[scilab-Users] scilab 5.1.1 compilation under Solaris 10

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at scilab.org
Tue Sep 15 10:59:40 CEST 2009

> It works! I didn't have to rebuild anything to use mesa. I just put the mesa lib dir in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and libjogl.so dynamically links against it. And now, the graphics work just fine under Solaris 10.
Thanks for the feedback

> I've also found out what was wrong with the make install under Solaris 9. In libs/blas/Makefile, line 890, there is :
> for specialExt in $(MACROSSPECIALEXT); do \
> But the MACROSSPECIALEXT is empty and the shell doesn't like it. So I've delete this line and the next 3 ones, and did the same in all the (~70!) other Makefiles. Now make install works, but it really is an ugly workaround, there should be a better way of fixing this.
Indeed, there is easier way.
This stuff is declared in Makefile.incl.am and all makefile can be
regenerated with autoreconf.
You will find the patch attached to this email. 
Apply it and launch autoreconf
it should fix you problem

> But using mesa didn't solved the problem under Solaris 9, I still get :
> An error occurred when Scilab tried to open a Canvas: glXGetConfig failed: error code GLX_NO_EXTENSION
You should see if the glx is correctly configured/set on your Solaris.

> So to conclude all the tests I made :
> Linux 32 bits : works fine
> Linux 64 bits : doesn't work at all (no window, no error, nothing)
What kind of problems do you have with Linux 64 bits ? There is many
people in the team and users who are working on Scilab with a 64 bits
Linux without any problems.

> Solaris 9 : needs lots of modifications, works but no graphic. (hopeless?)
> Solaris 10 : needs a few modifications and works fine.
> Do you want me to submit again all the changes I had to do to make it work under Solaris 9/10 ?
It would be great. Many thanks

> Raphaƫl Langella
Sylvestre Ledru
The Scilab Consortium
Domaine de Voluceau
Rocquencourt - B.P. 105
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex

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