[Scilab-Dev] Issue with unicode exponents

Stéphane Mottelet stephane.mottelet at utc.fr
Fri Nov 29 13:20:13 CET 2019

Sorry for these multiple answers, but after thinking about this issue, I 
arrived at the conclusion that we should consider the use of unicode 
subscript only as a failsafe solution. In GUI mode (Java console), we 
should use html output. This will solve the problem of readability of 
exponents and allow many interesting stuff, such as outputing links, ...


Le 28/11/2019 à 21:58, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
> Dear Stéphane,
> Thank you for your on-going efforts to improve the display of 
> polynomials and their exponents.
> Although i was aware about the potential issue 
> <https://antispam.utc.fr/proxy/1/c3RlcGhhbmUubW90dGVsZXRAdXRjLmZy/bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4236>, 
> i did not catch it before your first commit 
> <https://antispam.utc.fr/proxy/2/c3RlcGhhbmUubW90dGVsZXRAdXRjLmZy/codereview.scilab.org/21100> 
> was recently merged.
> Actually, some trial on the master shows what we could expect on 
> Windows: Setting exponents in unicode breaks the display of 
> polynomials in NW (and NWNI) modes:
> --> p = (1-%z).^(0:12)'
>  p  =
>    1
>    1 -z
>    1 -2z +z┬▓
>    1 -3z +3z┬▓ -z┬│
>    1 -4z +6z┬▓ -4z┬│ +zÔü┤
>    1 -5z +10z┬▓ -10z┬│ +5zÔü┤ -zÔüÁ
>    1 -6z +15z┬▓ -20z┬│ +15zÔü┤ -6zÔüÁ +zÔüÂ
>    1 -7z +21z┬▓ -35z┬│ +35zÔü┤ -21zÔüÁ +7zÔü -zÔüÀ
>    1 -8z +28z┬▓ -56z┬│ +70zÔü┤ -56zÔüÁ +28zÔü -8zÔüÀ +zÔü©
>    1 -9z +36z┬▓ -84z┬│ +126zÔü┤ -126zÔüÁ +84zÔü -36zÔüÀ +9zÔü© -zÔü╣
>    1 -10z +45z┬▓ -120z┬│ +210zÔü┤ -252zÔüÁ +210zÔü -120zÔüÀ +45zÔü© 
> -10zÔü╣ +z┬╣Ôü░
>    1 -11z +55z┬▓ -165z┬│ +330zÔü┤ -462zÔüÁ +462zÔü -330zÔüÀ +165zÔü© 
> -55zÔü╣ +11z┬╣Ôü░
>   -z┬╣┬╣
>    1 -12z +66z┬▓ -220z┬│ +495zÔü┤ -792zÔüÁ +924zÔü -792zÔüÀ +495zÔü© 
> -220zÔü╣ +66z┬╣Ôü░
>   -12z┬╣┬╣ +z┬╣┬▓
> This is a blocking issue. IMHO, the fix proposed by Allan clearly 
> improves the situation, but is not completely clean as it is 
> implemented in the launching batch file, while calling directly the 
> binary will shortcut the patch.
> Another issue is about the readability of exponents 1 to 3: they were 
> likely the first defined, before other figures, but they are clearly 
> smaller than other exponents 0 and 4-9.
> Reading them was almost OK for me in the commit message, but on the 
> Scilab console, i had to increase the font size from Monospaced 13 to 
> Monospaced 15 to get them (almost) readable.
> I copied/pasted a polynomial from the console into Scinotes, zoomed 
> Scinotes, and got the following screenshot, showing the net difference 
> in their sizes: :
> Without zooming, the "3" is very close to 8, and only its place before 
> 4 mainly indicates that it's not 8.
> Could the 1-3 exponents be redefined with the same size as the other 
> higher figures, under other unicode ids?
> To be investigated.
> Best regards
> Samuel
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Stéphane Mottelet
Ingénieur de recherche
EA 4297 Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable
Département Génie des Procédés Industriels
Sorbonne Universités - Université de Technologie de Compiègne
CS 60319, 60203 Compiègne cedex
Tel : +33(0)344234688

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