[Scilab-Dev] New profiling module (code coverage)

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Sat Apr 30 20:17:52 CEST 2016


This message continues in a separate thread the discussion opened @

It aims to test and assess interfaces of the new Scilab code /coverage/ 
module, that has been implemented without any Scilab Enhancement Proposal.
This module aims to replace profiling functions 
are removed in Scilab 6:

  * add_profiling()       => covStart()
  * reset_profiling()     => no equivalent
  * remove_profiling() => covStop()
  * profile()                => no equivalent
  * showprofile()        => no equivalent
  * plotprofile()          => abandoned (actually, without displaying
    the lines of code, it was hardly useful)


  * *"c**o**v**...**" naming*: "cov" rather makes thinking about
    /cov/ariance rather than coverage, "code coverage" being an
    expression quite specific to software engineering. It is not
    explicit for users that would simply want to test and benchmark the
    code of their "macros".
    *"codebench()*" is suggested as an alternative name of a unique
    function, with an action parameter: *codebench("start" ...)*,
    codebench("write",..) etc.

    By the way, replacing former profiling functions needs as well to
    replace their *timing feature* (cumulated time spent to run each
    line of code), not only their coverage one (the number of times that
    each line has been run). So, the same profiling function should go
    beyond coverage, without implementing extra specific functions.
    *Time counters* have been implemented :
    Timing features look to be already available in Scilab 6.0-b1,
    despite this commit hereabove has not yet been included in the
    distrib. Strange.

  * *add_profiling()
    <https://help.scilab.org/docs/5.5.2/en_US/add_profiling.html> /
      o *covStart("isempty") does**not work* (and does not yield any
        error message), contrarily to what /help covStart/ tells. It
        should work. Currently, only /covStart(isempty)/ is able to
        yields results. Profiling functions shall be as well
        console-oriented: input arguments of text type should be
        accepted as well, like with former profiling functions.

      o *covStart(libraryname)* allows to set a whole library for
        profiling. This is an improvement. With the former
        add_profiling(), it was only possible to set functions one by
        one. But:
        --> covStart(differential_equationlib)
        covStart: Wrong type for input argument #1: A two-columns string
        matrix expected.
        The documentation is not consistent with this requirement. And
        this requirement is not consistent neither with the function
        case (as isempty hereabove), nor with the following (that is
        --> covStart differential_equationlib
        By the way, after that, no results are produced with
        covWrite(..) (see below).

      o *c**ovStart(paths)*: Since it is now possible to provide a file
        path instead of a function name, we could think that it becomes
        possible to get as well the /profile of scripts/ out of functions.
        However, from first tests, nothing is produced by
        covWrite("html",".") when the covStart() has been applied only
        to some scripts. The fact that scripts.sce are excluded should
        be explicitly documented, unless profiling is extended to them.
  * *covWri**t**e(..)*:
        <https://help.scilab.org/docs/5.5.2/en_US/showprofile.html> has
        no replacement:*.*
          + Displaying profiling results in the console is no longer
            possible. 95% of time, i used to use this way to get and
            read results. It was the most handy. It allowed to have the
            code edited in Scinotes and related profiling scores
            displayed in the console aside. Now, we have to switch
            between the web browser and Scilab's IDE (since results can
            now be displayed only in HTML, after having found the right
            file of results and clicked on it...) . Display in console
            was straightforward and efficient, to improve the code
            "on-the-fly", without to have to manage any HTML files.
            *imo, this limitation to HTML is **a critical regression*.

          + covWrite(..)outputs results in HTML /after/ each line of
            code, instead of before each line number: *This is a
            blocking regression*.
            It prevents any use of new profiling functions. This trivial
            bug #12807
            <http://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12807> was as
            well for a long time somewhat killing showprofile(). It is
            back. Why?
            Imagine that you manufacture suitcases, but the designer has
            put the handle under them, between their wheels. Currently,
            covWrite() is somewhat in this status.
            See attached uman.html.zip, and please tell me where is the

          + outputs from covWrite() are unclear/undocumented (see
            attached file, from the covWrite basic example):
              # items in the header are not clearly defined: instrs,
                coverage rates, ..
              # Both percentages for each line have no legend
              # Color codes (red/black) have no legend
              # red "x 0" on some lines have no legend
              # Spent times are displayed with an irrelevant relative
                accuracy (too many digits)

      o c = profile(fun)
        <https://help.scilab.org/docs/5.5.2/en_US/profile.html> has no
          + It was possible to get results in a matrix of text c. It is
            no longer the case. *This is a medium regression*.

          + It was possible to get the profile of a single chosen
            function (or of a subset of them with a for loop) among all
            ones set for profiling.
            It is no longer the case: We are now compelled either to
            overwrite all previous results in the same given destination
            directory, or to create a new destination directory
            containing all results each time that we want new results
            for a single function among all profiled ones.*This is a
            major regression.

      o *covWrite() does**not work on a library*:
        covStart("differential_equationlib"); // then run examples from
        inttrap(), integrate() and intc() help pages
        covWrite("html", ".")  // produces only a ./report.html file
        that is empty.

  * reset_profiling()
    <https://help.scilab.org/docs/5.5.2/en_US/reset_profiling.html> has
    no replacement: It is no longer possible to reset counters of a
    chosen function or of a set of chosen functions.
    To do so, stopping and restarting *all of them* is now mandatory.

  * remove_profiling(fun)
    <https://help.scilab.org/docs/5.5.2/en_US/remove_profiling.html> /
      o In one hand, remove_profiling(fun) did not allow to stop
        profiling of all profiled functions. This was unhandy. covStop()
        allows this. This is nice.
      o In the other hand, covStop() does not allow to stop profiling
        for a single function or a file or an explicit set of files or a
        library. The only way to stop profiling is now to stop it for
        *all* "started" functions.
        It could be disturbing if profiling a function makes it slower,
        or covWrite() cannot export resuls for a subset of "started"
        functions. But does profiling a function make it slower? Tests
        to be done.
        IMO, covWrite() and covStop(..) shall have the same input modes
        as allowed with covStart().

  * Neither binary files of results nor covMerge() that processes them
    have been tested. When simpler usages will work...


*Partial (and personal) conclusions:*

  * Removed profiling functions need replacements.
  * The new profiling module has been designed without SEP. Just
    matching features of former profiling functions would not have
    needed any SEP. But this is not the situation at all. The new module
    is clearly not ready. It is hardly an alpha release.

Other tests, comments and users opinions are somewhat needed and welcome.

Samuel Gougeon

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