[Scilab-Dev] Re: Launching scilab from Emacs

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at scilab.org
Thu Oct 23 14:58:26 CEST 2008


Sorry for the confusion about the other INRIA website. It has been done
by an other INRIA project. I am in touch with the guy in charge of this
website to avoid this problem from happening again.

About your work on the emacs, I think Alexander would be happy to
incorporate your changes upstream. 
Btw, I am willing to create a Debian/Ubuntu package of this.


Le mercredi 22 octobre 2008 à 20:52 +0200, Vincent Belaïche a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> I am new to this list. I was invited by Sylvestre to switch some thread 
> started on the Scilab newsgroup onto this list.
> I am trying to use A. Vigodner's (Author: Alexander Vigodner 
> <avigodner at bloomberg.com>>) Emacs extension to use Emacs as a front end 
> for Scilab.
> I have modified scilab.el already with the following things:
> 1) add a few keywords
> 2) suppress a few compilation warning due to outdated backquoting 
> convention, and use of global variables where local (let (...) ...) 
> would have been a better option
> 3) correct bug on filling strings : now scilab.el detects whether the 
> string delimiter is ' or ", and use the same delimiter when breaking a 
> string to fill it
> 4) add a function to mark functions, and corresponding key binding C-M-h
> 5) recode partly the scilab-shell function for it to use the same coding 
> as emacs shell command.
> Now, I have tried, unsuccessfully, to launch scilex -nw from Emacs as a 
> subprocess (note that this is working neither with the original version 
> of scilab.el, nor if I launch "scilex -nw" from a bash shell (with 
> MSWidows MSYS environment), nor even if I launch "scilex -nw" not from a 
> cmdproxy.exe MSDOS console inside Emacs, but only from the real cmd.exe 
> MSDOS console of MSWindows.
> What happens is that the scilex -nw remains pending as if it was waiting 
> for something. I am suspecting that internally it behaves like a windows 
> application (I mean with an MS Windows mailbox) and is waiting for some 
> MS Windows event on the Window API.
> What as changed since the version used by A. Vigodner back in 2002 ?
> Is there some command line option to pass to scilex for it to be usable 
> as a slave subprocess ? Is there some proxy application (similar to 
> cmdproxy.exe for cmd.exe) that could be used instead of scilex ?
> Best regards,
>     Vincent.
> Vincent Belaïche a écrit :
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Do you know where I can find the latest scilab.el for 
> > editing/loading/launching scilab from an Emacs window ?
> > 
> > VBR,
> >    Vincent.
> pièce jointe document texte brut (scilab.el)
> ;;$Revision: 1.32 $
> ;;
> ;; Copyright (C) 2001 Alexander Vigodner
> ;; Created: 03.01 2001
> ;; Version: 2.1.7
> ;; Author: Alexander Vigodner <avigodner at bloomberg.com>>
> ;;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> ;;modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
> ;;as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
> ;;of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
> ;;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> ;;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> ;;GNU General Public License for more details.
> ;;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> ;;along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
> ;;Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
> ;;B.F.M. Financial Research, Ltd., hereby disclaims all copyright
> ;;interest in the program `scilab.el' written by Alexander Vigodner
> ;;Eric Berger, 17 July 2001
> ;;Managing Director
> ;;
> ;; This program was written by Alexander Vigodner <avigodner at bloomberg.com>
> ;;  on the base of  matlab.el file, Version: 2.2.2 (
> ;;  Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Eric M. Ludlam <eludlam at mathworks.com>
> ;;  Copyright (C) 1991-1997 Matthew R. Wette <mwette at alumni.caltech.edu> )
> ;;
> ;;
> ;;
> ;;; Commentary:
> ;; File contains three integrated together modes:
> ;; SCILAB-MODE is  the  major mode for GNU Emacs.
> ;; It  provides support for editing SCILAB dot-sci/sce
> ;; files.  It automatically indents for block structures, line continuations
> ;; (e.g., ...), and comments.
> ;;
> ;; Additional features include auto-fill including auto-additions of
> ;; ellipsis for commands, and even strings.  Block/end construct
> ;; highlighting as you edit.  Primitive code-verification and
> ;; identification.  Templates and other code editing functions.
> ;; Advanced symbol completion.  Code highlighting via font-lock.
> ;; There are many navigation commands that let you move across blocks
> ;; of code at different levels.
> ;;
> ;; SCILAB-SHELL mode for launching scilab with -nw. It has much more 
> ;; features than the standard x-mode of scilab. There are only two minor 
> ;; points:
> ;; 1) Graphic commands change a behaviour of the prompt. See my bug report.
> ;;;  The bug exists in all versions of scilab till 2.6 (included).
> ;; 2) Scicos does not run. 
> ;;  
> ;;;   For a solution one can ask me for the patch for scilab-2.6
> ;;;  Or take it from my  page
> ;;; http://www.geocities.com/avezunchik/scilab.html
> ;;
> ;; SCILAB-HELP   fully clickable help system  with the
> ;; the same set of the man pages as the basic scilab. Works independely on 
> ;; the scilab-shell mode, but you can send commands from the man page to the
> ;; scilab-shell
> ;;
> ;;; Installation:
> ;;
> ;;  1.  Put the this file as "scilab.el" somewhere on the load-path.
> ;;  2.  Find file scilab-startup.el. If it does not exists then copy the lines below
> ;;  into this file and place this file into the same directory as scilab.el.
> ;;  3.  In your init file put the command
> ;;     (load "scilab-startup")
> ;;  4.Remark: instead of loading you can just insert the file "scilab-startup.el" 
> ;;  5. When you open emacs/xemacs in "Tools" you will see "Scilab Setup". Run it
> ;;    and carefully customize  all main variables of scilab/emacs system 
> ;;  6. Enjoy 
> ;;;
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;START OF FILE SCILAB-STARTUP.EL;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;;;
> ;;; JUST REMOVE ;;;; 
> ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;;;; ;;; This file must be inserted or loaded into users' init emacs file (.emacs usually).
> ;;;; ;;; load-path variable must contain the directory where scilab.el and scilab-startup.el;;; files are placed 
> ;;;; ;;; For instance the following two command can be added to the end of the init-emacs
> ;;;; ;;; File
> ;;;; ;;;
> ;;;; ;;(setq load-path  (append (list "<YOUR DIRECTORY>" ) load-path))
> ;;;; ;;(load "scilab-startup")
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;  START  OF SCILAB STUFFS FOR .EMACS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;;;; (setq load-path (append (list (expand-file-name "./") ) load-path)) 
> ;;;; (defvar running-xemacs (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" (emacs-version)))
> ;;;; (let* (
> ;;;;       (sciel (locate-library "scilab.el"))
> ;;;;       (scilec (concat sciel "c"))
> ;;;;       (scilab-elc-xemacs running-xemacs)
> ;;;;      )
> ;;;;   (if (not (file-newer-than-file-p scilec sciel))
> ;;;;         (byte-compile-file sciel)
> ;;;;         (find-file scilec) 
> ;;;;         (goto-line 4)
> ;;;;         (setq scilab-elc-xemacs (looking-at ".*\\(XEmacs\\|Lucid\\)"))
> ;;;;         (kill-buffer "scilab.elc")
> ;;;;         (if (not (eq scilab-elc-xemacs running-xemacs))
> ;;;; 	    (byte-compile-file sciel))
> ;;;;       )
> ;;;; )
> ;;;;    (autoload 'scilab-mode "scilab" "Enter Scilab editing mode." t)
> ;;;;    (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\(\\.sci$\\|\\.sce$\\)" . scilab-mode) 
> ;;;;        auto-mode-alist))
> ;;;;    (autoload 'scilab-shell "scilab" "Interactive Scilab Shell mode." t)      
> ;;;;    (autoload 'scilab-mode-setup "scilab" "Scilab modes Setup." t)      
> ;;;;    (autoload 'scilab-help "scilab" "Scilab Topic Browser." t)      
> ;;;;    (autoload 'scilab-help-function "scilab" "Scilab Help Function." t)
> ;;;;    (autoload 'scilab-apropos-function "scilab" "Scilab Apropos Function." t)
> ;;;; (defun my-scilab-mode-hook ()
> ;;;;   (if running-gnuemacs (show-paren-mode))
> ;;;;      (setq fill-column 76))		; where auto-fill should wrap
> ;;;; (defun my-scilab-shell-mode-hook () 
> ;;;; (if running-gnuemacs (show-paren-mode))
> ;;;; )
> ;;;; (add-hook 'scilab-mode-hook 'my-scilab-mode-hook)
> ;;;; (add-hook 'scilab-shell-mode-hook 'my-scilab-shell-mode-hook)
> ;;;; (defcustom scilab-shell-global-key "\C-cs"
> ;;;;   "Global key for `scilab-shell' command \"^C\" means Ctrl-c, \"^X\" 
> ;;;; means Ctrl-x,etc" 
> ;;;;   :group 'scilab-shell
> ;;;;   :group 'scilab-setup
> ;;;;   :type 'string)
> ;;;; (global-set-key  scilab-shell-global-key 'scilab-shell)
> ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;;;; ;;;;To display start and setup menu of scilab in "Tools" menu (not necessary)
> ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;;;; (if running-xemacs
> ;;;;   (progn
> ;;;; 	(add-menu-button '("Tools") "---" )
> ;;;; 	(add-menu-button '("Tools") ["Scilab Start" scilab-shell t] )
> ;;;; 	(add-menu-button '("Tools") ["Scilab Setup" scilab-mode-setup t] )
> ;;;; 	(add-menu-button '("Help") ["Scilab Topic" scilab-help t] )
> ;;;; 	(add-menu-button '("Help") ["Scilab Help" scilab-help-function t] )
> ;;;; 	(add-menu-button '("Help") ["Scilab Apropos" scilab-apropos-function t] )
> ;;;;   )
> ;;;;      (define-key menu-bar-tools-menu [separator-scilab]
> ;;;;     '("--"))
> ;;;;      (define-key menu-bar-tools-menu [scilab-start] '("Scilab Start"  . scilab-shell))
> ;;;;      (define-key menu-bar-tools-menu [scilab-setup] '("Scilab Setup"  . scilab-mode-setup))
> ;;;;     (define-key menu-bar-help-menu [separator-scilab]
> ;;;;     '("--"))
> ;;;;     (define-key menu-bar-help-menu [scilab-apropos] '("Scilab Apropos"  . scilab-apropos-function))
> ;;;;      (define-key menu-bar-help-menu [scilab-help] '("Scilab Help"  . scilab-help-function))
> ;;;;      (define-key menu-bar-help-menu [scilab-topic] '("Scilab Topic"  . scilab-help))
> ;;;; )
> ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;  END OF SCILAB STUFFS FOR .EMACS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;;;;
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;END OF FILE SCILAB-STARTUP.EL;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;; Please read the mode help for scilab-mode for additional
> ;; configuration options.
> ;;
> ;; This package requires easymenu, tempo, and derived.
> ;; This package will optionally use custom, font-lock, hilit19, shell, and gud.
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START of THE BODY ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;; Which emacs are we running?
> (defvar running-xemacs (string-match "X[Ee]macs\\|Lucid" (emacs-version)))
> (defvar running-gnuemacs (string-match "GNU" (emacs-version)))
> (string-match "\\(GNU\\|X\\)\\s-*[Ee]macs\\s-+\\([0-9.]+\\)\\s-+" (emacs-version))
> (defvar version-emacs (match-string 2  (emacs-version)))
> ;;; Code:
> (require 'easymenu)
> (require 'tempo)
> (require 'derived)
> (defconst scilab-mode-version "2.1.7"
>   "Current version of Scilab mode.")
> (defvar scilab-mode-all-versions nil
>   "Current status of Scilab mode, Emacs/Xemacs and existence of client.")
> ;; From custom web page for compatibility between versions of custom:
> (eval-and-compile
>   (condition-case ()
>       (require 'custom)
>     (error nil))
>   (if (and (featurep 'custom) (fboundp 'custom-declare-variable))
>       nil ;; We've got what we needed
>     ;; We have the old custom-library, hack around it!
>     (defmacro defgroup (&rest args)
>       nil)
>     (defmacro custom-add-option (&rest args)
>       nil)
>     (defmacro defface (&rest args) nil)
>     (defmacro defcustom (var value doc &rest args)
>       `(defvar ,var  ,value  ,doc))))
> ;; compatibility
> (if running-xemacs
>     (progn
>       (defalias 'scilab-make-overlay 'make-extent)
>       (defalias 'scilab-overlay-put 'set-extent-property)
>       (defalias 'scilab-delete-overlay 'delete-extent)
>       (defalias 'scilab-overlay-start 'extent-start)
>       (defalias 'scilab-overlay-end 'extent-end)
>       (defalias 'scilab-cancel-timer 'delete-itimer)
>       (defalias 'scilab-run-with-timer 'run-with-timer)
>       (require 'cus-face)
>       (defalias 'scilab-face-get-attribute  'face-custom-attributes-get)
>       (defun scilab-run-with-idle-timer (secs repeat function &rest args)
> 	(condition-case nil
> 	    (start-itimer "scilab" function secs (if repeat secs nil) t)
> 	  (error
> 	   ;; If the above doesn't work, then try this old version of start itimer.
> 	   (start-itimer "scilab" function secs (if repeat secs nil)))))
>       )
>   (defalias 'scilab-make-overlay 'make-overlay)
>   (defalias 'scilab-overlay-put 'overlay-put)
>   (defalias 'scilab-delete-overlay 'delete-overlay)
>   (defalias 'scilab-overlay-start 'overlay-start)
>   (defalias 'scilab-overlay-end 'overlay-end)
>   (defalias 'scilab-cancel-timer 'cancel-timer)
>   (defalias 'scilab-run-with-idle-timer 'run-with-idle-timer)
>   (defalias 'scilab-run-with-timer 'run-with-timer)
>   (defalias 'scilab-face-get-attribute  'face-attr-construct)
>   )
> (defvar scilab-server-status nil)
> ;;In standard Emacs server-start is used. However, gnuserv-start
> ;; has much more features and can be installed also.So: 
> (defun scilab-server-start()
> "Run gnuserver if it is possible. For Xemacs this is the standard
> server. For GNU emacs server is the standard server. However, gnuserver
> can be installed for emacs too. In this case scilab-server-start runs
> gnuserver for emacs too. In contrast to usual run serevers run only
> if scilab is active and then %version variable
> is updated"
> (interactive)
> (if (scilab-shell-active-p)
>  (progn
>    (if (fboundp 'gnuserv-start)
>       (progn 
> 	(let* ((TMPDIR  
> 		(substring 
> 		 (scilab-shell-collect-command-output 
> 		  "write(%io(2),getenv('TMPDIR'))") 0 -3))
> 	       (process-environment 
> 		(nconc (list (concat "TMPDIR=" TMPDIR) 
> 			     (concat "GNU_PORT=" 
> 				     (substring TMPDIR -6 -1))) 
> 		       process-environment) ))
> 	  (gnuserv-start))
> 	(setq scilab-server-status 
> 	      (if (eq (process-status gnuserv-process) 'run) 
> 		  "gnuclient" nil))
> 	)
>      (if (fboundp 'server-start) 
>          (progn  
> 	 (server-start)
> 	 (setq scilab-server-status 
> 	       (if (eq (process-status gnuserv-process) 'run) 
> 		   "emacsclient" nil))
> 	 )
>        )
>      )
>    (scilab-shell-versions)
>    )
>  nil
>  )
> )
> (defun scilab-server-kill()
> "Run gnuserver if it is possible. For Xemacs this is the standard
> server. For GNU emacs server is the standard server. However, gnuserver
> can be installed for emacs too. In this case scilab-server-start runs
> gnuserver for emacs too. Besides, if scila bis active then %version variable
> is updated"
> (interactive)
> (if (fboundp 'gnuserv-start) 
>     (if (gnuserv-running-p)
>      (progn 
>       (gnuserv-shutdown)
>       (setq scilab-server-status nil)
>        ))
>   (if (fboundp 'server-start)
>       (progn  
> 	(server-start 1))
>     (setq scilab-server-status nil)
>    )
> )
> (if (scilab-shell-active-p)
>     (scilab-shell-versions)
> )
> )
> (defun scilab-server-status()
> "Gives status of scilab-server. Notice that gnuserv can rub while the status
> for scilab-server will be \"not run\". To privide proper behaviour of gnuserver
> it must be run only via `scilab-server-start'. This is cheked via the variable 
> `scilab-server-status' and this function "
> (interactive)
> (message (if (and (fboundp 'gnuserv-running-p) 
> 	 (gnuserv-running-p)
>          (string-equal scilab-server-status "gnuclient")
>          (equal (process-status gnuserv-process) 'run))
>      "gnuclient"
>    (if (and (boundp 'server-process)
>             (string-equal scilab-server-status "emacsclient")
> 	    (equal (process-status server-process) 'run))
>      "emacsclient"
>      "No client"))
> )
> ) 
> (if (fboundp 'global-font-lock-mode)
>       (defalias 'scilab-font-lock-mode 'global-font-lock-mode)
>  (if (fboundp 'font-lock-mode)    
>       (defalias 'scilab-font-lock-mode 'font-lock-mode)
> ))
> (defcustom scilab-font-lock-mode 
> (if (boundp 'global-font-lock-mode) 
>     global-font-lock-mode 
> (if (boundp 'font-lock-mode) 
> font-lock-mode nil))
> " font-lock-mode for scilab modes. Overrided by global-font-lock mode."
>   :group 'scilab
>   :group 'scilab-setup
>   :type 'boolean)
>  (defcustom scilab-highlight-builtin  scilab-font-lock-mode 
>  "There is no regular expressions for builtins. The names are taken from the
>  custom `scilab-builtin-list'. So it can work slowly. You can disable this option" 
>    :group 'scilab
>    :group 'scilab-setup
>    :type 'boolean)
>  (defcustom scilab-highlight-macros  nil
>  "There is no regular expressions for macros. The names are taken from the
>  dynamically updated file `scilab-libfunc-list-path'. So it can work eben slower
>  than for builtins. You can disable this option" 
>    :group 'scilab
>    :group 'scilab-setup
>    :type 'boolean)
> (if (fboundp 'point-at-bol)
>     (progn
>       (defalias 'scilab-point-at-bol 'point-at-bol)
>       (defalias 'scilab-point-at-eol 'point-at-eol))
>   (defun scilab-point-at-bol ()
>     (interactive) (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point)))
>   (defun scilab-point-at-eol ()
>     (interactive) (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))))
> (defun scilab-get-default-scilab-shell-command ()
>   "Compute the default value for user-changeable variable scilab-shell-command"
>   (let (
> 	(trial-list (list (getenv "SCI") "/usr/lib/scilab-2.6"))
> 	trial-path)
>     (while trial-list
>       (setq trial-path (car trial-list)
> 	    trial-list (cdr trial-list))
>       (when trial-path
> 	;; add tailing "/" if need
> 	(setq trial-path 
> 	      (concat trial-path
> 		      (if (equal "/" (aref trial-path (1- (length trial-path))))
> 			  "" "/")
> 		      "bin/scilex"))
> 	(cond
> 	 ((file-exists-p trial-path)
> 	  (setq trial-list nil))
> 	 ((progn (setq trial-path (concat trial-path ".exe"))
> 		 (file-exists-p trial-path))
> 	  (setq trial-list nil))
> 	 (t (setq trial-path nil)))))
>     trial-path))

> ;;; User-changeable variables =================================================
> ;; Variables which the user can change
> (defgroup scilab nil
>   "Scilab mode."
>   :prefix "scilab-"
>   :group 'languages)
> (defgroup scilab-edit nil
>   "Scilab subgroup containing editing options."
>   :group 'scilab)
> (defcustom scilab-indent-level 2
>   "*The basic indentation amount in `scilab-mode'."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'integer)
> (defcustom scilab-dynamical-indent t
>   "Ebable/disable indentation in `scilab-mode'. For big files indentation works slowly.
>    Thus a user can switch this property "
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'boolean)
> (defcustom scilab-cont-level 4
>   "*Basic indentation after continuation if no other methods are found."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'integer)
> (defcustom scilab-case-level '(1 . 1)
>   "*How far to indent case/else statements in a select.
> This can be an integer, which is the distance to indent the CASE and
> ELSE commands, and how far to indent commands appearing in CASE
> and ELSE blocks.  It can also be a cons cell which is of form
> where CASEINDENT is the indentation of the CASE and OTHERWISE
> statements, and COMMANDINDENT is the indentation of commands appearing
> after the CASE or ELSE command."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'sexp)
> (defcustom scilab-indent-function t
>   "*If non-nil, indent body of function."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'boolean)
> ;;;(defcustom scilab-indent-past-arg1-functions
> ;;;  "input"
> ;;;  "*Regex describing functions whose first arg is special.
> ;;;This specialness means that all following parameters which appear on
> ;;;continued lines should appear indented to line up with the second
> ;;;argument, not the first argument."
> ;;;  :group 'scilab
> ;;;  :type 'string)
> ;;;(defcustom scilab-arg1-max-indent-length 15
> ;;;  "*The maximum length to indent when indenting past arg1.
> ;;;If arg1 is exceptionally long, then only this number of characters
> ;;;will be indented beyond the open paren starting the parameter list.")
> (defcustom scilab-maximum-indents '(;; = is a convenience. Don't go too far
> 				    (?= . (10 . 4))
> 				    ;; Fns should provide hard limits
> 				    (?\( . 50)
> 				    ;; Matrix/Cell arrays
> 				    (?\[ . 20)
> 				    (?\{ . 20))
>   "Alist of maximum indentations when lining up code.
> Each element is of the form (CHAR . INDENT) where char is a character
> the indent engine is using, and INDENT is the maximum indentation
> allowed.  Indent could be of the form (MAXIMUM . INDENT), where
> MAXIMUM is the maximum allowed calculated indent, and INDENT is the
> amount to use if MAXIMUM is reached."
> :group 'scilab-edit)
> ;(defcustom scilab-handle-scicos nil
> (defvar scilab-handle-scicos nil
>   "*If true, add in a few scicos customizations.
> This variable's state is mostly useful when set at load time when
> scicos font lock keywords can be removed.  This will handle
> additional cases as the need arrises. It is not implemented yet"
> ;;  :group 'scilab
> ;;  :type 'boolean
> )
> (defcustom scilab-auto-fill t
>   "*If true, set variable `auto-fill-function' to our function at startup."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'boolean)
> (defcustom scilab-fill-fudge 10
>   "Number of characters around `fill-column' we can fudge filling.
> Basically, there are places that are very convenient to fill at, but
> might not be the closest fill spot, or occur after `fill-column'.
> If they occur within this fudge factor, we will use them.
> Also, if none of the above occur, and we find a symbol to break at,
> but an open paren (group) starts or ends within this fudge factor,
> move there to boost the amount of fill leverage we can get."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'integer)
> (defcustom scilab-fill-fudge-hard-maximum 79
>   "The longest line allowed when auto-filling code.
> This overcomes situations where the `fill-column' plus the
> `scilab-fill-fudge' is greater than some hard desired limit."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'integer)
> (defcustom scilab-elipsis-string "..."
>   "Text used to perform continuation on code lines.
> This is used to generate and identify continuation lines."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type  'string)
> (defcustom scilab-fill-code t
>   "*If true, `auto-fill-mode' causes code lines to be automatically continued."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'boolean)
> (defcustom scilab-fill-count-ellipsis-flag t
>   "*Non-nil means to count the ellipsis when auto filling.
> This effectively shortens the `fill-column' by the length of
> `scilab-elipsis-string'."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'boolean)
> (defcustom scilab-fill-strings-flag t
>   "*Non-nil means that when auto-fill is on, strings are broken across lines.
> If `scilab-fill-count-ellipsis-flag' is non nil, this shortens the
> `fill-column' by the length of `scilab-elipsis-string'."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'boolean)
> (defcustom scilab-comment-column 40
>   "*The goal comment column in `scilab-mode' buffers."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'integer)
> (defvar scilab-comment-line-s "// "
>   "*String to start comment on line by itself."
> ;;;  :group 'scilab
> ;;;  :type 'string)
> )
> (defvar scilab-comment-on-line-s "// "
>   "*String to start comment on line with code."
> ;;;  :group 'scilab
> ;;;  :type 'string)
> )
> (defcustom scilab-comment-region-s "// $$$ "
>   "*String inserted by \\[scilab-comment-region] at start of each line in \
> region."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'string)
> (defcustom scilab-verify-on-save-flag nil
>   "*Non-nil means to verify sci whenever we save a file. It is better to put t, if a user want to write programms in 1 file-1 function matlab style"
>   :group 'scilab
>   :type 'boolean)
> (defcustom scilab-mode-verify-fix-functions
>   '(
>     scilab-mode-vf-block-matches-forward
>     scilab-mode-vf-block-matches-backward)
>   "List of function symbols which perform a verification and fix to sci code.
> Each function gets no arguments, and returns nothing.  They can move
> point, but it will be restored for them."
>   :group 'scilab
>   :type '(repeat (choice :tag "Function: "
> 			 '(scilab-mode-vf-functionname
> 			   scilab-mode-vf-block-matches-forward
> 			   scilab-mode-vf-block-matches-backward
> 			   scilab-mode-vf-quietafy-buffer
> 			   ))))
> (defcustom scilab-block-verify-max-buffer-size 50000
>   "*Largest buffer size allowed for block verification during save."
>   :group 'scilab
>   :type 'integer)
> (defcustom scilab-vers-on-startup t
>   "*If non-nil, show the version number on startup."
>   :group 'scilab
>   :type 'boolean)
> (defcustom scilab-highlight-block-match-flag t
>   "*Non-nil means to highlight the matching if/end/whatever.
> The highlighting only occurs when the cursor is on a block start or end
> keyword."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'boolean)
> (defcustom scilab-show-periodic-code-details-flag nil
>   "*Non-nil means to show code details in the minibuffer.
> This will only work if `scilab-highlight-block-match-flag' is non-nil."
>   :group 'scilab-edit
>   :type 'boolean)
> (defcustom scilab-mode-hook nil 
>   "*List of functions to call on entry to Scilab mode."
>   :group 'scilab
>   :group 'scilab-setup
>   :type 'hook)
> (defcustom scilab-completion-technique 'complete
>   "*How the `scilab-complete-symbol' interfaces with the user.
> Valid values are:
> 'increment - which means that new strings are tried with each
>              successive call until all methods are exhausted.
>              (Similar to `hippie-expand'.)
> 'complete  - Which means that if there is no single completion, then
>              all possibilities are displayed in a completion buffer."
>   :group 'scilab
>   :type '(radio (const :tag "Incremental completion (hippie-expand)."
> 		       increment)
> 		(const :tag "Show completion buffer."
> 		       complete)))
> (defgroup scilab-face nil
>   "Scilab subgroup containing all customized faces."
>   :group 'scilab)
> ;; Load in the region we use for highlighting stuff.
> (if (and (featurep 'custom) (fboundp 'custom-declare-variable))
>     (let* ((l-region-face (if (facep 'region) 'region 'zmacs-region)))
> ;; If we have custom, we can make our own special face like this
>       (defface scilab-region-face
> 	(list
> 	 (list t 
>                 (scilab-face-get-attribute l-region-face nil)
>                           ))
> 	"*Face used to highlight a scilab region."
> 	:group 'scilab-face
>  ))
>   ;; If we do not, then we can fake it by copying 'region.
>   (cond ((facep 'region)
> 	 (copy-face 'region 'scilab-region-face))
> 	(t
> 	 (copy-face 'zmacs-region 'scilab-region-face))))
> (defcustom scilab-which-func-format '(" " which-func-current " " 
> );;;scilab-number-line-in-function)
>   "Format for displaying the function in the mode line."
>   :group 'scilab
>   :type 'sexp)
> (defvar scilab-number-line-in-function "?")
> (defvar scilab-unterminated-string-face 'scilab-unterminated-string-face
>   "Self reference for unterminated string face.")
> (defvar scilab-scicos-keyword-face 'scilab-scicos-keyword-face
>   "Self reference for scicos keywords.")
> (defvar scilab-valid-variable-name "\\<[A-Za-z$#_%][A-Za-z0-9$#_]*\\>"
>   "Regexp describing all valid variable names")
> (defun scilab-simple-send (proc string)
>   "Default function for sending in scilab session to PROC input STRING.
> Takes in account the meaning of the symbol '!'. 
> See the hook `comint-input-sender'."
>   (setq string (scilab-string-garbage-filter string))
>   (let  ((str "") (curbuff (current-buffer)) (tmpbuff nil))
>     (if (not (string-equal string ""))
> 	(setq str (substring string 0 1)))
> ; ;     (if (string-match "^\\*\\*" string)
> ; ;         (progn
> ; ; 	  (eval (car  (read-from-string (substring string 2))))
> ; ; ;          (setq tmpbuff  (current-buffer))
> ; ;           (switch-to-buffer curbuff)
> ; ; ;          (comint-send-string proc (concat "//LISP//" (substring string 2) "\n"))  
> ; ;           (comint-send-string proc "")
> ; ;                 )
>       (if (string-equal str "!")
> 	  (comint-previous-matching-input (concat "^" (substring string 1)) 1)
> 	(comint-send-string proc string)
> 	(comint-send-string proc "\n"))
> ; ;)
>    )
> )
> (defun scilab-string-garbage-filter (string)
>   "Filters STRING for the scilab-simple-send"
>   (let ((garbage (concat "\\(" (regexp-quote "\C-g") "\\|"
>  			 (regexp-quote "\033[H0") "\\|"
>  			 (regexp-quote "\033[H\033[2J") "\\|"
>  			 (regexp-quote "\033H\033[2J") "\\)")))
>     (while (string-match garbage string)
>       (if (= (aref string (match-beginning 0)) ?\C-g)
> 	  (beep t))
>       (setq string (replace-match "" t t string))))
> (if (not string) "" string))
> (defun scilab-output-garbage-filter (&optional string)
>   "Filters output.This function could be on `comint-output-filter-functions' or bound to a key."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((pmark (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
>         (garbage (concat "\\(" (regexp-quote "\C-g") "\\|"
>                          (regexp-quote "\C-M") "\\|"
>  			 (regexp-quote "\033[H0") "\\|"
>  			 (regexp-quote "\033[H\033[2J") "\\|"
>  			 (regexp-quote "\033H\033[2J") "\\)")))
>     (save-excursion
>       (condition-case nil
> 	  (goto-char
> 	   (if (interactive-p) comint-last-input-end comint-last-output-start))
> 	(error nil))
>       (while (re-search-forward garbage pmark t)
>       (replace-match "" t t)))))
> (defun scilab-font-lock-adjustments ()
>   "Make adjustments for font lock.
> If font lock is not loaded, lay in wait."
>   (if (and (featurep 'custom) (fboundp 'custom-declare-variable))
>       (progn
> 	(defface scilab-unterminated-string-face 
> 	  (list
> 	   (list t
>                       `( ,@(scilab-face-get-attribute 'font-lock-string-face nil) :underline t)
> ))
> 	  "*Face used to highlight unterminated strings."
> 	  :group 'scilab-face)
> 	(defface scilab-scicos-keyword-face
> 	  (list
> 	   (list t
>                  `( ,@(scilab-face-get-attribute 'font-lock-type-face nil)
>                             :underline t)
> ))
> 	  "*Face used to highlight scicos specific functions." :group 'scilab-face)
>         (defface scilab-string-face 	  
>          (list
> 	   (list t
>                  (scilab-face-get-attribute 'font-lock-string-face nil)
>          ))
> 	  "*Face used to highlight strings." :group 'scilab-face)
>        (defface scilab-comment-face 	  
>          (list
> 	   (list t
>                  (scilab-face-get-attribute 'font-lock-comment-face nil)
>         ))
> 	  "*Face used to highlight comments." :group 'scilab-face)
>        (defface scilab-builtin-face 	  
>          (list
> 	   (list t
>                  (scilab-face-get-attribute 'font-lock-builtin-face nil)
>         ))
> 	  "*Face used to highlight builtins." :group 'scilab-face)
>        (defface scilab-macros-face 	  
>          (list
> 	   (list t
>                  (scilab-face-get-attribute 'font-lock-variable-name-face nil)
>         ))
> 	  "*Face used to highlight macros." :group 'scilab-face)
>         (defface scilab-keyword-face 	  
>          (list
> 	   (list t
>                  (scilab-face-get-attribute 'font-lock-keyword-face nil)
>           ))
> 	  "*Face used to highlight keywords." :group 'scilab-face)
>        (let* ((constant-face (if (facep 'font-lock-constant-face) 
>                  'font-lock-constant-face 'font-lock-reference-face)))
>         (defface scilab-constant-face 	  
>          (list
> 	   (list t
>                  (scilab-face-get-attribute constant-face nil)
>           ))
> 	  "*Face used to highlight constants and labels." :group 'scilab-face))
>         (defface scilab-type-face 	  
>          (list
> 	   (list t
>                  (scilab-face-get-attribute 'font-lock-type-face nil)
>           ))
> 	  "*Face used to highlight types and classes." :group 'scilab-face)
>         (defface scilab-warning-face 	  
>          (list
> 	   (list t
>                  (scilab-face-get-attribute 'font-lock-warning-face nil)
>           ))
> 	  "*Face used to highlight warnings." :group 'scilab-face)
>         (defface scilab-function-name-face 	  
>          (list
> 	   (list t
>                  (scilab-face-get-attribute 'font-lock-function-name-face nil)
>           ))
> 	  "*Face used to highlight functions names in function header." :group 'scilab-face)
>         (defface scilab-tlist-field-face 	  
>          (list
> 	   (list t
>                  (scilab-face-get-attribute 'font-lock-variable-name-face nil)
>           ))
> 	  "*Face used to highlight fields in tlists when it is called 
>           \"foo.field\"." :group 'scilab-face)
>         (defface scilab-variable-name-face 	  
>          (list
> 	   (list t
>                  (scilab-face-get-attribute 'font-lock-variable-name-face nil)
>           ))
> 	  "*Face used to highlight variable names (in function header)." :group 'scilab-face)
>         )	
>     ;; Now, lets make the unterminated string face
>     (cond ((facep 'font-lock-string-face)
> 	   (copy-face 'font-lock-string-face
> 		      'scilab-unterminated-string-face))
> 	  (t
> 	   (make-face 'scilab-unterminated-string-face)))
>     (set-face-underline-p 'scilab-unterminated-string-face t)
>     ;; Now make some scicos faces
>     (cond ((facep 'font-lock-type-face)
> 	   (copy-face 'font-lock-type-face 'scilab-scicos-keyword-face))
> 	  (t
> 	   (make-face 'scilab-scicos-keyword-face)))
>     (set-face-underline-p 'scilab-scicos-keyword-face t)
>     )
>   (remove-hook 'font-lock-mode-hook 'scilab-font-lock-adjustments))
> ;; Now we create our own faces, but we keep these variables for compatibility
> ;; and they give users another mechanism for changing face appearance.
> ;; We now allow a FACENAME in `font-lock-keywords' to be any expression that
> ;; returns a face.  So the easiest thing is to continue using these variables,
> ;; rather than sometimes evaling FACENAME and sometimes not.  sm.
> (defvar scilab-comment-face		'scilab-comment-face
>   "Face name to use for comments.")
> (defvar scilab-string-face		'scilab-string-face
>   "Face name to use for strings.")
> (defvar scilab-keyword-face		'scilab-keyword-face
>   "Face name to use for keywords.")
> (defvar scilab-builtin-face		'scilab-builtin-face
>   "Face name to use for builtins.")
> (defvar scilab-macros-face		'scilab-macros-face
>   "Face name to use for macros.")
> (defvar scilab-function-name-face	'scilab-function-name-face
>   "Face name to use for function names.")
> (defvar scilab-variable-name-face	'scilab-variable-name-face
>   "Face name to use for variable names.")
> (defvar scilab-tlist-field-face	'scilab-tlist-field-face
>   "Face name to use for tlist-fields names.")
> (defvar scilab-type-face		'scilab-type-face
>   "Face name to use for type and class names.")
> (defvar scilab-constant-face		'scilab-constant-face
>   "Face name to use for constant and label names.")
> (defvar scilab-warning-face		'scilab-warning-face
>   "Face name to use for things that should stand out.")
> (defvar scilab-reference-face	'scilab-constant-face
>   "This variable is obsolete.  Use scilab-constant-face.")
> ;; Make the adjustments for font lock after it's loaded.
> ;; I found that eval-after-load was unreliable.
> (if (featurep 'font-lock)
>     (scilab-font-lock-adjustments)
>   (add-hook 'font-lock-mode-hook 'scilab-font-lock-adjustments))
> (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'shell-strip-ctrl-m)
> (remove-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'comint-postoutput-scroll-to-bottom)
> (add-hook  'comint-output-filter-functions 'scilab-output-garbage-filter)

> ;;; Scilab mode variables =====================================================
> (defvar scilab-tempo-tags nil
>   "List of templates used in Scilab mode.")
> ;; syntax table
> (defvar scilab-mode-syntax-table
>   (let ((st (make-syntax-table (standard-syntax-table))))
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?_  "_" st)
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?/  ". 124b" st)
>   ;  (modify-syntax-entry ?/  ". 1456" st)
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" st)
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "." st)
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?\t " " st)
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?+  "." st)
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?-  "." st)
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?*  "." st)
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?'  "." st)
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?\"  "." st)
>   ;  (modify-syntax-entry ?/  "." st)
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?=  "." st)
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?<  "." st)
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?>  "." st)
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?&  "." st)
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?|  "." st)
> ;    (modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "(}  "  st)
> ;    (modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "(]  "  st)
> ;    (modify-syntax-entry ?\( "()  "  st)
> ;    (modify-syntax-entry ?\} "){  "  st)
> ;    (modify-syntax-entry ?\] ")[  "  st)
> ;    (modify-syntax-entry ?\) ")(  "  st)
>     st)
>   "The syntax table used in `scilab-mode' buffers.")
> (defvar scilab-mode-special-syntax-table
>   (let ((st (copy-syntax-table scilab-mode-syntax-table)))
>     ;; Make _ a part of words so we can skip them better
>     (modify-syntax-entry ?_  "w" st)
>     st)
>   "The syntax table used when navigating blocks.")
> ;; abbrev table
> (defvar scilab-mode-abbrev-table nil
>   "The abbrev table used in `scilab-mode' buffers.")
> (define-abbrev-table 'scilab-mode-abbrev-table ())

> ;;; Scilab shell mode variables ===============================================
> (defvar scilab-shell-buffer-name "Scilab"
>   "Name used to create `scilab-shell' mode buffers.
> This name will have *'s surrounding it.")

