[Scilab-Dev] Build broken + Incomplete daily versions

Pierre MARECHAL pierre.marechal at scilab.org
Mon Jun 16 14:30:21 CEST 2008

François Vogel wrote:
> The problem for me is that once downloaded, a lot of things is missing 
> in the tarball, for instance there is no modules directory at all. 
> Hence one untared it doesn't work.
> Strange, because:
> http://www.scilab.org/develop/Dailyversion/index.php?os=linux&date=2008-06-14&detail=targzbin.txt&module=4&mode=release 
> lists everything as if it was really included in the tarball.
> Any idea about how I can have an up-to-date working trunk today? I'd 
> like to work on bug 3143.
> Thanks,
> Francois
Hello François,

I can't reproduce your problem. Which tool do you use to untar ? What is 
the size of the downloaded tarball ?

*[14:23:19][$SHELL]*> wget 
           => `scilab-SE-trunk-25388.bin.linux-i686.tar.gz'
Résolution de www.scilab.org...
Connexion vers www.scilab.org||:80... connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse... 200 OK
Longueur: 100 849 167 (96M) [application/x-gzip]

100 849 167   36.91M/s            

14:22:48 (36.85 MB/s) - « scilab-SE-trunk-25388.bin.linux-i686.tar.gz » 
sauvegardé [100849167/100849167]

*[14:23:19][$SHELL]*> tar xzf scilab-SE-trunk-25388.bin.linux-i686.tar.gz
*[14:23:19][$SHELL]*> ls  scilab-SE-trunk-25388/share/scilab/modules
action_binding           data_structures         elementary_functions  
hashtable             javasci         maple2scilab   polynomials     
shell                string
arnoldi                  demo_tools              fftw                  
helptools             jvm             matio          pvm             
signal_processing    symbolic
boolean                  development_tools       fileio                
helptoolsdocbook_xsl  lapack          metanet        randlib         
simulated_annealing  tclsci
cacsd                    differential_equations  functions             
history_manager       libst           mexlib         renderer        
sound                texmacs
compatibility_functions  double                  genetic_algorithms    
integer               linear_algebra  optimization   scicos          
sparse               time
completion               doublylinkedlist        graphic_export        
interpolation         localization    output_stream  scicos_blocks   
special_functions    umfpack
console                  dynamiclibrary          graphics              
intersci              m2sci           overloading    scilab2fortran  
spreadsheet          windows_tools
core                     dynamic_link            gui                   
io                    malloc          parameters     scipad          



INRIA - Unité de Recherche de Rocquencourt
Domaine de Voluceau - B.P. 105
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
Projet Scilab
Bâtiment 1B - Bureau 008
Email : pierre.marechal at scilab.org

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