[Scilab-Dev] uimenu.callback_type == -2 ?

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Mon Dec 23 10:57:21 CET 2019

Le 07/09/2019 à 13:32, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
> Hello,
> While i wasupdating the uimenu_properties page 
> <http://bugzilla.scilab.org/16008>, noticeably to document .callback_type,
> i noticed that one of the Figures submenu has a .callback_type set to 
> -2 (see below).
> I have found nothing in the uicontrol doc about the meaning of this value.
> Would you know  what it is, to interpret .callback?
> Thanks
> Samuel
> --> get(0).showhiddenhandles = "on";
> --> gcf().children(4).children(1)
>  ans  =
> Handle of type "uimenu" with properties:
> ========================================
> Parent: uimenu
> Children: []
> Enable = "on"
> Foregroundcolor = [0,0,0]
> Label = "&Rotation 2D/3D"
> Handle_Visible = "off"
> Visible = "on"
> Callback = "set(get_figure_handle([SCILAB_FIGURE_ID]), 
> ''info_message'', ''Right click and drag to rotate.'')"
> Callback_Type = *-*2
> Checked =  "off"
> Icon =  "transform-rotate"
> Userdata = []
> Tag = ""
Le 16/09/2019 à 19:39, tom.kreisel@*.de a écrit :
 > Hi Samuel,
 > I was also struggling with callback_type so I can maybe give some 
hints from a programmers perspective.
 > Since I am new to Scilab I played around with the master build and 
the xcos debug gui, which was not working until I added the 
callback_type property 10 to the source code.
 > I found in the code:
 > /**
 >  * Abstract class to manage all callbacks.
 >  *
 >  * @author Bruno JOFRET
 >  */
 > public class CallBack {
 >     /**
 >      * Unmanaged command type constant
 >      */
 >     public static final int UNTYPED = -1;
 >     /**
 >      * Scilab instruction command type constant
 >      */
 >     public static final int SCILAB_INSTRUCTION = 0;
 >     public static final int SCILAB_NOT_INTERRUPTIBLE_INSTRUCTION = 10;
 >     /**
 >      * C or Fortran function type constant
 >      */
 >     public static final int C_FORTRAN = 1;
 >     /**
 >      * Scilab function type constant
 >      */
 >     public static final int SCILAB_FUNCTION = 2;
 >     public static final int SCILAB_NOT_INTERRUPTIBLE_FUNCTION = 12;
 >     /**
 >      * Scilab function type constant (not trapped by scilab event 
 >      */
 >     public static final int SCILAB_OUT_OF_XCLICK_AND_XGETMOUSE = -2;
 >     /**
 >      * Java function type constant
 >      */
 >     public static final int JAVA = 3;
 >     /**
 >      * Java function type constant (not trapped by scilab event 
 >      */
 >     public static final int JAVA_OUT_OF_XCLICK_AND_XGETMOUSE = -3;
 >     /**
 >      * Scilab instruction without GCBO setting (used in case of 
 >      */
 >     public static final int SCILAB_INSTRUCTION_WITHOUT_GCBO = 4;
 > [...]
 > If this type is used, the actionPerformed method of the 
ScilabCallbackClass is overriden to just call the callback:
 > /**
 >      * Callback Factory to easily create a callback
 >      * just like in scilab.
 >      * WARNING : this callback will be ignored by xclick & xgetmouse
 >      * @param command : the command to execute.
 >      * @return a usable Scilab callback
 >      */
 >     public static ScilabCallBack createOutOfXclickAndXgetmouse(String 
command) {
 >         return (new ScilabCallBack(command) {
 >             private static final long serialVersionUID = 
 >             public void callBack() {
 >                 Thread launchMe = new Thread() {
 >                     public void run() {
 > InterpreterManagement.putCommandInScilabQueue(getCommand());
 >                     }
 >                 };
 >                 launchMe.start();
 >             }
 >             /**
 >              * To match the standard Java Action management.
 >              * @see 
 >              * @param e The event that launch the callback.
 >              */
 >             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
 >                 callBack();
 >             }
 >         });
 >     }
 > The usual implementation uses a GlobalEventWatcher, I guess this 
implements the xclick and xgetmouse features.
 >    /**
 >      * To match the standard Java Action management.
 >      * @see 
 >      * @param e The event that launch the callback.
 >      */
 >     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
 >         if (!GlobalEventWatcher.isCatchingCallback()) {
 >             callBack();
 >         } else {
 >             if (this.callback.getCommand() != null) {
 > GlobalEventFilter.filterCallback(this.callback.getCommand());
 >             }
 >         }
 >     }
 > so if you use -2 as type, xclick and xgetmouse listener will not be 
informed of your mouseclick.
 > there are also other integers not mentioned in the docu.
 > Would have liked to post this into the list, but currently the server 
rejects my email address...
 > Hope this might be useful..
 > KR Thomas

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