Problem installing AnImaL and thus SIP

Peter Eshuis p.g.eshuis at
Thu Oct 15 14:47:15 CEST 2009

Dear Scilab Group,

I really appreciate Scilab very much and I think it is very powerful, but right now I'm experiencing problems installing the Scilab Image Processing (SIP) Toolbox on my Windows XP machine using MinGW.

I've tried several options, but they've all failed. It could have to do with the fact that I have almost no experience with UNIX, so MinGW is new for me. A friend who does have UNIX experience tried it as well, but without success.

To give you an idea what I've tried I give you a summary of my current installation following all the README's and INSTALL's:

Install SciLab:
-Install in "C:\scilab\"
-Choose "Full installation"

Install MKL (Math Kernel Library):
-Install in "C:\scilab\bin\"

Install FFTW Library (Fast Fourier Transform):
-Install in "C:\scilab\bin\fftw\"

Install MinGW:
-Choose "Full" installation
-Install in "C:\MinGW"
-Copy paste the folders of MinGW ImageMagick Delegates in "C:\MinGW"

Install MSYS:
-Install in "C:\msys\1.0"
-msysDTK-1.0.1.exe in "C:\msys\1.0"
NOT PERFORMED: -Set the environment variable HOME to C:\msys\1.0\home (DON'T KNOW HOW)

Install ImageMagick-6.5.6-9 for Windows:
-Open Configure.sln --> Build Solution
-run configure.exe
-Choose "multi-threaded static build"
-Open VisualStaticMT.sln --> Build Solution
-Test on commandline in bin-folder: convert logo: image.jpg OK

Install AnImaL (An Imaging Library) version 0.15.3:
-make --include-dir=/c/ImageMagick/magick (with and without include-dir does not make a difference, same errors are thrown)
>>img.c:30:59: magick/api.h: No such file or directory
>>Numerous errors and warnings are triggered regarding imagemagick... and in the end Error 1 is thrown
--> So somehow the api.h file is not found, allthough it is present in C:\ImageMagick\magick\
--> The AnImaL directory is currently located on D:\, so should I move it inside some folder of ImageMagick?

Do you have any suggestions to help me install AnImaL and in the end SIP? Or when you have instructions to use a different compiler that would also be very welcom. Thanks!

Best regards,

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