[Scilab-Dev] mentoring for GSOC2012

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at scilab-enterprises.com
Mon Apr 2 17:20:27 CEST 2012

On 02/04/2012 17:11, Ricardo Fabbri wrote:
>> ure! This could be great. What kind of subjects would you like to
>> propose ?
>> http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2012
> I am willing to work on one of the projects on the ideas page, however I would
> be most effective, as you know, in working with a SIP or image processing
> related project. One idea I've already detailed for GSOC would be to interface
> the Leptonica C library (from Google) with Scilab
> http://wiki.nosdigitais.teia.org.br/GSoC#SIP
> There are also many other ideas for improving SIP. One of them is to add more
> OpenCV functionality, beyond the simple ones I've already added recently. Other
> SIP-related ideas are listed in the todo page:
> http://sourceforge.net/apps/taskfreak/siptoolbox/public.php
Why not.

> I could also work on a project related to improving the GUI for more interactive
> plot editing. I have already posted on this before:
> "I would like to start off playing with the
> graphics branch to test and improve image-related things. Then I could
> also try to improve the graphics UI part, to make plots more
> interactive with data (clicking + deleting a curve, clicking +
> obtaining data from a curve, etc)."
Such projects would be very interesting.
> Basically, improving things like tooltip functionality, and actual
> adding/deleting of plot
> elements, inspecting values, etc, both in 2D and 3D. This basically means
> treating the scilab graphic window as a vector graphics, through an editing
> interface, and then being able to get the data back in scilab. This idea can
> also specialize to the case of image display. We want a fast image display, but
> also a flexible one, where pixels can be inspected, edited, and displayed with
> custom markers, all of which are very useful for developing and debugging
> imaging algorithms. A powerful interactive GUI is one of the main things that
> makes Scilab stand out from, eg, python and octave in their current form.
I would be happy to have a student working on improving the current 
graphic. For your information, there is an important development in the 
graphic branch. Graphics are now way easier to maintain and update while 
performances have been improved between 4 to 10 times...
> However, as I said, I can help mentor one of the projects in the ideas
> page. Most notably:
> - QHull interface
> - PDE module
> - PDF generation
> - CUBLAS and other CUDA features
> - contextual menus, progress bar
> - Graphic I/O of vtk, protobuf, etc
It depends the students ;)


Sylvestre Ledru
Operation manager
Community manager
Scilab Enterprises

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