[Scilab-Dev] strings cannot be cut into several lines

Antoine ELIAS antoine.elias at scilab-enterprises.com
Sat Sep 8 17:36:23 CEST 2018

Hello Eric,

In Scilab 5, you could write strings on multiple lines using ... but not 
only, it worked with everything.

  ans  =


and more horrible

-->ction toto(..



In fact "..." are used to ignore the following end line.

I hope you can understand we want to remove this kind of coding style.
To replace ... for strings case can you use + operator.

-->"string1 and ...


-->"string1 and " + ...
  ans  =

  string1 and string2

Le 08/09/2018 à 10:41, Éric Dubois a écrit :
> Hello
> Can someone explain me why in Scilab 6, you cannot wirte a string on 
> several lines each line ending by "..."?
> When you have a very long string, you have 2 choices that are not 
> appealing:
> - write this string on a line, which is not very readable;
> - define several strings covering different components of the string 
> and then add them to build your string, which is a time consuming.
> This change makes my productivity when programming in Scilab decline 
> and I do not see teh drawbacks that the old working entailed.
> Thansk for your answer.
> Regards
> Éric
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