[Scilab-Dev] Re: and idea for the development of Scipad

Torbjørn Pettersen torbjorn.pettersen at broadpark.no
Wed Oct 15 19:01:49 CEST 2008

Ok - enclosed is a new CECILL version of help_from_sci.

I've included a Scilab-version-5 check, which returns an error on older 
versions of Scilab.

The current version contains the option I mentioned in a previous mail 
with respect to generation of demo files based on the code from the 
section in the help file. It seemed like a natural extension of the 
help_from_sci idea.
Anyway I don't think it should interfere with your scipad implementation.

A remaining point to do is to include a check for the existence of the 
target .xml or .dem.sce files.
At this point help_from_sci will happily overwrite any existing target 
files, which is rather nasty...


Torbjørn Pettersen
tlf. +47 926 52 944 

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