> ;;; Keybindings ===============================================================
> (defvar scilab-help-map
>   (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
>     (define-key km "w" 'scilab-shell-whereami)
>     (define-key km "f" 'scilab-shell-describe-command)
>     (define-key km "a" 'scilab-shell-apropos)
>     (define-key km "v" 'scilab-shell-describe-variable)
>     (define-key km "t" 'scilab-shell-topic-browser)
>     km)
>   "The help key map for `scilab-mode' and `scilab-shell-mode'.")
> (defvar scilab-insert-map
>   (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
>     (define-key km "c" 'scilab-insert-next-case)
>     (define-key km "e" 'scilab-insert-end-block)
>     (define-key km "i" 'tempo-template-scilab-if)
>     (define-key km "I" 'tempo-template-scilab-if-else)
>     (define-key km "f" 'tempo-template-scilab-for)
>     (define-key km "p" 'scilab-insert-probe)
>     (define-key km "s" 'tempo-template-scilab-select)
>     (define-key km "t" 'tempo-template-scilab-try)
>     (define-key km "w" 'tempo-template-scilab-while)
>     (define-key km "F" 'tempo-template-scilab-function)
>     (define-key km "'" 'scilab-stringify-region)
>     ;; Not really inserts, but auto coding stuff
>     (define-key km "\C-s" 'scilab-ispell-strings)
>     (define-key km "\C-c" 'scilab-ispell-comments)
>     km)
>   "Keymap used for inserting simple texts based on context.")
> ;; mode map
> (defvar
>  scilab-mode-map
>   (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
>     (define-key km [return] 'scilab-return)
>     (define-key km "\C-c;" 'scilab-comment-region)
>     (define-key km "\C-c:" 'scilab-uncomment-region)
>     (define-key km "\C-c$" 'scilab-comment-command)
>     (define-key km "\C-c%" 'scilab-comment-on-line)
>     (define-key km [(control ?c) ?\] ] 'scilab-insert-end-block) 
>     (define-key km [(control c)  return] 'scilab-comment-return)
>     (define-key km [(control c) (control c)] scilab-insert-map)
>     (define-key km [(control c) (control ?d)] 'scilab-hungry-delete-forward)
>     (define-key km [(control c) (control f)] 'scilab-fill-comment-line)
>     (define-key km [(control c) (control j)] 'scilab-justify-line)
>     (define-key km [(control c) (control q)] 'scilab-fill-region)
>     (define-key km [(control c) (control i)] 'scilab-indent-defun)
>     (define-key km [(control c) (control l)] 'scilab-shell-save-and-getf-or-run)
>     (define-key km "\C-cr" 'scilab-shell-run-region)
>     (define-key km [(control c) (control e)] 'scilab-shell-remote-exit)
>     (define-key km [(control c) ?. ] 'scilab-find-file-on-path)
>     (define-key km "\C-c/" 'scilab-shell-cd)
>     (define-key km "\C-cd" 'scilab-shell-cd)
>     (define-key km [(control h) return] scilab-help-map)
>     (define-key km [(control h) return] scilab-help-map)
>     (define-key km [(control j)] 'scilab-linefeed)
>     (define-key km "\M-\r" 'newline)
>     (define-key km [(meta \;)] 'scilab-comment)
>     (define-key km [(meta q)]         'scilab-fill-paragraph)
>     (define-key km [(meta a)]         'scilab-beginning-of-command)
>     (define-key km [(meta e)]         'scilab-end-of-command)
>     (define-key km [(meta j)]         'scilab-comment-line-break-function)
>     (define-key km [(meta tab)]       'scilab-complete-symbol)
>     (define-key km [(meta control b)] 'scilab-backward-sexp)
>     (define-key km [(meta control f)] 'scilab-forward-sexp)
>     (define-key km [(meta control h)] 'scilab-mark-defun)
>     (define-key km [(meta up)] 'scilab-beginning-of-prev-defun)
>     (define-key km [(meta down)] 'scilab-beginning-of-next-defun)
>     (define-key km [(control up)] 'scilab-beginning-of-defun)
>     (define-key km [(control n)] 'scilab-function-goto-line)
>     (define-key km [(control down)] 'scilab-end-of-defun)
>     (if running-xemacs
> 	(define-key km [(control meta button1)] 'scilab-find-file-click)
>       (define-key km [(control meta mouse-2)] 'scilab-find-file-click))
>     (substitute-key-definition 'comment-region 'scilab-comment-region
> 			       km) ; global-map ;torkel
>     km)
>   "The keymap used in `scilab-mode'.")

> ;;; Font locking keywords =====================================================
> (defvar scilab-string-start-regexp "\\(^\\|[^]})a-zA-Z0-9_.']\\)"
>   "Regexp used to represent the character before the string char '.
> The ' character has restrictions on what starts a string which is needed
> when attempting to understand the current context.")
> ;; To quote a quote, put two in a row, thus we need an anchored
> ;; first quote.  In addition, we don't want to color strings in comments.
> (defvar scilab-string-end-regexp "[^'\"\n]*\\(['\"]['\"][^'\"\n]*\\)*['\"]"
>   "Regexp used to represent the character pattern for ending a string.
> The ' character can be used as a transpose, and can transpose transposes.
> Therefore, to end, we must check all that goop.")
> (defun scilab-font-lock-string-match-normal (limit)
>   "When font locking strings, call this function for normal strings.
> Argument LIMIT is the maximum distance to scan."
>   (scilab-font-lock-string-match-here
>    (concat scilab-string-start-regexp
> 	   "\\(['\"]" scilab-string-end-regexp "\\)"
> 	   "\\([^'\"]\\|$\\)")
>    limit))
> (defun scilab-font-lock-string-match-unterminated (limit)
>   "When font locking strings, call this function for normal strings.
> Argument LIMIT is the maximum distance to scan."
>   (scilab-font-lock-string-match-here
>    (concat scilab-string-start-regexp "\\(['\"][^'\"\n]*\\(['\"]['\"][^'\"\n]*\\)*\\)$")
>    limit))
> (defun scilab-font-lock-string-match-here (regex limit)
>   "When font-locking strings, call this function to determine a match.
> Argument REGEX is the expression to scan for.  Match 2 must be the string.
> Argument LIMIT is the maximum distance to scan."
>   (let (e)
>     (while (and (re-search-forward regex limit t)
> 		(progn
> 		  ;; This gets us out of a comment after the string.
> 		  (setq e (match-end 2))
> 		  (goto-char (match-beginning 2))
> 		  (prog1
> 		      (or (scilab-cursor-in-comment)
> 			  (if (bolp) nil
> 			    (save-excursion
> 			      (forward-char -1)
> 			      (scilab-cursor-in-string))))
> 		    (goto-char e))))
>       (setq e nil))
>     (if (not e)
> 	nil
>       (goto-char e)
>       t)))
> (defun scilab-font-lock-comment-match (limit)
>   "When font-locking comments, call this function to determine a match.
> Argument LIMIT is the maximum distance to scan."
>   (let (e)
>    (while (and (re-search-forward "\\(//[^\n]*\\)" limit t)
> 		(progn
> 		  (setq e (match-end 1))
> 		  (member (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'face)
> 			  '(scilab-string-face
> 			    scilab-unterminated-string-face))))
>       (setq e nil))
>     (if (not e)
> 	nil
>       (goto-char e)
>       t)))
> ;;font-lock-solo-keywords
> (defvar scilab-font-lock-solo-keywords 
>    (list 
>    '("\\<\\(break\\|case\\|e\\(lse\\(\\|if\\)\\|ndfunction\\)\
> \\|for\\|global\\|clear\\|clearglobal\\|if\\|return\\|while\\|pause\\|function\\|select\\|then\\|quit\\|exit\\|stop\\|abort\\|do\\|resume\\|help\\)\\>"
>      (0 scilab-keyword-face)))
> "Font lock of keywords that appear on a line by themselves."
> )
> ;; font-lock keywords
> (defcustom scilab-builtin-list
> ;;; From the file $SCI/routines/default/fundef
>   '("%i_abs" "%i_cumsum" "%i_diag" "%i_matrix" "%i_max" "%i_maxi" "%i_min" 
> "%i_mini" "%i_p" "%i_sum" "%i_tril" "%i_triu" "%msp_full" "%msp_spget" 
> "CreateLink" "DestroyLink" "ExecAppli" "GetMsg" "Matplot" "NumTokens" 
> "SendMsg" "WaitMsg" "abs" "addf" "addinter" "addmenu" "amell" "apropos" 
> "argn" "arl2_ius" "ascii" "atan" "balanc" "bdiag" "besseli" "besselj" 
> "besselk" "bessely" "bezout" "bfinit" "blkfc1i" "blkslvi" "bool2s" "bvode" 
> "c2dex" "c_link" "calerf" "call" "cdfbet" "cdfbin" "cdfchi" "cdfchn" "cdff"
> "cdffnc" "cdfgam" "cdfnbn" "cdfnor" "cdfpoi" "cdft" "ceil" "champ" "champ1" 
> "chdir" "chol" "clc" "clean" "clear" "clearfun" "clearglobal" "code2str"
> "coeff" "comp" "cond" "conj" "contour" "contour2d" "contour2di" "contr"
> "convstr" "corr" "cos" "cumprod" "cumsum" "curblock" "dasrt" "dassl" 
> "debug" "deff" "definedfields" "degree" "delbpt" "delip" "delmenu" "det" 
> "diag" "diary" "disp" "dispbpt" "dlgamma" "double" "driver" "emptystr" 
> "ereduc" "erf" "erfc" "errcatch" "errclear" "error" "exec" "execstr" 
> "exists" "exp" 
> "expm" "eye" "fadj2sp" "fec" "feval" "fft" "file" "find" "floor" "format" 
> "fort" "fprintfMat" "freq" "fscanfMat" "fsolve" "fstair" "full" "funcprot"
> "funptr" "gamma" "gammaln" "gca" "gcf" "geom3d" "getblocklabel" "getcwd" 
> "getdate"
> "getenv" "getf" "getfield" "getpid" "getscicosvars" "glist" "global" 
> "grand" "grayplot" "gschur" "gsort" "gspec" "gstacksize" "havewindow" 
> "help" "hess" "host" "iconvert" "ieee" "imag" "impl" "inpnvi" "int" "int16" 
> "int2d" "int32" "int3d" "int8" "interp" "intg" "intppty" "inttype" "inv"
> "iserror" "isglobal" "isreal" "kron" "ldiv" "ldivf" "legend" "length" "lib" 
> "lines" "link" "list" "load" "loadwave" "log" "log10" "lsslist" "lstcat" 
> "ltitr" "lu" "ludel" "lufact" "luget" "lusolve" "lyap" "m6bandred" "m6bmatch" 
> "m6busack" "m6cent" "m6chcm" "m6clique" "m6clique1" "m6compc" "m6compfc" 
> "m6concom" "m6deumesh" "m6dfs" "m6dfs2" "m6diam" "m6dijkst" "m6dmtree" 
> "m6edge2st" "m6findiso" "m6flomax" "m6floqua" "m6fordfulk" "m6frang" "m6hamil"
>  "m6hullcvex" "m6inimet" "m6johns" "m6kilter" "m6knapsk" "m6loadg" 
> "m6lp2tad" "m6lp2tau" "m6mesh2b" "m6meshmesh" "m6metasync" "m6ns2p" "m6p2ns"
> "m6pcchna" "m6permuto" "m6prevn2p" "m6prevn2st" "m6prfmatch" "m6relax" 
> "m6saveg" "m6sconcom" "m6showg" "m6showns" "m6showp" "m6ta2lpd" 
> "m6ta2lpu" "m6tconex" "m6transc" "m6umtree" "m6umtree1" "m6visitor" "macr2lst" 
> "matrix" "max" "maxi" "mclearerr" "mclose" "mean" "meof" "mfprintf" "mfscanf" 
> "mget" "mgetstr" "min" "mini" "mlist" "mode" "mopen" "mprintf" "mput" 
> "mputstr" "mscanf" "mseek" "msprintf" "msscanf" "mtell" "mtlb_mode" 
> "mtlb_sparse" "mulf" "netclose" "netwindow" "netwindows" "newfun" "nnz" "norm" 
> "ode" "odedc" "oldload" "oldsave" "ones" "optim" "ordmmd" "param3d" 
> "param3d1" "part" "pinv" "plot" "plot2d" "plot2d1" "plot2d2" "plot2d3" "plot2d4" 
> "plot3d" "plot3d1" "poly" "ppol" "pppdiv" "predef" "print" "printf" "prod" 
> "pvm_addhosts" "pvm_barrier" "pvm_bcast" "pvm_config" "pvm_delhosts" 
> "pvm_error" "pvm_exit" "pvm_get_timer" "pvm_getinst" "pvm_gettid" "pvm_gsize" 
> "pvm_halt" "pvm_joingroup" "pvm_kill" "pvm_lvgroup" "pvm_mytid" "pvm_parent" 
> "pvm_recv" "pvm_recv_var" "pvm_reduce" "pvm_send" "pvm_send_var" 
> "pvm_set_timer" "pvm_spawn" "pvm_spawn_independentIN_pvm" "pvm_start" 
> "pvm_tasks" "pvm_tidtohost" "qpqpqp" "qr" "rand" "rank" "rat" "rcond" "rdivf" 
> "read" "read4b" "readb" "readgif" "readmps" "readxbm" "real" "remez" "residu"
>  "resume" "return" "ricc" "rlist" "roots" "round" "rpem" "rref" "rtitr"
> "save" "savewave" "scf" "schur" "sci_tree2" "sci_tree3" "sci_tree4" "sciargs"
> "scicosim" "sctree" "semidef" "setbpt" "setfield" "setmenu" 
> "setscicosvars" "sfact" "sfinit" "sign" "simp" "simp_mode" "sin" "size" "sort" 
> "sparse" "spchol" "spcompack" "spec" "spget" "splin" "sprintf" "sqrt" "stacksize" 
> "stdev" "str2code" "strcat" "strindex" "string" "strsubst" "subf" "subplot" "sum" 
> "sva" "svd" "sylv" "symfcti" "syredi" "testmatrix" "timer" "tlist" "tr_zer" "tril" 
> "triu" "type" "typename" "uint16" "uint32" "uint8" "ulink" "unix" "unsetmenu"
>  "user" "var2vec" "variance" "varn" "vec2var" "what" "where" "whereis" "who" 
> "winsid" "writb" "write" "write4b" "x_choose" "x_dialog" "x_mdialog" 
> "x_message" "xarc" "xarcs" "xarrows" "xaxis" "xchange" "xchoicesi" "xclea" 
> "xclear" "xclick" "xdel" "xend" "xfarc" "xfarcs" "xfpoly" "xfpolys" 
> "xfrect" "xg2ps" "xget" "xgetech" "xgetfile" "xgetmouse" "xgraduate" "xgrid" 
> "xinfo" "xinit" "xlfont" "xload" "xname" "xnumb" "xpause" "xpoly" "xpolys"
> "xrect" "xrects" "xs2eps" "xs2fig" "xs2ps" "xsave" "xsegs" "xselect" "xset" 
> "xsetech" "xstring" "xstringl" "xtape" "xtitle" "zeros"
> ;;; from the file "$SCI/routines/fraclab/fundef.fraclab
> "FWT" "FWT2D" "IWT" "IWT2D" "Koutrouvelis" "McCulloch" "WTDwnHi" "WTDwnLo" 
> "alphagifs" "bbch" "beep" "binom" "cfg1d" "cwt" "fcfg1d" "fch1d" "fif" 
> "gifs2wave" "gifseg" "holder2d" "lepskiiap" "linearlt" "mcfg1d" "mch1d" 
> "mdfl1d" "mdzq1d" "mdzq2d" "monolr" "multim1d" "multim2d" "prescalpha" 
> "readgif" "reynitq" "sbinom" "sgifs" "sim_stable" "smultim1d" "smultim2d" 
> "stable_cov" "stable_sm" "stable_test" "wave2gifs"
> ;;; from the file $SCI/routines/tksci/fundef.tksci 
> "TK_DoOneEvent" "TK_EvalFile" "TK_EvalStr" "TK_GetVar" "TK_SetVar" "close" 
> "essai" "figure" "findobj" "gcf" "get" "getgvar" "opentk" "set" "setgvar" 
> "uicontrol" "uimenu")
>   "List of Scilab Builtin functions. Not so elegant, but stable. It is taken
> from 3  files: $SCI/routines/default/fundef and  $SCI/routines/default/fundef
> This list admits further extensions"
>   :group 'scilab-shell
>   :type '(repeat (string :tag "Name: "))
> )
> (defcustom scilab-user-keywords-list
> '("demos" "info" "help" "doc" "apropos" "what" "whos" "end" "cd" "end" "clear" "load" "save" "getf" "getd" "make" "whereis" "whereami" "where" "break" "pause" "resume " "quit" "exit" "stop" "abort" "do" "xset" "xget" "deff")
> "List of words a user wants to higlight as keywords" 
>   :group 'scilab-shell
>   :type '(repeat (string :tag "Name: ")
> ))
> (defvar scilab-path-type-regexp "[\'\" ]?[~/.$]/*[a-zA-Z0-9_./%$-]*"
> "Regexp describing possible path string when we are working with disk. Should
> ;be changed for MSDOS"
> )
> (defun scilab-make-regexp-from-builtin ()
> "Make regexp from builtin list of strings"
> (concat "\\<\\(" (mapconcat 'regexp-quote scilab-builtin-list "\\|") 
> 	"\\)\\>")
> ) 
> (defcustom scilab-libfunc-list-path (if (getenv "SCILIBFUNC") (getenv "SCILIBFUNC") (concat (if (getenv "SCIHOME") (getenv "SCIHOME") (getenv "HOME")) "/libfunc"))
>   "*The path to the file where all library functions are listed. Need for efficient completion mechanism. You don't have to build this file, it will be done automatically"
>   :group 'scilab
>   :group 'scilab-setup
>   :type 'string)
> (defun scilab-make-regexp-from-libfunc ()
> "Make regexp from libfunc file"
> (if (not (file-exists-p scilab-libfunc-list-path))
>    "\\<\\(genlib\\)\\>" 
>    (let ((currbuf (current-buffer)) (buff nil) (lst nil))
>    (find-file scilab-libfunc-list-path)
>    (setq buff (current-buffer))
>    (setq lst  (split-string (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
>    (kill-buffer buff)
>    (switch-to-buffer currbuf)
>    (concat "\\<\\(" (mapconcat 'regexp-quote lst "\\|") 
> 	   "\\)\\(\\s-*[()=\n,;~]"
>            "\\|\\s-+" scilab-valid-variable-name
>            "\\|\\s-+" scilab-path-type-regexp "\\)")
> )
> ) 
> )
> (defvar scilab-font-lock-keywords
>   (list
>    ;; String quote chars are also used as transpose, but only if directly
>    ;; after characters, numbers, underscores, or closing delimiters.
>    '(scilab-font-lock-string-match-normal 2 scilab-string-face)
>    ;; A string with no termination is not currently highlighted.
>    ;; This will show that the string needs some attention.
>    '(scilab-font-lock-string-match-unterminated
>      2 scilab-unterminated-string-face)
>    ;; Comments must occur after the string, that way we can check to see
>    ;; if the comment start char has occurred inside our string. (EL)
>    '(scilab-font-lock-comment-match 1 scilab-comment-face)
> ;   ;; General keywords
> ;   '("\\<\\(break\\|ca\\(se\\|tch\\)\\|e\\(lse\\(\\|if\\)\\|ndfunction\\)\
> ;\\|for\\|global\\|if\\|return\\|while\\|pause\\|function\\|select\\|then\\|quit\\|exit\\|stop\\|abort\\|do\\|resume\\)\\>"
> ;     (0 scilab-keyword-face))
>    ;; The end keyword is only a keyword when not used as an array
>    ;; dereferencing part.
>    '("\\(^\\|[;,]\\)[ \t]*\\(end\\)\\b"
>      2 (if (scilab-valid-end-construct-p) scilab-keyword-face nil))
>    ;; The global keyword defines some variables.  Mark them.
>    '("^\\s-*global\\s-+"
>      ("\\(\\w+\\)\\(\\s-*=[^,; \t\n]+\\|[, \t;]+\\|$\\)"
>       nil nil (1 scilab-variable-name-face)))
>    '("\\<\\(ax\\(es\\|is\\)\\|figure\\|get\\|image\\|li\\(ght\\|ne\\)\\|\
> patch\\|s\\(et\\(\\|color\\|font\\)\\|urface\\)\\|text\\|\
> ui\\(cont\\(ext\\(\\|menu\\)\\|rol\\)\\|menu\\|\
> \\(toggle\\|push\\)tool\\|toolbar\\)\\)\\>"
>      (0 scilab-type-face))
> ;;;punctuation
>    '("[],.;:[)(^~=-]"  0 scilab-type-face)
>    )
>   "Expressions to highlight in Scilab mode.")
> (defvar scilab-gaudy-font-lock-keywords
>   (append
>    scilab-font-lock-keywords
>    scilab-font-lock-solo-keywords
>    (list
>     ;; defining a function, a (possibly empty) list of assigned variables,
>     ;; function name, and an optional (possibly empty) list of input variables
>     (list (concat "^\\s-*\\(function\\)\\>[ \t\n.]*"
> 		  "\\(\\[[^]=()]*\\]\\|" scilab-valid-variable-name "\\)"
>                   "[ \t\n.]*"
> 		  "=[ \t\n.]*\\("
>                   scilab-valid-variable-name
>                   "\\)[ \t\n.]*"
> 		  "(?\\("
>                   "[^)]*"
>                   "\\))?"
>                   "\\s-*[,;\n//]")
> 	  '(1 scilab-keyword-face append)
> 	  '(2 scilab-variable-name-face append)
> 	  '(3 scilab-function-name-face append)
> 	  '(4 scilab-variable-name-face append)
> )
>     ;; defining a function, a function name without output
>       (list (concat "^\\s-*\\(function\\)[ \t\n.]+\\("
>                    scilab-valid-variable-name
>                    "\\)[ \t\n.]*"
>   		   "\\(([^)]*)\\)")
>   	  '(1 scilab-keyword-face append)
>   	  '(2 scilab-function-name-face append)
>   	  '(3 scilab-variable-name-face append)
>        )
>   ;; Pathalogy: only function name
>       (list (concat "^\\s-*\\(function\\)[ \t\n.]+\\("
>                    scilab-valid-variable-name "\\)")
>   	  '(1 scilab-keyword-face append)
>   	  '(2 scilab-function-name-face append)
>        )
>     '("\\<\\(for\\)\\s-+\\(\\sw+\\)\\s-*=\\s-*\
> \\(\\([^\n,;//(]+\\|([^\n//)]+)\\)+\\)"
>       (1 scilab-keyword-face)
>       (2 scilab-variable-name-face append)
>       (3 scilab-constant-face append))
>     ;; Items after a select statements are cool
>     '("\\<\\(case\\|select\\)\\s-+\\({[^}\n]+}\\|[^,//\n]+\\)"
>       (1 scilab-keyword-face) (2 scilab-constant-face))
>     ;; How about a few scilab constants such as pi, infinity, and sqrt(-1)?
>     ;; The ^>> is in case I use this in an interactive mode someday
>     '("\\<\\(%eps\\|%[a-z]_[a-z]\\|%[a-z]_[a-z]_[a-z]\\|%[a-z]\\|%[A-Z]\\|%pi\\|%inf\\|Inf\\|%Inf\\|NaN\\|%nan\\|Nan\\|%Nan\\|ans\\|%i\\|%n\\|%tab\\|\\^>>\\)\\>"
>       (1 scilab-constant-face))
>     ;; Define these as variables since this is about as close
>     ;; as scilab gets to variables
> ;;;    (list (concat "\\<" scilab-indent-past-arg1-functions "\\s-*")
> ;;;	  '("(\\s-*\\(\\w+\\)\\s-*\\(,\\|)\\)" nil nil
> ;;;	    (1 scilab-variable-name-face)))
> ;;; I want to see fields of tlist  highlighted
>    (list (concat scilab-valid-variable-name "\\.\\(" scilab-valid-variable-name "\\)")
>  '(1 scilab-tlist-field-face append))
>     ))
>   "Expressions to highlight in Scilab mode.")
> (if scilab-highlight-builtin
>   (setq scilab-gaudy-font-lock-keywords
> 	(append
> 	 scilab-gaudy-font-lock-keywords
> 	 (list (list (scilab-make-regexp-from-builtin) '(1 scilab-builtin-face append))))))
> (if scilab-highlight-macros
>   (setq scilab-gaudy-font-lock-keywords
> 	(append
> 	 scilab-gaudy-font-lock-keywords
> 	 (list (list (scilab-make-regexp-from-libfunc) '(1 scilab-macros-face append))))))
> (defvar scilab-really-gaudy-font-lock-keywords
>   (append
>    scilab-gaudy-font-lock-keywords
>    (list
>     ;; Since it's a math language, how bout dem symbols?
>     '("\\([<>~]=?\\|\\.[*^']\\|=+\\|\\<xor\\>\\|[-!^&|*+\\/~:]\\)"
>       1 scilab-type-face)
>     ;; How about references in the HELP text.
>     (list (concat "^" scilab-comment-line-s "\\s-*"
> 		  "\\(\\([A-Z]+\\s-*=\\s-+\\|\\[[^]]+]\\s-*=\\s-+\\|\\)"
> 		  "\\([A-Z][0-9A-Z]+\\)\\(([^)\n]+)\\| \\)\\)")
> 	  '(1 scilab-constant-face prepend))
>     (list (concat "^" scilab-comment-line-s "\\s-*"
> 		  "SEE ALSO\\s-+")
> 	  '("\\([A-Z][A-Z0-9]+\\)\\([,.]\\| and\\|$\\) *" nil nil
> 	    (1 scilab-constant-face prepend)))
>     (list (concat "//\\s-*"
> 		  "\\(\\$Revision: 1.32 $]+\\$\\)")
> 	  '(1 scilab-constant-face prepend))
>     ;; continuation ellipsis.
>     '("[^.]\\(\\.\\.\\.*\\)\\([^\n]*\\)" 1 scilab-keyword-face)
> ;      (2 scilab-comment-face))
>     ;; How about debugging statements?
>     ;;'("\\<\\(db\\sw+\\)\\>" 1 'bold)
>     ;;(make-regexp '("dbstop" "dbclear" "dbcont" "dbdown" "dbmex"
>     ;;		   "dbstack" "dbstatus" "dbstep" "dbtype" "dbup" "dbquit"))
> ;;    '("\\<\\(db\\(c\\(lear\\|ont\\)\\|down\\|mex\\|quit\\|
> ;;st\\(a\\(ck\\|tus\\)\\|ep\\|op\\)\\|type\\|up\\)\\)\\>" (0 'bold)))
>     '("\\<\\(\\(set\\|del\\|disp\\)bpt\\)\\>" (0 'bold)))
>    (if scilab-handle-scicos
>        ;; Scicos functions,  a scicos user has to edit this.
>        (list (list (concat "\\<\\(\\([sg]et_param\\|sim\\([gs]et\\)?\\|"
> 			   "\\(mld\\|ss\\)[A-Z]\\w+\\)\\|"
> 			   "\\(new\\|open\\|close\\|save\\|find\\)_system\\|"
> 			   "\\(add\\|delete\\|replace\\)_\\(block\\)\\|"
> 			   "scicos\\|bd\\(root\\|close\\)"
> 			   "\\)\\>")
> 		   '(1 scilab-scicos-keyword-face)))
>      nil))
>   "Expressions to highlight in Scilab mode.")
> (defvar scilab-shell-font-lock-keywords
>   (list
>    ;; How about Errors?
>    '("\\(!--error\\)\\s-+\\([^\n]+\n\\)\\(.+\n\\)" (1 scilab-warning-face t)(2 scilab-warning-face t) (3 scilab-warning-face t))
>    ;; and line numbers
>    '("^\\(at line\\)\\s-+\\([0-9]+\\)" (1 scilab-warning-face) (2 scilab-warning-face))
>    ;; Warnings
>    '("\\(Warning:?\\|Warnings:?\\|WARNING:?\\|WARNINGS:?\\)" 1 scilab-warning-face prepend) 
>  '("\\(Error:?\\|Errors:?\\|ERROR:?\\|ERRORS:?\\)" 1 scilab-warning-face prepend) 
>    ;; User beep things
>    '("\\(\\?\\?\\?[^\n]+\\)" 1 scilab-warning-face)
>    ;; Useful user commands, but not useful programming constructs
>    (list (concat "\\<\\(" (regexp-opt scilab-user-keywords-list) "\\)\\>")
>      '(1 scilab-keyword-face))
>    ;; Various notices
>    '("S C I L A B (R)" 0 'underline)
>    '("SCILAB (R)" 0 'underline)
>    '("S c i l a b" 0 scilab-function-name-face) 
>    '("All Rights Reserved" 0 'italic)
>    '("\\((c)\\s-+Copyright[^\n]+\\)" 1 scilab-comment-face t)
>    '("\\(Copyright (C)\\)\\s-+\\([^\n]+\\)" (1 scilab-function-name-face t) (2 scilab-variable-name-face t))
>    '("\\(Version\\)\\s-+\\([^\n]+\\)"
>      (1 scilab-function-name-face t) (2 scilab-variable-name-face t))
>    '("\\(scilab-\\)\\([1-9]\\.?[0-9]?\\.?[0-9]?\\)"
>      (1 scilab-comment-face t) (2 scilab-variable-name-face t))
>    )
>   "Additional keywords used by Scilab when reporting errors in interactive\
> mode and displays varios messages.")
> ;; hilit19 patterns
> (defvar scilab-hilit19-patterns
>   '(
>     ("\\(^\\|[^//]\\)\\(//[ \t].*\\|//\\)$" 2 comment)
>     ("\\(^\\|[;,]\\)[ \t]*\\(\
> function\\|global\\|for\\|while\\|if\\|elseif\\|else\\|end\\(function\\)?\
> \\|return\\|select\\|case\\|then\\|quit\\|exit\\|stop\\|abort\\|resume\\|break\\|do\\)\\b" 2 keyword)))
> (defvar scilab-imenu-generic-expression
>   '((nil "^\\s-*function\\>[ \t\n.]*\\(\\(\\[[^]]*\\]\\|\\sw+\\)[ \t\n.]*\
> =\[ \t\n.]*\\)?\\(%?[a-zA-Z0-9#_]+\\)"
> 	 3))
>   "Expressions which find function headings in Scilab sci files.")
> (defvar  scilab-contline-regexp "\\(\\.\\.+[ \t.]*\n\\)"
>   "Regexp used to perform continuation on code lines.
> It may be .. ... .. ... etc \n.")
> ;; May be excess, but ...
> (defvar  scilab-output-function-regexp "\\(\\(\\[[^]]*\\]\\|\\sw+\\)[ \t]*=[ \t]*\\)"
> "Regexp used to perform output of function like []= or foo= or nothing"
> )
> (defvar scilab-function-head-regexp (concat
>  "^\\s-*function\\>[ \t\n.]*"
>   scilab-output-function-regexp "?"
>   "[ \t\n.]*"
>   "\\(%?[a-zA-Z0-9#_]+\\)"
> )
>   "Regular Expression for function head  in  sci files.")	 
> ;;; Scilab mode entry point ==================================================
> ;;;###autoload
> (defun scilab-mode ()
>   "Scilab-mode is a major mode for editing SCILAB dot-sci files.
> \\<scilab-mode-map>
> Convenient editing commands are:
>  \\[scilab-comment-region]   - Comment  out a region of code.
>  \\[scilab-hungry-delete-forward]  - Delete one non blank, or all blanks, starting from point.
>  \\[scilab-uncomment-region]   - Comment  out a region of code.
>  \\[scilab-fill-comment-line] - Fill the current comment line.
>  \\[scilab-fill-region] - Fill code and comments in region.
>  \\[scilab-fill-paragraph]     - Refill the current command or comment.
>  \\[scilab-complete-symbol]   - Symbol completion of scilab symbols\
>  \\[scilab-indent-defun]   -	 Indent correspondently all lines in the current function body in `scilab-mode'
> Convenient navigation commands are:
>  \\[scilab-beginning-of-command]   - Move to the beginning of a command.
>  \\[scilab-end-of-command]   - Move to the end of a command.
>  \\[scilab-beginning-of-defun] - Move to the beginning of the current function.
>  \\[scilab-beginning-of-next-defun] - Move to the beginning of the next function.
> \\[scilab-get-number-line-in-function]-Gets number line of the current function \\[scilab-beginning-of-prev-defun] - Move to the beginning of the previous function.
>  \\[scilab-function-goto-line] - Move to the N-th line  of the current\
>  function.
>  \\[scilab-end-of-defun] - Move do the end of thecurrent function.
>  \\[scilab-forward-sexp] - Move forward over a syntactic block of code.
>  \\[scilab-backward-sexp] - Move backwards over a syntactic block of code.
> Convenient template insertion commands:
>  \\[tempo-template-scilab-function] - Insert a function definition.
>  \\[tempo-template-scilab-if] - Insert an IF END block.
>  \\[tempo-template-scilab-for] - Insert a FOR END block.
>  \\[tempo-template-scilab-select] - Insert a SELECT END statement.
>  \\[scilab-insert-next-case] - Insert the next CASE condition in a SELECT.
>  \\[scilab-insert-end-block] - Insert a matched END statement.  With \
> optional ARG, reindent.
>  \\[scilab-stringify-region] - Convert some plaintext into a string \
> with correctly quoted chars.
> Variables:
>   `scilab-indent-level'		Level to indent blocks.
>   `scilab-cont-level'		Level to indent continuation lines.
>   `scilab-case-level'		Level to unindent case statements.
> ;;  `scilab-indent-past-arg1-functions'
> ;;                                Regexp of functions to indent past the first
> ;;                                  argument on continuation lines.
>   `scilab-maximum-indents'      List of maximum indents during lineups.
>   `scilab-comment-column'       Goal column for on-line comments.
>   `fill-column'			Column used in auto-fill.
>   `scilab-indent-function'	If non-nil, indents body of SCILAB functions.
>   `scilab-return-function'	Customize RET handling with this function
>   `scilab-auto-fill'            Non-nil, do auto-fill at startup
>   `scilab-fill-code'            Non-nil, auto-fill code.
>   `scilab-fill-strings'         Non-nil, auto-fill strings.
>   `scilab-verify-on-save-flag'  Non-nil, enable code checks on save
>   `scilab-highlight-block-match-flag'
>                                 Enable matching block begin/end keywords
>   `scilab-vers-on-startup'	If t, show version on start-up.
>   `scilab-handle-scicos'      If t, enable scicos keyword highlighting.
> All Key Bindings:
> \\{scilab-mode-map}"
>   (interactive)
>   (kill-all-local-variables)
>   (use-local-map scilab-mode-map)
>   (setq major-mode 'scilab-mode)
>   (setq mode-name "Scilab")
>   (setq local-abbrev-table scilab-mode-abbrev-table)
>   (set-syntax-table scilab-mode-syntax-table)
>   (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
>   (setq indent-line-function 'scilab-indent-line)
>   (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
>   (setq paragraph-start (concat "^$\\|" page-delimiter))
>   (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate)
>   (setq paragraph-separate paragraph-start)
>   (make-local-variable 'paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix)
>   (setq paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix t)
>   (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip)
>   (setq comment-start-skip "//\\s-*")
>   (make-local-variable 'comment-start)
>   (setq comment-start "//")
>   (make-local-variable 'comment-column)
>   (setq comment-column scilab-comment-column)
>   (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-function)
>   (setq comment-indent-function 'scilab-comment-indent)
>   (make-local-variable 'fill-column)
>   (setq fill-column default-fill-column)
>   (make-local-variable 'auto-fill-function)
>   (make-local-variable 'which-func-format)
>   (setq which-func-format scilab-which-func-format)
>   ;; These stuffs still do not work
>   ;;  (make-local-variable 'mode-line-format)
>   ;;  (setq mode-line-format scilab-mode-line-format)
>   ;; (make-local-variable 'which-function)
>   ;;  (setq which-function 'scilab-whereami)
>   ;;  (make-local-variable 'which-func-update)
>   ;;  (setq which-func-update 'scilab-which-func-update)
>   (if scilab-auto-fill (setq auto-fill-function 'scilab-auto-fill))
>   ;; Emacs 20 supports this variable.  This lets users turn auto-fill
>   ;; on and off and still get the right fill function.
>   (make-local-variable 'normal-auto-fill-function)
>   (setq normal-auto-fill-function 'scilab-auto-fill)
>   (make-local-variable 'fill-prefix)
>   (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression)
>   (setq imenu-generic-expression scilab-imenu-generic-expression)
>   ;; Save hook for verifying src.  This lets us change the name of
>   ;; the function in `write-file' and have the change be saved.
>   ;; It also lets us fix mistakes before a `save-and-getf-or-run'.
>   (make-local-variable 'write-contents-hooks)
>   (add-hook 'write-contents-hooks 'scilab-mode-verify-fix-file-fn)
>   ;; Tempo tags
>   (make-local-variable 'tempo-local-tags)
>   (setq tempo-local-tags (append scilab-tempo-tags tempo-local-tags))
>   ;; give each file it's own parameter history
>   (make-local-variable 'scilab-shell-save-and-go-history)
>   (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
>   (setq font-lock-defaults '((scilab-font-lock-keywords
> 					;                              scilab-font-lock-solo-keywords
> 					;			      scilab-gaudy-font-lock-keywords
> 			      scilab-really-gaudy-font-lock-keywords
> 			      )
> 			     t		; do not do string/comment highlighting
> 			     nil	; keywords are case sensitive.
> 			     ;; This puts _ as a word constituent,
> 			     ;; simplifying our keywords significantly
> 			     ((?_ . "w"))))
>   (scilab-enable-block-highlighting 1)
> 					;  (make-local-variable 'getf-exec)
> 					;  (setq getf-exec nil)
>   (if window-system (scilab-frame-init))
> 					;  (gud-make-debug-menu)
>   (run-hooks 'scilab-mode-hook)
>   (if (and (boundp 'font-lock-mode) (fboundp 'font-lock-mode))
>       (if scilab-font-lock-mode 
> 	  (turn-on-font-lock)  
>         (font-lock-mode -1)))
>   (if scilab-vers-on-startup (scilab-show-version))
>   (if scilab-launch-automatically
>       (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
> 	(progn   
> 	  (split-window-vertically) 
> 	  (scilab-shell)
> 	  (set-buffer buf)))))

