[Scilab-Dev] Fwd: Problem with GUI / SERIAL / REALTIME.

Jonas jonas.vieira.de.souza at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 14:43:44 CEST 2017

Hi, I'm having a problem with GUI / SERIAL / REALTIME.
. After the serial is open, I can not close the serial by pressing the
graphic button I created for this.
Someone there knows what might be happening. Thank you for your help.
. Below is the code.

//// author: jonas vieira de souza// email:
jonas.vieira.de.souza at gmail.com// date: 15/08/2017//// proposal: ..//
in GUI, have ..//      two buttons ( connect and disconnect the serial
),//      two labels ( status and data received from the serial ).////
problem: ..////  _disconnect_button.Callback = "close_serial";  <- NOT
WORKING////  After connecting,//  when pressed the disconnect
button,//  is not being disconnected.//
global serial;global is_connected;is_connected = %F;global
is_disconnected;is_disconnected = %T;
// window background_window = createWindow();_window.Background = [
0.8 0.8 0.8 ];_window.axes_size = [ 200 400 ];
// connect button_connect_button =
uicontrol(_window,"style","pushbutton");_connect_button.Units =
"normalized";_connect_button.Position = [ 0 0.75 1 0.25
];_connect_button.String = "connect";_connect_button.BackgroundColor =
[ 0.9 0.9 0.9 ];_connect_button.Callback =
// disconnect button_disconnect_button =
uicontrol(_window,"style","pushbutton");_disconnect_button.Units =
"normalized";_disconnect_button.Position = [ 0 0.5 1 0.25
];_disconnect_button.String =
"disconnect";_disconnect_button.BackgroundColor = [ 0.9 0.9 0.9
];_disconnect_button.Callback =
// label status_label_status =
uicontrol(_window,"style","text");_label_status.Units =
"normalized";_label_status.HorizontalAlignment =
"center";_label_status.Position = [0 0.25 1 0.25];_label_status.String
= "disconnected";_label_status.BackgroundColor = [ 0.9 0.9 0.8 ];
// label data_label_data =
uicontrol(_window,"style","text");_label_data.Units =
"normalized";_label_data.HorizontalAlignment =
"center";_label_data.Position = [0 0 1 0.25];_label_data.String =
"null";_label_data.BackgroundColor = [ 0.9 0.9 0.8 ];
// ...function read_serial()
    global serial;

    data_received = readserial(serial);
    if length(data_received) > 1  then
        set( _label_data, 'string', string(data_received) );
// ...function open_serial()
    global serial;
    global is_connected;
    global is_disconnected;

    if is_connected == %F then
        is_connected = %T;
        is_disconnected = %F;
        serial = openserial( 2, "9600,n,8,1" );

        set( _connect_button, 'relief','sunken' );
        set( _disconnect_button, 'relief', 'raised');
        set( _label_status, 'string', 'connected' );

        while is_connected == %T & is_disconnected == %F then
// ...function close_serial()
    global serial;
    global is_connected;
    global is_disconnected;

    if is_connected == %T then
        is_connected = %F;
        is_disconnected = %T;
        set( _disconnect_button,'relief','sunken');
        set( _connect_button,'relief','raised' );
        set( _label_status,'string','disconnected');

Jonas Vieira de Souza ** **Graduating in electronic engineering*

jonas.vieira.de.souza at gmail.com <jonas.souza at tecnnova.com.br>


de vírus. www.avast.com
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