[Scilab-Dev] Switch to use Markdown for CHANGES

Clément David clement.david at scilab-enterprises.com
Thu Jun 16 11:14:30 CEST 2016

Hello Samuel, hello all,

Thanks for these valuable inputs, I have implemented some of your ideas in a dedicated css
(currently only used on print).

As I want to share CSS for both help pages and CHANGES, I did not implemented the 1mm padding yet. I
also did not updated the CHANGES.html content to include specific styles (eg. "column-count") ; IMHO
this will increase the complexity on re-generation.

PS: You could check with the print preview (or print to PDF) feature of your web browser.

PPS: Indeed this is a far less interesting topic than maths or scilab features but it have to be
discussed too :) .



Le lundi 13 juin 2016 à 05:50 +0200, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
> Le 09/06/2016 19:08, Clément David a écrit :
> > 
> > .../... It is currently not clear to me if we should add an empty line between each `*`
> Finely tuning the separation of <li> elements is better and easy in the 
> CSS with
>        li { padding-top: 1mm; }
> Hence the compact lists of bugs are much nicer. The result is joined as 
> an example.
> Scilab Homepage | Online Help | Wiki | Bug Tracker | Forge | Mailing Lists Archives | ATOMS | File
> Exchange
> Scilab help >> CHANGES 
> Welcome to Scilab 6.0.0 beta-2
> This file details the changes between Scilab 6.0.0-beta-2, this release, and the previous release
> 5.5.2. For changelogs with earlier release, please see Scilab 5.5.2.
> This file is intended for the specific needs of advanced users, and describes:
> New and modified features, in each module,
> Changes in functions (removed/added/modified),
> Changes in the language,
> Bug fixes.
> This changelog is most likely incomplete, as an enormous amount of code has changed between 5.5.2
> and 6. Please report any thing we could have missed, on the mailing lists or on the bug tracker,
> and we will correct it before the final Scilab 6.0.0 release.
> Main new features
> For high-level description of the main new features of this release, please consult the embedded
> help. It is also available as the "What's new" page of the help, by simply typing help in Scilab
> console.
> In summary, the main new features are:
> New language parser and interpreter, ensuring:
> Support for bigger data sets: dynamic memory usage. No need for stacksize anymore.
> Xcos also uses the new re-written Scilab engine.
> New code productivity features: full-featured debugger, profiler / coverage tool, and "lint"-like
> commands.
> Newsfeed, providing a continuous feed of news, tips, and general communication from the community
> and from Scilab Enterprises.
> Licensing change: Scilab is now released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
> v2.0 (but continues to be available under the terms of the CeCILL v2.1).
> Installation
> Under Windows, MKL packages are now included in Scilab installer and are not more downloaded
> anymore while installing Scilab.
> Compilation
> A C++11 compliant compiler is now needed.
> Java 8 is now required to build Java code (version switch to 1.8).
> Ant minimal version switched to 1.9.0 (for Java 8 compatibility).
> ecj minimal version switched to 4.4.0 (for Java 8 compatibility).
> --without-xcos now only disable Xcos compilation. Xcos graphical interface is disabled using --
> without-gui.
> Dependencies
> Apache xmlgraphics stack upgraded to the latest versions :
> xmlgraphics-commons 2.0.1
> Batik 1.8
> FOP 2.0
> Packaging & Supported Operating Systems
> Scilab embedded JVM has been upgraded to Java 1.8. To run or compile Scilab 6.0.0 you need at
> least:
> Windows:
> Windows 8 (Desktop)
> Windows 7
> Windows Vista SP2
> Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit)
> Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)
> Mac OS X:
> Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.8.3+, 10.9+
> Linux:
> Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5+, 6.x (32-bit), 6.x (64-bit), 7.x (64-bit)
> Oracle Linux 5.5+, 6.x (32-bit), 6.x (64-bit), 7.x (64-bit)
> Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS, 13.x
> Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2+, 11.x
> For more information, please consult: What are the system requirements for Java?
> SSE2, Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 support is now mandatory to run Scilab on Linux i686.