> ;;; Utilities =================================================================
> (defun scilab-show-version ()
>   "Show the versions number in the minibuffer."
>   (interactive)
>   (if (not scilab-mode-all-versions)
>       (message "scilab-mode, version %s" scilab-mode-version)
>       (message "%s" scilab-mode-all-versions)
> )
> )
> (defun scilab-find-prev-line ()
>   "Recurse backwards until a code line is found."
>   (if (= -1 (forward-line -1)) nil
>     (if (or (scilab-ltype-empty)
> 	    (scilab-ltype-comm-ignore))
> 	(scilab-find-prev-line) t)))
> (defun scilab-prev-line ()
>   "Go to the previous line of code.  Return nil if not found."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((old-point (point)))
>     (if (scilab-find-prev-line) t (goto-char old-point) nil)))
> (defun scilab-uniquafy-list (lst)
>   "Return a list that is a subset of LST where all elements are unique."
>   (let ((nlst nil))
>     (while lst
>       (if (and (car lst) (not (member (car lst) nlst)))
> 	  (setq nlst (cons (car lst) nlst)))
>       (setq lst (cdr lst)))
>     (nreverse nlst)))
> ; Aki Vehtari <Aki.Vehtari at hut.fi> recommends this: (19.29 required)
> ;(require 'backquote)
> ;(defmacro scilab-navigation-syntax (&rest body)
> ;  "Evaluate BODY with the scilab-mode-special-syntax-table"
> ;  '(let	((oldsyntax (syntax-table)))
> ;    (unwind-protect
> ;	(progn
> ;	  (set-syntax-table scilab-mode-special-syntax-table)
> ;	   , at body)
> ;      (set-syntax-table oldsyntax))))
> (defmacro scilab-navigation-syntax (&rest forms)
>   "Set the current environment for syntax-navigation and execute FORMS."
>   (list 'let '((oldsyntax (syntax-table))
> 	       (case-fold-search nil))
> 	 (list 'unwind-protect
> 		(list 'progn
> 		       '(set-syntax-table scilab-mode-special-syntax-table)
> 			(cons 'progn forms))
> 		'(set-syntax-table oldsyntax))))
> (put 'scilab-navigation-syntax 'lisp-indent-function 0)
> (add-hook 'edebug-setup-hook
> 	  (lambda ()
> 	    (def-edebug-spec scilab-navigation-syntax def-body)))
> (defun scilab-up-list (count &optional restrict)
>   "Move forwards or backwards up a list by COUNT.
> Optional argument RESTRICT is where to restrict the search."
>   ;; Scilab syntax table has no disabling strings or comments.
>   (let ((dir (if (> 0 count) -1 +1))
> 	(origin (point))
> 	(ms nil))
>     ;; Make count positive
>     (setq count (* count dir))
>     (if (= dir -1)
> 	(while (/= count 0)
> 	  ;; Search till we find an unstrung paren object.
> 	  (setq ms (re-search-backward "\\s(\\|\\s)" restrict t))
> 	  (while (and (save-match-data (scilab-cursor-in-string-or-comment))
> 		      (setq ms (re-search-backward "\\s(\\|\\s)" restrict t))))
> 	  (if (not ms)
> 	      (progn
> 		(goto-char origin)
> 		(error "Scan Error: List missmatch")))
> 	  ;; View it's match.
> 	  (let ((s (match-string 0)))
> 	    (if (string-match "\\s(" s)
> 		(setq count (1- count))
> 	      (setq count (1+ count)))))
>       (error "Not implemented"))
>     ms))
> (defun scilab-valid-end-construct-p ()
>   "Return non-nil if the end after point terminates a block.
> Return nil if it is being used to dereference an array."
>   (let ((p (point))
> 	(err1 t))
>     (condition-case nil
> 	(save-restriction
> 	  ;; Restrict navigation only to the current command line
> 	  (save-excursion
> 	    (scilab-beginning-of-command)
> 	    (narrow-to-region (point)
> 			      (progn ;;(scilab-end-of-command (point))
> 				(end-of-line)
> 				     (if (> p (point))
> 					 (progn
> 					   (setq err1 nil)
> 					   (error)))
> 				     (point))))
> 	  (save-excursion
> 	    ;; beginning of param list
> 	    (scilab-up-list -1)
> 	    ;; backup over the parens.  If that fails
> 	    (condition-case nil
> 		(progn
> 		  (forward-sexp 1)
> 		  ;; If we get here, the END is inside parens, which is not a
> 		  ;; valid location for the END keyword.  As such it is being
> 		  ;; used to dereference array parameters
> 		  nil)
> 	      ;; This error means that we have an unterminated paren
> 	      ;; block, so this end is currently invalid.
> 	      (error nil))))
>       ;; an error means the list navigation failed, which also means we are
>       ;; at the top-level
>       (error err1))))

> ;;; Regexps for SCILAB language ===============================================
> ;; "-pre" means "partial regular expression"
> ;; "-if" and "-no-if" means "[no] Indent Function"
> (defconst scilab-defun-regex "^\\s-*function\\>"
>   "Regular expression defining the beginning of a Scilab function.")
> (defconst scilab-endfun-regex "^\\s-*endfunction\\>"
>   "Regular expression defining (not mandatory) end of a Scilab function.")
> (defconst scilab-block-beg-pre-if "function\\|for\\|while\\|if\\|select"
>   "Keywords which mark the beginning of an indented block.
> Includes function.")
> (defconst scilab-block-beg-pre-no-if "for\\|while\\|if\\|select"
>   "Keywords which mark the beginning of an indented block.
> Excludes function.")
> (defconst scilab-not-variable-symbol "[():; ,.^'\"\n-]")
> (defun scilab-block-beg-pre ()
>   "Partial regular expression to recognize Scilab block-begin keywords."
>   (if scilab-indent-function
>       scilab-block-beg-pre-if   
>     scilab-block-beg-pre-no-if))
> (defconst scilab-block-mid-pre
>   "elseif\\|else\\|then"
>   "Partial regular expression to recognize Scilab mid-block keywords.")
> (defconst scilab-block-end-pre-if
>   "end\\|endfunction\\|function"
>   "Partial regular expression to recognize Scilab block-end keywords.")
> (defconst scilab-block-end-pre-no-if
>   "end"
>   "Partial regular expression to recognize Scilab block-end keywords.")
> (defun scilab-block-end-pre ()
>   "Partial regular expression to recognize Scilab block-end keywords."
>   (if scilab-indent-function
>       scilab-block-end-pre-if
>     scilab-block-end-pre-no-if))
> ;; Not used.
> ;;(defconst scilab-other-pre
> ;;  "function\\|return"
> ;;  "Partial regular express to recognize Scilab non-block keywords.")
> (defconst scilab-endless-blocks
> ;  "case\\|else\\|elseif"
>    "case"
>   "Keywords which initialize new blocks, but don't have explicit ends.
> Thus, they are endless.  A new case or else will end a previous
> endless block, and and end will end this block, plus any outside normal
> blocks.")
> (defun scilab-block-re ()
>   "Regular expression for keywords which begin Scilab blocks."
>   (concat "\\(^\\|[;,]\\)\\s-*\\("
>  	  (scilab-block-beg-pre) "\\|"
>   	  scilab-block-mid-pre "\\|"
>  	  (scilab-block-end-pre) "\\|"
>  	  scilab-endless-blocks "\\)\\b"))
> (defun scilab-block-scan-re ()
>   "Expression used to scan over matching pairs of begin/ends."
>   (concat "\\(^\\|[;,]\\)\\s-*\\("
>  	  (scilab-block-beg-pre) "\\|"
>  	  (scilab-block-end-pre) "\\)\\b"))
> (defun scilab-block-beg-re ()
>   "Expression used to find the beginning of a block."
>   (concat "\\(" (scilab-block-beg-pre) "\\)"))
> (defun scilab-block-mid-re ()
>   "Expression used to find block center parts (like else)."
>   (concat "\\(" scilab-block-mid-pre "\\)"))
> (defun scilab-block-end-re ()
>   "Expression used to end a block.  Usually just `end'."
>   (concat "\\(" (scilab-block-end-pre) "\\)"))
> (defun scilab-block-end-no-function-re ()
>   "Expression representing and end if functions are excluded."
>   (concat "\\<\\(" scilab-block-end-pre-no-if "\\)\\>"))
> (defun scilab-endless-blocks-re ()
>   "Expression of block starters that do not have associated ends."
>   (concat "\\(" scilab-endless-blocks "\\)"))
> (defconst scilab-cline-start-skip "[ \t]*//[ \t]*"
>   "*The regular expression for skipping comment start.")

> ;;; Lists for scilab keywords =================================================
> (defvar scilab-keywords-solo
>   '("break" "case" "else" "elseif" "end" "for" "function" "if"
>     "abort" "pause" "resume" "quit" "exit"  "return" "select" "while" "then")
>   "Keywords that appear on a line by themselves.")
> (defvar scilab-keywords-boolean
>   '("and" "or" "exist" "isempty" "isequal" "ishold" "isfinite" "isglobal"
>     "isinf"  "islogical" "isboolean ""isnan" "isprime" "isreal" "isspace"
>     "logical" "isdatelst" "isassarray" "islist" "istlist" "isufun" "isstr" "ispoly" "islib" "isfun")
>   "List of keywords that are typically used as boolean expressions.")
>  (defvar scilab-core-properties
>    '("ButtonDownFcn" "Children" "Clipping" "CreateFcn" "DeleteFcn"
>      "BusyAction" "HandleVisibility" "HitTest" "Interruptible"
>      "Parent" "Selected" "SelectionHighlight" "Tag" "Type"
>      "UIContextMenu" "UserData" "Visible")
>    "List of properties belonging to all HG objects.")
>  (defvar scilab-property-lists
>    '(
>      ("xset\\|xget".
>       ("alufunction" "background" "clipping" "colormap" "dashes" "default"
>        "font" "foreground" "fpf" "hidden3d" "line mode" "mark" "pattern" 
>        "pixmap" "thickness" "use color" "viewport" "wdim" "window" "wpos" 
>        "wresize" "wshow" "wwpc" "wpos" "lastpattern"))
>      ("text\\|title\\|xlabel\\|ylabel\\|zlabel\\|xtitle" .
>       ("Color" "EraseMode" "Editing" "Extent" "FontAngle" "FontName"
>        "FontSize" "FontUnits" "FontWeight" "HorizontalAlignment"
>        "Position" "Rotation" "String" "Units" "Interpreter"
>        "VerticalAlignment"))
>      ("uicontextmenu" . ("Callback"))
>      ("uicontrol" .
>       ("BackgroundColor" "callback" "CData" "Enable" "Extent"
>        "fontangle" "fontname" "fontsize" "fontunits" "fontweight"
>        "ForegroundColor" "HorizontalAlignment" "ListboxTop" "Max" "Min"
>        "Position" "String" "Style" "SliderStep" "TooltipString" "Units"
>        "Value"))
>      ("uimenu" .
>       ("label" "windows" "operations" "callback" "ForegroundColor"
>        "Label" "Position" "Separator"))
>      ;; Flesh this out more later.
>      )
>    "List of property lists on a per object type basis.")
> (defvar scilab-unknown-type-commands
>   "[gs]et\\|findobj\\|waitfor"
>   "Expression for commands that have unknown types.")
> (defun scilab-all-known-properties ()
>   "Return a list of all properties."
>   (let ((lst scilab-core-properties)
> 	(tl scilab-property-lists))
>     (while tl
>       (setq lst (append lst (cdr (car tl)))
> 	    tl (cdr tl)))
>     (scilab-uniquafy-list lst)))
> (defvar scilab-all-known-properties (scilab-all-known-properties)
>   "List of all the known properties.")
> (defmacro scilab-property-function ()
>   "Regexp of all builtin functions that take property lists."
>   '(let ((r scilab-unknown-type-commands)
> 	 (tl scilab-property-lists))
>      (while tl
>        (setq r (concat r "\\|" (car (car tl)))
> 	     tl (cdr tl)))
>      r))

> ;;; Navigation ===============================================================
> (defvar scilab-scan-on-screen-only nil
>   "When this is set to non-nil, then forward/backward sexp stops off screen.
> This is so the block highlighter doesn't gobble up lots of time when
> a block is not terminated.")
> (defun scilab-backward-sexp (&optional autoend noerror)
>   "Go backwards one balanced set of Scilab expressions.
> If optional AUTOEND, then pretend we are at an end.
> If optional NOERROR, then we return t on success, and nil on failure."
>   (interactive "P")
>   (scilab-navigation-syntax
>     (if (and (not autoend)
> 	     (save-excursion (backward-word 1)
> 			     (or (not
> 				  (and (looking-at
> 					(scilab-block-end-no-function-re))
> 				       (scilab-valid-end-construct-p)))
> 				 (scilab-cursor-in-string-or-comment))))
> 	;; Go backwards one simple expression
> 	(forward-sexp -1)
>       ;; otherwise go backwards recursively across balanced expressions
>       ;; backup over our end
>       (if (not autoend) (forward-word -1))
>       (let ((done nil) (start (point)) (returnme t))
> 	(while (and (not done)
> 		    (or (not scilab-scan-on-screen-only)
> 			(pos-visible-in-window-p)))
> 	  (if (re-search-backward (scilab-block-scan-re) nil t)
> 	      (progn
> 		(goto-char (match-beginning 2))
> 		(if (looking-at (scilab-block-end-no-function-re))
> 		    (if (or (scilab-cursor-in-string-or-comment)
> 			    (not (scilab-valid-end-construct-p)))
> 			nil
> 		      ;; we must skip the expression and keep searching
> 		      (forward-word 1)
> 		      (scilab-backward-sexp))
> 		  (if (not (scilab-cursor-in-string-or-comment))
> 		      (setq done t))))
> 	    (goto-char start)
> 	    (if noerror
> 		(setq returnme nil)
> 	      (error "Unstarted END construct"))))
> 	returnme))))
> (defun scilab-forward-sexp ()
>     "Go forward one balanced set of Scilab expressions."
>   (interactive)
>   (scilab-navigation-syntax
>     ;; skip over preceeding whitespace
>     (skip-chars-forward " \t\n;")
>     (if (or (not (looking-at (concat "\\("
> 				     (scilab-block-beg-pre)
> 				     "\\)\\>")))
> 	    (scilab-cursor-in-string-or-comment))
> 	;; Go forwards one simple expression
> 	(forward-sexp 1)
>       ;; otherwise go forwards recursively across balanced expressions
>       (forward-word 1)
>       (let ((done nil) (s nil)
> 	    (expr-scan (scilab-block-scan-re))
> 	    (expr-look (scilab-block-beg-pre)))
> 	(while (and (not done)
> 		    (setq s (re-search-forward expr-scan nil t))
> 		    (or (not scilab-scan-on-screen-only)
> 			(pos-visible-in-window-p)))
> 	  (goto-char (match-beginning 2))
> 	  (if (looking-at expr-look)
> 	      (if (scilab-cursor-in-string-or-comment)
> 		  (forward-word 1)
> 		;; we must skip the expression and keep searching
> 		(scilab-forward-sexp))
> 	    (forward-word 1)
> 	    (if (and (not (scilab-cursor-in-string-or-comment))
> 		     (scilab-valid-end-construct-p))
> 		(setq done t))))
> 	(if (not s) (error "Unterminated block"))))))
> (defun scilab-beginning-of-defun ()
>   "Go to the beginning of the current function. If the current pointer is between two functions then go to the beginning of the above function" 
>   (interactive)
>   (end-of-line)
>   (or (re-search-backward scilab-defun-regex nil t)
>       (goto-char (point-min))))
> (defun scilab-mark-defun ()
>   "Put mark at end of Scilab function, point at beginning. 
> The marks are pushed."
>   (interactive)
>   (push-mark (point) nil t)
>   (scilab-end-of-defun)
>   (beginning-of-line 2)
>   (push-mark (point) nil t)
>   (scilab-beginning-of-defun))
> (defun scilab-end-of-defun ()
>   "Go to the end of the current function. If the current pointer is between
> two functions go to the end of the above function"
>   (interactive)
>   (scilab-beginning-of-defun)
>   (or (progn
> 	(if (looking-at scilab-defun-regex) (goto-char (match-end 0)))
> 	(if (re-search-forward (concat "\\(" scilab-defun-regex 
>            "\\|" scilab-endfun-regex "\\)") nil t)
>         (progn
>           (beginning-of-line) 
>           (if (looking-at scilab-endfun-regex)
>            t
>            (forward-line -1))
>            (point) 
> 	   )))
>       (goto-char (point-max))))
> (defun scilab-beginning-of-prev-defun ()
>   "Go to the beginning of the previous function."
>   (interactive)
>   (scilab-beginning-of-defun)
>   (forward-line -1)
>   (scilab-beginning-of-defun) 
> )
> (defun scilab-beginning-of-next-defun ()
>   "Go to the beginning of the previous function."
>   (interactive)
>   (scilab-end-of-defun)
>   (forward-line 1)
>   (beginning-of-line)
>   (or (re-search-forward scilab-defun-regex nil t)
>       (goto-char (point-max)))
>   (beginning-of-line)
> )
> (defun scilab-function-goto-line (nline)
>   "Go to the Nth line  of the current function. If the number is more
> then the number of lines into function - go to the end of the function"
>   (interactive "NGoto the function's line: " )
>   (setq nline (prefix-numeric-value nline))
>   (scilab-end-of-defun)
>   (let ((ep (point)))
>   (scilab-beginning-of-defun)
>   (forward-line (- nline 1))
>   (if (< ep (point))
>     (goto-char ep)))
> )
> (defun scilab-beginning-of-command ()
>   "Go to the beginning of an sci command.
> Travels across continuations."
>   (interactive)
>   (beginning-of-line)
>   (let ((p nil)
> 	;; This restriction is a wild guess where to end reverse
> 	;; searching for array continuations.  The reason is that
> 	;; scilab-up-list is very slow, and most people would never
> 	;; put a blank line in a matrix.  Either way, it's worth the
> 	;; trade off to speed this up for large files.
> 	;; This list of keywords is NOT meant to be comprehensive.
> 	(r (save-excursion
> 	     (re-search-backward
> 	      "^\\s-*\\(//\\|if\\|else\\(if\\)\\|while\\|for\\|$\\)\\>"
> 	      nil t))))
>     (while (and (or (save-excursion (and (scilab-prev-line)
> 					 (scilab-lattr-cont)))
> 		    (setq p (scilab-lattr-array-cont r)))
> 		(save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (not (bobp))))
>       (if p (goto-char p) (scilab-prev-line))
>       (setq p nil))
>     (back-to-indentation)))
> (defun scilab-end-of-command (&optional beginning)
>   "Go to the end of an sci command.
> Optional BEGINNING is where the command starts from."
>   (interactive)
>   (while (and (or (scilab-lattr-cont)
> 		  (save-excursion
> 		    (forward-line 1)
> 		    (and (not (eobp))
> 			 (or (scilab-ltype-continued-comm)
> 			     (scilab-lattr-array-cont beginning)))))
> 	      ;; This hack is a short circuit.  If a user did not
> 	      ;; correctly end a matrix, this will short-circuit
> 	      ;; as soon as somethng that would never appear in a matrix
> 	      ;; becomes visible.
> 	      (not (save-excursion
> 		     (beginning-of-line)
> 		     (looking-at (scilab-block-scan-re)))))
>     (forward-line 1))
>   (end-of-line))

> ;;; Line types and attributes =================================================
> (defun scilab-ltype-empty ()		; blank line
>   "Return t if current line is empty."
>   (save-excursion
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (if (equal (buffer-name) (concat "*" scilab-shell-buffer-name "*"))
>         (looking-at (concat "^\\(" comint-prompt-regexp "\\)?[ \t]*$"))
>     (looking-at "^[ \t]*$"))))
> (defun scilab-ltype-comm ()		; comment line
>   "Return t if current line is a SCILAB comment line."
>   (save-excursion
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (looking-at "[ \t]*//.*$")))
> (defun scilab-ltype-comm-ignore ()	; comment out a region line
>   "Return t if current line is a SCILAB comment region line."
>   (save-excursion
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*" scilab-comment-region-s))))
> (defun scilab-ltype-help-comm ()
>   "Return t if the current line is part of the SCILAB help comment."
>   (save-excursion
>     (if (not (scilab-ltype-comm))
> 	nil
>       (while (and (scilab-ltype-comm) (not (bobp))
> 		  (scilab-prev-line))
> 	(beginning-of-line))
>       (scilab-ltype-function-definition))))
> (defun scilab-ltype-endfunction-comm ()
>   "Return t if the current line is an ENDFUNCTION style comment."
>   (save-excursion
>     (if (not (scilab-ltype-comm))
> 	nil
>       (beginning-of-line)
>       (if (looking-at "^[ \t]*//[ \t]*endfunction")
> 	  t
> 	(while (and (or (scilab-ltype-comm)
> 			(scilab-ltype-empty))
> 		    (not (eobp)))
> 	  (forward-line 1))
> 	(scilab-ltype-function-definition)))))
> (defun scilab-ltype-continued-comm ()
>   "Return column of previous line's comment start, or nil."
>   (save-excursion
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (if (or (not (scilab-ltype-comm)) (bobp))
> 	nil
>       ;; We use forward-line and not scilab-prev-line because
>       ;; we want blank lines to terminate this indentation method.
>       (forward-line -1)
>       (let ((col  (scilab-lattr-comm)))
> 	(if col
> 	    (progn
> 	      (goto-char col)
> 	      (current-column))
> 	  nil)))))
> (defun scilab-ltype-function-definition ()
>   "Return t if the current line is a function definition."
>   (save-excursion
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (looking-at scilab-defun-regex)))
> (defun scilab-ltype-code ()		; line of code
>   "Return t if current line is a SCILAB code line."
>   (and (not (scilab-ltype-empty)) (not (scilab-ltype-comm))))
> (defun scilab-lattr-comm ()		; line has comment
>   "Return t if current line contain a comment."
>   (save-excursion (scilab-comment-on-line)))
> (defun scilab-lattr-cont ()		; line has continuation
>   "Return non-nil if current line ends in ... and optional comment."
>   (save-excursion
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (and (re-search-forward "[^ \t.][ \t]*\\.\\.+[ \t]*\\(//.*\\)?$"
> 			    (scilab-point-at-eol) t)
> 	 (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
> 		(not (scilab-cursor-in-comment))))))
> (defun scilab-lattr-array-cont (&optional restrict)
>   "Return non-nil if current line is in an array.
> If the entirety of the array is on this line, return nil.
> Optional option RESTRICT is the distrance to restrict the search."
>   (condition-case nil
>       (save-excursion
> 	(beginning-of-line)
> 	(scilab-up-list -1 restrict)
> 	(and (looking-at "[[{]") (point)))
>     (error nil)))
> (defun scilab-lattr-array-end ()
>   "Return non-nil if the current line closes an array.
> by close, the first character is the end of an array."
>   (save-excursion
>     (back-to-indentation)
>     (and (looking-at "[]}]") (scilab-lattr-array-cont))))
> (defun scilab-lattr-block-cont (&optional eol)
>   "Return a number representing the number of unterminated block constructs.
> This is any block, such as if, or for that doesn't have an END on this line.
> Optional EOL indicates a virtual end of line."
>   (let ((v 0))
>     (save-excursion
>       (beginning-of-line)
>       (save-restriction
> 	(narrow-to-region (point) (or eol (scilab-point-at-eol)))
> 	(scilab-navigation-syntax
> 	  (while (re-search-forward (concat "\\<" (scilab-block-beg-re) "\\>")
> 				    nil t)
> 	    (if (scilab-cursor-in-string-or-comment)
> 		;; Do nothing
> 		nil
> 	      ;; Increment counter, move to end.
> 	      (setq v (1+ v))
> 	      (let ((p (point)))
> 		(forward-word -1)
> 		(condition-case nil
> 		    (progn
> 		      (scilab-forward-sexp)
> 		      (setq v (1- v)))
> 		  (error (goto-char p))))))
> 	  (if (= v 0) nil v))))))
> (defun scilab-lattr-middle-block-cont ()
>   "Return the number of middle block continuations.
> This should be 1 or nil, and only true if the line starts with one of these
> special items."
>   (save-excursion
>     (back-to-indentation)
>     (if (looking-at (concat (scilab-block-mid-re) "\\>"))
> 	1
>       nil)))
> (defun scilab-lattr-endless-block-cont ()
>   "Return the number of middle block continuations.
> This should be 1 or nil, and only true if the line starts with one of these
> special items."
>   (save-excursion
>     (back-to-indentation)
>     (if (looking-at (concat (scilab-endless-blocks-re) "\\>"))
> 	1
>       nil)))
> (defun scilab-lattr-block-close ()
>   "Return the number of closing block constructs. (not used yet)."
>   (let ((v 0))
>     (save-excursion
>       (end-of-line)
>       (save-restriction
> 	(narrow-to-region (scilab-point-at-bol) (point))
> 	(while (and (re-search-backward (scilab-block-end-re) nil t)
> 		    (scilab-valid-end-construct-p))
> 	  (setq v (1+ v))
> 	  (condition-case nil
> 	      (progn
> 		(scilab-backward-sexp t)
> 		(setq v (1- v)))
> 	    (error nil)))
> 	(if (= v 0) nil v)))))
> (defun scilab-lattr-local-end ()
>   "Return t if this line begins with an end construct."
>   (save-excursion
>     (back-to-indentation)
>     (let ((scilab-indent-function nil))
>       (and (looking-at (concat "\\<" (scilab-block-end-re) "\\>"))
> 	   (scilab-valid-end-construct-p)))))
> (defun scilab-lattr-semantics (&optional prefix)
>   "Return the semantics of the current position.
> Values are nil 'solo, 'value, and 'boolean.  Boolean is a subset of
> value.  nil means there is no semantic content (ie, string or comment.)
> If optional PREFIX, then return 'solo if that is the only thing on the
> line."
>   (let ((pref "") (str "") (pathstr nil) (yeslist t))
>     (if prefix (setq pref prefix))
>     (if (equal (buffer-name) (concat "*" scilab-shell-buffer-name "*"))
>        (setq str comint-prompt-regexp))
> ;  (if prefix (setq prefix (regexp-quote prefix)))
>     (cond ;((scilab-cursor-in-string-or-comment)
> 	 ;nil)
> 	((or (scilab-ltype-empty)
>              (member (preceding-char) '(?  ?\t ?\n ?, ?\( ?\[ ?\' ?\"))
> ;            (save-excursion
> ;            (beginning-of-line)
> ;	    (looking-at ".*[]([,)}{]$"))
>          )
>   	 nil)
> 	((save-excursion
>            (setq pathstr 
>                (buffer-substring-no-properties
>                  (save-excursion
>                  (beginning-of-line)           	   
>                  (point))
>                  (point)))       
> 	   (string-match  (concat ".*" "[\t ,([]" scilab-path-type-regexp "$") pathstr))
>         	 'disk)
> 	((and prefix (scilab-shell-active-p) (save-excursion
> 	   (beginning-of-line)
>    	   (if (not (string-match "\\(%\\(\\w\\|[$_]\\)*\\|\\(\\w\\|[$_]\\)+\\)\\.\\(\\w\\|[$_.]\\)*" prefix))
>                 nil
>                   (let* (( lst (match-string  1 prefix))
>                    (scistr (concat "type(" lst ")==16"))
>                    (res  (scilab-shell-collect-command-output scistr)))
>                   (if (string-match "T" res) t (setq yeslist nil)))
>            )
>          ))
> 	 'list)
>         ((and prefix (string-match "\\." prefix)) nil)
> 	((and prefix (save-excursion
> 			   (beginning-of-line)
> 			   (looking-at (concat "\\(" str "\\)?\\s-*" prefix "\\s-*$"))))
>   	 'solo)
> ;;;	((save-excursion
> ;	   (scilab-beginning-of-command)
> ;;;	   (beginning-of-line)
> ;;;	   (looking-at (concat "\\(" str "\\)?\\s-*\\(if\\|elseif\\|while\\|then\\)\\>")))
> ;;;	 'boolean)
> 	((save-excursion
> ;	   (scilab-beginning-of-command)
> 	   (beginning-of-line)
> 	   (looking-at (concat "\\(" str 
>                                 "\\)?\\s-*\\(" 
>                               (scilab-property-function)
> 	                       "\\)\\>")))
> 	 'property)
> 	(t
> 	 'value))))
> (defun scilab-function-called-at-point ()
>   "Return a string representing the function called nearby point."
>   (save-excursion
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (cond ((looking-at "\\s-*\\([a-zA-Z]\\w+\\)[^=][^=]")
> 	   (match-string 1))
> 	  ((and (re-search-forward "=" (scilab-point-at-eol) t)
> 		(looking-at "\\s-*\\([a-zA-Z]\\w+\\)\\s-*[^=]"))
> 	   (match-string 1))
> 	  (t nil))))
> (defun scilab-cursor-in-string-or-comment ()
>   "Return t if the cursor is in a valid Scilab comment or string."
>   ;; comment and string depend on each other.  Here is one test
>   ;; that does both.
>   (save-restriction
>     (narrow-to-region (scilab-point-at-bol) (scilab-point-at-eol))
>     (let ((p (1+ (point)))
> 	  (returnme nil)
> 	  (sregex (concat scilab-string-start-regexp "['\"]"))
>           (prechar nil)
>           (prechar2 nil))
>       (save-excursion
> 	(goto-char (point-min))
> 	(while (and (re-search-forward
> 		     (concat "['\"]\\|//\\|" (regexp-quote scilab-elipsis-string))
> 		     nil t)
> 		    (<= (point) p))
>           (setq prechar (preceding-char))
>           (backward-char 1)
>           (setq prechar2 (preceding-char))
>           (backward-char -1)
> 	  (if (or (and (= ?/ prechar) (= ?/ prechar2))
> 		  (= ?. (preceding-char)))
> 	      ;; Here we are in a comment for the rest of it.
> 	      (progn
> 		(goto-char p)
> 		(setq returnme t))
> 	    ;; Here, we could be a string start, or transpose...
> 	    (if (or (= (current-column) 1)
> 		    (save-excursion (forward-char -2)
> 				    (looking-at sregex)))
> 		;; a valid string start, find the end
> 		(let ((f (re-search-forward scilab-string-end-regexp nil t)))
> 		  (if f
> 		      (setq returnme (> (point) p))
> 		    (setq returnme t)))
> 	      ;; Ooops, a transpose, keep going.
> 	      ))))
>       returnme)))
> (defun scilab-cursor-in-comment ()
>   "Return t if the cursor is in a valid Scilab comment."
>   (save-match-data
>     (save-restriction
>       (narrow-to-region (scilab-point-at-bol) (scilab-point-at-eol))
>       (save-excursion
> 	(let ((prev-match nil))
> 	  (while (and (re-search-backward
> 		       (concat "//\\|" (regexp-quote scilab-elipsis-string) "+")
> 		       nil t)
> 		      (not (scilab-cursor-in-string)))
> 	    (setq prev-match (point)))
> 	  (if (and prev-match (scilab-cursor-in-string))
> 	      (goto-char prev-match))
> 	  (and (looking-at (concat "//\\|"
> 				   (regexp-quote scilab-elipsis-string)))
> 	       (not (scilab-cursor-in-string))))))))
> (defun scilab-cursor-in-string (&optional incomplete)
>   "Return t if the cursor is in a valid Scilab string.
> If the optional argument INCOMPLETE is non-nil, then return t if we
> are in what could be a an incomplete string."
>   (let ((m (match-data))
> 	(returnme nil))
>     (save-restriction
>       (narrow-to-region (scilab-point-at-bol) (scilab-point-at-eol))
>       (let ((p (1+ (point)))
> 	    (sregex (concat scilab-string-start-regexp "['\"]"))
> 	    (instring nil)
>             (prechar nil)
>             (prechar2 nil))
> 	(save-excursion
> 	  ;; Comment hunters need strings to not call the comment
> 	  ;; identifiers.  Thus, this routines must be savvy of comments
> 	  ;; without recursing to them.
> 	  (goto-char (point-min))
> 	  (while (or (and instring (looking-at "['\"]"))
> 		     (and (re-search-forward
> 			   (concat "['\"]\\|//\\|"
> 				   (regexp-quote scilab-elipsis-string))
> 			   nil t)
> 			  (<= (point) p)
> 			  ;; Short circuit to fix this.
> 			  (progn (setq instring nil) t)))
> 	    ;; The next line emulates re-search-foward
> 	    (if instring (goto-char (match-end 0)))
>             (setq prechar (preceding-char))
>             (backward-char 1)
>             (setq prechar2 (preceding-char))
>             (backward-char -1)
> 	    (if (or (and (= ?/ prechar) (= ?/ prechar2))
> 		  (= ?. (preceding-char)))
> 		;; Here we are in a comment for the rest of it.
> 		;; thus returnme is a force-false.
> 		(goto-char p)
> 	      ;; Here, we could be in a string start, or transpose...
> 	      (if (or (= (current-column) 1)
> 		      instring
> 		      (save-excursion (forward-char -2)
> 				      (looking-at sregex)))
> 		  ;; a valid string start, find the end
> 		  (let ((f (re-search-forward scilab-string-end-regexp nil t)))
> 		    (if (and (not f) incomplete)
> 			(setq returnme t)
> 		      (setq returnme (> (point) p))
> 		      (setq instring t)))
> 		;; Ooops, a transpose, keep going.
> 		))))))
>     (set-match-data m)
>     returnme))
> (defun scilab-comment-on-line ()
>   "Place the cursor on the beginning of a valid comment on this line.
> If there isn't one, then return nil, point otherwise."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((eol (scilab-point-at-eol))
> 	(p (point))
> 	(signal-error-on-buffer-boundary nil))
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (while (and (re-search-forward "//" eol t)
> 		(save-excursion (forward-char -2) (scilab-cursor-in-string t))))
>     (if (not (bolp)) (forward-char -2))
>     (if (looking-at "//")
> 	(point)
>       (goto-char p)
>       nil)))

