[Scilab-Dev] Re: SEP#12: Scipad - Add support for encodings

François Vogel fvogelnew1 at free.fr
Tue Dec 23 16:59:48 CET 2008

Yung-Jang Lee said on 23/12/2008 16:29:
> I thought it may not need encoding conversion for this case.
> User may open a file with wrong encoding and then switch to  correct 
> encoding.
> Since the file opened was treated as system encoded file, it may not be  
> converted to other encoding  before user select  a  correct one.  In 
> this case,  it don't need to doing encoding conversion. May be I am 
> wrong in this aspect, however.

OK, I see the use case you have in mind.
This is indeed possible within the scope of SEP #12 V1.1, with no 
change at all in the proposed implementation.

Use case:
1. File/Open
2. Damned, it's not the right encoding. Select the right encoding 
through the options menu. No visual effect so far (because this is not 
encoding conversion).
3. File/Revert. The file is now displayed with the selected encoding. 
Note that it's a reload of the file. If you modified it, your changes 
will be lost.

Is this what you want?

> I have trouble building  Scilab from source this passed  week,  and have 
> no chance to test your implementation.

You don't need to compile Scilab to test implementation of SEP#12.

Take whatever half-working recent nightly build from the Scilab website:


Install it somewhere. Apply the patch I have provided with SEP #12 
onto the scipad directory you should find in (off the top of my head) 
SCI/share/modules/scipad and subdirectories.

Run Scilab, run Scipad, and you can test. No compile needed.

> But I still satisfy the SEP even 
> if this "open then switch encoding" function is not provided. 

Noted. Thanks, your expectations are reasonable.


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