> Syntax Modifications
> Multiline blocs of comments /* ...\n ... \n ... */ are now possible.
> Declaration of a number on two lines is no longer allowed: 1.. \n 2
> 1./M is now parsed as 1 ./ M instead of 1. / M
> {} and [] are now distinct operators. {} are now used to build cells.
> Declaring non-homogenous strings ("string' or 'string") is no longer allowed.
> New shortcut operators have been introduced: && and ||.
> Syntax %i:10 is now deprecated (only real scalars can be used).
> (a=b) executed like a == b is now deprecated and returns an error.
> while ... else ... end control instruction is no more supported.
> Transposed matrix can now use the extraction operator directly A'(1, 2)
> Function without output argument cannot be call in assignation expression
> function foo()
>     //...
> endfunction
> val = foo() //return error
> Feature changes and additions
> Addition or subtraction with an empty matrix now return an empty matrix.
> scatter/scatter3 plot with different mark colors is now available.
> parulacolormap is now available.
> name2rgb can now handle a single string and a matrix of strings.
> isoview, isoview on, isoview off, isoview(idGraphics, "on"|"off") are now supported
> twinkle and twinkle(n) are now supported: by default, the current element gce() blinks.
> householder() can now return the reflection matrix, and has a demo.
> ndgrid() can now works with any types of homogeneous data
> bench_run() can now return its results and/or record them in a file
> typeof(.., "overload") allows now to get the overloading type-code of an object
> sign() can now handle a sparse matrix.
> sleep(..,'s') allows now to specify the duration in seconds.
> real(), imag(), conj() and isreal() now accept rational fractions
> A call stack limit has been introduced. Default maximum depth is setup to 1000 and can be changed
> by new function recursionlimit or by preferences interface.
> The floating point exception mode (ieee) is now set to 2 by default: floating point exceptions now
> produce Inf or Nan, and do not cause any error. The previous behavior can be recalled by simply
> calling: ieee(0)
> The graphics entity "Datatip" has its property z_component = 'on|off' changed to
> display_components = 'xyz', now it is possible to choose which components to display and the
> order. Loading old *.scg files containing datatips with "z_component" property may not display the
> z component.
> Valgrind error detection added to test_run() (on Linux only)
> amell() now
> checks if its parameters are real numbers,
> throws an error if the second parameter is not a scalar.
> The use of I/O console is now allowed with the following functions:
> mget(),
> mgetl(),
> mgetstr(),
> mput(),
> mputl() and
> mputstr().
> mclearerr() now returns a flag indicating the file identifier validity.
> fileinfo() can now take a row vector as input.
> msprintf() no more returns an error message when there are too many input arguments (more values
> that format needs).
> deletefile() can delete multiple files at once.
> exec() of macro executes the body in the current scope but the prototype must have zero input and
> output arguments.
> error(): an error number in input is deprecated.
> impl(): Recall impl with the same parameters as in its previous stop is now available.
> ode(): y0 is restricted to a column vector.
> pppdiv(): Return a scalar of type 'constant' when the rank is 0.
> pdiv(): Return a matrix of type 'constant' when all the rank are 0.
> test_run() can now take "[]" as argument to be used on console; for instance: test_run string []
> no_check_ref
> typeof(:) and typeof(n:$) now return "implicitlist" instead of respectively "constant" and "size
> implicit".
> strange([]) now returns %nan instead of [], as all other functions for statistical dispersion
> stdev(x, dir>ndims(x)) now yields an error instead of returning zeros(x)
> write(): Writing string or string matrix in a file does not add blank space before each value
> Help pages:
> CACSD and Signal Processing help pages have been sorted up.
> fixed / improved: members, part, ode, ode_optional_output, ode_roots, roots, printf, sprintf,
> iconvert, stdev, xlabel
> rewriten: consolebox, double, isoview, householder, or, and.
> resorted: else, elseif, end, try, sciargs, global, halt, empty, power
> added: support to valign=".." and style="white-space:nowrap" attributes for <td> and <th> tags
> Data Structures
> cells and structs are now native types, hence improving performances.
