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<p>Hi all,</p>
<p>Scilab can use unicode characters (at least some) as variable
However, this does not play well with Scinotes syntax highlighting
in functions.<br>
In particular, input/output arguments are no longer highlighted
and local line number inside the function does no longer work as
You can see the attached screenshot to better see what I mean.</p>
<p>Here is a bunch of function definitions that shows the issue:</p>
<address>function [Sum, Diff] = AddSubs(arga, argb)</address>
<address> Sum=arga+argb;</address>
<address> Diff=arga-argb;</address>
function [Sum, Diff] = AddSubs2(argα, argb)</address>
<address> Sum=argα+argb;</address>
<address> Diff=argα-argb;</address>
function [Sum, Δ] = AddSubs(arga, argb)</address>
<address> Sum=arga+argb;</address>
<address> Diff=arga-argb;</address>
<p>Can anyone reproduce the issue?</p>