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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Hi Philipp, et al.<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix"><br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Thanks for the (long) email. I
appreciate it.</div>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix"><br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Way 1 - I already do.</div>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Way 2 - Yes, the established part of
the GUI updates, no problem. The big question was if I could turn
certain parts of the GUI on (and maybe off again)?</div>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Way 3 - interesting idea, to use a
"handles" container for all variables. I'll think about it. Is
this "only" an easy way to pass around lots of variables, or is
there something more internal with the GUI that is smart with this
<div class="moz-cite-prefix"><br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Best regards,</div>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Claus<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix"><br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 28.11.2019 10:53, P M wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<div dir="ltr">
<div>Hallo Claus,</div>
<div>from what I understand the question is: How can GUI updated
outside of the function "calc" ?</div>
<div>In other words:</div>
<div>right now "calc" updates the GUI.</div>
<div>I guess the aim is that "calc" only returns output values,
which will be used to update the GUI .</div>
<div>Way 1:<br>
<div>Use global variables, which can be used in every function
of the GUI.<br>
<div>The return value of the function will change this global
<div>Way 2</div>
<div>Give the calc() function output variables, such as:</div>
<div>function [out_var1, out_var2] = calc(arg1, arg2)</div>
<div> out_var1 = arg1 + ...</div>
<div> out_var2 = arg2 +....</div>
<div>With this it should be possible to update the GUI outside
of a callback function.</div>
<div>Way 3.....similar to way 1...and the way I did in the past</div>
<div>use a single global variable, called: handles</div>
<div>handles is more a structure, than a single variable.</div>
<div>It contains all uicontrols aswell as all variables
necessary to update the GUI.</div>
<div>handles.f1 = figure(....) // that would be the main
<div>handles.f2 = figure(....) // that would be a sub GUI</div>
<div>handles.pb1 = uicontrol() // that would be a push button
of the GUI</div>
<div>handles.var1 = .... // that would be a
variable, necessary to keep available to all uicontrols</div>
<div>handles.var2 = .... // that would be another
variable, necessary to keep available to all uicontrols
<div>When definig the callback function it would look like this:</div>
<div>function calc(handles)</div>
<div> locVar1 = handles.var1</div>
<div> locVar2 = handles.var2</div>
<div> //...do the calculations...to change locVar1, locVar2<br>
<div> //...update the handle variable(s)</div>
<div> handles.var1 = locVar1</div>
<div> handles.var2 = locVar2</div>
<div> handles = resume(handles)</div>
<div> <br>
<div>one would call the function just as: calc(handles)<br>
<div>A general note:</div>
<div>It helps to put all callback functions into a separate
<div>The main function (that only defines the GUI) will call and
load all callback functions from that subfolder.</div>
<div>I give callback function scripts the extension: *.sci</div>
<div>I give the main GUI script the extension: *.sce</div>
<div>This is all not mandatory, but increases the overview.<br>
<div>To create the global variable "handles" I define a
separate function:</div>
<div>function handles = Init(handles)</div>
<div> handles.var1 = 0 // init value of var1</div>
<div> handles.var2 = 0 // init value of var2</div>
<div> handles.cmap = graycolormap(255) // init GUI colormap</div>
<div> handles.statusSlider = 0 // can be a status variable
for a slider..if it has been used or not<br>
<div> handles.statusPB = 0 // can be a status variable
for a push bitton ..such as: has been pressed or not<br>
<div> // etc...</div>
<div> handles = resume(handles)</div>
<div>sorry for the long Mail,</div>
<div>Best regards,</div>
<div class="gmail_quote">
<div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">Am Do., 28. Nov. 2019 um
08:57 Uhr schrieb Antoine Monmayrant <<a
href="mailto:amonmayr@laas.fr" target="_blank"
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px
0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">Hello
I've been playing a bit with GUIs for teaching, so maybe I can
The issue is that I don't get what your problem is exactly
here, so I my answer might be a bit off-topic.<br>
