[Scilab-Dev] Java library issue on FC8 after 5.0.3 install

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at inria.fr
Wed Jan 14 01:26:01 CET 2009

> Warning: Localization issue: Error while binding the domain
> from /usr/local/share/scilab//../locale/
> or /usr/local/share/scilab//locale/: Switch to the default language
> (English).
add the option --enable-build-localization

> Warning: Could not find Java package
> '/usr/local/share/scilab//thirdparty/'.
> Warning: Could not find Java package
> '/usr/local/share/scilab//modules/helptools/jar/org.scilab.modules.helptools.jar'.
> Some problems during the loading of the Java libraries occured.
> This could lead to inconsistent behaviours.
> Please check SCI/etc/classpath.xml.
> How can I get ride of the helptools.jar warning? 
> The jar file is not build in the scilab building process.
> How do I build this jar file?
add the option --enable-build-help

Note that in the future version of Scilab, enable-build-help will be
enabled by default (and I should to the same with

> 2/ 
> In scilab
> I enter the command 'figure'
> (Note JAVA_HOME is not set in the environment)
> Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
> no gluegen-rt in java.library.path
Add the path to the libgluegen-rt.so library in the etc/librarypath.xml
Same here, I updated the error message in the next version of Scilab to
something more explict and userfriendly.


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