[Scilab-Dev] Issue with unicode exponents

Stéphane Mottelet stephane.mottelet at utc.fr
Fri Nov 29 13:05:31 CET 2019

BTW, under Windows, none of the console mode seems to support simple 
accented characters :

--> disp "é"


The super/subscript problem is just a small part of this more general issue.


Le 28/11/2019 à 21:58, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
> Dear Stéphane,
> Thank you for your on-going efforts to improve the display of 
> polynomials and their exponents.
> Although i was aware about the potential issue 
> <https://antispam.utc.fr/proxy/1/c3RlcGhhbmUubW90dGVsZXRAdXRjLmZy/bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4236>, 
> i did not catch it before your first commit 
> <https://antispam.utc.fr/proxy/2/c3RlcGhhbmUubW90dGVsZXRAdXRjLmZy/codereview.scilab.org/21100> 
> was recently merged.
> Actually, some trial on the master shows what we could expect on 
> Windows: Setting exponents in unicode breaks the display of 
> polynomials in NW (and NWNI) modes:
> --> p = (1-%z).^(0:12)'
>  p  =
>    1
>    1 -z
>    1 -2z +z┬▓
>    1 -3z +3z┬▓ -z┬│
>    1 -4z +6z┬▓ -4z┬│ +zÔü┤
>    1 -5z +10z┬▓ -10z┬│ +5zÔü┤ -zÔüÁ
>    1 -6z +15z┬▓ -20z┬│ +15zÔü┤ -6zÔüÁ +zÔüÂ
>    1 -7z +21z┬▓ -35z┬│ +35zÔü┤ -21zÔüÁ +7zÔü -zÔüÀ
>    1 -8z +28z┬▓ -56z┬│ +70zÔü┤ -56zÔüÁ +28zÔü -8zÔüÀ +zÔü©
>    1 -9z +36z┬▓ -84z┬│ +126zÔü┤ -126zÔüÁ +84zÔü -36zÔüÀ +9zÔü© -zÔü╣
>    1 -10z +45z┬▓ -120z┬│ +210zÔü┤ -252zÔüÁ +210zÔü -120zÔüÀ +45zÔü© 
> -10zÔü╣ +z┬╣Ôü░
>    1 -11z +55z┬▓ -165z┬│ +330zÔü┤ -462zÔüÁ +462zÔü -330zÔüÀ +165zÔü© 
> -55zÔü╣ +11z┬╣Ôü░
>   -z┬╣┬╣
>    1 -12z +66z┬▓ -220z┬│ +495zÔü┤ -792zÔüÁ +924zÔü -792zÔüÀ +495zÔü© 
> -220zÔü╣ +66z┬╣Ôü░
>   -12z┬╣┬╣ +z┬╣┬▓
> This is a blocking issue. IMHO, the fix proposed by Allan clearly 
> improves the situation, but is not completely clean as it is 
> implemented in the launching batch file, while calling directly the 
> binary will shortcut the patch.
> Another issue is about the readability of exponents 1 to 3: they were 
> likely the first defined, before other figures, but they are clearly 
> smaller than other exponents 0 and 4-9.
> Reading them was almost OK for me in the commit message, but on the 
> Scilab console, i had to increase the font size from Monospaced 13 to 
> Monospaced 15 to get them (almost) readable.
> I copied/pasted a polynomial from the console into Scinotes, zoomed 
> Scinotes, and got the following screenshot, showing the net difference 
> in their sizes: :
> Without zooming, the "3" is very close to 8, and only its place before 
> 4 mainly indicates that it's not 8.
> Could the 1-3 exponents be redefined with the same size as the other 
> higher figures, under other unicode ids?
> To be investigated.
> Best regards
> Samuel
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Stéphane Mottelet
Ingénieur de recherche
EA 4297 Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable
Département Génie des Procédés Industriels
Sorbonne Universités - Université de Technologie de Compiègne
CS 60319, 60203 Compiègne cedex
Tel : +33(0)344234688

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