[Scilab-Dev] Oh scilab!what a beaut you are you are if only you'd build without the war

bv bvl at btconnect.com
Mon Nov 15 15:16:30 CET 2010

On Friday 29 October 2010 10:47:08 bv wrote:
> On Friday 29 October 2010 05:58:23 Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
> > Le vendredi 29 octobre 2010 à 03:28 +0100, bv a écrit :
> > > Greetings,
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I   am atempting  to compile scilab-5.2.2 on  a machine with these:-
> > > ---cpu-amd64 2 cores
> > > ---o/s CBLFS linux (64-bit only) compiled from sources kernel-2.6.32
> > > ---numerical progs: atlas3.9.26,lapack-3.2.2 and umfpack~co
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I have  umfpack and co in /usr/local/numerics
> > > rt [ ~ ]# ls /usr/local/numerics/lib
> > > libamd.a  libcamd.a     libcerbla.a   libcolamd.a   libcxsparse.a
> > > libldl.a libumfpack.a
> > > libbtf.a  libccolamd.a  libcholmod.a  libcsparse.a  libklu.a
> > > libspqr.a rt [ ~ ]#
> > 
> > Usually, Scilab is expecting some dynamic libraries to build correctly.
> > [...]
> ....ehm here is the home of SuiteSparse
> http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/SuiteSparse/

After a lot of to-ing and fro-ing I think I have found a resolution.  AND it 
does net seem to be related to  having shared libraries.  

In a nutshell, Scilab-5.2.2  seems to require the now ageing components of  
SuiteSparse-3.4.0 and I was using the new{er/est} components.  (The latter for 
example  has  UMFPACK-5.5..0 with at  least one  source file umf_cholmod.c (or 
some such) not in the UMFPACK  in the  ageing  SuiteSparse-3.4.0.). 

This is the narrative:-

-- I compiled both shared libraries and static libraries of the new components 
and   the scilab-5.2.2  configure script failed  complaining it cound not find 

--I    set CPPFLAGS to point to the OLD (i.e. as in SuiteSparse-3.4.0) 
umfpach.h  with NEW  (i.e. from UMFPACK-5.5.0)  libumfpack..a and   the 
configure script generated Makefiles and a successful scilab-5.2.2 build 

--I rebuilt SuitSparse-3.4.0     with both sharedlibs and static libs  AND  
the Scilab-5.2.2 configure script failed with shared libs but  the build 
succeed with static libs.

perhaps you shoud update  scilab  upstream so that  the newer components of 
SuiteSparse  can be used.


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