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Dear all, <br>
<font face="Courier New"><br>
Regarding the question I've sent a few days earlier (see below), I
think the Variable Browser in some cases may be creating confusion
between variable types and number formats </font><br>
For instance, <br>
a = 1.22<br>
creates a variable of type "constant", while its format is "double".<br>
Federico Miyara<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 29/11/2019 02:57, Federico Miyara
<blockquote type="cite"
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<font face="Courier New">Dear all,<br>
I'm trying to elucidate some details regarding types. The most
basic type, corresponding to real or complex decimal numbers (or
vectors, matrices and hypermatrices with this kind of
components) is called "constant" by the function typeof (and so
listed in the documentation). <br>
However, the variable browser lists them as "double".<br>
This is somewhat confusing. It seems that "double" refers to the
way each individual component is encoded while constant may
refer to the fact that any array containing doubles is o type
constant. <br>
In the case of integers, for instance we have int64 as reported
by typeof, but in the Variable Browser it is listed a bit more
in full as "Integer 64". While this is also slightly
inconsistent, it is not to complain very much about.<br>
In the case of rationals, typeof returns "rational" while the
Variable Browser callsit "r (Tlist)"<br>
Cell array type is called "ce" by typeof but "Cell" in the
Variabe Browser<br>
User-defined types in tlists and mlists are designed by the
user-defined type name by typeof, while the variable browser
adds "(Tlist)" or "(Mlist)"<br>
Functions, libraries and impliit lists such as $ are not listed
in the variable bowser but are correctly reported by typeof<br>
I wonder whether there is a reason for all this or it is
actually an issue that could be fixed in a future versions.<br>
Thank you<br>
Federico Miyara<br>
</font> </blockquote>