[Scilab-Dev] Re: [scilab-Users] Mac OS 10.5 Compilation issue

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at scilab.org
Tue Jan 6 12:07:47 CET 2009

Le lundi 05 janvier 2009 à 22:51 -0500, Eric E a écrit :
> Hi Sylvestre,
>   Here's the Makefile...  Dunno if this would work, but it occurred to
> me that I could try using an alias in .bashrc to alias install -D to
> install -d or some such.  I'll let you know if that works.
OK, thanks.
I don't see any reference of a -D option used with install :|

> I also ran scilab with and with the -nw flag.  When I ran it without -nw, I got:
> Localization: setlocale didn't exist on the computer used to compile
> Scilab ! This is abnormal ! No localization will be working for this
> distribution of Scilab.
> and that is indeed the error that appears in all the error files from
> make check.  Running scilab normally (i.e., without the -nw flag)
> brings up the standard Scilab command screen, which appears to work
> but won't accept any input from the keyboard. 
OK, it is also my current status in the Mac OS X portage. Everything is
working but the input (unfortunately, it is a *bit* important).

>  Setlocale is present on
> my machine (or at least configure thinks so:
> checking for setlocale... yes
> Some initial googling about setlocale indicates that there may be some
> weirdness about Apple's X11 implementation and setlocale.
Yep, I am aware of this. For now, I put some dirty hack. I have to see what is the way under MacOSX.

> When I run scilab with the -nw flag, the command window doesn't
> appear.  Am I correct or incorrect to guess that -nw is like -nw for
> Emacs: don't use X windows or something like that?  
nw is: console in the terminal + graphic capabilities 
nwni is: console without any graphic capabilities and without any link
to the Java

> terminate called after throwing an instance of
> 'GiwsException::JniCallMethodException'
>   what():  Exception when calling Java method : no jogl in java.library.path
>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1753)
> ....

> Is any of this making sense to you, or pointing to a common problem?
It does.
That means that the java engine cannot file the JNI lib libjogl.jnilib.
You have to add the path to the directory where is the lib in


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