Issue with the Stack in Linux

Vincent Lejeune vincent.lejeune at
Sat May 30 23:53:39 CEST 2009


I'm trying to make my toolbox running on Kubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty 64bits), 
and I'm facing a issue with the management of 

It seems that the pointer is not recorded into the stack : when I'm 
tryng to get it back, I only get a NULL pointer, according to gdb and 
several sciprint in my code.
I'm using CreateListVarFromPtr and GetListRhsVar to put and retrieve 
the pointer. It works on my Windows Vista 32 bits, however, so I 
suspected an issue with pointer size : I changed (unsigned long) cast 
to (intptr_t), but it didnt change anything.

gMatrix is an alias to a pointer.
I've attached my gatewayfunctions in sci_togpu.c, the header file 
cuLU.h (needed for compilation), and, the library generated 
by my /src (with -g flags, so it holds debugging symbol) in order to 
make the problem reproduceable if necessary.

I think that I'm just misusing the stk() function with 64bits code...
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