[Scilab-Dev] Scilab 5 on Solaris

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at scilab.org
Sat Jul 12 02:16:20 CEST 2008

Le vendredi 11 juillet 2008 à 18:19 -0300, Jonathan Blanchard a écrit :
> I just rebuild Scilab using gcc 4.3.1 and sun ld. all build well ( I
> didn't build the gui and java-sci). Make install still does not work
> but with a different error this time. See at the end of the e-mail for
> the output. 
Please update (svn update), we fixed this issue a few days ago!

> I tried make install -k to tell make to continue anyways
> but when I try to run Scilab afterward I get a core dump but not the
> error about localization anymore. I might have to run scilab in a
> debugger but I do not exactly know the best course of action for this
> as I rarely use GDB or MDB outside an IDE so I'm not too comfortable
> with using a debugger from the command line. So if anyone got some
> pointers that would be appreciated.
>From the source tree, you can launch it into kdbg with:
./bin/scilab -kdbg


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