Some little bugs and questions in Scilab 5.0.3

"HEINKELE Christophe (Responsable d'activité) - CETE Est/LRPC de Strasbourg/Acoustique" Christophe.Heinkele at
Wed Feb 18 09:45:26 CET 2009


I just want to report some little bugs and to ask 2 questions about the 
help. I am testing Scilab 5.0.3 under windows.

1) the research of some key words fails : "for" "if" "then"... (These 
are in the general list of course).

2) the research leeds to a characters chain which doesn't correspond to 
the entered word :
    for example "while"  leeds to 19 times the same page in which the 
enlighted characters are not "while".
    (The page on "while" is there by the way.)

3) Functions cotg and coth (and maybe others) have problems (examples 
don't work).

4) Interfacing functions like tk_getdir(Title='choose sommething') 
display their window behind the console, which is annoying because
    it should appear above.

5) Sometimes graphics are saved or displayed with a "miror" effect.

6) By generating help in a toolbox, I noticed than the character "%" for 
overloading  is not supported.
    What I done is that I removed it from the name of the xml file, and 
it appears in the help of my toolbox.

7) As in the toolbox_skeleton, help files are presented in a chapter , 
then a subchapter (with the same names) relies under this chapter.
    This subchapter contains the list of functions. Is it possible to 
have just one chapter containing the list of functions ?

8) In fact I have 13 toolboxes that I would gather in one "full" 
toolbox. It would be my chapter name "Toolbox full" and the subchapters
     would be my "sub"toolboxes. Is that possible ?

9) I wrote some complementary functions for toolbox generating in 
"development tools" (I didn't feel like making 13 times the same things).
    Where could I send this contribution and who is the "reference" 
contact about toolbox generation ?

Best regards,

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