6 could be documented in the --> help
function page, in order to discourage true nested function. By the
way, the example in the help misses being indented.<br>
However, out of libraries, nested functions can still be used in
scripts.sce or in files.sci that are just exec()uted, for the same
purpose: keeping nested functions private.<br>
Le 10/04/2019 à 16:04, Izabela Wójcik-Grząba a écrit :<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:afa5ae0ecfb456677cf149533abbaa83@il.pw.edu.pl"
type="cite">Ok, so why nested function in help is so complicated:
//nested functions definition
function y=foo(x)
function y=sq(x), y=x^2,endfunction
Couldn't it be formulated like below:
function y1=foo1(x)
That's why I had problems with my functions and couldn't
understand why it has to be so complicated.
Thank you once more.