[Scilab-Dev] problem of color inheritance

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Mon Dec 19 08:47:56 CET 2016

Hello Stéphane,

Le 08/12/2016 15:33, Stéphane Mottelet a écrit :
> Hello,
> The surrounding color of the axes box inherits the parent figure 
> color. When the axes parent is the figure itself this feature is 
> logical, but when the parent of the axes is a frame with a different 
> color (Figure/Frame/Axes), the axes still inherits the figure color. 
> To me, this is bug. If other users think the same I will file a bug 
> (run the following script  : surrounding color of Axes should be white 
> (not gray), which is the color of the frame)
> fig=figure("default_axes", "off","layout","border")
> frame=uicontrol(fig, "style", "frame","backgroundcolor",[1 1 1])
> newaxes(frame)
> plot

Frame.backgroundColor => child.background :
I would rather agree with you, provided that

 1. axes do not become an exception: any uicontrol of any style set as
    child of a frame (if this is possible for other objects than axes)
    should inherit the frame's background as an axes will do. I don't
    think it is presently the case.

 2. there is a good clear reason to get the default background color of
    the frame's children from the frame, and only this property.
    Otherwise, the question will be the same for all other transferable
    Handle of type "uicontrol" with properties:
    Parent: Figure                              => Axes
    Children: []
    Style = frame
    BackgroundColor = [-1,-1,-1]                        background
    Border = "NoBorder"
    Constraints = "NoLayoutConstraint"
    Enable = "on"
    FontAngle = normal
    FontName = Tahoma                                   font_style
    FontSize = 13 font_size
    FontUnits = points                                   ~ fractional_font
    FontWeight = normal                                  font_style
    Icon = ""
    Layout = "none"
    Layout_options = "OptNoLayout"
    Margins = [0,0,0,0]
    Position = [20,40,40,20]
    Relief = default
    Scrollable = "off"
    String = []
    Tag =
    TooltipString = ""
    Units = pixels
    Userdata = []
    Visible = "on"
    frame.foregroundColor                               foreground

For consistency, all these modifications would be needed. But is it so 
worth doing all that?


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