[Scilab-Dev] SEP advanced function/profiling in Scilab 6

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Sun Dec 16 18:50:52 CET 2018

Hello Clément,

Thanks for this second version, indeed much clearer to me. This one 
brings new questions and comments.

  * The planned ability to target a single function, or a whole library,
    or all loaded libraries goes beyond the portage to Scilab 6. This is
    already a great improvement.
    About possible targets, here are some arising open questions (they
    are not requests, just questions for more information) :
    => Will it be possible to target a user-defined function out of
    libraries (defined with deff, function (in console), exec, jdeff..)?

  * prof = profileGetInfo(): the architecture/hierarchy to access to the
    results is unclear to me. This is an important point in term of
    usages. This point is one of major ones hindering the usage of
    slint(), as reported on bugzilla and on users at . It would be a pity
    to have the same issue for profiling results. Examples showing how
    to address most interesting results would be highly welcome.
      o Example : How to get totalTime for all functions of a given
        library (as a first step to focus on hot functions).
        Will it be something like
        sel = prof.FunctionTable.ModuleName=="myModule";
        or like
        or like

      o I do not catch why there are 2 distinct 1st level fields
        FunctionTable and FunctionCoverage, instead of having a tenth
        field FunctionCoverage directly at the first level. This first
        level FunctionTable/FunctionCoverage complicates the addressing,
        and its motivation is unclear.

      o To me, the most handy first level addressing should be directly
        through <functionName>:
        etc. This is much simpler and straightforward than with the
        syntaxes presented hereabove.

      o About fields names
          + "ModuleName" might be abbreviated into Module or Library
            without loss of meaning and clarity. If the expected value
            is the name of the library (e.g. corelib), then the field
            name should be Library instead of Module or ModuleName.
            Otherwise, ModuleName will refer to core, not to corelib.
            This would prevent securely addressing information from the
            library (the name of a module is not clearly defined. Is it
            the name of its SCI/<module> directory, or the name of its
            gateway, or...?
          + "FirstLine" : is it the "Prototype"?
          + InstructionsCount, BranchesCount, PathsCount :
              # these fields would be new results, not available in
                Scilab 5. For the time being, I do not understand what
                they represent nor what they can be used to.
              # Does "executed lines count" stand for only lines that
                are actually executed, or does it stand for _all_ lines,
                with a count 0 for not executed ones?

  * The case of *nested functions* (a function defined in a function,
    etc) is not presented. There were some issues in Scilab 5 about
    them. See for instance the bug 12104
    <http://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12104> or the bug 12105

  * The case of *internal functions defined in the same .sci file *after
    the main function is not presented. This is a new topic, since the
    Scilab 6 processing is new with respect to these local dependencies.
    Will profiling these internal dependencies be possible?

  * /"//The main issue with switching API is the associated effort to
    port existing Scilab 5 toolset to the new API. As you propose, a
    Matlab-like `profile`  might be a later extension."/
    I am sorry, i do not clearly understand this point. Anyway, the API
    is changed, since functions are renamed, and the format of results
    is completely changed.
    Writting a profile() macro routing to the internal profileEnable()
    etc would be somehow let's say ~3% of the time, by far the easiest
    part of the forge, compared to the implementation/rewritting of hard
    code. But it would ease usages and maintenance and documentation.
    Skipping it looks like a bit self censorship, self limiting impact
    of a great work.
    At least, not splitting the documentation in N separated pages, but
    building a single help page presenting all profiling functions and
    usages would be better.

Thanks again for all your efforts and work.

Best regards

Le 03/12/2018 à 16:31, Clément David a écrit :
> Hello Samuel and thanks for your comments,
> I updated the SEP with more information clarifying some aspects. These 
> `profile` functions are not supposed to replace the existing 
> `coverage` ones. The underlying execution counters are re-used for the 
> two implementations but the usage might slightly be different: produce 
> a static report for the coverage or display performance information 
> while developing. I reword some aspect to clarify the display and show 
> methods, the “instrumentation”
> At first, I want to map the Scilab 5 features before trying to push 
> enhancement or API modification so I used similar names as in Scilab 
> 5. The main issue with switching API is the associated effort to port 
> existing Scilab 5 toolset to the new API. As you propose, a 
> Matlab-like `profile`  might be a later extension.
> Best,
> --
> Clément
> *From:*dev <dev-bounces at lists.scilab.org> *On Behalf Of *Samuel Gougeon
> *Sent:* Sunday, December 2, _2018_ 8:54 PM
> *To:* List dedicated to the development of Scilab <dev at lists.scilab.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [Scilab-Dev] SEP advanced function/profiling in Scilab 6
> Hello Clément,
> Glad to see that restoring handy profiling facilities is awake.
> I am afraid _i_ don't catch all from the SEP. Here is a short list of 
> remarks that still make me _wondering_:
>   * In 5.5.2, the former functions were about BOTH coverage and
>     timing. Displaying both _informations_ in the 2 first columns was
>     very handy.
>     The current SEP seems to present 2 separated subsets of
>     _functions,_ as if things are planned to become separated. This is
>     quite unclear.
>   * Reforging things should be a major opportunity to suppress the
>     splitting in many functions just vs the action.
>     Hence, the former add_profiling, remove_profiling, reset_profiling
>     were _painfull_ because inventing, maintaining, documenting and
>     using 3 separate functions just because of ONE parameter is
>     changing -- the action -- _imo_ was _imo_ meaningless. This is a
>     low-level kind of design, whereas Scilab is a high-level language,
>     the language should be integrated: I rather expect using
>     *profile(action, target [, options])*  with for instance *action =
>     "on"|"off"|"reset"|"disp"|"html"*|*"plot"*...
>     In this way, things are open. If other actions have to be added
>     _latter_, the prototype won't change, and no need to have _a Nth_
>     function and Nth documentation page in 5 natural languages.
>   * In the SEP, the fact that restoring a display in text mode in the
>     console is planned does not explicitly appear. Nor the planned
>     order of columns of results. Both aspects are really killing
>     details. When improving the code, i never felt the need of having
>     pleasant colored reports. But, daily, the display in console was
>     my first and almost only usage.
>   * "instrumentation" is some hardly understandable devs jargon.
> Best regards
> Samuel
> Le 30/11/2018 à 15:02, Clément David a écrit :
>     Dear devs,
>     I started working on re-introducing profiling functions into Scilab 6.0;
>     these functions will behave very similarly to the Scilab 5 ones but have
>     been renamed for consistency and their arguments will slightly differs
>     (macro value vs macro as string). Thanks to Samuel's mail [2], I wrote a SEP
>     [1] that might finally fix that miss, please comment and give feedbacks !
>     [1]:https://wiki.scilab.org/SEP%20profiling%20in%20Scilab%206.1
>     [2]:
>     http://mailinglists.scilab.org/New-profiling-module-code-coverage-td4034048.
>     html
>     Thanks,
>     --
>     Clément
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