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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Le 31/12/2020 à 10:36, Antoine
Monmayrant a écrit :<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 29/12/2020 16:39, Samuel Gougeon
<blockquote type="cite"
size="+1"> As well, i must confess that having a ALT+X or any
other keys shortcut able to convert a series of 2 to 4 input
unicodes to the corresponding character -- as proposed in wish
#16505 -- would be of almost no help to me, because i do not
remember unicodes of any non-ascii characters. Who does? Such
a ALT-X shortcut is used for instance in the -- yet great -- <i>Inskscape</i>
free drawing software. Then, each time that a greek letter or
another symbol must be used, we need to find its unicodes in
an extra document (most often on internet). It's definitely
not handy.</font></blockquote>
<font size="+1">I agree with you here.</font><font size="+1"><br>
It is not a good idea to use such a shortcut that replicates
what is already present at the OS level: on linux for example
Crtl+Alt+Maj+u allows to type the unicode of a character (like
3BB for λ). Equivalent shortcuts exist under Windows and MacOS.<br>
</font><font size="+1">From my personal experience, my preferred
implementation is the one used by Julia: type the LaTeX macro
(like \lambda for λ) then Tab and you get the unicode character.</font><font
I assume implementation something like that in Scilab is quite a
lot of work...</font><br>
<p><font size="+1">Your proposition might be a good compromise
between ease of implementation and usefulness.<br>
<p><font size="+1">Thank you for your input and for supporting the
proposal, Antoine.<br>
About any shortcut proposal, may i add that, yes it would be a
more general solution than the selected characters in %chars.
But while getting an external document referencing unicodes of
some requested symbols, i don't see any reason to get the
unicodes and use the shortcut, instead of directly copying the
character from this external document and copying it wherever it
is needed in Scilab or elsewhere, as in a documentation page
edited with Notepadd++ for instance.<br>
Therefore, the right external document to select is not a
document listing unicodes, but more simply a document listing
characters sets rendered without gif or other images. Before
implementing this %chars, it was what i used to do.<br>
I am not sure that implementing the Julia solution with LaTeX
would improve a lot the situation: <br>
<li><font size="+1">first, we still have to remember a code, the
latex one ; this is simple for common characters, but get
harder and harder for less frequent ones. While a selection
among displayed/rendered characters do not need to remember
any code. I have written 700 pages in LaTeX without wysiwym
software like LyX, and hopefully i had always a hand on "A
Guide to LaTeX-2e" and its tables of illustrated codes to get
the right one.</font></li>
<li><font size="+1">Moreover, we can put in %chars some characters
that have no LaTeX code.</font></li>
<li><font size="+1">Finally, implementing a LaTeX shortcut could
not be used when editing the documentation out of the console
and Scinotes, except to render the character in order to then,
anyway, copy/paste it wherever needed.</font></li>
<p><font size="+1">So, to me, the main purposes are</font></p>
<li><font size="+1">to stop having to remember any code for the --
say 500 or 1000 -- most used characters, when no complex
expression is required.<br>
<li><font size="+1">to stop having to search in an external
document when working with Scilab<br>
<li><font size="+1">and possibly, to present classes of
characters, what can help finding the required one.</font></li>
<p><font size="+1">Beyong this current topic and the trivial
implementation of %chars, it could then even be useful to have
an easy way to get the LaTeX code from a selected character,
instead of the opposite!</font><br>
<p><font size="+1">Regards<br>