[scilab-Users] Help with function init_func_default - genetic algorithms

Michaël Baudin michael.baudin at scilab.org
Thu Aug 5 10:11:24 CEST 2010

Dear Marcelo,

I posted a bug fix for the help page of the init_ga_default function.
You will find the example :

// Generate 10 points in 2 dimensions, in the
// interval [-2,2]^2.
popsize = 10;
ga_params = init_param();
ga_params = add_param(ga_params,"minbound",[-2; -2]);
ga_params = add_param(ga_params,"maxbound",[2; 2]);
ga_params = add_param(ga_params,"dimension",2);
Pop_init = init_ga_default(popsize,ga_params);
for k = 1 : popsize
  x = Pop_init(k);
  xstr = strcat(string(x)," ");

An example is missing in the optim_ga function help page, which
shows how to customize the initial population generator function.
I work on this and let you know about this in some minutes.

Best regards,


Marcelo Menezes Reis a écrit :
> Greetings
> I have been trying to develop a genetic algorithm in Scilab. I intend 
> to use binary coding. But, I am experiencing some problems with 
> function *init_func_default*. In help file I found:
>       Calling Sequence
>     Pop_init = init_func_default(popsize,param) 
>       Parameters
>     * *popsize* : the number of individuals to generate.
>     * *param* : a list of parameters. - 'dimension': the size of the
>       vector X. - 'minbound': a vector of minimum bounds for the
>       variable X. - 'maxbound': a vector of maximum bounds for the
>       variable X.
>     * *Pop_init* : a list which contains the initial population of
>       individuals.
> I don´t know how to put in  "param"  the list  dimension, minbound 
> and  maxbound.  Can you help me with  that?
> -- 
> Marcelo Menezes Reis, Dr.Eng.
> Professor Adjunto - Adjunct Professor
> Departamento de Informática e Estatística 
> Department of Computer Science and Statistics
> Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
> http://www.inf.ufsc.br/~marcelo/
> _____________________________________________

Michaël Baudin
Ingénieur de développement
michael.baudin at scilab.org
Consortium Scilab - Digiteo
Domaine de Voluceau - Rocquencourt
B.P. 105 - 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
Tel. : 01 39 63 56 87 - Fax : 01 39 63 55 94

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