[scilab-Users] Question about xstring

Manuel JULIACHS manuel.juliachs at scilab.org
Fri Nov 13 10:50:57 CET 2009


each string object located outside the axes box (which is the case in 
your own example) is hidden
due to the fact that it is clipped against the box bounds and thus culled.

Setting each string object's clip_state property to "off" after it has 
been created should make it visible.

As an example:

xstring(0.0, -0.2, "cloudy");

Take a look at the text_properties help page for related information.

Mathieu Dubois a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have plotted a complicated bar plot (the 'y' matrix is 3*6 so I have 
> 6 polylines and 18 bars) so I would like to print some text under each 
> bar to help understanding.
> I use the 'data' and 'x_shift' members of each polyline to compute the 
> x position of the text:
> x=current_poly.data(:,1)'+current_poly.x_shift (this works).
> After that I use xstring to display my text. If I use 0 as the 'y' 
> coordinate the text is displayed at the bottom of the bar (see 
> attachment).
> The problem is that I would like to attach the text under the bar. If 
> I use a negative 'y' coordinate, the text is hidden.
> How can I put it foreground?
> Is the problem linked to the fact that the "Text" object is a children 
> of the "Axes" object and so cannot be put 'outside' this object? If 
> true can I insert the "Text" object as a children of the "Figure" object?
> xstring looks like a function for the old graphic mode (no handle 
> argument)... Is there any replacement?
> Thanks in advance,
> Mathieu

Manuel Juliachs
Ingénieur de développement
Consortium Scilab
Domaine de Voluceau
Rocquencourt - B.P. 105 
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex France
Tél. : +

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