[Scilab-Dev] Test report of Chinese (or multibytes languages in general) locale mesages with Scilab 5-beta-1

Yung-Jang Lee yjlee123 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 14:33:17 CEST 2008


The files I send have two bugs due to copy and paste mistake,

BOOL  openLocaleToUTFConverter(char *sysLocale,char *lang)
      // Assume sysLocale in lang_contry.charset or  lang_contry format
      // Ex. en_US, zh_TW.CP950, zh_CN.UTF-8
      char encoding[5];
      char * pch=strchr ( sysLocale, '.');//<-------------------------------
this line missing

            // BY YJLee get Windows CODE Page Information\ <---- should
delete last  character
            int ret = GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,

Please check it.


2008/6/2 Yung-Jang Lee <yjlee123 at gmail.com>:

> Sylvestre,
> Enclosed is my small patch for Java console to display chinese characters
> and the result PNG screenshot.
> The test in under Windows XP, with BIG5 encoding (Windows CodePage 950).
> This test confirm that it need a locale to utf-8 convert before send string
> to Java console for locale not compatible with  UNICODE.
> The patch contains following files
>    1.    localization\src\c :   localetoutf.h,  localetoutf.c
>           provide functions
>        void localeToUTF(char** buffer) <--- doing locale to utf convert
>        openLocaleToUTFConverter(char *sysLocale,char *lang) <--- open or
>    close converter
>            This two functions calls functions from iconv library which is
>    contained in Scilab5  prerequreiment.
>    2. localization\src\c :   setlanguage.c,
>     add a line to call openLocaleToUTFConverter ,
>    3. localization\src\c :  getLocaleInfo_Windows.c,
>    modified return value of getLocaleUserInfo in lang_contry.codepage
>    format t,codepage  information is used inside openLocaleToUTFConverter
>    4. console\src\cpp: consolePrint.c :
>    add a line to call localeToUTF
> This is just a small patch to test locale to utf encoding concept, it need
> further enhancement.
> I have two questions. First , in my  chinese Java console , the menu items
> are disabled ( unlike your Linux case)  is  this  a  bug under Windows ?
> Second, menu items are displayed in chinese under Linux but in english
> under Windows, what make them different ?
> YungLee
> 2008/5/30 Yung-Jang Lee <yjlee123 at gmail.com>:
> Sylvestre:
>> Let me try. Give me a week.
>> YungLee
>> 2008/5/30 Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre.ledru at inria.fr>:
>>> > To solve this problem, we must decide locale setting in runtime  and
>>> > transform  characters  back  to  UTF8  if  the locale setting  is not
>>> > in UTF8.
>>> OK, then, a way of doing this could be:
>>> * if the LANG/LC_MESSAGES/whatever variable says that the language is
>>> UTF-8, don't do anything.
>>> * if not, convert it
>>> However, that sounds like a workaround to me, not a really bug fix.
>>> There must be a way to deal with this.
>>> > Hope these can help.
>>> It does!
>>> S
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