> cells:
> insertion and extraction must be done via () or {}.
> .dims and .entries fields have been removed, please use size and () instead.
> struct
> .dims field has been removed, please use size instead.
> hypermatrix:
> hypermatrices are natively managed (without mlist overloading).
> typeof function now returns real type like constant, string, ... instead of hypermat
> type function returns real type like 1, 10, ... instead of 17 (mlist).
> .dims and .entries fields have been removed, please use size and () instead.
> Xcos
> Major rewrite of the data structures, huge models should load and save faster. The memory usage on
> diagram edition is also slightly reduced.
> Implicit fixed-size step ODE solver added: Crank-Nicolson 2(3). Added to the CVode package, it
> also benefits from the CVode rootfinding feature.
> API modification
> A new set of C APIs to write C or C++ extensions (toolboxes) to Scilab. It allows defining native
> functions (commonly called "gateways"), getting input parameters for such functions, setting
> return parameters, accessing local variables, using common helper functions for accessing
> environment information (such as warning level), generate errors... It also includes ways to
> overload existing Scilab functions to support additional parameter types (see help
> scilab_overload). Finally, you can call back Scilab functions (macros and built-in functions) from
> your gateway (see help scilab_call).
> User-defined functions written in C or C++ (gateways) must now use a void* pvApiCtx name as a
> second parameter instead of any unsigned long l. This is now required for some macros, such as
> Rhs(), to work.
> For example: use int sci_Levkov(char *fname, void* pvApiCtx) instead of int sci_Levkov(char
> *fname) or int sci_Levkov(char *fname, unsigned long l).
> Obsolete functions or features
> maxfiles() is now obsolete.
> isoview(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) is deprecated. Please use isoview("on"), replot(..) instead.
> Removed Functions
> intersci() has been removed. Please use swig instead.
> numdiff() has been removed. Please use numderivative() instead.
> derivative() has been removed. Please use numderivative() instead.
> curblockc() has been removed. Please use curblock() instead.
> extract_help_examples() has been removed.
> xpause() has been removed. Please use sleep() instead.
> xclear() has been removed. Please use clf() instead.
> fcontour2d() has been removed. Please use contour2d() instead.
> plot2d1() has been removed. Please use plot2d() instead.
> lex_sort() has been removed. Please use gsort(..,"lr") instead
> Symbolic module functions have been removed:
> addf()
> cmb_lin()
> ldivf()
> mulf()
> rdivf()
> solve()
> subf()
> trianfml()
> trisolve()
> block2exp()
> Functions based on former Scilab stack have been removed:
> comp()
> errcatch()
> iserror()
> fun2string()
> getvariablesonstack()
> gstacksize()
> macr2lst()
> stacksize()
> code2str()
> str2code()
> -mem launching option (used to set stacksize() at startup).
> Known issues
> Scilab 6 is still in a beta stage and likely to contain a number of known or unknown bugs. Do not
> hesitate to report them.
> Toolboxes rebuild is in progress. Do not hesitate to submit patch or feature upgrade to the
> development mailing list for a particular toolbox.
> Bug Fixes
> In 6.0.0 beta-2:
> Bug #2104 fixed - iw(1:9) and w(1:10) ode() output parameters were not documented
> Bug #2517 fixed - "position" property format was not accepted by figure() despite what was said in
> help
> Bug #6314 fixed - The identical code of %p_m_r() and %r_m_p() was not factorized
> Bug #7378 fixed - quart() used with only NaNs yielded an error instead of returning NaN.
> Bug #7646 fixed - Extractions A'(1,2) and A.'(1,2) from a transposed matrix were not possible
> Bug #7884 fixed - typeof() help page was poor, puzzled, and not up-to-date to Scilab 6:
> new typeof uint64, int64, void, deletelist, implicitlist were missing
> former hypermat and size implicit typeof weren't removed
> typeof names longer than 8-char were not documented.
> Bug #8210 fixed - UMFPACK demos were not well packaged and not numerous enough.
> Bug #8310 - Non-convex plane or unplane polygons could be wrongly triangulated and badly rendered
> with extra facets.
