[Scilab-Dev] problem of color inheritance

Stéphane Mottelet stephane.mottelet at utc.fr
Thu Dec 8 15:33:20 CET 2016


The surrounding color of the axes box inherits the parent figure color. 
When the axes parent is the figure itself this feature is logical, but 
when the parent of the axes is a frame with a different color 
(Figure/Frame/Axes), the axes still inherits the figure color. To me, 
this is bug. If other users think the same I will file a bug (run the 
following script  : surrounding color of Axes should be white (not 
gray), which is the color of the frame)

fig=figure("default_axes", "off","layout","border")
frame=uicontrol(fig, "style", "frame","backgroundcolor",[1 1 1])


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