[scilab-Users] xs2eps gives inacceptable results in Scilab 5.1.1

Matthias Blau blau_m at web.de
Mon May 18 22:55:00 CEST 2009

Dear Ronald,

thanks for your help. Unfortunately, this didn't solve my problem.

Anyway, I found a (similarly cumbersome) way to get "non-jagged" curves. 
This is how it works:
- use xs2fig to export to fig
- then in xfig, change the "join style" manually for every curve
- unfortunately, xs2fig is not good in exporting fonts, so I had to 
change all fonts manually as well
- then export from xfig to whatever you want

So, this works.

But hey Scilab team, is this how you want people to work seriously? 
Again, this may not be a bug in the strict sense, but it makes Scilab 
unusable for people doing science (isn't that Scilab's target group?), 
so please!! fix this! It can't be that hard.

Best regards, Matthias

Ronald Michaels schrieb:
> Hi - 
> This thread came at a good time for me.
> Here is how I am now getting high res graphics.
> Draw the graph in Scilab with plot() or some other graphics function
> call.
> In the Scilab graphics window pull down File->Print.
> Select the print to file option and print to myfile.ps .
> Then start GIMP.  Open myfile.ps .  In the Import from PostScript
> window, set resolution = 1000, or some other number that suits your
> need.  Click import.  Use GIMP to rotate, crop, etc.  Then Save as
> myfile.png, or whatever.
> The best thing I can say about this is that it works - WFM.
> Ron
> On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 09:27 +0100, Francis Drossaert wrote:
>> xs2eps

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