> Bug #9456 fixed - bench_run() did not work on a path or in a toolbox
> Bug #9621 fixed - A tlist() with undefined fields can now be saved.
> Bug #10082 fixed - string(complex) with real(complex)>0 did not remove the leading space replacing
> "+"
> Bug #11625 fixed - Uicontrol table did not update .string when values were modified interactively
> in the table.
> Bug #12559 - FFTW had some memory leaks
> Bug #12872 - Help pages of else, elseif, end, try, sciargs, global, halt, empty and power were in
> wrong help sections
> Bug #13154 - In shellmode, completion now separates Files from Directories.
> Bug #13308 fixed - Xcos had no Crank-Nicolson solver.
> Bug #13465 fixed - The display of polyline .display_function and .display_function properties was
> not conventional
> Bug #13468 fixed - Scilab hanged when incorrect format was used for file reading using mfscanf().
> Bug #13490 fixed - histc() help page fixed to match the macro (by default, normalize the result).
> Bug #13725 fixed - Sometimes xfpoly() polygon filling failed.
> Bug #13748 fixed - printf(), sprintf() (en,ja): short descriptions and obsolete flags were
> missing.
> Bug #13751 fixed - lqg2stan() returned wrong (inverted) values.
> Bug #13769 fixed - t = "abc..//ghi" was parsed as a continued + comment
> Bug #13810 fixed - householder(v, k*v) returned column of Nan. Input parameters were not checked.
> The Householder matrix could not be returned. Help pages were inaccurate and without examples.
> There was no householder() demo.
> Bug #13816 fixed - show_margins() caused a scilab crash
> Bug #13831 fixed - ss2ss() did not update the initial state
> Bug #13839 fixed - sign() could not be used with sparse matrices
> Bug #13869 fixed - bench_run() with option nb_run=10 did not override the NB RUN tags
> Bug #13873 fixed - %hm_stdev(H,idim>2) returned zeros(H)
> Bug #13897 fixed - Concatenating structures with same fields in mismatching orders failed
> Bug #13899 fixed - Syntax coloring was off in scinotes()
> Bug #13923 fixed - Changes of typeof(:) and typeof(n:$) were not documented.
> Bug #13939 fixed - In HTML help pages, itemizedlist <ul> were rendered as numbered ones
> Bug #13965 fixed - The rendering of histograms with histplot() was poor
> Bug #13966 fixed - twinkle() and twinkle(n) were not supported
> Bug #13974 fixed - isoview(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) was unhandy.
> Bug #14035 fixed - ndgrid() did not manage all homogeneous data type (booleans, integers,
> polynomials, rationals, strings, [])
> Bug #14067 fixed - 3rd argument of fsolve() became mandatory
> Bug #14099 fixed - sci2exp() macro was fixed to avoid "a+[] Warning".
> string(polynomials|rationals) had badly formated outputs and was not vectorized
> Bug #14111 fixed - In Scilab 6, lib() loading a Scilab 5 library did not give a proper error
> message.
> Bug #14115 fixed - In Scinotes, the switch and otherwise keywords were no longer colorized.
> Bug #14116 fixed - Invalid exponent in case of complex exponents especially 0*%i.
> Bug #14118 fixed - real(), imag(), conj(), isreal() did not accept rationals
> Bug #14271 fixed - conjgrad() displayed an incorrect error message about number of arguments.
> Bug #14297 fixed - cumsum's output was badly documented.
> Bug #14326 fixed - It was no longer possible to delete any part of a structure array with [].
> Bug #14347 fixed - plot2d() crashed with multiple entries (non regression test added).
> Bug #14359 fixed - Black Hole demo updated. Stop and Clear buttons did not have priority tag set.
> Callback_type property has been added and set to 10.
> Bug #14362 fixed - The ode() Lotka demo had typo errors
> Bug #14366 fixed - typeof(var,"overload") was not documented
> Bug #14374 fixed - The parser did not manage comments properly in shellmode
> Bug #14375 fixed - Calling input() with a argument of 64 characters or more crashed Scilab.
