[Scilab-Dev] Bug 15184

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Mon Aug 14 15:14:37 CEST 2017

Le 14/08/2017 à 14:50, Viktor Mileikovskyi a écrit :
> Dear Samuel!
> Many thanks!
> For me there is no problem to run SciLab as admin, use edit %s_i_s 
> (i=1:4) and add

But it is a too specific status. Any user -- even not admin -- should be 
able to extend the overload without modifying native Scilab's code, even 
without write access to Scilab installation directory.

> else
>     TF=%f
> or
> else
>     error("Comparison of complex numbers is undefined")
> etc.
> The error is a good idea. It is more correct that in MatLab (comparing 
> of the real part only). But %NAN is also possible, meaning that the 
> operation can not provide any "logical number", 1 (%t) or 0 (%f).

A boolean is expected as result. So we can't return %nan, that is of 
decimal type. In Scilab, unlike in Matlab (AFAIK), the boolean type is 
In addition, in boolean operations %nan does not propagate and is 
equivalent to %T:
--> [%f %t] & %nan
  ans  =
   F T

--> [%f %t] | %nan
  ans  =
   T T

This is why i will stick to issuing an error message. By the way, this 
is also the best way to make the user aware of the issue and informed on 
how overloading the comparison.

Thanks for your input.

Best regards

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