Withdrawal from Mailing list

Tatsuhito Ikai ikai at toyo.co.jp
Mer 23 Mai 09:07:03 CEST 2012

To whom it may concern, 

I would like you to arrange delete my mail address from any mailing list 
of Scilab.
I could not know how I should notify my intent to unsubscribe, please 
kindly transfer my intent to appropriate personnel.

Thank you,

Scilab Communication <communication at scilab.org> 
2012/05/23 08:52 ZE2
Please respond to
communication at scilab.org

communication at scilab.org

Invitation to ScilabTEC 2012, June 28th, 9.00 AM

The Scilab Users Day is a unique opportunity to discover the latest 
software developments, industrial applications and enhance your knowledge 
of Scilab and its ecosystem.

With Kitware, Eramet, Sanofi, Astrium (EADS), Dassault Aviation, CNES 
which have developed applications around Scilab software, you will also 
meet the R&D team to discover Scilab 5.4.0 in live and find out more about 
Scilab Enterprises strategy and positioning.

ScilabTEC 2012 complete program online: 

ScilabTEC 2012 takes place at the École Polytechnique during Teratec Forum 
on Thursday, June 28!
Limited seating, register now for free (

The Scilab Consortium
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