> Bug #14389 fixed - The new int64() and uint64() were not documented, and other help pages were not
> updated for them.
> Bug #14390 fixed - double() help page had irrelevant syntaxes and was poor
> Bug #14396 fixed - Real number display was not proper for very wide decimal parts
> Bug #14398 fixed - Matrix extraction was mistakenly considered a function call in calling sequence
> Bug #14405 fixed - GetScilabVariableJNI symbol was not resolved on xcosPalAdd()
> Bug #14415 fixed - Some spelling errors were detected in ~20 help pages
> Bug #14416 fixed - The file extension filter in Scinotes "Save as" window did not re-used the
> active file's extension when applicable.
> Bug #14418 fixed - saxon9he.jar made scilab throw an XPathFactoryConfigurationException.
> Bug #14419 fixed - Scinotes's highlighting of the new || and && operators was wrong.
> Bug #14423 fixed - bench_run did() not have a return value, export file was not configurable
> Bug #14425 fixed - xpause() was a duplicate of sleep(). sleep() did not propose "s" time unit.
> Bug #14429 fixed - Rationals r+(-r) and r-r did not simplify the denominator to 1 in simp_mode(%t)
> Bug #14432 fixed - Using an implicit list as scoped assignation to a variable in function call
> caused scilab to crash
> Bug #14433 fixed - acoth() (which call atanh()) crashed scilab
> Bug #14434 fixed - PlotSparse() did not work anymore.
> Bug #14446 fixed - An error message generated by save(..) pointed a bad argument index.
> Bug #14450 fixed - builder_help.sce of a toolbox ignored some existing language directories
> Bug #14453 fixed - strcat([]) returned an empty string instead of [].
> Bug #14455 - macr2tree() crashed when passing a FieldExp.
> Bug #14468 fixed - Scinotes was unable to export to HTML.
> Bug #14471 fixed - strange([]) returned [] instead of Nan as all other functions for statistical
> dispersion
> Bug #14476 fixed - Operation .* between polynomials and imaginary numbers was always returning 0
> Bug #14493 fixed - and() and or() help pages were poor and inaccurate.
> Bug #14495 fixed - consolebox() help page shew wrong syntaxes and was poor.
> Bug #14499 fixed - getd() did not update already defined functions
> Bug #14500 fixed - Operator .^ was broken for sparse matrices.
> Bug #14540 fixed - Datatips did not clip outside axes bounds
> Bug #14524 fixed - Numeric locales were not set to standard "C" by default at scilab startup
> In 6.0.0 beta-1 and earlier:
> Bug #6057 fixed - trailing space after minus sign has been removed from the display of values
> Bug #6064 fixed - scatter() did not exist in Scilab.
> Bug #8990 fixed - .zoom_auto feature was missing on the plot() toolbar.
> Bug #9560 fixed - 1./M was parsed as 1. / M instead of 1 ./ M
> Bug #11511 fixed - error() did not accept string matrix (non regression test added).
> Bug #12044 fixed - Adding or substracting the empty matrix now return an empty matrix.
> Bug #12202 fixed - Mixing int8 and doubles with colon operator led to wrong results.
> Bug #12419 fixed - objects were cleared before the scilab.quit was called
> Bug #12928 fixed - intXX() functions with %nan and %inf return wrong values.
> Bug #13289 fixed - Using non-integer indexes for mlists made Scilab crash.
> Bug #13298 fixed - Static analysis bugs detected by PVS-Studio fixed.
> Bug #13517 fixed - isdef() crashed Scilab when called with a vector of strings as input in a
> function and after a declaration of variable.
> Bug #13709 fixed - unique() sometimes returned wrong index values.
> Bug #13750 fixed V- Calling ss2ss() with flag = 2 returned an error.
> Bug #13780 fixed - size() with two input and output arguments did not return an error.
> Bug #13795 fixed - grep() with regexp option did not match the empty string properly
> Bug #13807 fixed - Invalid margins were computed when figure was not visible.
> Bug #13829 fixed - mean() and sum() returned wrong results for hypermatrices.
