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<font face="Courier New">Dear all,<br>
In order to test the FFT on a periodic signal whose period is an
exact submultiple of the FFT length I found a frequency fo
satisfying this for the chosen sample rate and window length, and
generated the following signal:<br>
x = sin(2*%pi*fo*t); <br>
where t is a time vector. This should be a perfectly periodic
discrete signal but it isn't because the sin() function has a
(virtually) exact period of pi, while %pi is exact to 16 digits
For instance, we have (23 digits shown)<br>
--> sin(%pi)<br>
ans =<br>
--> sin(1e10*%pi)<br>
ans =<br>
--> sin(1e15*%pi)<br>
ans =<br>
The Wolfram Alpha site yields the correct value 0 in all cases
(using their own pi).<br>
1) How is the sin() function extended to very large values of the
argument? My first guess would be to compute a quarter cycle using
Taylor and then extend it by symmetry and periodicity, but with
which period? The best approximation available is 2*%pi. Or it is
possible to use extended precision internally?<br>
2) Is there a way to get a periodic discrete sine other than
extending it periodically with the desired period?<br>
Wouldn't this create a slight glitch at the frontier between
Federico Miyara <br>
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