[Scilab-Dev] PATCH for set/get environment variables

Yung-Jang Lee yjlee123 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 3 16:40:03 CET 2009


Attach is the modified patch for getenv/setenv, please take a look to
see if the problems you mentioned been solved or not.

 In this patch, if the system encoding is not explicitly given  (for
examples, fr_FR, C)  the encoding is set to  ISO8859-1 rather than
UTF-8, with following exceptions

  zh_TW ----> BIG5        //chinese traditional
  zh_CN -----> GB2312 ) //chinese simplified
  ru_RU  -----> ISO-8859-5 //russian
  ja_JP, jp_JP ---->eucJP // japaness
  ko,ko_KR ----->eucKR // korean

And I have tested it under Linux with follwing	script,

specialName='中文' ;     //  for CP950, BIG5,zh_TW, zh_TW.utf-8, zh_CN,zh_CN.utf-8
specialName='ЁЂЄЉф';  // russian LANG=ru_RU, ru_RU.utf-8
specialName='グゲゾタ'; // Japaness LANG=ja_JP ,
specialName='메일링을';  //  korean LANG=ko_KR, ko_KR=utf-8
specialName='æøå';    // LANG=fr_FR,C,en_US, and fr_FR.utf


And it pass for all different LANG setting.

Yung-Jang Lee
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