> Bug #13834 fixed - Drawing a high number of strings in a figure generated a Java exception.
> Bug #13838 fixed - Sparse and complex substraction made Scilab crash.
> Bug #13843 fixed - Scilab crashed when polarplot() and plot2d() were called with wrong strf value.
> Bug #13853 fixed - plzr() returned wrong results for discrete-time systems with a numeric time
> step.
> Bug #13854 fixed - Under some operating systems, SciNotes did not initialize a new document at
> startup.
> Bug #13862 fixed - There was no lazy evaluation of or operands in if tests.
> Bug #13864 fixed - %l_isequal() was useless in Scilab 6.
> Bug #13866 fixed - There were some issues with FFTW3 library.
> Bug #13872 fixed - Non regression test added for unique() (the indices returned were wrong)
> Bug #13881 fixed - datatipRemoveAll() did not work.
> Bug #13890 fixed - getd() did not return loaded symbols in previous scope.
> Bug #13893 fixed - simp() did not set a rational denominator at 1 when numerator was equal to
> zero.
> Bug #13894 fixed - Default working directory of the previous session did not work.
> Bug #13903 fixed - get_function_path() returned a path with a missing file separator.
> Bug #13907 fixed - Avoids the gray background on the right panel of the palette Browser.
> Bug #13908 fixed - part(text, n:$) was very slow.
> Bug #13918 fixed - Unmanaged operations on hypermatrix did not call overload functions.
> Bug #13919 fixed - Scilab parsed hidden as a reserved keyword but it is not used.
> Bug #13920 fixed - getscilabkeywords() help page should be in the "Scilab keywords" section.
> Bug #13924 fixed - rationals r1==r2 and r1~=r2 might sometimes be wrong.
> Bug #13925 fixed - SciNotes used the wrong paired bracket highlight style.
> Bug #13931 fixed - handle aarch64 processor for some Linux distribution.
> Bug #13941 fixed - Internal timestamps of HDF5 files prevented having a fixed hash for an
> unvarying set of saved objects.
> Bug #13942 fixed - the palette browser tree was always resized when expanded/collapsed.
> Bug #13944 fixed - The menu "Toolboxes" was missing.
> Bug #13971 fixed - A space has been added between Scilab prompt and cursor.
> Bug #13972 fixed - Wildcard * was not managed in printf() expressions.
> Bug #13983 fixed - who_user() returned wrong values.
> Bug #13986 fixed - setdefaultlanguage() did not set value correctly in Windows registry.
> Bug #13990 fixed - gettext() did not manage the added _W macro.
> Bug #13999 fixed - editor() was modal. It locked the console using an external editor.
> Bug #14020 fixed - Incorrect carriage return ascii code.
> Bug #14022 fixed - getscilabkeywords() was KO (+gateway what() added).
> Bug #14023 fixed - It was not possible to concatenate cells.
> Bug #14024 fixed - Print of macrofile() display a debug message instead of macro prototype.
> Bug #14025 fixed - head_comments() did not take into account compiled functions.
> Bug #14028 fixed - force flag of genlib() did not rebuild bin file.
> Bug #14030 fixed - Linear algebra demo crashed due to a bad delete in schur() implementation.
> Bug #14036 fixed - .tag and .user_data properties were not displayed and not documented for light
> entity.
> Bug #14038 fixed - Encoded integers were no longer accepted for list extraction.
> Bug #14040 fixed - graphic property setting fails when using array of handles
> Bug #14041 fixed - genlib() crashed when the file is locked by another program.
> Bug #14043 fixed - Examples of API Scilab help pages had to be updated (pvApiCtx in gateway
> prototypes).
> Bug #14044 fixed - MALLOC.h is now renamed to sci_malloc.h.
> Bug #14047 fixed - wrong behaviour of break ( continue ) in if and outside of loop fixed.
> Bug #14049 fixed - genlib() hang if an unexpected endfunction occurs.
> Bug #14055 fixed - overload on matrix concatenation was not called with [].
