Query for contribution in Scilab/XMLlab

richa gupta richa5685 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 11:56:22 CEST 2009

Dear Sir,

I am currently working on the web enabling of fuctions in XMLlab the
extension of Scilab.When we manually execute the given demos using
xmllab 2 types of files are created:---
1. filename.sce
2. filename.tk

We execute the filename.sce file and we get the output.
                                              I am using php and xml
for web enabling. The input will be given through php page nd we ll
obtain the output in php page only after being processed by xml file
as the built in function is called in xml file.
Sir my query is that during web enabling do I hav to write the
filename.sce and filename.tk myself or xmllab will create these 2
files on its own.

              Hoping for a soon reply.

Thanking You,
Richa Gupta
(richa5685 at yahoo.co.in)

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