[Scilab-Dev] Can I have more choices for "Default SciNotes file encoding" ?

Calixte Denizet calixte at contrib.scilab.org
Fri Dec 17 16:07:55 CET 2010

Le vendredi 17 décembre 2010 à 23:00 +0800, Yung-Jang Lee a écrit :
> Hi, all :

Hi YungLee,

The files which can be executed by Scilab must be encoded in UTF-8 (no
BOM) or Windows 1252 (see 'help exec'). So if you have an other encoding
you risk to have some problems when executing it, it is why we chose to
propose these encodings. Normally, you shouldn't meet any problems with
UTF-8... but we are opened to any suggestions...


>    I found  there are only three options (UTF8,  Windows 1252 and ISO
> 8859-1) to choice for default file encoding in SciNotes. Can I have
> more choices,  just like the listing show up when I  setting  the
> current file encoding ?
> YungLee

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