Leaving SVN to GIT

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at scilab.org
Wed Sep 17 18:40:01 CEST 2008

Hello guys,

We are thinking about leaving Subversion to Git.

This change is considered because we are going to work more and more as
"flavour" of Scilab. I don't mean that we are going to create different
kind/versions but more that some people in the team are going to work on
the new kernel, other on graphics, Scicos ... (of course, everything
would be finally merge in the master).
Therefor, we need to be able to exchange easily changes between one
branch to the other without committing on-going work into the trunk.

SVN is a pain when dealing with branches. Git is probably the best way
to organize our daily work.

Any opinions on this ?


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