[Scilab-Dev] XCos: custom menu entries

Clément David clement.david at scilab.org
Tue Jul 26 16:01:41 CEST 2011


To develop some feature into the platform you should first compile the
whole sources using one of the supported compilers

Then you just need to import the xcos ant build file as a new project
into Eclipse. If your dev. only impact the editor, you can only add
compiled jars as dependencies (not as projects).

Eclipse is not mandatory, you can use any Java editor and use the
compilation tools (ant) to build the jars.

Adding some specific features into the editor is not trivial. If you
find an elegant way to solve it, please ping us ; we will then integrate
it upstream.

Do not hesitate to contact us on this list or join #scilab (on OFTC) to
get some help.



Le mardi 26 juillet 2011 à 15:05 +0200, Maarten Meijer a écrit :
> Hello,
> I am currently working on C-code generation for embedded hardware
> purposes. For convenient user-interaction, it would be nice to include
> an additional menu-entrie for the specific code generation.
> I found this post
> http://mailinglists.scilab.org/XCOS-custom-menu-entries-td2611325.html#a2611329, where a developer experienced the same problem. Here, it turns out that you could either redirect the original code generation or add an additional menu-entry within the Xcos java project.
> I have choosen for the latter solution, and I tried to compile the
> XCos jar-file by means of the guide found on
> http://wiki.scilab.org/ScilabWithinEclipse. However, it seems that
> Eclipse is missing multiple variables used in the build.incl.xml file.
> Is it possible that, before compiling the java-source files, it is
> necessary to compile the complete Scilab project?
> As an alternative, I have in the past been able to generate the Xcos
> library (scilab 5.2.2) by customizing the build.incl.xml file. Here, I
> manually added the thirdparty libraries as well as the Scilab Gui
> modules libraries to the Xcos project.
> In order to be compatible to the different (new) Xcos versions, I will
> chose that java compilation method which will save me the most time
> (in the future). Given that background information, what would you
> propose?
> Any help would be very welcome.
> Best regards, 
> Maarten Meijer
> Controllab Products B.V.
> -- 

Clément David <clement.david at scilab.org>

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