> ;;; Indent functions ==========================================================
> (defun scilab-indent-line ()
>   "Indent a line in `scilab-mode'."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((i (scilab-calc-indent))
> 	(c (current-column)))
>     (save-excursion
>       (back-to-indentation)
>       (if (= i (current-column))
> 	  nil
> 	(beginning-of-line)
> 	(delete-horizontal-space)
> 	(indent-to i))
>       ;; If line contains a comment, format it.
>       (if () (if (scilab-lattr-comm) (scilab-comment))))
>     (if (<= c i) (move-to-column i))))
> (defun scilab-indent-defun ()
>   "Indent correspondently all lines in the current function body in `scilab-mode'"
>   (interactive)
>   (save-excursion 
>     (let (
> 	  (start (scilab-beginning-of-defun))
> 	  (end  (scilab-end-of-defun)))
>       (indent-region start end nil)
>       )
> ))
> (defun scilab-calc-indent ()
>   "Return the appropriate indentation for this line as an integer."
>   (interactive)
>    (if (save-excursion 
>        (beginning-of-line)
>        (looking-at "^\\s-*endfunction"))
>        (save-excursion
>            (scilab-beginning-of-defun)
>            (looking-at "\\s-*\\(function\\)")
>            (- (match-beginning 1) (point))
>            )
>       (let* ((tli (save-excursion (scilab-beginning-of-command)
> 		     	      (scilab-point-at-bol)))
> 	      (ci (save-excursion (or (scilab-prev-line)
> 				 (progn (beginning-of-line)
> 					(forward-line -1)))
> 			         (scilab-beginning-of-command)
> 			          (scilab-next-line-indentation)))
> 	       (sem (scilab-calculate-indentation (if (>= ci tli) 0 ci))))
>     ;; simplistic
>        (nth 1 sem))
>    )
> )
> (defun scilab-calculate-indentation (current-indentation)
>   "Calculate out the indentation of the current line.
> Return a list of descriptions for this line.  Return format is:
> where TYPE is one of (comment, code, function, blockstart, blockmid,
> blockendless, blockend) DEPTHNUMBER is how many characters to indent
> this line.
>   Argument CURRENT-INDENTATION is what the previous line thinks
> this line's indentation should be."
>   (let ((ci current-indentation)
> 	(tmp nil))
>     (cond
>      ;; COMMENTS
>      ((scilab-ltype-comm)
>       (cond
>        ((or (scilab-ltype-help-comm)
> 	    (scilab-ltype-comm-ignore))
> 	(list 'comment-help 0))
>        ;; COMMENT Continued From Previous Line
>        ((setq tmp (scilab-ltype-continued-comm))
> 	(list 'comment tmp))
>        ((scilab-ltype-endfunction-comm)
> 	(list 'comment-endfunction 0))
>        (t
> 	(list 'comment ci))))
>      ((scilab-ltype-function-definition)
>       (list 'function 0))
>      ;; END keyword
>      ((scilab-lattr-local-end)
>       (list 'blockend (save-excursion
> 			(beginning-of-line)
> 			(condition-case nil
> 			    (progn
> 			      (scilab-backward-sexp t)
> 			      (if (scilab-ltype-function-definition) (error ""))
> 			      (forward-word 1) ;; skip this match when counting
> 			      (+ (current-indentation)
> 				 (* (1- (scilab-lattr-block-cont (point)))
> 				    scilab-indent-level)))
> 			  (error (error "Unmatched end"))))))
>      ;; ELSE/CATCH keywords
>      ((scilab-lattr-middle-block-cont)
>       (let ((m (match-string 1)))
> 	(list 'blockmid
> 	      (condition-case nil
> 		  (save-excursion
> 		    (beginning-of-line)
> 		    (scilab-backward-sexp t)
> 		    (if (scilab-ltype-function-definition) (error ""))
> 		    (current-column))
> 		(error (error "Unmatched %s" m))))))
>      ;; CASE/OTHERWISE keywords
>      ((scilab-lattr-endless-block-cont)
>       (list 'blockendless
> 	    (condition-case nil
> 		(save-excursion
> 		  (beginning-of-line)
> 		  (scilab-backward-sexp t)
> 		  (if (not (looking-at "select\\>")) (error ""))
> 		  (+ (current-column)
> 		     (if (listp scilab-case-level)
> 			 (car scilab-case-level)
> 		       scilab-case-level)))
> 	      (error (error "Unmatched case/else part")))))
>      ;; End of a MATRIX
>      ((scilab-lattr-array-end)
>       (list 'array-end (save-excursion
> 			(back-to-indentation)
> 			(scilab-up-list -1)
> 			(let* ((fc (following-char))
> 			       (mi (assoc fc scilab-maximum-indents))
> 			       (max (if mi (if (listp (cdr mi))
> 					       (car (cdr mi)) (cdr mi))
> 				      nil))
> 			       (ind (if mi (if (listp (cdr mi))
> 					       (cdr (cdr mi)) (cdr mi))
> 				      nil)))
> 			  ;; apply the maximum limits.
> 			  (if (and ind (> (- (current-column) ci) max))
> 			      (1- ind) ; decor
> 			    (current-column))))))
>      ;; Code lines
>      ((save-excursion
> 	(beginning-of-line)
> 	(back-to-indentation)
> 	(= (point) (progn (scilab-beginning-of-command) (point))))
>       ;; This means we are at the beginning of a command structure.
>       ;; Always match up against the previous line.
>       (list 'code ci))
>      ;; Lines continued from previous statements.
>      (t
>       (list (if (scilab-ltype-empty) 'empty
> 	      (if (scilab-lattr-array-cont) 'array-cont 'code))
> 	    (condition-case nil
> 		;; Line up with opening paren/brace/bracket
> 		(let ((boc (save-excursion
> 			     (scilab-beginning-of-command)
> 			     (point))))
> 		  (save-excursion
> 		    (beginning-of-line)
> 		    (scilab-up-list -1)
> 		    (if (> boc (point)) (error nil))
> 		    ;; Ok, it MIGHT be that we are in a program
> 		    ;; statement, and this particular command is an HG
> 		    ;; statement that would look better if the
> 		    ;; following lines lined up AFTER the first
> 		    ;; argument.  Lets look.
> 		    (let ((parendepth (current-column)))
> 		      (cond 
> ; ;(
> ; ;                              (and (= (following-char) ?\( )
> ; ; 				  (save-excursion
> ; ; 				    (scilab-navigation-syntax
> ; ; 				      (forward-word -1)
> ; ; 				      (looking-at
> ; ; 				       scilab-indent-past-arg1-functions)))
> ; ; 				  (let ((start-paren (point)))
> ; ; 				    (while
> ; ; 					(and
> ; ; 					 (re-search-forward
> ; ; 					  "," (scilab-point-at-eol) t)
> ; ; 					 (save-excursion
> ; ; 					   (scilab-up-list -1)
> ; ; 					   (> (point) start-paren)))
> ; ; 				    (if (and
> ; ; 					 (= (preceding-char) ?,)
> ; ; 					 ;; Don't bother if we hit the EOL.
> ; ; 					 (not (looking-at
> ; ; 					       "\\s-*\\(\\.\\.\\.\\|$\\|)\\)")))
> ; ; 					t
> ; ; 				      (move-to-column parendepth)
> ; ; 				      nil)))
> ; ; 			     (skip-chars-forward " \t")
> ; ; 			     (if (> (- (current-column) parendepth)
> ; ; 				    scilab-arg1-max-indent-length)
> ; ; 				 (+ parendepth scilab-arg1-max-indent-length)
> ; ; 			       (current-column))))
> 			    (t
> 			     (let* ((fc (following-char))
> 				    (mi (assoc fc scilab-maximum-indents))
> 				    (max (if mi
> 					     (if (listp (cdr mi))
> 						 (car (cdr mi)) (cdr mi))
> 					   nil))
> 				    (ind (if mi
> 					     (if (listp (cdr mi))
> 						 (cdr (cdr mi)) (cdr mi))
> 					   nil)))
> 			       (forward-char 1)
> 			       (skip-chars-forward " \t")
> 			       ;; If we are at the end of a line and
> 			       ;; this open paren is there, then we
> 			       ;; DONT want to indent to it.  Use the
> 			       ;; standard indent.
> 			       (if (looking-at "\\.\\.\\.\\|$")
> 				   ;; This could happen in another set
> 				   ;; of matricies.  Find a current
> 				   ;; indentation based on the
> 				   ;; previous line.
> 				   (let ((cci (current-indentation)))
> 				     (+ cci scilab-cont-level))
> 				 ;; apply the maximum limits.
> 				 (if (and ind (> (- (current-column) ci) max))
> 				     ind
> 				   (current-column)))))))))
> 	      (error
> 	       ;; Line up to an equals sign.
> 	       (save-excursion
> 		 (scilab-beginning-of-command)
> 		 (while (and (re-search-forward "=" (scilab-point-at-eol) t)
> 			     (scilab-cursor-in-string-or-comment)))
> 		 (if (/= (preceding-char) ?=)
> 		     (+ ci scilab-cont-level)
> 		   (skip-chars-forward " \t")
> 		   (let ((cc (current-column))
> 			 (mi (assoc ?= scilab-maximum-indents)))
> 		     (if (looking-at "\\.\\.\\.\\|$")
> 			 ;; In this case, the user obviously wants the
> 			 ;; indentation to be somewhere else.
> 			 (+ ci (cdr (cdr mi)))
> 		       ;; If the indent delta is greater than the max,
> 		       ;; use the max + currenti
> 		       (if (and mi (> (- cc ci) (if (listp (cdr mi))
> 						    (car (cdr mi))
> 						  (cdr mi))))
> 			   (setq cc (+ ci (if (listp (cdr mi))
> 					      (cdr (cdr mi))
> 					    (cdr mi)))))
> 		       cc))))))))
>      )))
> (defun scilab-next-line-indentation ()
>   "Calculate the indentation for lines preceeding this command line."
>   (let ((bc (scilab-lattr-block-cont))
> 	(mc (scilab-lattr-middle-block-cont))
> 	(ec (scilab-lattr-endless-block-cont))
> 	(hc (and scilab-indent-function (scilab-ltype-help-comm))))
>     (+ (current-indentation)
>        (* scilab-indent-level (or bc 0))
>        (* scilab-indent-level (or mc 0))
>        (* (if (listp scilab-case-level)
> 	      (cdr scilab-case-level) scilab-case-level)
> 	  (or ec 0))
>        (if hc scilab-indent-level 0))))

> ;;; The return key ============================================================
> (defcustom scilab-return-function 'scilab-indent-end-before-ret
> ;;(defcustom scilab-return-function      'scilab-double-plain-ret
>   "Function to handle return key.
> Must be one of:
>     'scilab-plain-ret
>     'scilab-double-plain-ret
>     'scilab-indent-after-ret
>     'scilab-indent-end-before-ret
>     'scilab-indent-before-ret"
>   :group 'scilab
>   :type '(choice (function-item scilab-plain-ret)
>                  (function-item scilab-double-plain-ret)
> 		 (function-item scilab-indent-after-ret)
> 		 (function-item scilab-indent-end-before-ret)
> 		 (function-item scilab-indent-before-ret)))
> (defun scilab-return ()
>   "Handle carriage return in `scilab-mode'."
>   (interactive)
>   (funcall scilab-return-function))
> (defun scilab-plain-ret ()
>   "Vanilla new line."
>   (interactive)
>   (newline))
> (defun scilab-indent-after-ret ()
>   "Indent after new line."
>   (interactive)
>   (newline)
>   (if scilab-dynamical-indent
>   (scilab-indent-line)))
> (defun scilab-double-plain-ret ()
>   "Indent after new line."
>   (interactive)
>   (newline)
>   (newline))
> (defun scilab-indent-end-before-ret ()
>   "Indent line if block end, start new line, and indent again."
>   (interactive)
>   (if (save-excursion
> 	(beginning-of-line)
> 	(looking-at (concat "^\\s-*\\(" (scilab-block-end-re)
> 			    "\\|" (scilab-block-mid-re)
> 			    "\\|" (scilab-endless-blocks-re)
> 			    "\\)")))
>       (condition-case nil
> 	  (if scilab-dynamical-indent (scilab-indent-line))
> 	(error nil)))
>   (newline)
>   (if scilab-dynamical-indent
>   (scilab-indent-line)))
> (defun scilab-indent-before-ret ()
>   "Indent line, start new line, and indent again."
>   (interactive)
>   (if scilab-dynamical-indent (scilab-indent-line))
>   (newline)
>   (if scilab-dynamical-indent (scilab-indent-line)))
> (defun scilab-linefeed ()
>   "Handle line feed in `scilab-mode'.
> Has effect of `scilab-return' with (not scilab-indent-before-return)."
>   (interactive)
>   (scilab-indent-line)
>   (newline)
>   (scilab-indent-line))
> (defun scilab-comment-return ()
>   "Handle carriage return for Scilab comment line."
>   (interactive)
>   (cond
>    ((scilab-ltype-comm)
>     (scilab-set-comm-fill-prefix) (newline) (if fill-prefix (insert fill-prefix))
>     (scilab-reset-fill-prefix) (scilab-indent-line))
>    ((scilab-lattr-comm)
>     (newline) (indent-to comment-column)
>     (insert scilab-comment-on-line-s))
>    (t
>     (newline) (scilab-comment) (scilab-indent-line))))
> (defun scilab-comm-from-prev ()
>   "If the previous line is a comment-line then set up a comment on this line."
>   (save-excursion
>     ;; If the previous line is a comment-line then set the fill prefix from
>     ;; the previous line and fill this line.
>     (if (and (= 0 (forward-line -1)) (scilab-ltype-comm))
> 	(progn
> 	  (scilab-set-comm-fill-prefix)
> 	  (forward-line 1) (beginning-of-line)
> 	  (delete-horizontal-space)
> 	  (if (looking-at "//") (delete-char 2))
> 	  (delete-horizontal-space)
> 	  (insert fill-prefix)
> 	  (scilab-reset-fill-prefix)))))

> ;;; Comment management========================================================
> (defun scilab-comment ()
>   "Add a comment to the current line."
>   (interactive)
>   (cond ((scilab-ltype-empty)		; empty line
> 	 (scilab-comm-from-prev)
> 	 (if (scilab-lattr-comm)
> 	     (skip-chars-forward " \t//")
> 	   (insert scilab-comment-line-s)
> 	   (scilab-indent-line)))
> 	((scilab-ltype-comm)		; comment line
> 	 (scilab-comm-from-prev)
> 	 (skip-chars-forward " \t//"))
> 	((scilab-lattr-comm)		; code line w/ comment
> 	 (beginning-of-line)
> ;	 (re-search-forward "[^//]//[ \t]")
> 	 (re-search-forward "//")
> 	 (forward-char -2)
> 	 (if (> (current-column) comment-column) (delete-horizontal-space))
> 	 (if (< (current-column) comment-column) (indent-to comment-column))
> 	 (skip-chars-forward "// \t"))
> 	(t				; code line w/o comment
> 	 (end-of-line)
> 	 (re-search-backward "[^ \t\n^]" 0 t)
> 	 (forward-char)
> 	 (delete-horizontal-space)
> 	 (if (< (current-column) comment-column)
> 	     (indent-to comment-column)
> 	   (insert " "))
> 	 (insert scilab-comment-on-line-s))))
> (defun scilab-comment-line-break-function (&optional soft)
>   "Break the current line, and if in a comment, continue it.
> Optional argument SOFT indicates that the newline is soft, and not hard."
>   (interactive)
>   (if (not (scilab-cursor-in-comment))
>       (scilab-return)
>     ;; Will the below fn work in old emacsen?
>     (if soft (insert-and-inherit ?\n) (newline 1))
>     (insert "// ")
>     (scilab-indent-line)
>     (end-of-line)))
> (defun scilab-comment-indent ()
>   "Indent a comment line in `scilab-mode'."
>   (scilab-calc-indent))
> (defun scilab-comment-region (beg-region end-region)
>   "Comments every line in the region.
> Puts `scilab-comment-region-s' at the beginning of every line in the region.
> BEG-REGION and END-REGION are arguments which specify the region boundaries.
> With non-nil ARG, uncomments the region."
>   (interactive "*r")
>   (let ((end-region-mark (make-marker)) (save-point (point-marker)))
>     (set-marker end-region-mark end-region)
>     (goto-char beg-region)
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (insert scilab-comment-region-s)
> 	       (while (and  (= (forward-line 1) 0)
> 			    (< (point) end-region-mark))
> 		 (insert scilab-comment-region-s))
>     (goto-char save-point)
>     (set-marker end-region-mark nil)
>     (set-marker save-point nil)))
> (defun scilab-comment-command ()
>   "Comment the command on which point is, as if it was a region"
>   (interactive)
>   (let (beg end)
>     (save-excursion
>       (scilab-beginning-of-command)
>       (setq beg (point))
>       (scilab-end-of-command)
>       (setq end (point))
>       (scilab-comment-region beg end))))
> (defun scilab-hungry-delete-forward (&optional count)
>   "Delete the following character or all following whitespace
> up to the next non-whitespace character."
>   (interactive "P")
>   (setq count (or count 1))
>   (let ((here (point)))
>     (save-match-data
>       (dotimes (i count)
> 	(cond 
> 	 ((looking-at "\\s-+")
> 	  (delete-region here (match-end 0)))
> 	 (t (delete-char 1)))))))
> (defun scilab-insert-probe ()
>   "Insert a line
> disp('VAR=',VAR); //$$PROBE
>    just after line on which point is, where VAR is the symbol pointed by point"
>   (interactive)
>   (let (sci-symbol-name)
>     (save-excursion
>       (save-match-data
>       (when (and (re-search-backward "\\_<" nil t)
> 		 (looking-at "\\([A-Za-z_]+\\)"))
> 	(setq sci-symbol-name (match-string-no-properties 1)))))
>     (when sci-symbol-name
>       (save-excursion
> 	(scilab-end-of-command)
> 	(end-of-line)
> 	(insert "\ndisp(" sci-symbol-name ",'" sci-symbol-name "='); //$$PROBE")))))
> (defun scilab-delete-all-probes ()
>   (interactive)
>   (save-excursion
>     (save-match-data
>       (goto-char (point-min))
>       (while (re-search-forward "^\\s-*disp(\\s-*\\([A-Za-z_]+\\)\
> \\s-*,\\s-*'\\([A-Za-z_]+\\)='\\s-*);\\s-*//\\$\\$PROBE\\s-*$" nil t)
> 	(let ((p (point)))
> 	  (end-of-line 0)
> 	  (delete-region (point) p))))))
> (defun scilab-uncomment-region (beg-region end-region)
>   "Comments every line in the region.
> Remove  `scilab-comment-region-s' at the beginning of every line in the region.
> Do it only once. Opposite action to the `scilab-comment-region'. END-REGION are arguments which specify the region boundaries."
>   (interactive "*r")
>   (let ((end-region-mark (make-marker)) (save-point (point-marker)))
>     (set-marker end-region-mark end-region)
>     (goto-char beg-region)
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (let ((com (regexp-quote scilab-comment-region-s))) ;uncomment the region
> 	(if (looking-at com)
> 	    (delete-region (point) (match-end 0)))
> 	(while (and  (= (forward-line 1) 0)
> 		     (< (point) end-region-mark))
> 	  (if (looking-at com)
> 	      (delete-region (point) (match-end 0)))))
>     (goto-char save-point)
>     (set-marker end-region-mark nil)
>     (set-marker save-point nil)))

> ;;; Filling ===================================================================
> (defun scilab-set-comm-fill-prefix ()
>   "Set the `fill-prefix' for the current (comment) line."
>   (interactive)
>   (if (scilab-lattr-comm)
>       (setq fill-prefix
> 	    (save-excursion
> 	      (beginning-of-line)
> 	      (let ((e (scilab-point-at-eol))
> 		    (pf nil))
> 		(while (and (re-search-forward "//[ \t]*\\($$$ \\)?" e t)
> 			    (scilab-cursor-in-string)))
> 		(setq pf (match-string 0))
> 		(concat (make-string (- (current-column) (length pf)) ? )
> 			pf))))))
> (defun scilab-set-comm-fill-prefix-post-code ()
>   "Set the `fill-prefix' for the current post-code comment line."
>   (interactive)
>   (scilab-set-comm-fill-prefix))
> (defun scilab-reset-fill-prefix ()
>   "Reset the `fill-prefix'."
>   (setq fill-prefix nil))
> (defun scilab-find-convenient-line-break ()
>   "For the current line, position the cursor where we want to break the line.
> Basically, spaces are best, then operators.  Always less than `fill-column'
> unless we decide we can fudge the numbers.  Return nil if this line should
> not be broken.  This function will ONLY work on code."
>   ;; First of all, if this is a continuation, then the user is
>   ;; requesting that we don't mess with his stuff.
>   (if (scilab-lattr-cont)
>       nil
>     (save-restriction
>       (narrow-to-region (scilab-point-at-bol) (scilab-point-at-eol))
>       ;; get ourselves onto the fill-column.
>       (move-to-column fill-column)
>       (let ((pos nil)
> 	    (orig (point)))
> 	(or
> 	 ;; Next, if we have a trailing comment, use that.
> 	 (progn (setq pos (or (scilab-lattr-comm) (scilab-point-at-bol)))
> 		(goto-char pos)
> 		(if (and (> (current-column) (- fill-column scilab-fill-fudge))
> 			 (< (current-column) (+ fill-column scilab-fill-fudge)))
> 		    t
> 		  (goto-char orig)
> 		  nil))
> 	 ;; Now, lets find the nearest space (after or before fill column)
> 	 (let* ((after (save-excursion
> 			 (re-search-forward "[ \t]" nil t)))
> 		(before (save-excursion
> 			  (re-search-backward "[ \t]" nil t)))
> 		(afterd (- (or after (scilab-point-at-eol)) (point)))
> 		(befored (- (point) (or before (scilab-point-at-bol)))))
> 	   ;; Here, if "before" is actually the beginning of our
> 	   ;; indentation, then this is most obiously a bad place to
> 	   ;; break our lines.
> 	   (if before
> 	       (save-excursion
> 		 (goto-char before)
> 		 (if (<= (point) (save-excursion
> 				   (back-to-indentation)
> 				   (point)))
> 		     (setq before nil))))
> 	   (cond ((and after
> 		       (< afterd scilab-fill-fudge)
> 		       (< afterd befored))
> 		  (goto-char after)
> 		  t)
> 		 ((and before
> 		       (< befored scilab-fill-fudge)
> 		       (< befored afterd))
> 		  (goto-char before)
> 		  t)
> 		 (t (goto-char orig)
> 		    nil)))
> 	 ;; Now, lets find the nearest backwards
> 	 (progn
> 	   (re-search-backward "\\(\\s-\\|\\s.\\)+" nil t)
> 	   (while (and (looking-at "\\^\\|\\.\\|'")
> 		       (re-search-backward "\\(\\s-\\|\\s.\\)+" nil t)))
> 	   (if (or (not (looking-at "\\(\\s-\\|\\s.\\)+"))
> 		   (<= (point) (save-excursion
> 				 (back-to-indentation)
> 				 (point))))
> 	       (progn
> 		 ;; We failed in our mission to find anything, or fell
> 		 ;; of the edge of the earth.  If we are out of
> 		 ;; bounds, lets try again.
> 		 (goto-char orig)
> 		 (if (re-search-backward "\\s.+" nil t)
> 		     t
> 		   nil))
> 	     ;; Ok, we have a good location to break.  Check for column
> 	     ;; and ref against nearest list ending to predict a possibly
> 	     ;; better break point.
> 	     (forward-char 1)
> 	     (let ((okpos (current-column))
> 		   (startlst (save-excursion
> 			       (condition-case nil
> 				   (scilab-up-list -1)
> 				 (error nil))
> 			       (if (save-excursion
> 				     (forward-char -1)
> 				     (looking-at "\\w"))
> 				   (forward-word -1))
> 			       (current-column)))
> 		   (endlst (save-excursion
> 			     (condition-case nil
> 				 (scilab-up-list 1)
> 			       (error nil))
> 			     (current-column))))
> 	       ;; When evaluating list fudge factores, breaking on the
> 	       ;; edge of a list, or at the beginning of a function
> 	       ;; call can be more valuable than breaking on a symbol
> 	       ;; of a mid-sized list.  As such, allow double-fudge
> 	       ;; for lists.
> 	       (cond
> 		;; First, pick the end of a list.
> 		((and (< endlst scilab-fill-fudge-hard-maximum)
> 		      (<= endlst (+ fill-column scilab-fill-fudge))
> 		      (or (<= (* scilab-fill-fudge 2) (- endlst okpos))
> 			  (<= endlst fill-column))
> 		      (save-excursion
> 			(move-to-column endlst)
> 			(not (looking-at "\\^"))))
> 		 (move-to-column endlst)
> 		 t)
> 		;; Else, back up over this list and poke around
> 		((>= (* 2 scilab-fill-fudge) (- okpos startlst))
> 		 (move-to-column startlst)
> 		 t)
> 		;; Oh well, just do this symbol.
> 		(t (move-to-column okpos)
> 		   t)))))
> 	 ;; Well, this just sucks
> 	 (progn (goto-char orig)
> 		nil))))))
> (defun scilab-auto-fill ()
>   "Do auto filling.
> Set variable `auto-fill-function' to this symbol to enable Scilab style auto
> filling which will automatically insert `...' and the end of a line."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((fill-prefix fill-prefix) ;; safe way of modifying fill-prefix.
> 	(fill-column (- fill-column
> 			(if scilab-fill-count-ellipsis-flag
> 			    (save-excursion
> 			      (move-to-column fill-column)
> 			      (if (not (bobp))
> 				  (forward-char -1))
> 			      (if (scilab-cursor-in-string 'incomplete)
> 				  4 3))
> 			  0))))
>     (if (> (current-column) fill-column)
> 	(cond
> 	 ;;case
> 	 ((scilab-ltype-comm-ignore)
> 	  nil)
> 	 ;;case
> 	 ((or (scilab-ltype-comm)
> 	      (and (save-excursion (move-to-column fill-column)
> 				   (scilab-cursor-in-comment))
> 		   (scilab-lattr-comm)))
> 	  ;; If the whole line is a comment, do this.
> 	  (scilab-set-comm-fill-prefix) (do-auto-fill)
> 	  (scilab-reset-fill-prefix))
> 	 ;;
> 	 ((and (scilab-ltype-code)
> 	       (not (scilab-lattr-cont))
> 	       scilab-fill-code)
> 	  ;; If we are on a code line, we ellipsify before we fill.
> 	  (let ((m (point-marker)))
> 	    (set-marker-insertion-type m t)
> 	    (when  (scilab-find-convenient-line-break)
> 	      (if (null (and (scilab-cursor-in-string 'incomplete)
> 			     (save-excursion
> 			       (forward-char -1)
> 			       (scilab-cursor-in-string 'incomplete))))
> 		  (progn
> 		    (delete-horizontal-space)
> 		    (insert " " scilab-elipsis-string "\n")
> 		    (scilab-indent-line))
> 		;; else we are guaranteed to be in an incomplete string.
> 		(if scilab-fill-strings-flag
> 		    (let ((pos (point))
> 			  (pos2 nil)
> 			  quote-char)
> 		      (while (and (re-search-backward "\\(['\"]\\)" nil t)
> 				  (progn (forward-char -1)
> 					 (setq quote-char (match-string 1))
> 					 (looking-at (concat quote-char "\\{2\\}")))))
> 		      (setq pos2 (point))
> 		      (unless  (looking-at "\\[")
> 			(skip-chars-backward " \t")
> 			(forward-char -1))
> 		      (if (looking-at "\\[")
> 			  (goto-char pos)
> 			(goto-char pos2)
> 			(forward-char 1)
> 					;			(insert "[")
> 			(goto-char pos)
> 			(forward-char 1))
> 		      (delete-horizontal-space)
> 		      (insert quote-char " + " scilab-elipsis-string "\n")
> 		      (scilab-indent-line)
> 		      (insert " " quote-char))))
> 	      (goto-char m))))
> 	 ))))
> (defun scilab-join-comment-lines ()
>   "Join current comment line to the next comment line."
>   ;; New w/ V2.0: This used to join the previous line, but I could find
>   ;; no editors that had a "join" that did that.  I modified join to have
>   ;; a behaviour I thought more inline with other editors.
>   (interactive)
>   (end-of-line)
>   (if (looking-at "\n[ \t]*//")
>       (replace-match " " t t nil)
>     (error "No following comment to join with")))
> (defun scilab-fill-region (beg-region end-region &optional justify-flag)
>   "Fill the region between BEG-REGION and END-REGION.
> Non-nil JUSTIFY-FLAG means justify comment lines as well."
>   (interactive "*r\nP")
>   (let ((end-reg-mk (make-marker)))
>     (set-marker end-reg-mk end-region)
>     (goto-char beg-region)
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (while (< (point) end-reg-mk)
>       ;; This function must also leave the point at the end of the
>       ;; justified line.
>       (scilab-fill-paragraph justify-flag)
>       (forward-line 1)
>       (beginning-of-line))))
> (defun scilab-fill-comment-line (&optional justify)
>   "Fill the current comment line.
> With optional argument, JUSTIFY the comment as well."
>   (interactive)
>   (if (not (scilab-comment-on-line))
>       (error "No comment to fill"))
>   (beginning-of-line)
>   (if (not (looking-at scilab-cline-start-skip))
>        (error "Don't fill the comment after the text"))
>   ;; First, find the beginning of this comment...
>   (while (and (looking-at scilab-cline-start-skip)
> 	      (not (bobp)))
>     (forward-line -1)
>     (beginning-of-line))
>   (if (not (looking-at scilab-cline-start-skip))
>       (forward-line 1))
>   ;; Now scan to the end of this comment so we have our outer bounds,
>   ;; and narrow to that region.
>   (save-restriction
>     (narrow-to-region (point)
> 		      (save-excursion
> 			(while (and (looking-at scilab-cline-start-skip)
> 				    (not (save-excursion (end-of-line) (eobp))))
> 			  (forward-line 1)
> 			  (beginning-of-line))
> 			(if (not (looking-at scilab-cline-start-skip))
> 			    (forward-line -1))
> 			(end-of-line)
> 			(point)))
>     ;; Find the fill prefix...
>     (scilab-comment-on-line)
>     (looking-at "//[ \t]*")
>     (let ((fill-prefix (concat (make-string (current-column) ? )
> 			       (match-string 0))))
>       (fill-region (point-min) (point-max) justify))))
> (defun scilab-justify-line ()
>   "Delete space on end of line and justify."
>   (interactive)
>   (save-excursion
>     (end-of-line)
>     (delete-horizontal-space)
>     (justify-current-line)))
> (defun scilab-fill-paragraph (arg)
>   "When in a comment, fill the current paragraph.
> Paragraphs are always assumed to be in a comment.
> ARG is passed to `fill-paragraph' and will justify the text."
>   (interactive "P")
>   (cond ((or (scilab-ltype-comm)
> 	     (and (scilab-cursor-in-comment)
> 		  (not (scilab-lattr-cont))))
> 	 ;; We are in a comment, lets fill the paragraph with some
> 	 ;; nice regular expressions.
> 	 (let ((paragraph-separate "//[a-zA-Z]\\|//[ \t]*$\\|[ \t]*$")
> 	       (paragraph-start    "//[a-zA-Z]\\|//[ \t]*$\\|[ \t]*$")
> 	       (paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix nil)
> 	       (fill-prefix nil))
> 	   (scilab-set-comm-fill-prefix)
> 	   (fill-paragraph arg)))
> 	((scilab-ltype-code)
> 	 ;; Ok, lets get the outer bounds of this command, then
> 	 ;; completely refill it using the smart line breaking code.
> 	 (save-restriction
> 	   (narrow-to-region (save-excursion
> 			       (scilab-beginning-of-command)
> 			       (beginning-of-line)
> 			       (point))
> 			     (save-excursion
> 			       (scilab-end-of-command)
> 			       (point)))
> 	   ;; Remove all line breaks
> 	   (goto-char (point-min))
> 	   (while (and (re-search-forward "$" nil t)
> 		       (not (eobp)))
> 	     (delete-horizontal-space)
> 	     ;; Blow away continuation marks
> 	     (if (scilab-lattr-cont)
> 		 (progn
> 		   (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
> 		   (forward-char 1)
> ;		   (forward-char 2)
> 		   (delete-region (point) (scilab-point-at-eol))))
> 	     ;; Zap the CR
> 	     (if (not (eobp)) (delete-char 1))
> 	     ;; Clean up whitespace
> 	     (delete-horizontal-space)
> 	     ;; Clean up trailing comments
> 	     (if (and (looking-at "// *")
> 		      (scilab-cursor-in-comment))
> 		 (progn
> 		   (delete-char 2)
> 		   (delete-horizontal-space)))
> 	     (insert " "))
> 	   ;; Now fill till we are done
> 	   (goto-char (point-max))
> 	   (while (or (> (current-column) (+ fill-column scilab-fill-fudge))
> 		      (> (current-column) scilab-fill-fudge-hard-maximum))
> 	     (if (= (point)
> 		    (progn
> 		      (scilab-auto-fill)
> 		      (point)))
> 		 (error "Fill algorith failed!"))
> 	     (if arg (save-excursion
> 		       (forward-line -1)
> 		       (scilab-justify-line))))
> 	   (if arg (save-excursion
> 		     (forward-line -1)
> 		     (scilab-justify-line)))))
> 	(t
> 	 (message "Paragraph Fill not supported in this context."))))

