SEP#12: Scipad - Add support for encodings

François Vogel fvogelnew1 at
Tue Dec 23 12:07:38 CET 2008

Hi all,

Attached is an update of SEP#12 (now V1.1) + diff file against master 

The changes wrt V1.0 amount to mentioning what's happening with the 
files managed by Scipad for internal reasons, and to explain why an 
encoding button will not be inserted in the existing file choosers.

This SEP has now been floating here for more than a week and has 
gathered very few comments or contributions. Besides, Yung Jang Lee 
who originally requested this feature stated satisfaction with the 
current coverage. I will therefore not implement encoding conversion 
nor auto-detection of encodings.

My understanding is that there is now consensus on this SEP. If it's 
not the case, please speak up now. I will commit very soon.

Merry Christmas to those who feel concerned, and cheers to the others.
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