[Scilab-Dev] mentoring for GSOC2012

Ricardo Fabbri rfabbri at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 17:23:50 CEST 2012

Should we go ahead and add the ideas on the wiki page
http://wiki.scilab.org/GSoC_project_proposal ?

Feel free to add me as a mentor on the existing ideas which need mentors.

Ricardo Fabbri
Linux registered user #175401

On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Sylvestre Ledru
<sylvestre.ledru at scilab-enterprises.com> wrote:
> On 02/04/2012 17:11, Ricardo Fabbri wrote:
>>> ure! This could be great. What kind of subjects would you like to
>>> propose ?
>>> http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2012
>> I am willing to work on one of the projects on the ideas page, however I
>> would
>> be most effective, as you know, in working with a SIP or image processing
>> related project. One idea I've already detailed for GSOC would be to
>> interface
>> the Leptonica C library (from Google) with Scilab
>> http://wiki.nosdigitais.teia.org.br/GSoC#SIP
>> There are also many other ideas for improving SIP. One of them is to add
>> more
>> OpenCV functionality, beyond the simple ones I've already added recently.
>> Other
>> SIP-related ideas are listed in the todo page:
>> http://sourceforge.net/apps/taskfreak/siptoolbox/public.php
> Why not.
>> I could also work on a project related to improving the GUI for more
>> interactive
>> plot editing. I have already posted on this before:
>> "I would like to start off playing with the
>> graphics branch to test and improve image-related things. Then I could
>> also try to improve the graphics UI part, to make plots more
>> interactive with data (clicking + deleting a curve, clicking +
>> obtaining data from a curve, etc)."
> Such projects would be very interesting.
>> Basically, improving things like tooltip functionality, and actual
>> adding/deleting of plot
>> elements, inspecting values, etc, both in 2D and 3D. This basically means
>> treating the scilab graphic window as a vector graphics, through an
>> editing
>> interface, and then being able to get the data back in scilab. This idea
>> can
>> also specialize to the case of image display. We want a fast image
>> display, but
>> also a flexible one, where pixels can be inspected, edited, and displayed
>> with
>> custom markers, all of which are very useful for developing and debugging
>> imaging algorithms. A powerful interactive GUI is one of the main things
>> that
>> makes Scilab stand out from, eg, python and octave in their current form.
> I would be happy to have a student working on improving the current graphic.
> For your information, there is an important development in the graphic
> branch. Graphics are now way easier to maintain and update while
> performances have been improved between 4 to 10 times...
>> However, as I said, I can help mentor one of the projects in the ideas
>> page. Most notably:
>> - QHull interface
>> - PDE module
>> - PDF generation
>> - CUBLAS and other CUDA features
>> - contextual menus, progress bar
>> - Graphic I/O of vtk, protobuf, etc
> It depends the students ;)
> Sylvestre
> --
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> Sylvestre Ledru
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> Scilab Enterprises
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