> ;;; Semantic text insertion and management ====================================
> (defun scilab-find-recent-variable-list (prefix)
>   "Instead of looking through the session we just use Scilab who comand to 
> get all variables"
> (interactive)
> (if (not (scilab-shell-active-p))
>    nil
>   (let ((fields (scilab-shell-collect-command-output 
>                 (concat "%tmp=lines();lines(0);"
>                         "#=[who('global');who('local')];"
>                         "##='" (regexp-quote prefix) "';"
>                         "###=length(##);"
>                         "write(%io(2),#(part(#,1:###)==##));"
>                          "lines(%tmp(2),%tmp(1)); clear %tmp # ## ###"))))
>    (if (not fields)
>      nil
>    (split-string fields)))
> ))
> (defvar scilab-most-recent-variable-list nil
>   "Maintained by `scilab-find-recent-variable'.")
> (defun scilab-find-recent-variable (prefix &optional next)
>   "Return the most recently used variable starting with PREFIX as a string.
> See `scilab-find-recent-variable-list' for details.
> In NEXT is non-nil, than continue through the list of elements."
>   (if next
>       (let ((next (car scilab-most-recent-variable-list)))
> 	(setq scilab-most-recent-variable-list
> 	      (cdr scilab-most-recent-variable-list))
> 	next)
>     (let ((syms (scilab-find-recent-variable-list prefix))
> 	  (first nil))
>       (if (eq scilab-completion-technique 'complete)
> 	  syms
> 	(setq first (car syms))
> 	(setq scilab-most-recent-variable-list (cdr syms))
> 	first))))
> ;; We do not use the next two functions. Instead we write  new functions
> ;; scilab-find-scifunctions-list and scilab-find-scifunctions
> (defun scilab-find-user-functions-list (prefix)
>   "Return a list of user defined functions that match PREFIX."
>   (setq prefix (regexp-quote prefix))
>   (scilab-navigation-syntax
>     (let ((syms
> 	   (append
> 	    (save-excursion
> 	      (goto-char (point-min))
> 	      (let ((lst nil))
> 		(while (re-search-forward "^\\s-*function\\>" nil t)
> 		  (if (re-search-forward
> 		       (concat "\\(" prefix "\\w+\\)\\s-*\\($\\|(\\)")
> 		       (scilab-point-at-eol) t)
> 		      (setq lst (cons (match-string 1) lst))))
> 		(nreverse lst)))
> 	    (let ((lst nil)
> 		  (files (directory-files
> 			  default-directory nil
> 			  (concat "^" prefix
> 				  "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\.sci$"))))
> 	      (while files
> 		(setq lst (cons (progn (string-match "\\.sci" (car files))
> 				       (substring (car files) 0
> 						  (match-beginning 0)))
> 				lst)
> 		      files (cdr files)))
> 	      lst)))
> 	  (fl nil))
>       (while syms
> 	(if (car syms) (setq fl (cons (car syms) fl)))
> 	(setq syms (cdr syms)))
>       (scilab-uniquafy-list (nreverse fl)))))
> (defvar scilab-user-function-list nil
>   "Maintained by `scilab-find-user-functions'.")
> (defvar scilab-shell-libfunc-isbuilt nil)
> (defun scilab-find-scifunctions-list (prefix)
>   "Return a list of library  functions that match PREFIX. The goal is
> to find all sci functions. To make search over all directories everytime
> is too time consuming. Instead we suggest to define a staic file, say libfunc
> via Scilab or shell standard features. In shell we suggest to define a variable
> SCILIBFUNC pointing on this file say in $SCIHOME/libfunc.This 
> value is contained in the customized variable `scilab-libfunc-list-path'.
>  The function first checks if the file exisits. If not it checks if $SCIHOME/libfunc file exists. If non of this exists and shell is active it builds this file. Otherwise it returns nil"
>   (let ((curbuff (current-buffer))
>         (allnames scilab-libfunc-list-path)
>         (buff nil))
>   (if (not allnames)
>       (setq allnames (concat scilab-shell-initial-directory "/libfunc")))
>   (if (not (scilab-shell-active-p))
>       nil
>       (if scilab-shell-libfunc-isbuilt
>           nil
> 	  (if (file-exists-p allnames) 
> 	      (delete-file allnames)
> 	    )
> 	(scilab-shell-collect-command-output (concat 
>              "##=who('local');"
>              "###='type('+##+')==14';"
>              "###(1)='?=['+###(1);###($)=###($)+'];';"
>              "execstr(###); ##=##(?);?=[];"        
>              "###='#tmp=string('+##+');?=[?;#tmp(2:$)]';"
>              "execstr(###);"
>               "#=file('open','" allnames "','unknown');"
>               "write(#,?);file('close',#);clear # ## ### #tmp ?"))
> 	(message "File %s is updated..." allnames)
> 	(setq scilab-shell-libfunc-isbuilt t))
> ) 
>   (if (not (file-exists-p allnames))
>      nil
>     (find-file  allnames)
>     (setq buff (current-buffer))
>     (setq case-fold-search nil)
>     (save-excursion
>      (goto-char (point-min))
>      (let ((lst nil))
>        (setq prefix (regexp-quote  prefix))    
>        (while (re-search-forward
>        (concat "^\\s-*\\(" prefix "\\(\\w\\|[_$]\\)*\\)\\s-*\n") nil t)
>        (setq lst (cons (match-string 1) lst))
>       )
>      (kill-buffer buff)
>      (switch-to-buffer curbuff)
>      (if lst
>      (scilab-uniquafy-list (nreverse lst)) nil))))))
> (defun scilab-find-tlists-list (prefix)
>   "Return a list of fields of prefix considired as tlist of scilab"
> (string-match "\\(%?\\(\\w\\|[_$]\\)*\\)\\.\\([^.]*\\)$" prefix)
> (let  (  (pref (match-string 1 prefix)) 
>          (ff (match-string 3 prefix)) (i 0) (matchfields nil)
>          fields  matchfields fil)
>    (save-excursion
>      (setq fields (scilab-shell-collect-command-output 
>                     (concat "%tmp=lines();lines(0);" 
>                         "write(%io(2)," pref "(1)(2:$),'(a)');" 
>                         "lines(%tmp(2),%tmp(1)); clear %tmp;"
>                     )
>                  )
>                ) 
>      (setq fields (split-string fields))
>      (if (not fields)
>           nil
>         (while (< i (length fields))
>           (setq fil (nth i fields))
>            (if (string-match (concat "\\(\\<" ff "\\(\\w\\|[_$]\\)*\\)") fil)
>              (setq matchfields (cons (concat pref "." fil) matchfields)))
>              (setq i  (+ i 1))
>         )
>      matchfields
> ))))
> (defvar scilab-scifunction-list nil
>   "Maintained by `scilab-find-scifunctions'.")
> (defun scilab-find-user-functions (prefix &optional next)
>   "Return a list of user defined functions that match PREFIX."
>   (if next
>       (let ((next (car scilab-user-function-list)))
> 	(setq scilab-user-function-list (cdr scilab-user-function-list))
> 	next)
>     (let ((syms (scilab-find-user-functions-list prefix))
> 	  (first nil))
>       (if (eq scilab-completion-technique 'complete)
> 	  syms
> 	(setq first (car syms))
> 	(setq scilab-user-function-list (cdr syms))
> 	first))))
> (defun scilab-find-scifunctions (prefix &optional next)
>  "Return a function from all available *.sci  that match PREFIX and return it.
> If optional argument NEXT is non-nil, then return the next found
> object. This "
>   (if next
>       (let ((next (car scilab-scifunction-list)))
> 	(setq scilab-scifunction-list (cdr scilab-scifunction-list))
> 	next)
>     (let ((syms (scilab-find-scifunctions-list prefix))
> 	  (first nil))
>       (if (eq scilab-completion-technique 'complete)
> 	  syms
> 	(setq first (car syms))
> 	(setq scilab-scifunction-list (cdr syms))
> 	first))))
> (defvar scilab-tlists-list nil
>   "Maintained by `scilab-find-tlists-fields'.")
> (defun scilab-find-tlists-fields (prefix &optional next)
>   "Return PREFIX matching elements for tlist  variable of scilab
> If NEXT then the next patch from the list is used."
>   (if next
>       (let ((next (car scilab-tlists-list)))
> 	(setq scilab-tlists-list (cdr scilab-tlists-list))
> 	next)
>     (let ((syms (scilab-find-tlists-list prefix))
> 	  (first nil))
>       (if (eq scilab-completion-technique 'complete)
> 	  syms
> 	(setq first (car syms))
> 	(setq scilab-tlists-list (cdr syms))
> 	first))))
> (defvar scilab-generic-list-placeholder nil
>   "Maintained by `matalb-generic-list-expand'.
> Holds sub-lists of symbols left to be expanded.")
> (defun scilab-generic-list-expand (list prefix &optional next)
>   "Return an element from LIST that start with PREFIX.
> If optional NEXT argument is non nil, then the next element in the
> list is used.  nil is returned if there are not matches."
>   (if next
>       (let ((next (car scilab-generic-list-placeholder)))
> 	(setq scilab-generic-list-placeholder
> 	      (cdr scilab-generic-list-placeholder))
> 	next)
>     (let ((re (concat "^" (regexp-quote prefix)))
> 	  (first nil)
> 	  (fl nil))
>       (while list
> 	(if (string-match re (car list))
> 	    (setq fl (cons (car list) fl)))
> 	(setq list (cdr list)))
>       (setq fl (nreverse fl))
>       (if (eq scilab-completion-technique 'complete)
> 	  fl
> 	(setq first (car fl))
> 	(setq scilab-generic-list-placeholder (cdr fl))
> 	first))))
> (defun scilab-solo-completions (prefix &optional next)
>   "Return PREFIX matching elements for solo symbols.
> If NEXT then the next patch from the list is used."
>   (scilab-generic-list-expand scilab-keywords-solo prefix next))
> (defun scilab-builtin-completions (prefix &optional next)
>   "Return PREFIX matching elements for value symbols.
> If NEXT then the next patch from the list is used."
>   (scilab-generic-list-expand scilab-builtin-list prefix next))
> (defun scilab-boolean-completions (prefix &optional next)
>   "Return PREFIX matching elements for boolean symbols.
> If NEXT then the next patch from the list is used."
>   (scilab-generic-list-expand scilab-keywords-boolean prefix next))
> (defun scilab-property-completions (prefix &optional next)
>   "Return PREFIX matching elements for property names in strings.
> If NEXT then the next property from the list is used."
>   (let ((f (scilab-function-called-at-point))
> 	(lst scilab-property-lists)
> 	(foundlst nil)
> 	(expandto nil))
>     ;; Look for this function.  If it is a known function then we
>     ;; can now use a subset of available properties!
>     (while (and lst (not foundlst))
>       (if (string= (car (car lst)) f)
> 	  (setq foundlst (cdr (car lst))))
>       (setq lst (cdr lst)))
>     (if foundlst
> 	(setq foundlst (append foundlst scilab-core-properties))
>       (setq foundlst scilab-all-known-properties))
>     (setq expandto (scilab-generic-list-expand foundlst prefix next))
>     ;; This looks to see if we have a singular completion.  If so,
>     ;; then return it, and also append the "'" to the end.
>     (cond ((and (listp expandto) (= (length expandto) 1))
> 	   (setq expandto (list (concat (car expandto) "'"))))
> 	  ((stringp expandto)
> 	   (setq expandto (concat expandto "'"))))
>     expandto))
> (defvar scilab-last-prefix nil
>   "Maintained by `scilab-complete-symbol'.
> The prefix used for the first completion command.")
> (defvar scilab-last-semantic nil
>   "Maintained by `scilab-complete-symbol'.
> The last type of semantic used while completing things.")
> (defvar scilab-completion-search-state nil
>   "List of searching things we will be doing.")
> ;(defvar scilab-complete-1-window  nil)
> (defun scilab-complete-symbol (&optional arg)
>   "Complete a partially typed symbol in a Scilab mode buffer.
> If the previously entered command was also `scilab-complete-symbol'
> then undo the last completion, and find a new one.
>   The types of symbols tried are based on the semantics of the current
> cursor position.  There are two types of symbols.  For example, if the
> cursor is in an if statement, boolean style functions and symbols are
> tried first.  If the line is blank, then flow control, or high level
> functions are tried first.
>   The completion technique is controlled with `scilab-completion-technique'
> It defaults to incremental completion described above.  If a
> completion list is preferred, then change this to 'complete.  If you
> just want a completion list once, then use the universal argument ARG
> to change it temporarily."
>   (interactive "P")
> ;  (if (not (eq last-command 'scilab-complete-symbol))
> ;     (setq scilab-complete-1-window (one-window-p)))
>   (if (eq (scilab-lattr-semantics) 'disk)
>   (comint-dynamic-complete-filename)
>   (scilab-navigation-syntax
>     (let* ((cbf (buffer-name)) 
>            (cpt (point)) 
>            (locp (scilab-point-at-bol))
>            (prefix (if (and (not (eq last-command 'scilab-complete-symbol))
> 			    (member (preceding-char) '(?  ?\t ?\n ?, ?\( ?\[ ?\' ?\")))
> 		       ""
> 		     (buffer-substring-no-properties
> 		      (save-excursion
>                         (save-excursion
>                            (beginning-of-line)
>                            (if (looking-at (concat "^\\(" 
>                                            comint-prompt-regexp "\\)"))
>                             (setq locp (match-end 1))))
>                       (forward-word -1) 
>                       (while (eq (preceding-char) ?.) (forward-word -1))
>                       (max locp (point)))
> 		      (point))))
> 	   (sem (scilab-lattr-semantics prefix))
> 	   (scilab-completion-technique
> 	    (if arg (cond ((eq scilab-completion-technique 'complete)
> 			   'increment)
> 			  (t 'complete))
> 	      scilab-completion-technique)))
>       (if (not (eq last-command 'scilab-complete-symbol))
> 	  (setq scilab-last-prefix prefix
> 		scilab-last-semantic sem
> 		scilab-completion-search-state
> 		(cond ((eq sem nil) nil)
>                       ((eq sem 'solo)
> 		       '(scilab-solo-completions
> 			 scilab-find-scifunctions
> 			 scilab-find-recent-variable
> 			 scilab-builtin-completions
> ;			 scilab-find-user-functions
>                         ))
> ;;;		      ((eq sem 'boolean)
> ;;;		       '(scilab-find-recent-variable
> ;;;			 scilab-boolean-completions
> ;;;			 scilab-builtin-completions 
> ;;;			 scilab-find-scifunctions
> ;;;			 scilab-find-user-functions))
> 		      ((eq sem 'value)
> 		       '(scilab-find-recent-variable
> 			 scilab-builtin-completions
> 			 scilab-find-scifunctions
> ;			 scilab-find-user-functions
> ;			 scilab-boolean-completions
>                       ))
> 		      ((eq sem 'property)
> 		       '(scilab-property-completions
> ;			 scilab-find-user-functions
> 			 scilab-find-recent-variable
> 			 scilab-builtin-completions))
> 		      ((eq sem 'list)
> 		       '(scilab-find-tlists-fields))
> 		      (t '(scilab-find-recent-variable
> 			   scilab-builtin-completions
> 			   scilab-find-scifunctions
> ;			   scilab-find-user-functions
> ;			   scilab-boolean-completions 
>                        )))))
>       (cond
>        ((eq scilab-completion-technique 'increment)
> 	(let ((r nil) (donext (eq last-command 'scilab-complete-symbol)))
> 	  (while (and (not r) scilab-completion-search-state)
> 	    (message "Expand with %S" (car scilab-completion-search-state))
> 	    (setq r (funcall (car scilab-completion-search-state)
> 			     scilab-last-prefix donext))
> 	    (if (not r) (setq scilab-completion-search-state
> 			      (cdr scilab-completion-search-state)
> 			      donext nil)))
> 	  (goto-char cpt)
> 	  (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-char (- (length prefix)))
> 					(point)))
> 	  (if r
> 	      (insert r)
> 	    (insert scilab-last-prefix)
> 	    (message "No completions."))))
>        ((eq scilab-completion-technique 'complete)
> 	(let ((allsyms (scilab-uniquafy-list (apply 'append
> 			      (mapcar (lambda (f) (funcall f prefix))
> 				      scilab-completion-search-state)))))
>           (set-buffer cbf)
> 	  (cond ((or (null allsyms) (=(length allsyms) 0))
> 		 (goto-char cpt)
>                  (if (equal prefix "")
> 		     (message "No completions")
> 		   (message "No completions for %s." prefix))
> 		 (if  (get-buffer "*Completions*") 
> 		     (if (get-buffer-window (get-buffer "*Completions*"))
>                           (save-excursion
> 				(select-window (get-buffer-window 
> 						(get-buffer "*Completions*")))
> ;                                (if scilab-complete-1-window (delete-window)
> 				(bury-buffer))))
>                  (select-window  (get-buffer-window cbf))
> 		 (ding))
> 		((= (length allsyms) 1)
> 		 (goto-char cpt)
> 		 (delete-region (point) (progn
> 					  (forward-char (- (length prefix)))
> 					  (point)))
>                  (message "Solo completion for %s" prefix)
> 		 (insert (car allsyms))
>                   (if  (get-buffer "*Completions*") 
> 		      (if (get-buffer-window (get-buffer "*Completions*"))
>                           (save-excursion
> 				(select-window (get-buffer-window 
> 						(get-buffer "*Completions*")))
> ;                                (if scilab-complete-1-window (delete-window)
> 				(bury-buffer))))
> 		  (select-window  (get-buffer-window cbf))
> 		  )
> 		(t
> 		 (let* ((al (mapcar (lambda (a) (list a)) allsyms))
> 			(c (try-completion prefix al)))
> 		   ;; This completion stuff lets us expand as much as is
> 		   ;; available to us. When the completion is the prefix
> 		   ;; then we want to display all the strings we've
> 		   ;; encountered.
> 		   (if (and (stringp c) (not (string= prefix c)))
> 		       (progn
>                          (goto-char cpt)
> 			 (delete-region
> 			  (point)
> 			  (progn (forward-char (- (length prefix)))
> 				 (point)))
> 			 (insert c))
>           		 (goto-char cpt)
> 		     ;; `display-completion-list' does all the complex
> 		     ;; ui work for us.
> ;                     (if (or (not (get-buffer "*Completions*")) 
> ;			     (not (get-buffer-window (get-buffer "*Completions*"))))
> ;                     (split-window-vertically))
> 		     (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Completions*"
> 		       (display-completion-list
> 			(scilab-uniquafy-list allsyms))))))))))))))
> (defun scilab-insert-end-block (&optional reindent)
>   "Insert and END block based on the current syntax.
> Optional argument REINDENT indicates if the specified block should be re-indented."
>   (interactive "P")
>   (if (not (scilab-ltype-empty)) (progn (end-of-line) (insert "\n")))
>   (let ((valid t) (begin nil))
>     (save-excursion
>       (condition-case nil
> 	  (progn
> 	    (scilab-backward-sexp t)
> 	    (setq begin (point)
> 		  valid (buffer-substring-no-properties
> 			 (point) (save-excursion
> 				   (re-search-forward "[\n;.]" nil t)
> 				   (point)))))
> 	(error (setq valid nil))))
>     (if (not valid)
> 	(error "No block to end")
>       (if (string-match "^function" valid)
>           (insert "endfunction")
>           (insert "end"))
>       (scilab-indent-line)
>       (if (stringp valid) (insert " // " valid))
>       (scilab-indent-line)
>       (if reindent (indent-region begin (point) nil)))))
> (tempo-define-template
>  "scilab-for"
>  '("for " p " = " p  > n>
>      r> &
>      "end" >)
>  "for"
>  "Insert a Scilab for statement"
>  'scilab-tempo-tags
>  )
> (tempo-define-template
>  "scilab-while"
>  '("while " p  > n>
>      r> &
>      "end" > )
>  "while"
>  "Insert a Scilab while statement"
>  'scilab-tempo-tags
>  )
> (tempo-define-template
>  "scilab-if"
>  '("if " p " then" > n
>      r>
>      "end" > n)
>  "if"
>  "Insert a Scilab if statement"
>  'scilab-tempo-tags
>  )
> (tempo-define-template
>  "scilab-if-else"
>  '("if " p " then" > n
>      r>
>      "else" > n
>      "end" > n)
>  "if"
>  "Insert a Scilab if statement"
>  'scilab-tempo-tags
>  )
> (tempo-define-template
>  "scilab-try"
>  '("try " > n
>      r>
>      "catch" > n
>      p > n
>      "end" > n)
>  "try"
>  "Insert a Scilab try catch statement"
>  'scilab-tempo-tags
>  )
> (tempo-define-template
>  "scilab-select"
>  '("select " p  " then"> n
>      "case "  p  " then"> n
>      "else" > n
>      r>
>      "end" > n)
>  "select"
>  "Insert a Scilab select statement with region in the otherwise clause."
>  'scilab-tempo-tags)
> (defun scilab-insert-next-case ()
>   "Insert a case statement inside this select statement."
>   (interactive)
>   ;; First, make sure we are where we think we are.
>   (let ((valid t))
>     (save-excursion
>       (condition-case nil
> 	  (progn
> 	   (scilab-backward-sexp t)
> 	   (setq valid (looking-at "select")))
> 	(error (setq valid nil))))
>     (if (not valid)
> 	(error "Not in a select statement")))
>   (if (not (scilab-ltype-empty)) (progn (end-of-line) (insert "\n")))
>   (indent-to 0)
>   (insert "case   then")
>   (scilab-indent-line))
> (tempo-define-template
>  "scilab-function"
>  '("function "
>      (P "output argument(s): " output t)
>      ;; Insert brackets only if there is more than one output argument
>      (if (string-match "," (tempo-lookup-named 'output))
> 	 '(l "[" (s output) "]")
>        '(l (s output)))
>      ;; Insert equal sign only if there is output argument(s)
>      (if (= 0 (length (tempo-lookup-named 'output))) nil
>        " = ")
>      ;; The name of a function, as defined in the first line, should
>      ;; be the same as the name of the file without .sci extension
>      (if (= 1 (count-lines 1 (point)))
> 	 (tempo-save-named
> 	  'fname
> 	  (file-name-nondirectory (file-name-sans-extension
> 				   (buffer-file-name))))
>        '(l (P "function name: " fname t)))
>      (tempo-lookup-named 'fname)
>      "("  (P "input argument(s): ") ")" n
>      "// " (upcase (tempo-lookup-named 'fname)) " - " (P "H1 line: ") n
>      "//  " p n)
>  "function"
>  "Insert a Scilab function statement"
>  'scilab-tempo-tags
>  )
> (defun scilab-stringify-region (begin end)
>   "Put Scilab 's around region, and quote all quotes in the string.
> Stringification allows you to type in normal Scilab code, mark it, and
> then turn it into a Scilab string that will output exactly what's in
> the region.  BEGIN and END mark the region to be stringified."
>   (interactive "r")
>   (save-excursion
>     (goto-char begin)
>     (if (re-search-forward "\n" end t)
> 	(error
> 	 "You may only stringify regions that encompass less than one line"))
>     (let ((m (make-marker)))
>       (move-marker m end)
>       (goto-char begin)
>       (insert "'")
>       (while (re-search-forward "'" m t)
> 	(insert "'"))
>       (goto-char m)
>       (insert "'"))))
> (defun scilab-ispell-strings-region (begin end)
>   "Spell check valid strings in region with Ispell.
> Argument BEGIN and END mark the region boundary."
>   (interactive "r")
>   (require 'ispell)
>   (save-excursion
>     (goto-char begin)
>     ;; Here we use the font lock function for finding strings.
>     ;; Its cheap, fast, and accurate.
>     (while (and (scilab-font-lock-string-match-normal end)
> 		(ispell-region (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))))))
> (defun scilab-ispell-strings ()
>   "Spell check valid strings in the current buffer with Ispell.
> Calls `scilab-ispell-strings-region'"
>   (interactive)
>   (scilab-ispell-strings-region (point-min) (point-max)))
> (defun scilab-ispell-comments (&optional arg)
>   "Spell check comments in the current buffer with Ispell.
> Optional ARG means to only check the current comment."
>   (interactive "P")
>   (let ((beg (point-min))
> 	(end (point-max)))
>   (if (and arg (scilab-ltype-comm))
>       (setq beg (save-excursion (scilab-beginning-of-command) (point))
> 	    end (save-excursion (scilab-end-of-command) (point))))
>   (save-excursion
>     (goto-char beg)
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (while (and (scilab-font-lock-comment-match end)
> 		(ispell-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))))))

> ;;; Block highlighting ========================================================
> (defvar scilab-block-highlighter-timer nil
>   "The timer representing the block highlighter.")
> (defvar scilab-shell-delay (if running-gnuemacs 1 3)
> "The delay running scilab command  when restarting"
> ) 
> (defun scilab-enable-block-highlighting (&optional arg)
>   "Start or stop the block highlighter.
> Optional ARG is 1 to force enable, and -1 to disable.
> If ARG is nil, then highlighting is toggled."
>   (interactive "P")
>   (if (not (fboundp 'scilab-run-with-idle-timer))
>       (setq scilab-highlight-block-match-flag nil))
>   ;; Only do it if it's enabled.
>   (if (not scilab-highlight-block-match-flag)
>       nil
>     ;; Use post command idle hook as a local hook to dissuade too much
>     ;; cpu time while doing other things.
>     ;;(make-local-hook 'post-command-hook)
>     (if (not arg)
> 	(setq arg
> 	      (if (member 'scilab-start-block-highlight-timer
> 			  post-command-hook)
> 		  -1 1)))
>     (if (> arg 0)
> 	(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'scilab-start-block-highlight-timer)
>       (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'scilab-start-block-highlight-timer))))
> (defvar scilab-block-highlight-overlay nil
>   "The last highlighted overlay.")
> (make-variable-buffer-local 'scilab-block-highlight-overlay)
> (defvar scilab-block-highlight-timer nil
>   "Last started timer.")
> (make-variable-buffer-local 'scilab-block-highlight-timer)
> (defun scilab-start-block-highlight-timer ()
>   "Set up a one-shot timer if we are in Scilab mode."
>   (if (eq major-mode 'scilab-mode)
>       (progn
> 	(if scilab-block-highlight-overlay
> 	    (unwind-protect
> 		(scilab-delete-overlay scilab-block-highlight-overlay)
> 	      (setq scilab-block-highlight-overlay nil)))
> 	(if scilab-block-highlight-timer
> 	    (unwind-protect
> 		(scilab-cancel-timer scilab-block-highlight-timer)
> 	      (setq scilab-block-highlight-timer nil)))
> 	(setq scilab-block-highlight-timer
> 	      (scilab-run-with-idle-timer
> 	       1 nil 'scilab-highlight-block-match)))))
> (defun scilab-highlight-block-match ()
>   "Highlight a matching block if available."
>   (setq scilab-block-highlight-timer nil)
>   (let ((inhibit-quit nil)		;turn on G-g
> 	(scilab-scan-on-screen-only t))
>     (if scilab-show-periodic-code-details-flag
> 	(scilab-show-line-info))
>     (if (not (scilab-cursor-in-string-or-comment))
> 	(save-excursion
> 	  (if (or (bolp)
> 		  (looking-at "\\s-")
> 		  (save-excursion (forward-char -1) (looking-at "\\s-")))
> 	      nil
> 	    (forward-word -1))
> 	  (if (and (looking-at (concat (scilab-block-beg-re) "\\>"))
> 		   (not (looking-at "function")))
> 	      (progn
> 		;; We scan forward...
> 		(scilab-forward-sexp)
> 		(backward-word 1)
> 		(if (not (looking-at "end"))
> 		    nil ;(message "Unterminated block, or end off screen.")
> 		  (setq scilab-block-highlight-overlay
> 			(scilab-make-overlay (point)
> 					     (progn (forward-word 1)
> 						    (point))
> 					     (current-buffer)))
> 		  (scilab-overlay-put scilab-block-highlight-overlay
> 				      'face 'scilab-region-face)))
> 	    (if (and (looking-at (concat (scilab-block-end-pre) "\\>"))
> 		     (not (looking-at "function"))
> 		     (scilab-valid-end-construct-p))
> 		(progn
> 		  ;; We scan backward
> 		  (forward-word 1)
> 		  (condition-case nil
> 		      (progn
> 			(scilab-backward-sexp)
> 			(if (not (looking-at (scilab-block-beg-re)))
> 			    nil ;(message "Unstarted block at cursor.")
> 			  (setq scilab-block-highlight-overlay
> 				(scilab-make-overlay (point)
> 						     (progn (forward-word 1)
> 							    (point))
> 						     (current-buffer)))
> 			  (scilab-overlay-put scilab-block-highlight-overlay
> 					      'face 'scilab-region-face)))
> 		    (error (message "Unstarted block at cursor."))))
> 	      ;; do nothing
> 	      ))))))

> ;;; M Code verification & Auto-fix ============================================
> (defun scilab-mode-verify-fix-file-fn ()
>   "Verify the current buffer from `write-contents-hooks'."
>   (if scilab-verify-on-save-flag
>       (scilab-mode-verify-fix-file (> (point-max)
> 				      scilab-block-verify-max-buffer-size)))
>   ;; Always return nil.
>   nil)
> (defun scilab-mode-verify-fix-file (&optional fast)
>   "Verify the current buffer satisfies all sci things that might be useful.
> We will merely loop across a list of verifiers/fixers in
> `scilab-mode-verify-fix-functions'.
> If optional FAST is non-nil, do not perform usually lengthy checks."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((p (point))
> 	(l scilab-mode-verify-fix-functions))
>     (while l
>       (funcall (car l) fast)
>       (setq l (cdr l)))
>     (goto-char p))
>   (if (interactive-p)
>       (message "Done.")))
> ;;
> ;; Add more auto verify/fix functions here!
> ;;
> (defun scilab-mode-vf-functionname (&optional fast)
>   "Verify/Fix the function name of this file.
> Optional argument FAST is ignored."
>   (scilab-navigation-syntax
>     (goto-char (point-min))
>     (while (and (or (scilab-ltype-empty) (scilab-ltype-comm))
> 		(/= (scilab-point-at-eol) (point-max)))
>       (forward-line 1))
>     (let ((func nil)
> 	  (bn (file-name-sans-extension
> 	       (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)))))
>     (if (looking-at
> 	 ;; old function was too unstable.
> 	 ;;"\\(^function\\s-+\\)\\([^=\n]+=[ \t\n.]*\\)?\\(\\sw+\\)"
> 	 (concat "\\(^\\s-*function\\b[ \t\n.]*\\)\\(\\(\\[[^]]*\\]\\|\\sw+\\)"
> 		 "[ \t\n.]*=[ \t\n.]*\\)?\\(\\sw+\\)"))
> 	;; The expression above creates too many numeric matches
> 	;; to apply a known one to our function.  We cheat by knowing that
> 	;; match-end 0 is at the end of the function name.  We can then go
> 	;; backwards, and get the extents we need.  Navigation syntax
> 	;; lets us know that backward-word really covers the word.
> 	(let ((end (match-end 0))
> 	      (begin (progn (goto-char (match-end 0))
> 			    (forward-word -1)
> 			    (point))))
> 	  (setq func (buffer-substring begin end))
> 	  (if (not (string= func bn))
> 	      (if (not (scilab-mode-highlight-ask
> 			begin end
> 			"Function and file names are different. Fix?"))
> 		  nil
> 		(goto-char begin)
> 		(delete-region begin end)
> 		(insert bn))))))))
> (defun scilab-mode-vf-block-matches-forward (&optional fast)
>   "Verify/Fix unterminated (or un-ended) blocks.
> This only checks block regions like if/end.
> Optional argument FAST causes this check to be skipped."
>   (goto-char (point-min))
>   (let ((go t)
> 	(expr (concat "\\<\\(" (scilab-block-beg-pre) "\\)\\>")))
>     (scilab-navigation-syntax
>       (while (and (not fast) go (re-search-forward expr nil t))
> 	(forward-word -1)		;back over the special word
> 	(let ((s (point)))
> 	  (condition-case nil
> 	      (if (and (not (scilab-cursor-in-string-or-comment))
> 		       (not (looking-at "function")))
> 		  (progn
> 		    (scilab-forward-sexp)
> 		    (forward-word -1)
> 		    (if (not (looking-at "end\\>")) (setq go nil)))
> 		(forward-word 1))
> 	    (error (setq go nil)))
> 	  (if (and (not go) (goto-char s)
> 		   (not (scilab-mode-highlight-ask
> 			 (point) (save-excursion (forward-word 1) (point))
> 			 "Unterminated block.  Continue anyway?")))
> 	      (error "Unterminated Block found!")))
> 	(message "Block-check: %d%%" (/ (/ (* 100 (point)) (point-max)) 2))))))
> (defun scilab-mode-vf-block-matches-backward (&optional fast)
>   "Verify/fix unstarted (or dangling end) blocks.
> Optional argument FAST causes this check to be skipped."
>   (goto-char (point-max))
>   (let ((go t) (expr (concat "\\<\\(" (scilab-block-end-no-function-re)
> 			     "\\)\\>")))
>     (scilab-navigation-syntax
>       (while (and (not fast) go (re-search-backward expr nil t))
> 	(forward-word 1)
> 	(let ((s (point)))
> 	  (condition-case nil
> 	      (if (and (not (scilab-cursor-in-string-or-comment))
> 		       (scilab-valid-end-construct-p))
> 		  (scilab-backward-sexp)
> 		(backward-word 1))
> 	    (error (setq go nil)))
> 	  (if (and (not go) (goto-char s)
> 		   (not (scilab-mode-highlight-ask
> 			 (point) (save-excursion (backward-word 1) (point))
> 			 "Unstarted block.  Continue anyway?")))
> 	      (error "Unstarted Block found!")))
> 	(message "Block-check: %d%%"
> 		 (+ (/ (/ (* 100 (- (point-max) (point))) (point-max)) 2) 50))))))
> ;;; Utility for verify/fix actions if you need to highlight
> ;;  a section of the buffer for the user's approval.
> (defun scilab-mode-highlight-ask (begin end prompt)
>   "Highlight from BEGIN to END while asking PROMPT as a yes-no question."
>   (let ((mo (scilab-make-overlay begin end (current-buffer)))
> 	(ans nil))
>     (condition-case nil
> 	(progn
> 	  (scilab-overlay-put mo 'face 'scilab-region-face)
> 	  (setq ans (y-or-n-p prompt))
> 	  (scilab-delete-overlay mo))
>       (quit (scilab-delete-overlay mo) (error "Quit")))
>     ans))
> ;;; Quietafy an sci file to remove accidental display of ANS during a run.
> ;;  Useful if you have random outputs and you don't know where they are from,
> ;;  or before compiling to standalone where some functions now have outputs
> ;;  that did not have outputs earlier.
> ;;
> ;;  You probably don't want this as a default verify function
> (defun scilab-mode-vf-quietafy-buffer (&optional fast)
>   "Find all commands that do not end in ;, and add one.
> This has the effect of removing any extraneous output that may not be
> desired.  Optional argument FAST is not used."
>   (interactive)
>   (save-excursion
>     (goto-char (point-min))
>     (let ((msgpos 0) (dir .2))
>       (while (not (save-excursion (end-of-line) (eobp)))
> 	(message (aref [ "Scanning o...." "Scanning .o..." "Scanning ..o.."
> 			 "Scanning ...o." "Scanning ....o" ] (floor msgpos)))
> 	(setq msgpos (+ msgpos dir))
> 	(if (or (> msgpos 5) (< msgpos 0)) (setq dir (- dir)
> 						 msgpos (+ (* 2 dir) msgpos)))
> 	(scilab-end-of-command (point))
> 	(if (scilab-cursor-in-comment)
> 	    (progn
> 	      (scilab-comment-on-line)
> 	      (skip-chars-backward " \t")))
> 	(if (and (not (= (preceding-char) ?\;))
> 		 (not (scilab-cursor-in-string t))
> 		 (not (save-excursion
> 			(beginning-of-line)
> 			(looking-at
> 			 "\\s-*\\(function\\|for\\|while\\|\
> select\\|case\\|break\\|if\\|else\\|end\\|then \\|return\\|disp\\|\
> $\\|//\\)"))))
>              (let ((p (point)))
> 	      (skip-chars-backward " \t")
> 	      (if (/= p (point))
> 		  (progn
> 		    (delete-region p (point))
> 		    (forward-line -1))
> 	    (if (scilab-mode-highlight-ask (point) (+ 1 (point))
> 					   "Add Semi colon here? ")
> 		(insert ";")))))
> 	(forward-line 1))))
>   (message "Scanning .... done"))