> Bug #14057 fixed - grand(m,n) returned a wrong error and grand(m,n,p) called an overloading
> function instead of returning an error.
> Bug #14058 fixed - Scilab crashed with file("close", file()) instruction
> Bug #14059 fixed - Lack of performance on deletion of matrix elements.
> Bug #14065 fixed - Change "java size" in points in graphics font help page.
> Bug #14082 fixed - m=1; m()=1; made Scilab crash.
> Bug #14093 fixed - atanh() returns NaN for values with an absolute value greater than 1
> Bug #14095 fixed - Scilab crashed when a .fig file was loaded with loadmatfile() function.
> Bug #14096 fixed - Issue with mscanf().
> Bug #14097 fixed - genlib() no more adds a separator at the end of the lib path if it is not given
> in the directory path.
> Bug #14105 fixed - New block comments /*...*/ feature was not documented.
> Bug #14107 fixed - lstcat() of a string and a list did not produce consistent results.
> Bug #14109 fixed - lsq() crashed Scilab when Scilab version depended on MKL library.
> Bug #14113 fixed - Scilab 6 did not detect infinite loop.
> Bug #14135 fixed - crash when running "Graphics -> Matplot -> Java Image" demonstration.
> Bug #14141 fixed - gcf().attribute=value lead to "Wrong insertion : function or macro are not
> expected".
> Bug #14144 fixed - Scilab crashed with int64(2^63).
> Bug #14149 fixed - HDF5 could not restore hypermatrix with good dimensions.
> Bug #14150 fixed - The Windows SDK was not found on Windows 8.1.
> Bug #14156 fixed - mfscanf() returned an empty matrix when datafile contained a header.
> Bug #14159 fixed - Matplot() crashed Scilab on boolean input.
> Bug #14178 fixed - Tcl/Tk unavailability on MacOS is now documented.
> Bug #14181 fixed - intg() (or integrate()) in a function that is being integrated failed.
> Bug #14187 fixed - fscanfMat() failed to read format %d, %i and %f.
> Bug #14199 fixed - sqrt() returned wrong dimension results on matrix with more than dimensions.
> Bug #14203 fixed - Improve some error messages, some help pages and some comments.
> Bug #14204 fixed - dec2bin() ( dec2base() ) must show a better error message for too large values.
> Bug #14205 fixed - Console crash when assigning uint32 numbers to double matrix.
> Bug #14209 fixed - 1:245 created infinite loop.
> Bug #14212 fixed - Scilab 6 did not load array of struct from Scilab 5.5 files correctly
> Bug #14219 fixed - As bug #14203, improve some error messages, some help pages and some comments.
> Bug #14223 fixed - det() returned an error when it is used with a singular matrix.
> Bug #14225 fixed - command-line option "-quit" should set the processs exit status
> Bug #14228 fixed - Setting .rotation_angles property to a matrix of any size did not return error
> message.
> Bug #14232 fixed - Typos fixed in Xcos.
> Bug #14245 fixed - Problem in recursive extraction using list with struct().
> Bug #14247 fixed - sqrt() did not work on hypermatrices (non regression test added).
> Bug #14249 fixed - Ctrl-C can be used to stop writing control expression.
> Bug #14251 fixed - spec() leaked some memory.
> Bug #14253 fixed - Insertion in a struct contained in a list fixed.
> Bug #14255 fixed - fftw() without MKL leaked.
> Bug #14300 fixed - Crash when playing with structures.
> Bug #14303 fixed - matrix display for large number was not correctly aligned
> Bug #14304 fixed - find(x, nmax) returned [] (non regression test added).
> Bug #14313 fixed - Parser did not create a column separator after spaces and ... at the end of
> lines
> Bug #14316 fixed - Operation scalar^matrix was identical to scalar.^matrix instead of being expm(
> log(scalar) * matrix )
> Bug #14331 fixed - The third argument of lsq() crashed Scilab.
> Bug #14348 fixed - Scilab did not open sce/sci file from Windows explorer.
> Bug #14361 fixed - Parser did not manage -linebreak + blockcomment ... /* a comment */
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