Launching scilab from Emacs

Vincent Belaïche vincent.belaiche at
Wed Oct 22 20:52:50 CEST 2008


I am new to this list. I was invited by Sylvestre to switch some thread 
started on the Scilab newsgroup onto this list.

I am trying to use A. Vigodner's (Author: Alexander Vigodner 
<avigodner at>>) Emacs extension to use Emacs as a front end 
for Scilab.

I have modified scilab.el already with the following things:

1) add a few keywords
2) suppress a few compilation warning due to outdated backquoting 
convention, and use of global variables where local (let (...) ...) 
would have been a better option
3) correct bug on filling strings : now scilab.el detects whether the 
string delimiter is ' or ", and use the same delimiter when breaking a 
string to fill it
4) add a function to mark functions, and corresponding key binding C-M-h
5) recode partly the scilab-shell function for it to use the same coding 
as emacs shell command.

Now, I have tried, unsuccessfully, to launch scilex -nw from Emacs as a 
subprocess (note that this is working neither with the original version 
of scilab.el, nor if I launch "scilex -nw" from a bash shell (with 
MSWidows MSYS environment), nor even if I launch "scilex -nw" not from a 
cmdproxy.exe MSDOS console inside Emacs, but only from the real cmd.exe 
MSDOS console of MSWindows.

What happens is that the scilex -nw remains pending as if it was waiting 
for something. I am suspecting that internally it behaves like a windows 
application (I mean with an MS Windows mailbox) and is waiting for some 
MS Windows event on the Window API.

What as changed since the version used by A. Vigodner back in 2002 ?

Is there some command line option to pass to scilex for it to be usable 
as a slave subprocess ? Is there some proxy application (similar to 
cmdproxy.exe for cmd.exe) that could be used instead of scilex ?

Best regards,

Vincent Belaïche a écrit :
> Hello,
> Do you know where I can find the latest scilab.el for 
> editing/loading/launching scilab from an Emacs window ?
> VBR,
>    Vincent.

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