> ;;; V19 stuff =================================================================
> (defun scilab-mode-hilit ()
>   "Set up hilit19 support for `scilab-mode'."
>   (interactive)
>   (cond (window-system
> 	 (setq hilit-mode-enable-list  '(not text-mode)
> 	       hilit-background-mode   'light
> 	       hilit-inhibit-hooks     nil
> 	       hilit-inhibit-rebinding nil)
> 	 (require 'hilit19)
> 	 (hilit-set-mode-patterns 'scilab-mode scilab-hilit19-patterns))))
> (defvar scilab-mode-menu-keymap nil
>   "Keymap used in Scilab mode to provide a menu.")
> (defun scilab-frame-init ()
>   "Initialize Emacs 19+ menu and Xemacs system. in `scilab-mode' (editing mode)"
>   (interactive)
>   ;; make a menu keymap
> 					;  (setq active (if running-xemacs "included" "active"))
>   (easy-menu-define scilab-insert-menu 
>     scilab-mode-map
>     "Insert"
>     '("Insert"
>       ["Complete name" scilab-complete-symbol t]
>       ["Set Completion Type" 
>        (customize-variable 'scilab-completion-technique) t] 
>       "----"
>       ["Comment region" scilab-comment-region t]
>       ["UnComment region" scilab-uncomment-region t]
>       "----"
>       "Templates"
>       ["if end" tempo-template-scilab-if t]
>       ["if else end" tempo-template-scilab-if-else t]
>       ["for end" tempo-template-scilab-for t]
>       ["select else end" tempo-template-scilab-select t]
>       ["Next case" scilab-insert-next-case t]
>       ["while end" tempo-template-scilab-while t]
>       ["End of block" scilab-insert-end-block t]
>       ["Function" tempo-template-scilab-function t]
>       )
>     )
>   (easy-menu-define scilab-navigate-menu 
>     scilab-mode-map
>     "Navigate"
>     '("Navigate"
>       ["Find sc[ie] file|func" scilab-find-file-on-path t]
>       ["Change Dir"   scilab-shell-cd (scilab-shell-active-p)]
>       "----"
>       ["Beginning of Command" scilab-beginning-of-command t]
>       ["End of Command" scilab-end-of-command t]
>       ["Forward Block" scilab-forward-sexp t]
>       ["Backward Block" scilab-backward-sexp t]
>       "----"
>       ["Previous Function"   scilab-beginning-of-prev-defun t]
>       ["Beginning of Function" scilab-beginning-of-defun t]
>       ["Go to line of Function" scilab-function-goto-line t]
>       ["Whereami" scilab-whereami t]
>       ["End of Function" scilab-end-of-defun t]
>       ["Next Function"   scilab-beginning-of-next-defun t]
>       "----"
>       ["Add index menu"  imenu-add-menubar-index 
>        (and (scilab-function-file-p) 
> 	    (not (and (boundp 'imenu--last-menubar-index-alist)
> 		      imenu--last-menubar-index-alist)))]
>       ["Which func mode on|off" which-func-mode 
>        :included
>        (and (fboundp `which-func-mode) 
> 	    (scilab-function-file-p))
>        :active ;;added for compatability of other easy-meny
>        (and (fboundp `which-func-mode) 
> 	    (scilab-function-file-p))
>        :style toggle 
>        :selected which-func-mode]
>       )
>     )
> 					;(setq getf-exec (if (scilab-function-file-p) "Save and getf" "Save and exec"))
>   (easy-menu-define scilab-mode-menu 
>     scilab-mode-map
>     "Scilab menu"
>     '("Scilab"
>       ["Show Version" scilab-show-version t]
>       "----"     
>       ["Save and getf" scilab-shell-save-and-getf-or-run 
>        :included  (scilab-function-file-p)
>        :active ;;added for compatability of old easy-menu
>        (scilab-shell-active-p)] 
>       ["Save and exec" scilab-shell-save-and-getf-or-run 
>        :included (not (scilab-function-file-p))
>        :active (scilab-shell-active-p)] 
>       ["Run Region" scilab-shell-run-region (scilab-shell-active-p) ]
>       "----"
>       ["Find sc[ie] file" scilab-find-file-on-path t]
>       ["Change Dir"   scilab-shell-cd (scilab-shell-active-p)]
>       "----"     
>       ("Auto Fix & Format"
>        ["Verify/Fix source" scilab-mode-verify-fix-file t]
>        ["Spell check strings" scilab-ispell-strings t]
>        ["Spell check comments" scilab-ispell-comments t]
>        ["Quietafy source" scilab-mode-vf-quietafy-buffer t]
>        "----"
>        ["Justify Line" scilab-justify-line t]
>        ["Fill Region" scilab-fill-region t]
>        ["Fill Comment Paragraph" scilab-fill-paragraph
> 	(save-excursion (scilab-comment-on-line))]
>        ["Join Comment" scilab-join-comment-lines
> 	(save-excursion (scilab-comment-on-line))]
>        ["Indent Current Function" scilab-indent-defun t]
>        )
>       "----"
>       ["Run scilab Command" scilab-shell-run-command (scilab-shell-active-p)]
>       ["Describe Variable" scilab-shell-describe-variable (scilab-shell-active-p)]
>       ["Help on Function" scilab-shell-describe-command t]
>       ["Command Apropos" scilab-shell-apropos t]
>       ["Topic Browser" scilab-shell-topic-browser t]
>       ["Separate help buff" (custom-set-variables
> 			     '(scilab-help-separate-buffer (not scilab-help-separate-buffer)))
>        :style toggle :selected scilab-help-separate-buffer]
>       "----"     
>       ("Edit options" 
>        ["Dynamical Indent" 
> 	(custom-set-variables '(scilab-dynamical-indent (not scilab-dynamical-indent)))
> 	:style toggle :selected scilab-dynamical-indent]
>        ("Indent parameters" :included scilab-dynamical-indent 
> 	["Indent Function Body"
> 	 (custom-set-variables '(scilab-indent-function (not scilab-indent-function)))
> 	 :style toggle :selected scilab-indent-function]
> 	["Basic Indent " (customize-variable  `scilab-indent-level) t]
> 	["After \"...\" Indent" (customize-variable  `scilab-cont-level) t]
> 	["Case Indent" (customize-variable  `scilab-case-level) t])
>        "----"
>        ["Verify File on Save"
> 	(custom-set-variables '(scilab-verify-on-save-flag (not scilab-verify-on-save-flag)))
> 	:style toggle :selected scilab-verify-on-save-flag]
>        ["Max Verify Buffer"
> 	(customize-variable  `scilab-block-verify-max-buffer-size) t]
>        "----"
>        ["Auto Fill does Code"
> 	(custom-set-variables '(scilab-fill-code (not scilab-fill-code)))
> 	:style toggle :selected scilab-fill-code ]
>        ("Fill parameters"
> 	["Fudge"  (customize-variable  `scilab-fill-fudge) t]
> 	["Fudge Max"  (customize-variable  `scilab-fill-fudge-hard-maximum) t]
> 	["Count \"...\""        (custom-set-variables '(scilab-fill-count-ellipsis-flag  (not scilab-fill-count-ellipsis-flag )))
> 	 :style toggle :selected scilab-fill-count-ellipsis-flag ]
> 	["Strings"   
>          (custom-set-variables 
>           '(scilab-fill-strings-flag  
> 	    (not scilab-fill-strings-flag )))
> 	 :style toggle :selected scilab-fill-strings-flag ])
>        "----"
>        ("Comments"
> 	["Right margin to" (customize-variable  `scilab-comment-column) t]
> 	["Region comm-string" (customize-variable  `scilab-comment-region-s) t])
>        "---"
>        ["Periodic Code Details"
> 	(custom-set-variables '(scilab-show-periodic-code-details-flag
> 				(not scilab-show-periodic-code-details-flag)))
> 	:style toggle :selected scilab-show-periodic-code-details-flag ]
>        ["Highlight Matching Blocks"
> 	(scilab-enable-block-highlighting)
> 	:style toggle :selected (member 'scilab-start-block-highlight-timer
> 					post-command-hook) ])
>       ["Restart mode"  (scilab-mode)]
>       ["Customize Faces"  (customize-group 'scilab-face)]
>       ["All Preferences"  (customize-group 'scilab)]
>       "---"
>       ["Start Scilab" scilab-shell (not (scilab-shell-active-p))]
>       ["Exit Scilab" scilab-shell-remote-exit (scilab-shell-active-p) ]
>       ))
>   (if running-xemacs
>       (progn
> 	(easy-menu-add scilab-mode-menu scilab-mode-map)
> 	(easy-menu-add scilab-navigate-menu scilab-mode-map)
> 	(easy-menu-add scilab-insert-menu scilab-mode-map))))

> ;;; Scilab shell =============================================================
> (defgroup scilab-shell nil
>   "Scilab shell mode."
>   :prefix "scilab-shell-"
>   :group 'scilab)
> (defgroup scilab-setup nil 
>   "This group contains variables of `scilab' and `scilab-shell' groups 
>    used for the initial setup"  
>   :group 'scilab)
> (defcustom scilab-launch-automatically nil
>   "Not-nil means *Launch `scilab-shell' automatically  in `scilab-mode'
>    if any scilab file is open "
>   :group 'scilab-shell
>   :group 'scilab-setup
>   :type 'boolean)
> (defcustom scilab-shell-mode-hook nil 
>   "*List of functions to call on entry to Scilab shell mode."
>   :group 'scilab-shell
>   :group 'scilab-setup
>   :type 'hook)
> (defcustom scilab-shell-command 
>   (scilab-get-default-scilab-shell-command)
>   "*The name of the command to be run which will start the Scilab process.
>   To avoid paths problems it is better to put here the full path command.
>   You can use standard \"scilab\" or \"scilex\" utilities or your own 
>   shell-scripts running scilab. I do not recommend to put here any flags.
>   You wil have variable `scilab-shell-command-switches' for this" 
>   :group 'scilab-shell
>   :group 'scilab-setup
>   :type 'string)
> (defcustom scilab-shell-command-switches 
>   '("-nw")
>   "*Command line parameters run with `scilab-shell-command'. The standard
>   flag is \"-nw\". If you remove it you will not launch scilab into emacs.
>   You can add here your flags"
>   :group 'scilab-shell
>   :group 'scilab-setup
>   :type '(repeat (string :tag "Switch: ")))
> (defcustom scilab-shell-main-directory (getenv "SCI")
>   "*Main scilab directory usually defined as $SCI. If you occacionally
>   did not define it then  here is your chance"
>   :group 'scilab-shell
>   :group 'scilab-setup
>   :type 'string)
> ;(defcustom scilab-shell-global-key "\C-cs"
> ;  "Global key for `scilab-shell' command \"^C\" means Ctrl-c, \"^X\" 
> ;means Ctrl-x,etc" 
> ;  :group 'scilab-shell
> ;  :group 'scilab-setup
> ;  :type 'string)
> ;;;;###autoload
> ;(defun scilab-shell-get-global-key ()
> ;scilab-shell-global-key 
> ;)
> (defcustom scilab-shell-initial-directory  
> (if (getenv "SCIHOME") (getenv "SCIHOME") (getenv "HOME"))
>   "*Default initial user directory. Emacs will be here in *Scilab* buffer 
> at the first time. Default value is  the value of $SCIHOME variable in shell. If $SCIHOME is not defined then $HOME is used. But you can redefine it to your
> preference if your want"
>   :group 'scilab-shell
>   :group 'scilab-setup
>   :type 'string)
> (defcustom scilab-topics-file-path (if (getenv "MANCHAPTERS") (getenv "MANCHAPTERS") "/tmp/manChapters")
> "Name from the variable $MANCHAPTERS. If this variable is not defined then \"/tmp/manChapters\""
>  :group 'scilab-shell
>  :group 'scilab-setup
>  :type 'string)
> (defcustom scilab-shell-echoes t
> "If non-nil, assume that  `scilab-shell-command' echoes any input.
> If so, delete one copy of the input so that only one copy eventually
> appears in the buffer. Thus briefly if nil you will get echo for each command."
>   :group 'scilab-shell
>   :group 'scilab-setup
>   :type 'boolean)
> ;; I  disable customization of this variable unless gud-mode will be
> ;; implemented for scilab
> (defvar scilab-shell-enable-gud-flag nil
>   "*Non-nil means to use GUD mode when running the Scilab shell.
>   Now it is set to nil since it is not implement yet well in Scilab"
> ;  :group 'scilab-shell
> ;  :type 'boolean)
> )
> (defcustom scilab-shell-server-start nil
>  "*Non-nil means that run `scilab-server-start' if it is possible. For Xemacs this is
> always `gnuserv-start'. For GNU emacs server `server-start'  is the standard server.
> However, `gnuserv-start' with gnuserver  can be installed for emacs too.
>  It is very useful if you want to open files and evalulate any lisp commands
> directlry from `scilab-shell'. Notice that in the case of `gnuserv-start' it is run
> with additional hacks which are ajust this gnuserver to unix shell of scilab personally. Thus many emaces can run many scilab-gnuservers without problems. The server is run
> only if scilab-shell is active."
>   :group 'scilab-shell
>   :group 'scilab-setup
>   :type 'boolean)
> ;;;###autoload
> (defun scilab-mode-setup()
> "Setup function. When you just got the file scilab.el, it helps to 
> configure your scilab with emacs"
> (interactive)
> (customize-group  'scilab-setup)
> ;(find-file user-init-file)
> ;(setq initfile (current-buffer))
> ;(re-search-forward   
> ;(global-set-key scilab-shell-global-key 'scilab-shell)
> )
> (defun scilab-shell-active-p ()
>   "Return t if the Scilab shell is active."
>   (if (get-buffer (concat "*" scilab-shell-buffer-name "*"))
>       (save-excursion
> 	(set-buffer (concat "*" scilab-shell-buffer-name "*"))
> 	(if (comint-check-proc (current-buffer))
> 	    (current-buffer)))))
> (defun scilab-shell-active-in-current-buffer-p ()
>   "Return t if the Scilab shell is active in the current buffer."
>   (if (comint-check-proc (current-buffer))
> 	    (current-buffer)))
> (defvar scilab-shell-mode-map ()
>   "Keymap used in `scilab-shell-mode'.")
> (defvar scilab-shell-font-lock-keywords-1
>   (append scilab-font-lock-keywords scilab-shell-font-lock-keywords)
>   "Keyword symbol used for font-lock mode.")
> (defvar scilab-shell-font-lock-keywords-2
>   (append scilab-shell-font-lock-keywords-1 scilab-gaudy-font-lock-keywords)
>   "Keyword symbol used for gaudy font-lock symbols.")
> (defvar scilab-shell-font-lock-keywords-3
>   (append scilab-shell-font-lock-keywords-2
>           scilab-font-lock-solo-keywords
> 	  scilab-really-gaudy-font-lock-keywords)
>   "Keyword symbol used for really gaudy font-lock symbols.")
> (eval-when-compile (require 'gud) (require 'comint) (require 'shell))
> (defun scilab-reset-shell-mode-map ()
>   (setq 
>    scilab-shell-mode-map
>    (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap 'scilab-shell-mode-map)))
> 					;	      (if (fboundp 'set-keymap-parent)
> 					;		  (set-keymap-parent km comint-mode-map)
> 					;		;; 19.31 doesn't have set-keymap-parent
> 					;		(setq km (nconc km comint-mode-map)))
>      (define-key km "\ep" 'comint-previous-input)
>      (define-key km "\en" 'comint-next-input)
>      (define-key km [(control up)] 'comint-previous-input)
>      (define-key km [(control down)] 'comint-next-input)
>      (define-key km "\er" 'comint-previous-matching-input)
>      (define-key km "\es" 'comint-next-matching-input)
>      (define-key km [?\C-c ?\M-r] 'comint-previous-matching-input-from-input)
>      (define-key km [?\C-c ?\M-s] 'comint-next-matching-input-from-input)
>      (define-key km "\e\C-l" 'comint-show-output)
>      (define-key km "\C-m" 'comint-send-input)
>      (define-key km "\C-d" 'comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof)
>      (define-key km "\C-c " 'comint-accumulate)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-x" 'comint-get-next-from-history)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-a" 'comint-bol-or-process-mark)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-u" 'comint-kill-input)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-w" 'backward-kill-word)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-c" 'comint-interrupt-subjob)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-z" 'comint-stop-subjob)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-\\" 'comint-quit-subjob)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-m" 'comint-copy-old-input)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-o" 'comint-kill-output)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-r" 'comint-show-output)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-e" 'comint-show-maximum-output)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-l" 'comint-dynamic-list-input-ring)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-n" 'comint-next-prompt)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-p" 'comint-previous-prompt)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-d" 'comint-send-eof)
>      (substitute-key-definition 'next-error 'scilab-shell-last-error
> 				km global-map)
>      (define-key km [(control h) return]	scilab-help-map)
> 					;	      (define-key km [(tab)] 'comint-dynamic-complete-filename)
>      (define-key km [(tab)] 'scilab-complete-symbol)
>      (define-key km [(control up)] 'comint-previous-matching-input-from-input)
>      (define-key km [(control down)] 'comint-next-matching-input-from-input)
> 					;	      (define-key km [up] 'comint-previous-matching-input-from-input)
> 					;	      (define-key km [down] 'comint-next-matching-input-from-input)
>      (define-key km [(control backspace)] 'comint-kill-input)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-a" 'scilab-abort-subjob)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-c" 'comint-interrupt-subjob)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-e" 'scilab-shell-exit)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-r" 'scilab-shell-restart)
>      (define-key km "\C-c\C-k" 'comint-kill-subjob)
>      (define-key km [(control c) ?.] 'scilab-find-file-on-path)
>      (define-key km "\C-c/" 'scilab-shell-cd)
>      (define-key km "\C-cd" 'scilab-shell-cd)
>      (define-key km "\C-x\\" 'scilab-shell-after-pause)
>      (define-key km "\C-cc" 'scilab-shell-run-command)
>      (define-key km "\C-cr" 'scilab-shell-run-region)
>      (define-key km [(control return)] 'scilab-continue-subjob)
>      (define-key km "\C-?" 'scilab-shell-delete-backwards-no-prompt)
>      (define-key km [(backspace)] 'scilab-shell-delete-backwards-no-prompt)
>      km)))
> ;;;###autoload
> (defun scilab-shell ()
>   "Create a buffer with Scilab running as a subprocess."
>   (interactive)
>   ;; Scilab shell does not work by default on the Windows platform.  Only
>   ;; permit it's operation when the shell command string is different from
>   ;; the default value.  (True when the engine program is running.)
>   (if (and (or (eq window-system 'pc) (eq window-system 'w32))
> 	   (string= scilab-shell-command "scilab"))
>       (error "Scilab cannot be run as a inferior process.  \
> Try C-h f scilab-shell RET"))
>   (require 'shell)
>   (require 'term)
>   (require 'gud)
>   ;; Make sure this is safe...
>   (if (fboundp 'gud-def)
>       ;; We can continue using GUD
>       nil
> 					;    (message "Sorry, your emacs cannot use the Scilab Shell GUD features.")
>     (setq scilab-shell-enable-gud-flag nil))
>   (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*" scilab-shell-buffer-name "*"))))
>     (set-buffer buffer)
>     (unless  (comint-check-proc buffer)
>       ;; Build keymap here in case someone never uses comint mode
>       (unless  scilab-shell-mode-map
> 	(scilab-reset-shell-mode-map))
>       (when running-xemacs 
> 	(if (boundp 'system-uses-terminfo)
> 	    (setq scilab-system-uses-terminfo system-uses-terminfo)
> 	  (setq scilab-system-uses-terminfo nil))
> 	(setq system-uses-terminfo t))
>       (apply 'make-comint-in-buffer "scilab" 
> 	     buffer 
> 	     scilab-shell-command
> 	     nil ; no start file
> 	     scilab-shell-command-switches)
>       (if running-xemacs 
> 	  (setq system-uses-terminfo scilab-system-uses-terminfo))
>       (comint-mode)
>       (when running-xemacs 
> 	(delete-menu-item '("Complete"))
> 	(delete-menu-item '("In/Out"))
> 	(delete-menu-item '("Signals")))
>       (setq shell-dirtrackp t)
>       (if scilab-shell-enable-gud-flag
> 	  (progn
> 	    (gud-mode)
> 	    (make-local-variable 'gud-marker-filter)
> 	    (setq gud-marker-filter 'gud-scilab-marker-filter)
> 	    (make-local-variable 'gud-find-file)
> 	    (setq gud-find-file 'gud-scilab-find-file)
> 	    (make-local-variable 'gud-format-command)
> 	    (setq gud-find-file 'gud-scilab-format-command)
> 	    (set-process-filter (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
> 				'gud-filter)
> 	    (set-process-sentinel (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
> 				  'gud-sentinel)
> 	    (gud-set-buffer))
> 	;; What to do when there is no GUD
> 					;(set-process-filter (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
> 					;			  'scilab-shell-process-filter)
> 	)
> ;;;server-start. For running any emacs commands from scilab
> 					; (if scilab-shell-server-start (scilab-server-start))
>       ;; Comint and GUD both try to set the mode.  Now reset it to
>       ;; scilab mode.
>       (setq scilab-shell-libfunc-isbuilt nil)
>       (scilab-shell-mode))
>     (switch-to-buffer buffer)))
> (defun scilab-shell-versions ()
>   "Save in scilab variable %version versions of scilab, emacs, scilab-mode
>  and client-mode"
>   (interactive)
>   (let* ((emacsname 
> 	   (concat (if running-xemacs  "'XEmacs-" "'GNU Emacs-") version-emacs "'"))
> 	 (client (scilab-server-status))
> 	 (vv (concat emacsname ";'scilab-mode " scilab-mode-version "';'" client "'"))  
> 	 (p (point-max)))
>     (scilab-shell-collect-command-output
>      (concat "if ~exists('%version') then \n"  
> 	     "errcatch(4,'continue','nomessage');%version=getversion();\n"
> 	     "if iserror(4), errclear(4);%version='scilab < 2.5.1';end\n"
> 	     "errcatch(4,'kill'); end\n"
> 	     "%version=[%version(1);" vv  "];\n"))
>     (setq scilab-mode-all-versions 
> 	  (substring 
> 	   (scilab-shell-collect-command-output
> 	    "write(%io(2),strcat(%version([3,2,4]),' '));")
> 	   0 -3))
>     (message "Updated scilab variable %%version: %s" scilab-mode-all-versions)))
> (defcustom scilab-shell-logo (concat (getenv "SCI") "/X11_defaults/scilab.xpm")
>   "*The Scilab logo file."
>   :group 'scilab-shell
>   :type '(choice (const :tag "None" nil)
> 		 (file :tag "File" "")))
> (defun scilab-shell-hack-logo (str)
>   "Replace the text logo with a real logo.
> STR is passed from the commint filter."
>   (when (string-match "S c i l a b" str)
>     (save-excursion
>       (when (re-search-backward 
>                 "===========\n[ \t]+S c i l a b\n[ \t]+==========="
>                  (point-min) t)
>  	(delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
>         (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
>  	(set-extent-begin-glyph (make-extent (point) (point))
>  				(make-glyph scilab-shell-logo))))
>     ;; Remove this function from `comint-output-filter-functions'
>     (remove-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions
>  		 'scilab-shell-hack-logo)))
> (define-derived-mode scilab-shell-mode comint-mode "Scilab-Shell"
>   "Major mode for interactive with Scilab as a subprocess in an Emacs buffer.
> This mode will allow standard Emacs shell commands/completion to occur
> with Scilab running as an inferior process.  Additionally, this shell
> mode is integrated with `scilab-mode', a major mode for editing sci
> code.
> > From an sci file buffer:
> \\<scilab-mode-map>
> \\[scilab-shell-save-and-getf-or-run] - Save the current sci file, and getf it in a \
> Scilab shell. If this is script then runs it.
> > From Shell mode:
> \\<scilab-shell-mode-map>
> \\[scilab-shell-mode] - restart scilab shell mode
> \\[scilab-shell-last-error] - find location of last Scilab runtime error \
> in the offending sci file.
> \\[scilab-shell-after-pause] - find the current pause-line 
> \\[scilab-shell-active-p] - check either scilab is active in Scilab buffer
> \\[scilab-shell-active-in-current-buffer-p] - check either scilab is active in the current buffer
> \\[scilab-shell-additional] - run additional scilabs as subprocesses in 
> emacs buffers. Auxiliary shells has much less features but sometimes they are useful
> > From an sci file, or from Shell mode:
> \\[scilab-shell-whereami] - Display current instruction calling tree
> \\[scilab-shell-cd] - Change directory both in scilab and the current buffer
> \\[scilab-shell-demos] - Runs scilab demos
> \\[scilab-shell] - start scilab 
> \\[scilab-shell-exit] - Exist scilab 
> \\[scilab-shell-restart] - restart scilab 
> \\<scilab-mode-map>
> \\[scilab-shell-run-command] - Run COMMAND and show result in a popup buffer.
> \\[scilab-shell-describe-variable] - Show variable contents in a popup buffer.
> \\[scilab-shell-describe-command] - Show online documentation for a command \
> in a popup buffer.
> \\[scilab-shell-apropos] - Show output from apropos command in a popup buffer.
> \\[scilab-shell-topic-browser] - Topic browser using HELP.
> > Keymap:
> \\{scilab-mode-map}"
>   (setq comint-prompt-regexp "-[1-100]?-> *"
> 	comint-delimiter-argument-list (list [ 59 ])) ; semi colon
>   (set (make-local-variable 'comint-dynamic-complete-functions)
>        '(comint-replace-by-expanded-history))
>   (setq comint-process-echoes scilab-shell-echoes)
>   ;;(add-hook 'comint-input-filter-functions 'shell-directory-tracker)
>   ;; Add a spiffy logo if we are running XEmacs
>   (if (and running-xemacs window-system
> 	   (stringp scilab-shell-logo)
> 	   (file-readable-p scilab-shell-logo))
>       (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'scilab-shell-hack-logo))
>   (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "//")
>   (use-local-map scilab-shell-mode-map)
>   (set-syntax-table scilab-mode-syntax-table)
>   (set (make-local-variable 'comint-input-sender) 
>        (function scilab-simple-send))
>   (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
>        '((scilab-shell-font-lock-keywords-1
> 	  scilab-shell-font-lock-keywords-2
> 	  scilab-shell-font-lock-keywords-3
> 	  )
> 	 t nil ((?_ . "w"))))
>   (make-local-variable 'gud-marker-acc)
>   (setq  scilab-shell-number-graphic-window 0)
>   (if window-system (scilab-shell-frame-init)) 
>   (if scilab-shell-enable-gud-flag
>       (progn
> 	(gud-scilab-make-debug-menu)
> 	(set-marker comint-last-output-start (point-max))
> 	))
>   (set 
>    (make-local-variable 'next-line-add-newlines)
>    nil)
>   (run-hooks 'scilab-shell-mode-hook)
>   (when (ring-empty-p comint-input-ring)
>     (scilab-shell-cd scilab-shell-initial-directory)
>     (scilab-show-version)
> ;;;server-start. For running any emacs commands from scilab
>     (if scilab-shell-server-start 
> 	(scilab-server-start)
>       (scilab-shell-versions)
>       )
> 					;  (let ((allnames (if scilab-libfunc-list-path 
> 					;                     scilab-libfunc-list-path 
> 					; 		   (concat scilab-shell-initial-directory "/libfunc"))))
> 					;   (if (file-exists-p allnames) 
> 					;       (delete-file allnames)))
>     (if (and (boundp 'font-lock-mode) (fboundp 'font-lock-mode))
> 	(if scilab-font-lock-mode 
> 	    (turn-on-font-lock)  
> 	  (font-lock-mode -1)))
>     (comint-read-input-ring t)))
> (defun scilab-shell-frame-init()
>   "Initialize Emacs 19+ menu and Xemacs system. in `scilab-shell-mode' (editing mode)"
> ;;I grabbed this menu from the standard comint I/O menu, but many stuffs
> ;; I removed as not useful (by my private opinion)
>   (use-local-map scilab-shell-mode-map)
>  (easy-menu-remove-item nil  nil "SciI/O") 
>  (easy-menu-define
>    scilab-shell-IO-menu
>    scilab-shell-mode-map
>    "Scilab shell I/O menu"
>    '("SciI/O"
>      ["Expand History Before Point"  comint-replace-by-expanded-history]
>      ["List Input History"   comint-dynamic-list-input-ring]
>      ["Previous Input"   comint-previous-input]
>      ["Next Input"   comint-next-input]   
>      ["Previous Matching Current Input"   comint-previous-matching-input-from-input]
>      ["Next Matching Current Input"  comint-next-matching-input-from-input]
>      ["Previous Matching Input..."   comint-previous-matching-input]
>      ["Next Matching Input..."   comint-next-matching-input]
>      ["Backward Matching Input..."   comint-backward-matching-input]
>      ["Forward Matching Input..."   comint-forward-matching-input]
>      ["Copy Old Input"  comint-copy-old-input]
>      ["Kill Current Input"  comint-kill-input]
>   ))
>  (easy-menu-remove-item nil  nil "Complete") 
>  (easy-menu-define
>    scilab-shell-complete-menu
>    scilab-shell-mode-map
>    "Scilab shell complete menu"
>    '("Complete"
>      ["Complete Name"         scilab-complete-symbol]
>      ["Expand File Name"       comint-replace-by-expanded-filename]
>      ["Complete Before Point"  comint-dynamic-complete]
>      ["Set Completion Type" (customize-variable 'scilab-completion-technique)] 
> ))
>  (easy-menu-remove-item nil  nil "SciCtrl") 
> (easy-menu-define
>    scilab-shell-control-menu
>    scilab-shell-mode-map
>    "Scilab shell control menu"
>    '("SciCtrl"
>      ["Break" comint-interrupt-subjob :included(scilab-shell-active-p)
>                                       :active(scilab-shell-active-p)]
>      ["Abort"  scilab-abort-subjob :included(scilab-shell-active-p)
>                                    :active(scilab-shell-active-p)]
>      ["Resume" scilab-continue-subjob :included(scilab-shell-active-p) 
>                                      :active(scilab-shell-active-p)] 
>      "----"
>      ["Start" scilab-shell (not (scilab-shell-active-p))]
>      ["Restart" scilab-shell-restart (scilab-shell-active-p)]
>      ["Exit" scilab-shell-exit (scilab-shell-active-p)]
>      ["Quit" comint-quit-subjob (scilab-shell-active-p)]
>      ["Kill" comint-kill-subjob (scilab-shell-active-p)]
>      "----"
>      ["More scilabs" scilab-shell-additional]
>      "----"
>      ["Server start" scilab-server-start
>                  :included
> 		 (and (scilab-shell-active-p) (not scilab-server-status))
>                  :active ;;added for compatability of other easy-meny
> 		 (and (scilab-shell-active-p) (not scilab-server-status))]
>      ["Server kill" scilab-server-kill
>                  :included
> 		 (and scilab-server-status (scilab-shell-active-p))
>                  :active ;;added for compatability of other easy-meny
> 		 (and scilab-server-status (scilab-shell-active-p))]
> )
> )
>  (easy-menu-remove-item nil  nil scilab-shell-graphic-menu-title) 
>  (setq scilab-shell-graphic-menu-title (concat
>       "Graphic "      
>       (int-to-string  scilab-shell-number-graphic-window)))
>  (easy-menu-define
>    scilab-shell-graphic-menu
>    scilab-shell-mode-map
>    "Scilab shell graphic windows  menu"
>    `( ,scilab-shell-graphic-menu-title 
>      ["Open Window" scilab-shell-open-graphic-window 
>              :included(scilab-shell-active-p) 
>              :active(scilab-shell-active-p) ]
>      ["Next" (scilab-shell-plus-graphic-window)
>              :included(scilab-shell-active-p) 
>              :active(scilab-shell-active-p) ]
>      ["Previous" (scilab-shell-minus-graphic-window)
>              :included(scilab-shell-active-p) 
>              :active(scilab-shell-active-p) ]
>      ["Close Window" scilab-shell-close-current-figure 
>              :included(scilab-shell-active-p)
>              :active(scilab-shell-active-p)]
>      ["Close All" scilab-shell-close-figures 
>              :included(scilab-shell-active-p)
>              :active(scilab-shell-active-p)]
>   ))
>  (easy-menu-remove-item nil nil "Scilab")
>   (easy-menu-define
>    scilab-general-menu
>    scilab-shell-mode-map
>    "Scilab general menu"
>    '("Scilab"
>      ["Goto last error" scilab-shell-last-error t]
>      ["Goto after pause" scilab-shell-after-pause t]
>      ["Run Command" scilab-shell-run-command :included(scilab-shell-active-p)
>                                              :active(scilab-shell-active-p)]
>      ["Run Region" scilab-shell-run-region :included(scilab-shell-active-p)
>                                              :active(scilab-shell-active-p)]
>      "----"
>      ["Find sc[ie] file|func" scilab-find-file-on-path t]
>      ["Change Dir"   scilab-shell-cd (scilab-shell-active-p)]
>      "----"
>      ["Shell whereami" scilab-shell-whereami (scilab-shell-active-p)]
>      ["Describe Variable" scilab-shell-describe-variable 
>             :included(scilab-shell-active-p)
>             :active(scilab-shell-active-p)]
>      ["Help on Function" scilab-shell-describe-command t]
>      ["Apropos (Key) Command" scilab-shell-apropos t]
>      ["Topic Browser" scilab-shell-topic-browser t]
>      ["Separate help buff" (custom-set-variables
>       '(scilab-help-separate-buffer (not scilab-help-separate-buffer)))
>        :style toggle :selected scilab-help-separate-buffer]
>      "----"
>      ["Demos" scilab-shell-demos 
>              :included(scilab-shell-active-p)
>              :active(scilab-shell-active-p)]
>      "----"
>      ["Open  Graphic Window" scilab-shell-open-graphic-window 
>              :included(scilab-shell-active-p) 
>              :active(scilab-shell-active-p) ]
>      "----"
>      ["Restart mode"  (scilab-shell-mode)]
>      ["Setup mode"  (scilab-mode-setup)]
>      ["Customize Faces"  (customize-group 'scilab-face)]
>      "----"
>      ["More scilabs" scilab-shell-additional]
> ))
> (if running-xemacs 
>   (progn
>     (easy-menu-add scilab-general-menu scilab-shell-mode-map)
>     (easy-menu-add scilab-shell-graphic-menu scilab-shell-mode-map)
>     (easy-menu-add scilab-shell-control-menu scilab-shell-mode-map)
>     (easy-menu-add scilab-shell-complete-menu scilab-shell-mode-map)
>     (easy-menu-add scilab-shell-IO-menu scilab-shell-mode-map)
>  ))
> ;;Dummy action
> (scilab-shell-dummy-action)
> (message "Menus updated")
> )
> (defun scilab-shell-dummy-action()
> "Dummy action. Does nothing"
>   (if (not (scilab-on-prompt-p))
>        nil
>     (save-excursion
>       (let ((pos nil)
> 	    (lastcmd))
>       (goto-char (point-max))
>       (beginning-of-line)
>       (re-search-forward comint-prompt-regexp)
>       (setq lastcmd (buffer-substring (point) (scilab-point-at-eol)))
>       (delete-region (point) (scilab-point-at-eol))
>       (setq pos (point))
>       (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) "\n")
>       (while (or (>= pos (point)) (not (scilab-on-empty-prompt-p)))
> 	(accept-process-output (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
> 	(goto-char (point-max))
>       )
>  	(goto-char pos)
> 	(beginning-of-line)
> 	(delete-region pos (point-max))
>         (insert lastcmd))
> )))  
> (defun scilab-shell-additional ()
>   "Create an additional buffer with additional Scilab running as a subprocess.
> If in the main scilab buffer there is no process then rerun the basic scilab"
> (interactive)
> (if (not (scilab-shell-active-p)) (scilab-shell)
>   (let ((nobuff t) (num 1) (buffname nil))
>     (while nobuff
>       (setq buffname (concat scilab-shell-buffer-name "-" (int-to-string num)))
>       (switch-to-buffer (concat "*" buffname "*"))
>       (if (scilab-shell-active-in-current-buffer-p) 
>           (setq num (+ num 1))
>           (setq nobuff nil)))
>    (comint-mode)
>    (switch-to-buffer (make-comint buffname  scilab-shell-command
> 		  nil scilab-shell-command-switches))
>   (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
>   (setq font-lock-defaults '((scilab-shell-font-lock-keywords-1
> 			      scilab-shell-font-lock-keywords-2
> 			      scilab-shell-font-lock-keywords-3
>   )))    
>   (make-local-variable 'next-line-add-newlines)
>   (setq next-line-add-newlines nil)
>   (make-local-variable 'comint-process-echoes)
>   (setq comint-process-echoes scilab-shell-echoes)
>   (run-hooks 'scilab-shell-mode-hook)
>   )))
> (defun gud-scilab-make-debug-menu()
> "Make `gud-def's and runs `gud-make-debug-menu'"
> 	(gud-def gud-break  (concat "setbpt('" (scilab-which-function) "'," (scilab-get-number-line-in-function) ")") "\C-b" "Set breakpoint at current line.")
> ;(gud-def gud-break  (concat "setbpt('%y',%L)" "\C-b" "Set breakpoint at current line.")
> ;	(gud-def gud-break (concat "setbpt('" (substring %f  0 (- (length %f) 3)) "'," "%l")  "\C-b" "Set breakpoint at current line.")	
> ;     (gud-def gud-remove "delbpt at %l in %f"     "\C-d" "Remove breakpoint at current line")
>      (gud-def gud-remove  (concat "delbpt('" (scilab-which-function) "'," (scilab-get-number-line-in-function) ")")    "\C-d" "Remove breakpoint at current line")
> 	(gud-def gud-step   "dbstep %p"           "\C-s" "Step one source line with display.")
> 	(gud-def gud-cont   "resume"              "\C-r" "Continue with display.");;;
> 	(gud-def gud-finish "dbquit"              "\C-f" "Finish executing current function.")
> 	(gud-def gud-up     "dbup %p"             "<"    "Up N stack frames (numeric arg).")
> 	(gud-def gud-down   "dbdown %p"           ">"    "Down N stack frames (numeric arg).")
> 	(gud-def gud-print  "%e"                  "\C-p" "Evaluate sci expression at point.")
> 	(if (fboundp 'gud-make-debug-menu)
> 	    (gud-make-debug-menu))
> 	(if (fboundp 'gud-overload-functions)
> 	    (gud-overload-functions
> 	     '((gud-massage-args . gud-scilab-massage-args)
> 	       (gud-marker-filter . gud-scilab-marker-filter)
> 	       (gud-find-file . gud-scilab-find-file))))
> 	;; XEmacs doesn't seem to have this concept already.  Oh well.
> 	(setq gud-marker-acc nil)
> 	)
> (defvar gud-scilab-marker-regexp-1 "^K-[1-100]?->"
>   "Regular expression for finding a file line-number.")
> (defvar gud-scilab-marker-regexp-2
>   "^> In \\([-.a-zA-Z0-9_/@]+\\) \\((\\w+) \\|\\)at line \\([0-9]+\\)[ \n]+"
>   "Regular expression for finding a file line-number.
> Please note: The > character represents the current stack frame, so if there
> are several frames, this makes sure we pick the right one to popup.")
> (defvar gud-scilab-marker-regexp-prefix "^> In "
>   "A prefix to scan for to know if output might be scarfed later.")
> ;; The regular expression covers the following form:
> ;; Errors:  !--error <number>
> ;;          error_string
> ;;          at line <line_number> of function <fun_name> called by:
> ;;          <command line>
> (defvar gud-scilab-error-regexp
>   (concat "\\s-*\\(!--error\\).*\n"
>   "\\(.*\n\\)+"
>   "at line[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\) of function \\(\\S-+\\)"
> ;\\s-+called by:\\s-*\n"
>   )
>   "Regular expression finding where an error occurred.")
> (defvar gud-scilab-pause-regexp
>   "\\s-*\\(%?[a-zA-Z0-9#_]+\\)[ \t]+called at line\\s-+\\([0-9]+\\)\\s-+of macro\\s-+\\(%?[a-zA-Z0-9#_]+\\>\\)"
>   "Regular expression finding where a pause  occurred.")
> (defvar gud-scilab-pause-regexp2
>   "\\s-*\\(Stop after row\\)\\s-+\\([0-9]+\\)\\s-+in function\\s-+\\(%?[a-zA-Z0-9#_]+\\>\\)"
>   "Regular expression type 2 finding where a pause  occurred.")
> (defvar gud-scilab-pause-regexp3
>   "\\(at line\\|line\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\) of function \\(\\S-+\\)")
> (defvar scilab-last-frame-returned nil
>   "Store the previously returned frame for Scilabs difficult debugging output.
> It is reset to nil whenever we are not prompted by the K-[1-100]?-> output.")
> (defvar scilab-one-db-request nil
>   "Set to t if we requested a debugger command trace.")
> (defun gud-scilab-massage-args (file args)
>   "Argument massager for starting scilab file.
> I don't think I have to do anything, but I'm not sure.
> FILE is ignored, and ARGS is returned."
>   args)
> (defun gud-scilab-marker-filter (string)
>   "Filters STRING for the Unified Debugger based on Scilab output.
> Swiped ruthlessly from GDB mode in gud.el"
>   (let ((garbage (concat "\\(" (regexp-quote "\C-g") "\\|"
>  			 (regexp-quote "\033[H0") "\\|"
>  			 (regexp-quote "\033[H\033[2J") "\\|"
>  			 (regexp-quote "\033H\033[2J") "\\)")))
>     (while (string-match garbage string)
>       (if (= (aref string (match-beginning 0)) ?\C-g)
> 	  (beep t))
>       (setq string (replace-match "" t t string))))
>   (setq gud-marker-acc (concat gud-marker-acc string))
>   (let ((output "") (frame nil))
>     ;; Remove output from one stack trace...
>     (if (eq scilab-one-db-request t)
> 	(if (string-match "db[a-z]+[ \n]+" gud-marker-acc)
> 	    (setq gud-marker-acc (substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0))
> 		  scilab-one-db-request 'prompt)))
>     ;; Process all the complete markers in this chunk.
>     (while (and (not (eq scilab-one-db-request t))
> 		(string-match gud-scilab-marker-regexp-2 gud-marker-acc))
>       (setq
>        ;; Extract the frame position from the marker.
>        frame (cons (match-string 1 gud-marker-acc)
> 		   (string-to-number (substring gud-marker-acc
> 					     (match-beginning 3)
> 					     (match-end 3))))
>        ;; Append any text before the marker to the output we're going
>        ;; to return - we don't include the marker in this text.
>        ;; If this is not a requested piece of text, then include
>        ;; it into the output.
>        output (concat output
> 		      (substring gud-marker-acc 0
> 				 (if scilab-one-db-request
> 				     (match-beginning 0)
> 				   (match-end 0))))
>        ;; Set the accumulator to the remaining text.
>        gud-marker-acc (substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0))))
>     (if frame
> 	(progn
> 	  ;; We have a frame, so we don't need to do extra checking.
> 	  (setq scilab-last-frame-returned frame)
> 	  )
>       (if (and (not scilab-one-db-request)
> 	       (string-match gud-scilab-marker-regexp-1 gud-marker-acc))
> 	  (progn
> 	    ;; Here we know we are in debug mode, so find our stack, and
> 	    ;; deal with that later...
> 	    (setq scilab-one-db-request t)
> 	    (process-send-string (get-buffer-process gud-comint-buffer)
> 				 "dbstack\n"))))
>     ;; Check for a prompt to nuke...
>     (if (and (eq scilab-one-db-request 'prompt)
> 	     (string-match "^K?-[1-100]?-> $" gud-marker-acc))
> 	(setq scilab-one-db-request nil
> 	      output ""
> 	      gud-marker-acc (substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0))))
>     ;; Finish off this part of the output.  None of our special stuff
>     ;; ends with a \n, so display those as they show up...
>     (while (string-match "^[^\n]*\n" gud-marker-acc)
>       (setq output (concat output (substring gud-marker-acc 0 (match-end 0)))
> 	    gud-marker-acc (substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0))))
>     (if (string-match gud-scilab-marker-regexp-prefix gud-marker-acc)
> 	;; We could be collecting something.  Wait for a while.
> 	nil
>       (setq output (concat output gud-marker-acc)
> 	    gud-marker-acc "")
>       ;; Check our output for a prompt, and existence of a frame.
>       ;; If t his is true, throw out the debug arrow stuff.
>       (if (and (string-match "^-[1:100]?-> $" output)
> 	       gud-last-last-frame)
> 	  (progn
> 	    (setq overlay-arrow-position nil
> 		  gud-last-last-frame nil)
> 	    (sit-for 0)
> 	    )))
>     (if frame (setq gud-last-frame frame))
>     ;;(message "[%s] [%s]" output gud-marker-acc)
>     output))
> ;;We write here the new version of function gud-scilab-find-file taking in account
> ;; that scilab accepts many function in one file. The old version is commented.
> (defun gud-scilab-find-file (f)
>   "Find file F or function when debugging frames in Scilab."
>   (save-excursion
>       (scilab-find-file-on-path f)
>       (if scilab-shell-enable-gud-flag 
>         (gud-scilab-make-debug-menu))     
>       (current-buffer)))
> ;;;(defun gud-scilab-find-file (f)
> ;;;  "Find file F when debugging frames in Scilab."
> ;;;  (save-excursion
> ;;;    (let* ((realfname (if (string-match "\\.\\(p\\)$" f)
> ;;;			  (progn
> ;;;			    (aset f (match-beginning 1) ?m)
> ;;;			    f)
> ;;;			f))
> ;;;	   (buf (find-file-noselect realfname)))
> ;;;     (set-buffer buf)
> ;;;      (if (fboundp 'gud-make-debug-menu)
> ;;;	  (gud-make-debug-menu))
> ;;;      buf)))
> ;;Scilab version of gud-format-command, extend format to catch functions names
> ;; and lines into functions not in file
> (defun gud-scilab-format-command (str arg)
> "Local version of `gud-format-command'. Add format "
>   (let ((insource (not (eq (current-buffer) gud-comint-buffer)))
> 	(frame (or gud-last-frame gud-last-last-frame))
> 	result)
>     (while (and str (string-match "\\([^%]*\\)%\\([adeflpLy]\\)" str))
>       (let ((key (string-to-char (substring str (match-beginning 2))))
> 	    subst)
> 	(cond
> 	 ((eq key ?f)
> 	  (setq subst (file-name-nondirectory (if insource
> 						  (buffer-file-name)
> 						(car frame)))))
> 	 ((eq key ?F)
> 	  (setq subst (file-name-sans-extension
> 		       (file-name-nondirectory (if insource
> 						   (buffer-file-name)
> 						 (car frame))))))
> 	 ((eq key ?y)
> 	  (setq subst (if insource (scilab-which-function)
> 						 (car frame))))
> 	 ((eq key ?d)
> 	  (setq subst (file-name-directory (if insource
> 					       (buffer-file-name)
> 					     (car frame)))))
> 	 ((eq key ?l)
> 	  (setq subst (if insource
> 			  (save-excursion
> 			    (beginning-of-line)
> 			    (save-restriction (widen)
> 					      (1+ (count-lines 1 (point)))))
> 			(cdr frame))))
> 	 ((eq key ?L)
> 	  (setq subst (if insource
> 			(scilab-get-number-line-in-function)
> 			(cdr frame))))
> 	 ((eq key ?e)
> 	  (setq subst (gud-find-c-expr)))
> 	 ((eq key ?a)
> 	  (setq subst (gud-read-address)))
> 	 ((eq key ?p)
> 	  (setq subst (if arg (int-to-string arg) ""))))
> 	(setq result (concat result
> 			     (substring str (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
> 			     subst)))
>       (setq str (substring str (match-end 2))))
>     ;; There might be text left in STR when the loop ends.
>     (concat result str)))
> (defun scilab-shell-delete-backwards-no-prompt (&optional arg)
>   "Delete one char backwards without destroying the scilab prompt.
> Optional argument ARG describes the number of chars to delete."
>   (interactive "P")
>   (let ((promptend (save-excursion
> 		     (beginning-of-line)
> 		     (if (looking-at "K?-[1:100]?-> ")
> 			 (match-end 0)
> 		       (point))))
> 	(numchars (if (integerp arg) (- arg) -1)))
>     (if (<= promptend (+ (point) numchars))
> 	(delete-char numchars)
>       (error "Beginning of line"))))

