[scilab-Users] xs2eps gives inacceptable results in Scilab 5.1.1

Ronald Michaels ron at phenotypescreening.com
Mon May 18 18:29:34 CEST 2009

Hi - 

This thread came at a good time for me.

Here is how I am now getting high res graphics.

Draw the graph in Scilab with plot() or some other graphics function

In the Scilab graphics window pull down File->Print.

Select the print to file option and print to myfile.ps .

Then start GIMP.  Open myfile.ps .  In the Import from PostScript
window, set resolution = 1000, or some other number that suits your
need.  Click import.  Use GIMP to rotate, crop, etc.  Then Save as
myfile.png, or whatever.

The best thing I can say about this is that it works - WFM.


On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 09:27 +0100, Francis Drossaert wrote:
> xs2eps

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