[Scilab-Dev] Graphics: curve edition: identifying the curve with set()/gce() ?

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Mon Mar 14 16:13:48 CET 2016

Le 14/03/2016 15:59, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
> Hello Clément,
> Le 14/03/2016 11:10, Clément David a écrit :
>> Hello Samuel,
>> If I understand correctly, it might be sufficient to set `gce` on when a graphical object is
>> selected (not edited but just selected), no ?
>   * Driving the focus for the data curve editor of a given figure: If
>     its data curve editor in "on", AND
>       o if gce() is a polyline in the considered figure, then, indeed,
>         the default edited curve could be set to gce(). This would
>         allow to set the "java focus" with a command line.
>       o If gce() is not a polyline or is a polyline in another figure
>         (whose curve editor is off, or that has not the "java
>         focus"?), then the editor of the considered figure may stand
>         behaving has it presently does (i have no proposal to clarify
>         this).
>   * Setting gce() from the editor :
>       o if the editing mode is off and we select a curve (turning
>         grey) : no, gce() shall not be set to the selected (greyed)
>         curve. This would trigger major back-compatibility issues.
>       o if the editing mode is on :
>           + if the interactive selection is done in gca() : yes,
>             synchronizing gce() to the currently edited curve would
>             answer to the issue. This synchronization would be more
>             intuitive than the current behavior that has 2 distinct
>             focus : Scilab's one (with gce()), and java one (with
>             interactions).
>           + otherwise : no, because this would compel as well to set
>             gca() to the java focus. This would bring major BC issues.
> I don't know whether the editor is able to edit other types of objects 
> than polylines. If so, the proposed behavior could be extended to them.
> I hope that this analysis is clear enough (sorry for the length). 
> However, it may still miss important things... Any confirmation would 
> be welcome.
> Regards
> Samuel
As often, other ideas/considerations come with a delay ;) :

  * If we interact (selection or even edition) with a curve in a figure
    that is not gcf(), then, when we will scf() to it, the default gce()
    should become the last edited curve. I am not sure that it is
    already the case (too many tests done forget first ones...;)


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