> ;;; Scilab Shell Commands =====================================================
> (defun scilab-read-word-at-point ()
>   "Get the word closest to point, but do not change position.
> Has a preference for looking backward when not directly on a symbol.
> Snatched and hacked from dired-x.el"
>   (let ((word-chars "a-zA-Z0-9_")
> 	(bol (scilab-point-at-bol))
> 	(eol (scilab-point-at-eol))
>         start)
>     (save-excursion
>       ;; First see if just past a word.
>       (if (looking-at (concat "[" word-chars "]"))
> 	  nil
> 	(skip-chars-backward (concat "^" word-chars "{}()\[\]") bol)
> 	(if (not (bobp)) (backward-char 1)))
>       (if (numberp (string-match (concat "[" word-chars "]")
> 				 (char-to-string (following-char))))
>           (progn
>             (skip-chars-backward word-chars bol)
>             (setq start (point))
>             (skip-chars-forward word-chars eol))
>         (setq start (point)))		; If no found, return empty string
>       (buffer-substring start (point)))))
> (defun scilab-read-line-at-point ()
>   "Get the line under point, if command line."
>   (if (eq major-mode 'scilab-shell-mode)
>       (save-excursion
> 	(beginning-of-line)
> 	(if (not (looking-at (concat comint-prompt-regexp)))
> 	    ""
> 	  (search-forward-regexp comint-prompt-regexp)
> 	  (buffer-substring (point) (scilab-point-at-eol))))
>     (save-excursion
>       ;; In scilab buffer, find all the text for a command.
>       ;; so back over until there is no more continuation.
>       (while (save-excursion (forward-line -1) (scilab-lattr-cont))
> 	(forward-line -1))
>       ;; Go forward till there is no continuation
>       (beginning-of-line)
>       (let ((start (point)))
> 	(while (scilab-lattr-cont) (forward-line 1))
> 	(end-of-line)
> 	(buffer-substring start (point))))))
> (defun scilab-non-empty-lines-in-string (str)
>   "Return number of non-empty lines in STR."
>   (let ((count 0)
> 	(start 0))
>     (while (string-match "^.+$" str start)
>       (setq count (1+ count)
> 	    start (match-end 0)))
>     count))
> (defun scilab-output-to-temp-buffer (buffer output)
>   "Print output to temp buffer, or a message if empty string.
> BUFFER is the buffer to output to, and OUTPUT is the text to insert."
>   (let ((lines-found (scilab-non-empty-lines-in-string output)))
>     (cond ((= lines-found 0)
> 	   (message "(Scilab command completed with no output)"))
> 	  ((= lines-found 1)
> 	   (string-match "^.+$" output)
> 	   (message (substring output (match-beginning 0)(match-end 0))))
> 	  (t (with-output-to-temp-buffer buffer (princ output))
> 	     (save-excursion
> 	       (set-buffer buffer)
>                (if (equal buffer "*SciApropos*")
>                (scilab-shell-topic-mode)
> 	       (scilab-shell-help-mode))
> )))))
> (defun scilab-shell-run-command (command)
>   "Run COMMAND and display result in a buffer.
> This command requires an active Scilab shell."
>   (interactive (list (read-from-minibuffer
>  		      "Scilab command line: "
>  		      (cons (scilab-read-line-at-point) 0))))
> ;  (let ((doc (scilab-shell-collect-command-output command)))
>  (scilab-shell-collect-command-output "%tmp=lines();lines(0)")
>  (let ((doc (scilab-shell-collect-command-output command)))
>  (scilab-output-to-temp-buffer "*SciCommand*" doc))
>  (scilab-shell-collect-command-output "lines(%tmp(2),%tmp(1)); clear %tmp"))
> (defun scilab-shell-run-graphic (command)
>   "Run COMMAND and display result in a buffer.
> This command requires an active Scilab shell."
>   (interactive (list (read-from-minibuffer
>  		      "Scilab graphic command: "
>  		      (cons (scilab-read-line-at-point) 0))))
> ;  (let ((doc (scilab-shell-collect-command-output command)))
>  (scilab-shell-collect-command-output command))
> (defun scilab-shell-describe-variable (variable)
>   "Get the contents of VARIABLE and display them in a buffer.
> This uses the wh (My utilita) command to find viable commands.
> This command requires an active Scilab shell."
>   (interactive (list (read-from-minibuffer
>  		      "Scilab variable: "
>  		      (cons (scilab-read-word-at-point) 0))))
>   (let ( (err (scilab-shell-collect-command-output (concat
> 						    "[#obj,#err]=evstr('" variable "'); write(%io(2),#err,'(i4)');")))
> 	 (vartype (string-to-number (scilab-shell-collect-command-output
> 				     "write(%io(2),type(#obj),'(i2)');clear #err;")))
> 	 vardescr)
>     (setq err (string-to-number err))
>     (cond ((= err 4) 
> 	   (setq vardescr (concat "Variable " variable " is not defined")))
> 	  ((= err 25)
> 	   (setq vardescr (concat "Primitive (builtin) function\n\n    "  variable)))
> 	  ((= vartype 1)
> 	   (setq vardescr (scilab-shell-collect-command-output 
> 			   "disp('Numeric (float) Matrix');disp(size(#obj));clear #obj")))
> 	  ((= vartype 2)
> 	   (setq vardescr (scilab-shell-collect-command-output 
> 			   "disp('Polynomial Matrix');disp(size(#obj));clear #obj")))
> 	  ((= vartype 4)
> 	   (setq vardescr (scilab-shell-collect-command-output 
> 			   "disp('Boolean Matrix');disp(size(#obj));clear #obj")))
> 	  ((= vartype 5)
> 	   (setq vardescr (scilab-shell-collect-command-output 
> 			   "disp('Sparse Matrix');disp(size(#obj));clear #obj")))
> 	  ((= vartype 8)
> 	   (setq vardescr (scilab-shell-collect-command-output 
> 			   "disp('Integer Matrix');disp(size(#obj));clear #obj")))
> 	  ((= vartype 10)
> 	   (setq vardescr (scilab-shell-collect-command-output (concat
> 								"disp('String (Matrix)');"
> 								"if and(size(#obj)==[1 1]),disp(length(#obj)); else " 
> 								"disp(size(#obj)); end; clear #obj"))))
> 	  ((= vartype 11)
> 	   (setq vardescr (scilab-shell-collect-command-output (concat 
> 								"disp('Un-compiled function');##=macrovar(#obj);"
> 								"disp('['+string(strcat(##(2),','))+']="  variable 
> 								"('+strcat(string(##(1)),',')+')'); clear ## #obj"))))
> 	  ((= vartype 13)
> 	   (setq vardescr (scilab-shell-collect-command-output (concat 
> 								"disp('Compiled function');##=macrovar(#obj);"
> 								"disp('['+string(strcat(##(2),','))+']="  variable 
> 								"('+strcat(string(##(1)),',')+')'); clear ## #obj"))))
> 	  ((= vartype 14)
> 	   (setq vardescr (scilab-shell-collect-command-output 
> 			   "disp('Function Library');disp(#obj);clear #obj")))
> 	  ((= vartype 15)
> 	   (setq vardescr (scilab-shell-collect-command-output 
> 			   "disp('List');disp(length(#obj));clear #obj")))
> 	  ((= vartype 16)
> 	   (setq vardescr (scilab-shell-collect-command-output (concat 
> 								"disp('Typed List (tlist): '+#obj(1)(1));"
> 								"disp('Number of fields: '+string(length(#obj)-1));clear #obj;"))))
> 	  ((= vartype 17)
> 	   (setq vardescr (scilab-shell-collect-command-output
> 			   "#=getfield(1,#obj); disp('Mlist: '+#(1));disp(#); clear #  #obj")))
> 	  (t  (setq vardescr "Error:Unknown type"))      
> 	  )
>     (scilab-output-to-temp-buffer "*SciVariable*" vardescr)
>     ))
> (defcustom scilab-help-separate-buffer nil
> "If non-nil Display help on function into separate for each command buffer
> with the name '*SciHelp: <functionname>*'. Otherwise general buffer *SciHelp* for all function"
>  :group 'scilab
>  :type 'boolean
> )
> (defalias 'scilab-help-function  'scilab-shell-describe-command)
> ;;;###autoload
> (defun scilab-shell-describe-command (command)
>   "Describe COMMAND textually by fetching it's doc from the Scilab shell.
> This uses the lookfor command to find viable commands.
> This command does not require an active Scilab shell."
>   (interactive (list (read-from-minibuffer
>  		      "Help on SciLab-Function: "
>  		      (cons (scilab-read-word-at-point) 0))))
>    (if (not (file-exists-p scilab-topics-file-path))
>        (scilab-shell-topic-browser))
>    (let ((doc (shell-command-to-string (concat 
> "export MANCHAPTERS=" scilab-topics-file-path ";"  
> "scilab -help " command))))
>      (if (equal (substring doc 0 15) "No manual entry")
>             (scilab-shell-apropos command)      
> (if scilab-help-separate-buffer
>     (scilab-output-to-temp-buffer (concat "*SciHelp: " command "*") doc)
>     (scilab-output-to-temp-buffer "*SciHelp*" doc)))))
> (defalias 'scilab-apropos-function  'scilab-shell-apropos)
> ;;;###autoload
> (defun scilab-shell-apropos (scilabregex)
>   "Look for any active commands in SCILAB matching SCILABREGEX.
> This uses the apropos  command to find viable commands."
>   (interactive (list (read-from-minibuffer
>  		      "Scilab command subexpression: "
>  		      (cons (scilab-read-word-at-point) 0))))
>   (if (not (file-exists-p scilab-topics-file-path))
>        (scilab-shell-topic-browser))
>   (let ((ap (shell-command-to-string
> 	     (concat 
> 	      "export MANCHAPTERS=" scilab-topics-file-path ";"  
> 	      "scilab -k " scilabregex))))
>     (scilab-output-to-temp-buffer "*SciApropos*" ap)
> ;    (scilab-shell-topic-mode)
> ))
> ;;;(defun scilab-on-prompt-p ()
> ;;;  "Return t if we Scilab can accept input."
> ;;;  (save-excursion
> ;;;    (end-of-line)
> ;;;    (if (not (eq (point-max) (point))) (kill-line))
> ;;;    (goto-char (point-max))
> ;;;    (beginning-of-line)
> ;;;    (looking-at comint-prompt-regexp)
> ;;;))
> (defun scilab-on-prompt-p ()
>   "Return t if we Scilab can accept input."
>  (save-excursion
>     (goto-char (point-max))
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (looking-at comint-prompt-regexp)))
> (defun scilab-make-not-busy ()
>   "Sometimes prompt is perturbed by noises. It makes some procedures,
> for instance competion buggy. The function regularises the situation"
>   (save-excursion
>    (goto-char (point-max))
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (if (not (looking-at comint-prompt-regexp))
>      (comint-send-input)
>     )
> ))
> (defun scilab-on-empty-prompt-p ()
>   "Return t if we Scilab is on an empty prompt."
>   (save-excursion
>     (goto-char (point-max))
>     (beginning-of-line)
>     (looking-at (concat comint-prompt-regexp "\\s-*$"))))
> (defun scilab-shell-buffer-barf-not-running ()
>   "Return a running Scilab buffer iff it is currently active."
>   (or (scilab-shell-active-p)
>       (error "You need to run the command `scilab-shell' to do that!")))
> (defun scilab-shell-test ()
> (scilab-shell-collect-command-output "a=1")
> (scilab-shell-collect-command-output "plot(1)")
> (scilab-shell-collect-command-output "b=1")
> )
> (defun scilab-shell-lisp2scilab (lispvar scivar)
>   "Write lisp-variable to a suitable scilab object with name that scivar 
> string provides. If there is no corresponding scilab variable, then scilab
> variable gets [] "
>   (interactive)
>   (setq type-of-lispvar (type-of lispvar))
>   (cond ((or (eq type-of-lispvar 'float) 
> 	     (eq type-of-lispvar 'integer))
> 	 (scilab-shell-collect-command-output (concat
> 					       scivar "=" (number-to-string lispvar) ";")))
> 	((or (eq type-of-lispvar 'string) (eq type-of-lispvar 'symbol))
> 	 (if (eq type-of-lispvar 'symbol)
>              (setq lispvar (symbol-name lispvar)))
> 					;           (string-match "\"" lispvar)
> 					;           (setq lispvar (replace-match "\\\"\"" t t lispvar))
> 	 (scilab-shell-collect-command-output (concat
> 					       scivar "='" lispvar "';"))))
>   t) 
> (defun scilab-shell-collect-command-output (command)
>   "If there is a Scilab shell, run the Scilab COMMAND and return it's output.
> It's output is returned as a string with no face properties.  The text output
> of the command is removed from the Scilab buffer so there will be no
> indication that it ran."
>  (let ((msbn (scilab-shell-buffer-barf-not-running))
> 	(pos nil)
> 	(str nil)
> 	(lastcmd))
>     (save-excursion
>       (set-buffer msbn)
> ;      (if (not (scilab-on-prompt-p))
> ;          (scilab-make-not-busy))
>       (if (not (scilab-on-prompt-p))
> 	  (error "Scilab shell must be non-busy to do that"))
>       ;; Save the old command
>       (goto-char (point-max))
>       (beginning-of-line)
>       (re-search-forward comint-prompt-regexp)
>       (setq lastcmd (buffer-substring (point) (scilab-point-at-eol)))
>       (delete-region (point) (scilab-point-at-eol))
>       ;; We are done error checking, run the command.
>       (setq pos (point))
>       (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
> 			  (concat command "\n"))
> ;      (message "Scilab ... Executing command.")
>       (goto-char (point-max))
>      ; (message "Scilab reading...")
>       (while (or (>= pos (point)) (not (scilab-on-empty-prompt-p)))
> 	(accept-process-output (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
> 	(goto-char (point-max))
>       )
>      ; (message "Scilab reading...done")
>       (save-excursion
> 	(goto-char pos)
> 	(beginning-of-line)
> 	(setq str (buffer-substring-no-properties (save-excursion
> 						    (goto-char pos)
> 						    (beginning-of-line)
> 						    (forward-line 1)
> 						    (point))
> 						  (save-excursion
> 						    (goto-char (point-max))
> 						    (beginning-of-line)
> 						    (point))))
> 	(delete-region pos (point-max)))
>       (insert lastcmd)
>   )
> ;;;    (goto-char currpt)  
>      str))
> (defun scilab-shell-send-invisible-string (string)
>   "Send STRING to the currently running scilab process."
>   (if (not scilab-shell-echoes)
>       (let ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
> 	(goto-char (point-max))
> 	(insert string)
> 	(set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))))
>   (if (not (string-match "^!.*\n" string))
>   (send-invisible string)))
> (defun scilab-shell-send-string (string)
>   "Send STRING to the currently running scilab process."
>   (if (not scilab-shell-echoes)
>       (let ((curbuff (current-buffer)) (proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
> 	(goto-char (point-max))
> 	(insert string)
> 	(set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))))
> ;    (let ((curbuff (current-buffer)))
>       (if (not (string-match "^!.*\n" string))
> ; ;          (progn 
> ; ;              (if (string-match "^\\*\\*" string)
> ; ; 		(save-excursion
> ; ; 		  (eval (car  (read-from-string (substring string 2))))
> ; ; 					;		(switch-to-buffer curbuff)
> ; ; ;		  (setq string (concat "//LISP//" (substring string 2)))
> ; ; 		  (setq string "\n")
> ; ; 		  )
> ; ; 	      )
> 	    (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) string))
> 	)
> ; ;     )
> ; ;    )
> (defvar scilab-shell-save-and-go-history '("()")
>   "Keep track of parameters passed to the Scilab shell.")
> (defun scilab-function-file-p()
> "Checks if the given buffer is a scilab function or set of scilab functions."
> (interactive)
> (let ((p (point)) (p2 nil))
>   (goto-char (point-max))
>   (setq p2 (re-search-backward scilab-function-head-regexp 1 t))
>   (goto-char p)
>   (if p2 t nil)))
> (defun scilab-which-function()
> "Gets the name of the current function"
> (interactive) 
> (save-excursion 
>   (scilab-beginning-of-defun)
>   (beginning-of-line)
>   (re-search-forward  scilab-function-head-regexp nil t)
>   (message (match-string 3))
>   )
> )
> (defun scilab-whereami()
> "Gets the name of the current function and the number line"
> (interactive)
> (message (concat (scilab-which-function) ", Line " (int-to-string (scilab-get-number-line-in-function))))
> )
> (defun scilab-shell-whereami()
> "Display current instruction calling tree"
> (interactive)
> (scilab-shell-send-string "whereami();\n")
> (ring-insert comint-input-ring "whereami();")
> )
> (defun scilab-get-number-line-in-function()
> "Get the line number into a function body"
>  (interactive)
>  (let ((p (point)))
>    (save-excursion 
>      (beginning-of-line)
>      (if (not (looking-at scilab-function-head-regexp))  
>        (re-search-backward scilab-function-head-regexp nil t))
>      (beginning-of-line)
>      (setq scilab-number-line-in-function (count-lines (point) (+ p 1))))
>  )
> )
> (defun scilab-shell-save-and-getf-or-run ()
>   "Save this sci, file, and getf it in a Scilab shell. Recognize if this
> file is function or script. If script -just run it"
>   (interactive)
>   (if (not (eq major-mode 'scilab-mode))
>       (error "Save and getf is only useful in a Scilab buffer!"))
>   (let ((fn-name (buffer-file-name))
>         (short-fn-name (buffer-name))
> 	(msbn (concat "*" scilab-shell-buffer-name "*"))
> 	(param "getf "))
>     (if (not (scilab-function-file-p))
>          (setq param "exec "))
>     (save-buffer)
>     ;; No buffer?  Make it!
>     (if (not (get-buffer msbn)) (scilab-shell))
>     ;; Ok, now fun the function in the scilab shell
>     (if (get-buffer-window msbn t)
> 	(select-window (get-buffer-window msbn t))
>         (switch-to-buffer-other-window msbn))
>     (scilab-shell-send-string (concat
>  param fn-name ";\n"))
>     (ring-insert comint-input-ring (concat param fn-name ";"))
>     (if (eq param "getf ")
>        (message "Loading %s..."  short-fn-name)
>        (message "Executing %s..."  short-fn-name))
>      ))
> (defun scilab-shell-cd (dir)
>   "Change directory in emacs and in Scilab. before syncronises directories to emacs's directory "
>   (interactive   (list (read-file-name "Change current directory: "
> 			 default-directory default-directory
> 			 (and (member cd-path '(nil ("./")))
> 			      (null (getenv "CDPATH"))))))
>   (cd dir)
>   (let ((absdr (cd-absolute dir)))
>     (if (equal (substring absdr 0 1) "~")
>         (if (equal (substring absdr 0 2) "~/")
>           (setq absdr (concat (getenv "HOME") (substring absdr 1)))
>           (setq absdr (concat (getenv "HOME") "/../" (substring absdr 1)))))
>     (scilab-shell-collect-command-output (concat "chdir " absdr))
>     (pwd)
>   )
> )
> (defun scilab-shell-run-region (beg end)
>   "Run region from BEG to END and display result in Scilab shell.
> This command requires an active Scilab shell."
>   (interactive "r")
>   (if (> beg end) (let (mid) (setq mid beg beg end end mid)))
>   (let ((command nil)
>         (pos nil)
>         (str (concat (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end) "\n"))
>  	(msbn (scilab-shell-buffer-barf-not-running))
>  	(lastcmd)
>        )
>     (save-excursion
>       (set-buffer msbn)
>       (if (not (scilab-on-prompt-p))
>  	  (error "Scilab shell must be non-busy to do that"))
>       ;; Save the old command
>      (goto-char (point-max))
>      (beginning-of-line)
>       (re-search-forward comint-prompt-regexp)
>       (setq lastcmd (buffer-substring (point) (scilab-point-at-eol)))
>       (delete-region (point) (scilab-point-at-eol))
>      (while (string-match "\n\\([ \t]*\n\\)*" str)
>        (setq command (substring str 0 (match-beginning 0)))
>        (setq str (substring str (match-end 0)))
>        (if (string-match (concat "^[ \t]*" comint-prompt-regexp)  command)
>          (setq command (substring command (match-end 0))))
> ;       (scilab-shell-collect-command-output command)
>        (setq pos (point))
>        (scilab-shell-send-string (concat command "\n"))
>       (goto-char (point-max))
>      (while (or (>= pos (point)) (not (scilab-on-empty-prompt-p)))
> 	(accept-process-output (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
> 	(goto-char (point-max))
>        )
>       )
> ;      (scilab-shell-dummy-action)
>      (insert lastcmd)
>    )
>     (set-buffer msbn)
>     (goto-char (point-max))
>     (display-buffer msbn)
>     ))
> (defun scilab-shell-last-error ()
>   "In     Scilab interactive buffer, find the last Scilab error, and go there.
> To reference old errors, put the cursor just after the error text."
>   (interactive)
>    (let (eb el)
>      (save-excursion
>       (end-of-line) ;; In case we are before the linenumber 1998/06/05 16:54sk
>       (if (not (re-search-backward gud-scilab-error-regexp nil t))
> 	  (error "No errors found!"))
>        (setq eb (buffer-substring-no-properties
>  		(match-beginning 4) (match-end 4))
>  	    el (buffer-substring-no-properties
>  		(match-beginning 3) (match-end 3))))
>      (scilab-find-file-on-path eb)
>      (scilab-function-goto-line (string-to-number el))
>  ))
> (defun scilab-shell-after-pause ()
>   "In     Scilab interactive buffer, on the line
> \"foo called at line ### of foo2\" go to foo2 at line ###" 
>   (interactive)
>      (save-excursion
>       (beginning-of-line) 
>       (if (not 
>           (or (looking-at gud-scilab-pause-regexp) 
>               (looking-at gud-scilab-pause-regexp2)
>               (looking-at gud-scilab-pause-regexp3)))
> 	  (error "This line does not seem to be the line after a pause")
>        (let ((eb (buffer-substring-no-properties
>  		(match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)))
>  	    (el (buffer-substring-no-properties
>  		(match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))))
>      (scilab-find-file-on-path eb)
>      (scilab-function-goto-line (string-to-number el)))))
>  )
> ;re-search-backward gud-scilab-error-regexp nil t))
> ; ; ; ; (defun scilab-shell-dbstop-error ()
> ; ; ; ;   "Stop on errors."
> ; ; ; ;   (interactive)
> ; ; ; ;   (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
> ; ; ; ; 		      "dbstop if error\n"))
> ; ; ; ; (defun scilab-shell-dbclear-error ()
> ; ; ; ;   "Don't stop on errors."
> ; ; ; ;   (interactive)
> ; ; ; ;   (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
> ; ; ; ; 		      "dbclear if error\n"))
> (defun scilab-shell-demos ()
>   "Scilab demos."
>   (interactive)
> ;  (scilab-shell-collect-command-output "demos();"))
>   (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) "demos();\n")
>   (ring-insert comint-input-ring "demos();")
> )
> (defvar scilab-shell-number-graphic-window 0
> "Number of the active current graphic window")
> (defvar scilab-shell-graphic-menu-title "Graphic 0"
> "Graphic menu title")
> ; (defun  scilab-shell-graphic-menu-redefine () 
> ; "Redefine title of the graphic menu in accordance with the 
> ; value of `scilab-shell-number-graphic-window'"
> ; (interactive)
> ; ;;(easy-menu-remove-item nil nil "Graphic")
> ; (setq open (concat "Open Window " 
> ;      (int-to-string  scilab-shell-number-graphic-window)))
> ; (setq close (concat "Close Window " 
> ;      (int-to-string  scilab-shell-number-graphic-window)))
> ; (easy-menu-define
> ;    scilab-shell-graphic-menu
> ;    scilab-shell-mode-map
> ;    "Scilab shell graphic windows  menu"
> ;    '("Graphic"
> ;      [open scilab-shell-open-graphic-window 
> ;              :included(scilab-shell-active-p) 
> ;              :active(scilab-shell-active-p) ]
> ;      ["Next " (scilab-shell-plus-graphic-window)
> ;              :included(scilab-shell-active-p) 
> ;              :active(scilab-shell-active-p) ]
> ;      ["Previos" (scilab-shell-minus-graphic-window)
> ;              :included(scilab-shell-active-p) 
> ;              :active(scilab-shell-active-p) ]
> ;      [close scilab-shell-close-current-figure 
> ;              :included(scilab-shell-active-p)
> ;              :active(scilab-shell-active-p)]
> ;      ["Close All" scilab-shell-close-figures 
> ;              :included(scilab-shell-active-p)
> ;              :active(scilab-shell-active-p)]
> ;   ))
> ; ;;(easy-menu-add scilab-shell-graphic-menu scilab-shell-mode-map)
> ; )
> (defun scilab-shell-plus-graphic-window ()
>   (setq scilab-shell-number-graphic-window 
>         (+ scilab-shell-number-graphic-window 1)
>   )
>   (scilab-shell-frame-init)
> )
> (defun scilab-shell-minus-graphic-window ()
>   (setq scilab-shell-number-graphic-window 
>     (max (- scilab-shell-number-graphic-window 1) 0)
>   )
>   (scilab-shell-frame-init)
> )
> (defun scilab-shell-next-graphic-window ()
>   (scilab-shell-plus-graphic-window)
>   (scilab-shell-open-graphic-window)
> )
> (defun scilab-shell-previous-graphic-window ()
>   (scilab-shell-minus-graphic-window)
>   (scilab-shell-open-graphic-window)
> )
> (defun scilab-shell-open-graphic-window ()
>   "Open scilab graphic window (if it does not exists)."
>   (interactive)
> ;  (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) "xget('window');\n")
>   (scilab-shell-collect-command-output (concat "xset('window'," (int-to-string scilab-shell-number-graphic-window) ");"))
> )
> (defun scilab-shell-close-current-figure ()
>   "Close current figure."
>   (interactive)
> ;  (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) "xdel()\n"))
>   (scilab-shell-collect-command-output (concat "xdel(" (int-to-string scilab-shell-number-graphic-window) ");"))
>   (setq scilab-shell-number-graphic-window 0)
>   (scilab-shell-frame-init)
> )
> (defun scilab-shell-close-figures ()
>   "Close any open figures."
>   (interactive)
> ;;;  (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) "close all\n"))
>   (scilab-shell-collect-command-output "while winsid()~=[], xdel(); end")
> ;  (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) "while winsid()~=[], xdel(); end\n"))
>   (setq scilab-shell-number-graphic-window 0)
>   (scilab-shell-frame-init)
> )
> (defun scilab-shell-exit ()
>   "Exit Scilab shell."
>   (interactive)
>   (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) "exit\n"))
> (defun scilab-shell-remote-exit ()
>   "Exit Scilab shell."
>   (interactive)
>   (switch-to-buffer (concat "*" scilab-shell-buffer-name "*"))
>   (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) "exit\n"))
> (defun scilab-shell-soft-restart ()
>   "Restart Scilab shell."
>   (interactive)
>   (switch-to-buffer (concat "*" scilab-shell-buffer-name "*"))
>   (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) "abort;\n exec('SCI/scilab.star',-1);\n"))
> (defun scilab-shell-saferestart ()
>   (interactive)
>   (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) "abort;\n save('/tmp/'+date()+'.scilab')\n; exit\n")
>   (switch-to-buffer (concat "*" scilab-shell-buffer-name "*"))
>   (scilab-shell))
> (defun scilab-shell-restart ()
>   (interactive)
>   (if (scilab-shell-active-p)
>     (scilab-shell-remote-exit)
>   )
>   (while (scilab-shell-active-p)
> 	(accept-process-output (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
> )
> ;  (scilab-run-with-timer 0.1 nil 'scilab-shell)
>   (scilab-shell)
> )
> ;;; scilab-shell based Topic Browser and Help =================================
> (defcustom scilab-shell-topic-mode-hook nil
>   "*Scilab shell topic hook."
>   :group 'scilab-shell
>   :group 'scilab-setup
>   :type 'hook)
> (defvar scilab-shell-topic-current-topic nil
>   "The currently viewed topic in a Scilab shell topic buffer.")
> (defalias  'scilab-help 'scilab-shell-topic-browser)
> ;;;###autoload
> (defun scilab-shell-topic-browser ()
>   "Create a topic browser by querying an active Scilab shell using HELP.
> Maintain state in our topic browser buffer."
>   (interactive)
>   ;; Reset topic browser if it doesn't exist.
>   (if (not (get-buffer "*Scilab Topic*"))
>       (setq scilab-shell-topic-current-topic nil))
>   (let ((b (get-buffer-create "*Scilab Topic*")))
>     (switch-to-buffer-other-window b)
>     (if (string= scilab-shell-topic-current-topic "")
> 	nil
>       (scilab-shell-topic-mode)
>       (scilab-shell-topic-browser-create-contents "")
> )))
> (defvar scilab-shell-topic-mouse-face-keywords
>   '(;; These are subtopic fields...
>    ("^\\(\\w+/\\w+\\)[ \t]+-" 1 scilab-constant-face)
>  ;; These are functions...
>    ("^[ \t]*\\([A-Za-z$#_%][A-Za-z0-9$#_]*\\)[ \t]+-" 1 scilab-function-name-face) 
>    ("^[ \t]*\\([A-Za-z$#_%][A-Za-z0-9$#_]*[ \t]+(.*)\\)[ \t]+-" 1 scilab-function-name-face) 
>     ;; Here is a See Also line...
>    ("[ \t]+See also "
>    ("[ \t]*\\(\\w+\\)\\([,.]\\| and\\|$\\) *" nil nil (1 scilab-constant-face)))
>    ("[ \t]*SEE ALSO[ \t]*\n[ \t]*"
>    ("\\(\\w+\\)\\([,.]\\| and\\|$\\)*" nil nil (1 scilab-function-name-face)))
> )
>   "These are keywords we also want to put mouse-faces on.")
> (defvar scilab-shell-topic-font-lock-keywords
>   (append scilab-shell-topic-mouse-face-keywords
> 	  '(("@\\(.*\\)" 1 scilab-keyword-face)
> 	    ;; These are subheadings...
> ;	    ("^[ \t]+\\([^.\n]+[a-zA-Z.]\\)$" 1 'underline)
> ;	    ("\\<[/~$]\\(\\(\\w\\|[$_.-]\\)+/\\(\\w\\|[$_.-]\\)*\\)+\\s-" 0 scilab-constant-face)
> 	    ("\\([\'\" ]?[~/.$]/*[a-zA-Z0-9_./%$-]*\\)" 0 scilab-constant-face)
> 	    ("[\'\" ]?[~/.$]/*[a-zA-Z0-9_./%$-]*\\s-+\\(.*\\)" 1 scilab-keyword-face)
> 	    )
> )
>   "Keywords useful for highlighting a Scilab TOPIC buffer.")
> (defvar scilab-shell-help-font-lock-keywords
>   (append scilab-shell-topic-mouse-face-keywords
>           scilab-shell-font-lock-keywords-2
>  	  '(
> ; 	    ("[ \t]*\\(\\[[A-Za-Z]+\\]\\)\\s-*=\\s-*\\([A-Za-z]+[0-9]*\\)("
> ; 	     (1 scilab-variable-name-face)
> ; 	     (2 scilab-function-name-face))
> ;           ;; Variables into [...]
> ;             ("\\[\\([^][)(]*\\)\\]"
> ; 	      (1 scilab-variable-name-face))
> ;           ;; Variables
> ;             ("[A-Za-z$_%][A-Za-z0-9$_]*(\\([^()]*\\))"
> ; 	      1 scilab-variable-name-face)
> ; 	    ;; Reference uppercase words
>  	    ("\\<\\([A-Z][A-Z]+\\)\\>[^(]" 1 scilab-constant-face)
> ; 	    ("\\([A-Za-z$_%][A-Za-z0-9$_]*\\)("
> ; ;	     1 'bold)
> ;              1 scilab-function-name-face)
> ; ;	     1 font-lock-doc-string-face)
> ;            ;;strings
> ; ;            ((concat scilab-string-start-regexp
> ; ;	   "\\(['\"]" scilab-string-end-regexp "\\)"
> ; ;	   "\\([^'\"]\\|$\\)") 1 scilab-string-face)
> ; ;            ;;comments
> ; ;            ("\\(//.*\\)" 1 scilab-comment-face)
> 	     )
> )
>   "Keywords for regular help buffers.")
> ;; View-major-mode is an emacs20 thing.  This gives us a small compatibility
> ;; layer.
> (if (not (fboundp 'view-major-mode)) (defalias 'view-major-mode 'view-mode))
> ;;;###autoload
> (defun scilab-unboldunderline-region (start end)
>   "Remove all boldness  (overstruck characters) and  underlining
>  (overstruck underscores) in the region.
> Called from program, takes two arguments START and END
> which specify the range to operate on. This is comination of unbold-region
> and ununderline-region functions"
>   (interactive "r")
>   (save-excursion
>     (let ((end1 (make-marker)))
>       (move-marker end1 (max start end))
>       (goto-char (min start end))
>       (while (re-search-forward "\b" end1 t)
> 	(if (eq (following-char) (char-after (- (point) 2)))
> 	    (delete-char -2)))
>       (goto-char (min start end))
>       (while (re-search-forward "_\b\\|\b_" end1 t)
>        (delete-char -2)))))
> (define-derived-mode scilab-shell-help-mode
>   view-major-mode "Sci Help"
>   "Major mode for viewing Scilab help text.
> Entry to this mode runs the normal hook `scilab-shell-help-mode-hook'.
> Commands:
> \\{scilab-shell-help-mode-map}"
>   (scilab-unboldunderline-region (point-min) (point-max))
>   (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
> ;   (setq font-lock-defaults '((scilab-font-lock-keywords
> ;			      scilab-gaudy-font-lock-keywords
> ;			      scilab-really-gaudy-font-lock-keywords
> ;			      )
> ;			     t ; do not do string/comment highlighting
> ;			     nil ; keywords are case sensitive.
> ;			     ;; This puts _ as a word constituent,
> ;			     ;; simplifying our keywords significantly
> ;			     ((?_ . "w"))))
>  (setq font-lock-defaults '((scilab-shell-help-font-lock-keywords)
> 			     t nil ((?_ . "w"))))
>   ;; This makes sure that we really enter font lock since
>   ;; kill-all-local-variables is not used by old view-mode.
>   (easy-menu-add scilab-shell-help-mode-menu scilab-shell-help-mode-map)
>   (scilab-shell-topic-mouse-highlight-subtopics)
>    (if (and (boundp 'font-lock-mode) (fboundp 'font-lock-mode))
> ;    (progn 
> ;      (font-lock-mode -1)  
>       (if scilab-font-lock-mode (font-lock-mode 1) (font-lock-mode -1))
> ;    )
>    )
>   )
> (define-key scilab-shell-help-mode-map [return] 'scilab-shell-topic-choose)
> (define-key scilab-shell-help-mode-map "t" 'scilab-shell-topic-browser)
> (define-key scilab-shell-help-mode-map "q" 'bury-buffer)
> (define-key scilab-shell-help-mode-map [(control h) return] scilab-help-map)
> (define-key scilab-shell-help-mode-map "\C-cr" 'scilab-shell-run-region)
> (if running-xemacs
>     (define-key scilab-shell-help-mode-map [button2] 'scilab-shell-topic-click)
>   (define-key scilab-shell-help-mode-map [mouse-2] 'scilab-shell-topic-click))
> (easy-menu-define
>  scilab-shell-help-mode-menu scilab-shell-help-mode-map
>  "Scilab shell topic menu"
>  '("Scilab Help"
>    ["Describe This Function" scilab-shell-topic-choose t]
>    "----"
>    ["Describe Function" scilab-shell-describe-command t]
>    ["Describe Variable" scilab-shell-describe-variable t]
>    ["Command Apropos" scilab-shell-apropos t]
>    ["Topic Browser" scilab-shell-topic-browser t]
>    ["Separate help buff" (custom-set-variables
>       '(scilab-help-separate-buffer (not scilab-help-separate-buffer)))
>        :style toggle :selected scilab-help-separate-buffer]
>    "----"
>    ["Run Region" scilab-shell-run-region (scilab-shell-active-p) ]
>    ["Exit Help" bury-buffer t]))
> (define-derived-mode scilab-shell-topic-mode
>   scilab-shell-help-mode "Sci-Topic"
>   "Major mode for browsing Scilab HELP topics.
> The output of the Scilab command HELP with no parameters creates a listing
> of known help topics at a given installation.  This mode parses that listing
> and allows selecting a topic and getting more help for it.
> Entry to this mode runs the normal hook `scilab-shell-topic-mode-hook'.
> Commands:
> \\{scilab-shell-topic-mode-map}"
>   (setq font-lock-defaults '((scilab-shell-topic-font-lock-keywords)
> 			     t nil ((?_ . "w"))))
> ;  (if running-xemacs
> ;      (setq mode-motion-hook 'scilab-shell-topic-highlight-line)
> ;)
>   (easy-menu-add scilab-shell-topic-mode-menu scilab-shell-topic-mode-map)
>   (if (and (boundp 'font-lock-mode) (fboundp 'font-lock-mode))
>       (progn
>        (font-lock-mode -1)
>        (if scilab-font-lock-mode (font-lock-mode 1)))
>     )
>   )
> (easy-menu-define
>  scilab-shell-topic-mode-menu scilab-shell-topic-mode-map
>  "Scilab shell topic menu"
>  '("Scilab Topic"
>    ["Select This Topic" scilab-shell-topic-choose t]
>    ["Top Level Topics" scilab-shell-topic-browser t]
>    "----"
>    ["Exit" bury-buffer t]))
> (defun scilab-shell-topic-browser-create-contents (subtopic)
>   "Fill in a topic browser with the output from SUBTOPIC."
>   (toggle-read-only -1)
>    (switch-to-buffer "*Scilab Topic*")
>   (erase-buffer)
>   (let (
>         (standardname 
>           (concat scilab-shell-main-directory  "/man/Chapters"))
>         (chaptername scilab-topics-file-path)
>         str)
>   (if (string= chaptername standardname)
> ;    (if (file-exists-p (concat scilab-shell-initial-directory "/man/"))
>  ;   (setq chaptername (concat scilab-shell-initial-directory "/man/Chapters"))
>     (setq chaptername (concat scilab-shell-initial-directory "/manChapters")))
>   (if (and (scilab-shell-active-p) (scilab-on-empty-prompt-p))
>          (scilab-shell-collect-command-output (concat
>            "#=max(length(%helps(:,1)))-length(%helps(:,1));"
>            "##=file('open','" chaptername "' ,'unknown');"
>            "###=%helps(:,1);"
>            "for ?=1:size(###,'*');"
>            "??=' '; ??=strcat(??(ones(1,#(?)+2)));"
>            "###(?)=###(?)+??+strsubst(%helps(?,2),'/','|');"
>            "end;"
>            "write(##,###,'(a)');"
>            "file('close',##);"
>            "clear # ## ### ? ??;"))
>   (if (and (not (file-exists-p chaptername)) (file-exists-p standardname))
>       (progn
>         (copy-file standardname chaptername)
>         (message "copy %s to %s" standardname chaptername))
>   (if (not (file-exists-p chaptername))
>     (error"No manual Chapters file. Run scilab-shell, or build manullay")
>   ))
> )
>   (if (equal subtopic "")
>       (insert-file chaptername)
>       (setq str (substring 
>                    (shell-command-to-string 
>                       (concat  "echo " subtopic  "/whatis")) 0 -1))
>       (insert-file str)
> )
>   (goto-char (point-min))
> ;;  (forward-line 1)
> ;;  (delete-region (point-min) (point))
>   (setq scilab-shell-topic-current-topic subtopic)
>  (if (not running-xemacs)
>       (scilab-shell-topic-mouse-highlight-subtopics) 
> )
>   (toggle-read-only 1)
>   )
> )
> (defun scilab-shell-topic-click (e)
>   "Click on an item in a Scilab topic buffer we want more information on.
> Must be bound to event E."
>   (interactive "e")
>   (mouse-set-point e)
>   (scilab-shell-topic-choose))
> (defun scilab-shell-topic-choose ()
>   "Choose the topic to expand on that is under the cursor.
> This can fill the topic buffer with new information.  If the topic is a
> command, use `scilab-shell-describe-command' instead of changing the topic
> buffer."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((topic nil) (fun nil) (p (point)) (locp nil))
>     (save-excursion
>      (beginning-of-line)
> ;       (if (looking-at "^\\w+/\\(\\S-+\\)[ \t]+")  
>         (if (looking-at (concat "\\(" scilab-path-type-regexp "\\)[ \t]+"))
> 	  (setq topic (match-string 1))
>           (goto-char p)
>           (setq locp (re-search-backward scilab-not-variable-symbol 1 t))
>           (if locp
>           (goto-char (+ 1 locp))
>           (goto-char 1))
>          (if (looking-at "\\(%?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)\\W")
> 	    (setq fun (match-string 1))
> 	    (error "You did not click on a subtopic, function or reference"))))
>     (message "Opening item %s..." (or topic fun))
>     (if topic
> 	(scilab-shell-topic-browser-create-contents topic)
>       (scilab-shell-describe-command fun))
>     ))
> (defun scilab-shell-topic-mouse-highlight-subtopics ()
>   "Put a `mouse-face' on all clickable targets in this buffer."
>   (save-excursion
>     (let ((el scilab-shell-topic-mouse-face-keywords))
>       (while el
> 	(goto-char (point-min))
> 	(while (re-search-forward (car (car el)) nil t)
> 	  (let ((cd (car (cdr (car el)))))
> 	    (if (numberp cd)
> 		(put-text-property (match-beginning cd) (match-end cd)
> 				   'mouse-face 'highlight)
> 	      (while (re-search-forward (car cd) nil t)
> 		(put-text-property (match-beginning (car (nth 3 cd)))
> 				   (match-end (car (nth 3 cd)))
> 				   'mouse-face 'highlight)))))
> 	(setq el (cdr el))))))
> (defun scilab-shell-topic-highlight-line (event)
>   "A value of `mode-motion-hook' which will highlight topics under the mouse.
> EVENT is the user mouse event."
>   (let* ((buffer (event-buffer event))
> 	 (point (and buffer (event-point event))))
>     (if (and buffer (not (eq buffer mouse-grabbed-buffer)))
> 	(save-excursion
> 	  (save-window-excursion
> 	    (set-buffer buffer)
> 	    (mode-motion-ensure-extent-ok event)
> 	    (if (not point)
> 		(detach-extent mode-motion-extent)
> 	      (goto-char point)
> 	      (end-of-line)
> 	      (setq point (point))
> 	      (beginning-of-line)
> 	      (if (or (looking-at "^\\w+/\\(\\w+\\)[ \t]+-")
> 		      (looking-at "^[ \t]+\\(\\(\\w\\|_\\)+\\)[ \t]+-"))
> 		  (set-extent-endpoints mode-motion-extent (point) point)
> 		(detach-extent mode-motion-extent))))))))