Do not hesitate to rephrase your issue, I'll try a more
focused answer.<br>
Anywya, here is how I think your code could be improved:<br>
(1) You can use 'calc' as the callback for all of the editable
text field so that your result gets shown right away, without
having to press a button.<br>
(2) You should populate all the uicontrols of your gui first,
then only update the displayed values, the visibility of the
uicontrols, etc inside your calc function. (ie no more
creating a uicontrol inside a callback)<br>
(3) The 'tag' property of any uicontrol together with
'findobj()' are really nice to get/set the properties of each
existing uicontrol.<br>
(4) You can rely on a proper Model-View-Controler approach (or
any other well established method to avoid mixing gui stuff
with calculation stuff).<br>
I attached a small gui I use to illustrate optical
anti-reflection coating.<br>
It is far from perfect (I did not implement a proper
model-view-controler for example).<br>
But you can see how I tried to separate the different parts of
the code an how I use findobj/tag/get/set, etc.<br>
Hope it helps,<br>
Le Mercredi, Novembre 27, 2019 19:21 CET, Claus Futtrup <<a
href="mailto:cfuttrup@gmail.com" target="_blank"
moz-do-not-send="true">cfuttrup@gmail.com</a>> a écrit: <br>
> Hi there<br>
> <br>
> I'm trying to build a GUI. For simplicity on the forum,
I've built a <br>
> really simple example of what I'm trying to do. How can I
make the <br>
> "conditional" GUI output work and not have it inside the
calc function? <br>
> ... or, how would you do it? Thanks.<br>
> <br>
> Best regards, Claus.<br>
> <br>
> //<br>
> // Demo of how to build a simple GUI in Scilab.<br>
> // Real simple, with two input variables and one output.<br>
> // The example uses the basic mechanical example of a
mass and a spring as<br>
> // input parameters and calculates the resonance
frequency of the mechanical<br>
> // system.<br>
> <br>
> // Initialize variables<br>
> m = 1; // Moving mass 'm'(kilogram)<br>
> k = 1; // Stiffness, spring constant 'k'(Newton per
> fres = 1; // Resonance frequency (Hertz)<br>
> show_result = %f;<br>
> <br>
> function calc()<br>
> m = evstr(get(ge_m,"string")); // get content in
uicontrol ge_m<br>
> k = evstr(get(ge_k,"string")); // get content in
uicontrol ge_k<br>
> fres = sqrt(m * k);<br>
> // putting GUI updates inside the calculation
routine is not pretty code.<br>
> uicontrol("style","text","string","Result
:","position", ..<br>
> [10 as(2)-110 80 20]);<br>
> uicontrol("style","text","string",string(fres), ..<br>
> "position",[100 as(2)-110 80 20]);<br>
> uicontrol("style","text","string","Hz ","position",
> [200 as(2)-110 30 20]);<br>
> show_result = %t;<br>
> // update global variables<br>
> [m,k,fres,show_result]=return(m,k,fres,show_result);<br>
> endfunction<br>
> <br>
> function goodbye()<br>
> close(ge); // Close GUI window<br>
> printf("Resulting fres: %f Hertz\n",fres);<br>
> abort // Print result in console (e.g. for
copy/paste), then kill the app<br>
> endfunction<br>
> <br>
> ge = scf(); // GUI Example, Initialize and 'set
current figure'<br>
> as = ge.axes_size; // read size of window, as = [width
> ge.figure_name = "GUI Example"; // Change window
> <br>
> uicontrol("style","text","string","Moving mass
:","position", ..<br>
> [10 as(2)-35 80 20],"background",[1 1
1]); // white background<br>
> // position properties has four parameters =
> // y-position counts from lower left corner,
so we subtract from 'as'<br>
> ge_m = uicontrol("style","edit","string",string(m), ..<br>
> "position",[100 as(2)-35 80 20]);<br>
> uicontrol("style","text","string","kg ","position", ..<br>
> [200 as(2)-35 30 20],"background",[1 1
> <br>
> uicontrol("style","text","string","Stiffness
:","position", ..<br>
> [10 as(2)-60 80 20],"background",[1 1
> ge_k = uicontrol("style","edit","string",string(k), ..<br>
> "position",[100 as(2)-60 80 20]);<br>
> uicontrol("style","text","string","N/m ","position", ..<br>
> [200 as(2)-60 30 20],"background",[1 1
> <br>
> uicontrol("style","pushbutton","string","Calculate", ..<br>
> "position",[10 as(2)-85 80
> <br>
> // How do I make this "conditional"output show up in my
> if show_result then // If "Calculate"button was pushed
at least once ...<br>
> uicontrol("style","text","string","Result
:","position", ..<br>
> [10 as(2)-110 80 20]);<br>
> uicontrol("style","text","string",string(fres), ..<br>
> "position",[100 as(2)-110 80 20]);<br>
> uicontrol("style","text","string","Hz ","position",
> [200 as(2)-110 30 20]);<br>
> end<br>
> <br>
> uicontrol("style","pushbutton","string","Exit", ..<br>
> "position",[10 as(2)-135 80
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