> ;;; Sci File path stuff ======================================================
> (defcustom scilab-mode-install-path 
>  (list 
>   (if (getenv "SCIHOME") 
>       (if (file-exists-p (concat (getenv "SCIHOME") "/macros"))
>           (concat (getenv "SCIHOME") "/macros")
> 	(getenv "SCIHOME"))   
>     (getenv "HOME"))
>   (concat (getenv "SCI") "/macros"))
>   "Base path pointing to the locations of all the sci files used by scilab.
> All directories under each element of `scilab-mode-install-path' are
> checked, so only top level toolbox directories need be added.The first default
> directory is the user's  scilab path, defined usually in $SCIHOME, the second
> is the main scilab-path, and the rest is 
> what a user wants."
>   :group 'scilab
>   :group 'scilab-setup
>   :type '(repeat (string :tag "Path: ")))
> (defun scilab-find-file-under-path (path filename)
>   "Return the pathname or nil of FILENAME under PATH."
>   (if (file-exists-p (concat path filename))
>       (concat path filename)
>     (let ((dirs (if (file-directory-p path)
> 		    ;; Not checking as a directory first fails on XEmacs
> 		    ;; Stelios Kyriacou <kyriacou at cbmv.jhu.edu>
> 		    (directory-files path t nil t)))
> 	  (found nil))
>       (while (and dirs (not found))
> 	(if (and (car (file-attributes (car dirs)))
> 		 ;; don't redo our path names
> 		 (not (string-match "/\\.\\.?$" (car dirs)))
> 		 ;; don't find files in object directories.
> 		 (not (string-match "@" (car dirs))))
> 	    (setq found
> 		  (scilab-find-file-under-path (concat (car dirs) "/")
> 					       filename)))
> 	(setq dirs (cdr dirs)))
>       found)))
> (defun scilab-find-function-over-buffers (funname)
>   "Find FUNNAAME over all buffers"
>   (let ((currbf (current-buffer))
> 	(lst (buffer-list))
> 	success bf bfn)
>     (save-excursion
>       (while  (and lst (null success))
> 	(setq bf (car lst) 
> 	      bfn (buffer-name bf))
> 	(when (string-match "\\.sc[ie]$" bfn)
> 	  (set-buffer (car lst))
> 	  (if (string= bfn funname)
> 	      (setq success t)
> 	    (goto-char (point-max))
> 	    (setq success (re-search-backward (concat 
> 					       "^\\s-*\\(function\\)\\>[ \t\n.]*"
> 					       scilab-output-function-regexp "?[ \t\n.]*"
> 					       (regexp-quote funname) "\\s-*(")  nil t)))) 
> 	(setq lst (cdr lst))))
>     (when success 
>       (switch-to-buffer-other-window  bf)
>       (goto-char success))))
> (defun scilab-find-file-on-path (filename)
>   "Find FILENAME on the current Scilab path.
> The Scilab path is determined by `scilab-mode-install-path' and the
> current directory.  You must add user-installed paths into
> `scilab-mode-install-path' if you would like to have them included."
>   (interactive
>    (list
>     (let ((default (save-excursion
> 		     (if (or (bolp)
> 			     (looking-at "\\s-")
> 			     (save-excursion (forward-char -1)
> 					     (looking-at "\\s-")))
> 			 nil
> 		       (forward-word -1))
> 		     (scilab-navigation-syntax
> 		       (if (looking-at "\\sw+\\>")
> 			   (match-string 0))))))
>       (if default
> 	  (let ((s (read-string (concat "File (default " default "): "))))
> 	    (if (string= s "") default s))
> 	(read-string "File: ")))))
>   (if (string= filename "")
>       (error "You must specify an sci file"))
>   (if (scilab-find-function-over-buffers filename)
>       nil
>   (if (scilab-find-library-function  filename)
>       nil
>   (let ((fname nil) (fnameb nil)  
> 	(dirs scilab-mode-install-path)
>         (filenamebin nil) (filenamesci filename))  
>         (if (not (string-match "\\.sc[ie]$" filename))
>            (setq filenamebin  (concat filename ".bin") 
>                 filenamesci  (concat filename ".sci")))
> ;; here we add the possibility for multifunction files. 
> ;;File *.sci may not exis
> ;; But if *.bin exists  it may be link on the true *.sci file
>         (if (file-exists-p (concat default-directory filenamesci))
> 	  (setq fname (concat default-directory filenamesci))
>           (if filenamebin
>             (if (file-exists-p (concat default-directory filenamebin))
> 	      (setq fnameb (file-truename 
>                              (concat default-directory filenamebin)) 
>                     fnameb (concat 
>                              (substring 
>                                 fnameb 0 (- (length fnameb) 3)) "sci")))))
>         (while (and (not fname) (not fnameb) dirs)
>           (if (stringp (car dirs))
> 	    (if filenamebin 
> 	      (progn
> 		(message "Searching for %s or %s in %s" 
>                      filenamesci filenamebin (car dirs))
> 		(setq fname (scilab-find-file-under-path 
>                                 (car dirs) filenamesci) 
> 		      fnameb (scilab-find-file-under-path 
>                                 (car dirs) filenamebin)))
>               (progn 
> 	        (message "Searching for %s  in %s" filenamesci  (car dirs))
> 	        (setq fname (scilab-find-file-under-path 
>                             (car dirs) filenamesci)))))
>          (setq dirs (cdr dirs)))
>          (if fname (find-file-other-window fname)
>            (if (not fnameb)
> 	     (error "File or function %s not found on any known paths.  \
> Check `scilab-mode-install-path'" filename)
> 	     (setq fnameb (file-truename fnameb) 
> 	           fname (concat 
>                          (substring fnameb 0 (- (length fnameb) 3)) "sci"))
> 	     (find-file-other-window  fname)))
>          (if (equal (substring filenamesci -4) ".sce")
>             (message "File %s is found." filenamesci)
>             (scilab-find-function-in-file filename))
>     ))))
> (defun scilab-find-function-in-file (funname)
> "Find function in the current file"
>         (goto-char (point-max))
>         (setq fun (re-search-backward (concat 
>           "^\\s-*\\(function\\)\\>[ \t\n.]*"
>             scilab-output-function-regexp "?[ \t\n.]*"
>             funname "*[(\n]")  nil t))
>         (if (not fun) 
>           (message "Strange: there is no function %s in the chosen file.." 
>            funname)
>           (goto-char fun) 
>           (message "Function %s is found." funname)
>         )
> )
> (defun scilab-find-library-function (funname)
>   ;;"Find library scilab function. Uses whereis scilab function"
>   (interactive)
>   (if (string-match "\\.sci$" funname)
>       (setq funname (substring funname 0 -4))
>     )
>   (unless (or (null (scilab-shell-active-p))
> 	      (string-match "[\"\'()\n\t -]" funname))
>     (let ((pth (scilab-shell-collect-command-output 
> 		(concat 
> 		 "#=string(evstr(whereis('" funname "')));"
> 		 "#=#(1);write(%io(2),#);clear #;" ))))
>       (setq pth (substring pth 0 -2) )
>       (if (string-match "^\\(SCI\\)" pth)
> 	  (setq pth (replace-match scilab-shell-main-directory t nil pth)))
>       (unless (string= pth "") 
> 	(setq pth (substring pth 0 -1))
> 	(let ((pthf (concat pth funname ".sci")))
> 	  (if (file-exists-p pthf) (find-file-other-window pthf)
> 	    (setq pthf (file-truename (concat pth funname ".bin")))
> 	    (when pthf
> 	      (find-file-other-window (concat (substring pthf 0 -3) "sci"))
> 	      (scilab-find-function-in-file funname))))))))
> (defun scilab-find-file-click (e)
>   "Find the file clicked on with event E on the current path."
>   (interactive "e")
>   (mouse-set-point e)
>   (let ((f (save-excursion
> 	     (if (or (bolp)
> 		     (looking-at "\\s-")
> 		     (save-excursion (forward-char -1)
> 				     (looking-at "\\s-")))
> 		 nil
> 	       (forward-word -1))
> 	     (scilab-navigation-syntax
> 	       (if (looking-at "\\sw+\\>")
> 		   (match-string 0))))))
>     (if (not f) (error "To find an sci file, click on a word"))
>     (scilab-find-file-on-path f)))

> ;;; scilab-mode debugging =====================================================
> (defun scilab-show-line-info ()
>   "Display type and attributes of current line.  Used in debugging."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((msg "line-info:")
> 	(indent (scilab-calculate-indentation (current-indentation)))
> 	(nexti (scilab-next-line-indentation)))
>     (setq msg (concat msg
> 		      " Line type: " (symbol-name (car indent))
> 		      " This Line: " (int-to-string (nth 1 indent))
> 		      " Next Line: " (int-to-string nexti)))
>     (if (scilab-lattr-cont)
> 	(setq msg (concat msg " w/cont")))
>     (if (scilab-lattr-comm)
> 	(setq msg (concat msg " w/comm")))
>     (message msg)))
> (defvar scilab-ptyp t
>   "Non-nil if communications via pty; false if by pipe.  Buffer local.
> This is to work around a bug in Emacs process signaling.")
> (defun scilab-interrupt-subjob ()
>   "Interrupt the current subjob.
> This command also kills the pending input
> between the process-mark and point."
>   (interactive)
>   (comint-kill-input)
>   (interrupt-process nil t))
> (defun scilab-kill-subjob ()
>   "Send kill signal to the current subjob.
> This command also kills the pending input
> between the process-mark and point."
>   (interactive)
>   (comint-kill-input)
>   (kill-process nil scilab-ptyp))
> (defun scilab-quit-subjob ()
>   "Send quit signal to the current subjob.
> This command also kills the pending input
> between the process-mark and point."
>   (interactive)
>   (comint-kill-input)
>   (quit-process nil scilab-ptyp))
> (defun scilab-abort-subjob ()
>   "Stop the current subjob.
> This command also kills the pending input
> between the process-mark and point.
> WARNING: if there is no current subjob, you can end up suspending
> the top-level process running in the buffer. If you accidentally do
> this, use \\[scilab-continue-subjob] to resume the process. (This
> is not a problem with most shells, since they ignore this signal.)"
>   (interactive)
>   (comint-kill-input)
>   (interrupt-process nil t)
>   (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) "\n")
> ;  (scilab-shell-collect-command-output "%tmp=mode();mode(-1)")
>  ; (scilab-shell-collect-command-output "error('The command is aborted')\n")
>   (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) "abort\n")
>   ;(comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) doc)
>  ; (scilab-shell-collect-command-output "mode(%tmp);clear %tmp;")) 
> )
> (defun scilab-continue-subjob ()
>   "Send CONT signal to process buffer's process group.
> Useful if you accidentally suspend the top-level process."
>   (interactive)
>   (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) "resume\n"))
> (provide 'scilab)
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF THE BODY ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;;; Change log
> ;;;date: 2001/03/06 12:28:22;  author: sasha;  state: Exp;
> ;;;wh function does not depend on scilab version now
> ;;;libfunc file instead of AllNames
> ;;; 
> ;;;date: 2001/03/07; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;;Due to Bruno's request:
> ;;; 1) Menues are changed. Navigator and Insert menues now are main
> ;;; 2) Navigators functions are added
> ;;; 3) Part of menues is removed as more related to matlab  
> ;;; 4) Uncomment function is added
> ;;; Besides completion is fixed for scilab-mode. Working during editing now
> ;;; scilab.el ends here
> ;;;date: 2001/03/08; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;;function scilab-completion-symbol is fixed. imenu index  from Navigate.
> ;;;date: 2001/03/11; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;;  1)Completion now works (with less features)  when shell is not active 
> ;;;  2) Topic Browser is always well defined
> ;;;  3) Which func mode is added
> ;;;  4) New customization features.
> ;;;  5) scilab-shell-after-pause ("C-x \") is added
> ;;;date: 2001/03/20; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;;  1) Graphic navigation functions and menu are added
> ;;;  2) wh function is fixed (long string problem)
> ;;   3)Version 1.8.6     
> ;;;date: 2001/03/22; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;;  1) scilb-shell-run-region - better version C-c r everywhere now
> ;;   2)Version     
> ;;;date: 2001/03/25; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;;  1) scilab-after-pause-regexp3 is added 
> ;;   2)scilab-dynamical-indent variable is added. In big files indentaion is too slow.Now
> ;;   we can dynamically enable/disable this
> ;;   3)Version     
> ;;;date: 2001/04/01; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;;  1) customized menus are extended in scilab-mode
> ;;   2) scilab-mode-setup is added
> ;;   3) Extended initial lines to .emacs and this is added at the beginning of 
> ;;   file this 
> ;;   3)Version     
> ;;;date: 2001/04/03; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;;  1) next-line-add-newlines variable is alweays nil in shell now
> ;;   2) Grammar error emacslient-> emacsclient 
> ;;   2)Version    
> ;;;date: 2001/04/04; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;;  1) scilab-shell-logo for xemacs
> ;;   2)scilab-shell-additional is added: additional scilab shells (with less features)
> ;;   3)scilab-shell-active-in-current-buffer-p is added
> ;;   4) Customization faces is more friendly
> ;;   5)Version    
> ;;;date: 2001/04/10; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1)customized faces in menus
> ;;   2) New customized group scilab-face 
> ;;   2)output and input variables in function definition has the same colors without
> ;;     brackets.
> ;;   3) Version 1.8.7      
> ;;;date: 2001/04/15; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1)Fixing customized faces for xemacs
> ;;   2)%version is updated smoothly now. 
> ;;   3)Restart function is fixed
> ;;   4) New group scilab-edit is built. Some editing options are moved there
> ;;   5) Version 1.8.9      
> ;;;date: 2001/04/15; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1)Add face to tlist fields
> ;;   2) Version 1.9.0      
> ;;;date: 2001/04/22; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1)scilab-find-function-in-file is fixed
> ;;   2) Version 1.9.1   
> ;;;date: 2001/05/02; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1)Save Getf menu is modified, to show that it is disable when shell
> ;;    is passive
> ;;   2) Version 1.9.2   
> ;;;date: 2001/05/08; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1)scilab-shell-cd instead of cd on startup
> ;;   2) %version is shown on the startup
> ;;   3) Save Getf menu is fixed to be changed in sce/sci file  
> ;;   4)Version 1.9.3
> ;;;date: 2001/05/14; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1)$MACHAPTERS now is assigned to shell locally. (We do not have to define it in sh;;ell)
> ;;;  2)Version 1.9.4
> ;;;date: 2001/05/15; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1)scilb-mode-install-path is added to scilab-setup group and moved from scilab-she;;  ll group to general scilab group
> ;;;  2)Version 1.9.5
> ;;;date: 2001/05/27; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1)scilab-shell-version is fixed for the case whith no emacsclient
> ;;;  2) topci-browser is build if MANCHAPTER file does not exist for the first
> ;;;  call of any help function
> ;;;  2)Version 1.9.6
> ;;;date: 2001/05/29; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1)$SCIHOME/libfunc file now is removed on startup. Useful when libraries are updated
> ;;;  2)Version 1.9.7
> ;;;date: 2001/05/30; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1)getf,exec,demos, whereami  are added to command-history
> ;;   2)Fudge max is added to edit options in scilab-edit mode
> ;;;  2)Version 1.9.8
> ;;;date: 2001/05/31; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1)(require 'cus-face is added for compatability for xemacs.
> ;;   2) scilab-startup.el file is built and inserted commented at the beginning
> ;;   3) Installation instructions are changed (simplified)
> ;;   4) global-key value is acceptable from scilab.el via autoload
> ;;;  5)Version 1.9.9
> ;;;date: 2001/06/02; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) global-key value is added to startup file and removed from scilab.el
> ;;;  2)Version 2.0.0
> ;;;date: 2001/06/11; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) hidlighting of function header without output argument is fixed
> ;;;  2) scilb-font-lock-mode is now customizedd variable. t means font-lock
> ;;;     for all scilab buffers. nill - no font-lock for all scilab buffers.
> ;;;     can be overrided by global-font-lock-mode for emacs for some buffers.
> ;;;  2)Version 2.0.1
> ;;;date: 2001/06/12; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) hidlighting of function header - pathalogy cases
> ;;;  2)Version 2.0.2
> ;;;date: 2001/06/14; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) Default values are more flexible for command-scilab and forinstall-paths
> ;;   2) scilab-fill- stuffs are fixed, seems much better now thanks to 
> ;;   Lydia van Dijk . 
> ;;;  3)Version 2.0.3
> ;;;date: 2001/06/17; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) comment-start-skip local variable is changed to fix indent-for-comment behavior
> ;;   thanks to Lydia van Dijk . 
> ;;;  2)Version 2.0.4
> ;;;date: 2001/06/17; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) scilab-indent-defun is added (also in menu)
> ;;   thanks to Lydia van Dijk . 
> ;;;date: 2001/06/18; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) garbage-filter
> ;;;  2)Version 2.0.6
> ;;;date: 2001/06/25; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) scilab-server-start and scilab-server-kill are introduced
> ;;   They mimic gnuserv when it is possible (for xemacs it is the standard, for
> ;;   emacs server is the standard, but gnuserv can be installed. gnuserv is much 
> ;;   stonger then server. So scilab-server-start/kill run/kill on of the serevers
> ;;  and addtionally update %version scilab variable
> ;;;  2)Version 2.0.7
> ;;;date: 2001/06/25; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) scilab-comment is fixed, thanks Lydia
> ;;;  2)Version 2.0.8
> ;;;date: 2001/06/28; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) No necessary to define TERM=dumb for xemacs now. Graphics works well
> ;;    Thanks to B. Levitan for pointing mea again on this problem
> ;;;  2)Version 2.0.9
> ;;;date: 2001/06/28; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) Start interface lisp from scilab
> ;;;  2)Version 2.1.0
> ;; 
> ;;;date: 2001/07/03; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) builtins are highlighted now 
> ;;;  2)Version 2.1.1
> ;; 
> ;;;date: 2001/07/03; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) otherwise, catch, try are removed from keywords
> ;;;  2)Version 2.1.1b
> ;; 
> ;;;date: 2001/07/05; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) Revision hidlighting
> ;;;  2)Version 2.1.2
> ;; 
> ;;;date: 2001/07/05; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) Builtins _ libfunctions are hudhligthed now. This is may be done disbale  if too slow
> ;;   2) Fixing switching-buffers .Thanks to B. Levitan 
> ;;;  2)Version 2.1.3
> ;; 
> ;;;date: 2001/07/08; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) Fixed mess of windows during completion
> ;;;  2)Version 2.1.4
> ;; 
> ;;;date: 2001/07/08; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) scilab-server-status. gnuserv is proper now.(TMPDIR)
> ;;;  2)Version 2.1.4
> ;;;date: 2001/07/10; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) Added hack GNU_PORT for gnuserver 
> ;;   2) Selected the refer. buffer back during completion    
> ;;;  3)Version 2.1.5
> ;; 
> ;;;date: 2001/07/10; author Alexander Vigodner 
> ;;   1) Exit/Start scilab moved to the end of menu in scilab-mode 
> ;;   after B.Levitan request
> ;;   2) Number of emacs/Xemacs is added to to %version
> ;;;  3)Version 2.1.7
> ;; 

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